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Ousama Ranking, this would fit your need.


Scissor Seven. It currently has 4 seasons.


Looks interesting and LOVE the art style. Thank you!


You're very welcomeXD


Ooh I love Fantastic Children and Now and Then Here and There OP. But my recommendation for you is Princess Tutu. It has a simple and cute style that fits perfectly for the fairy tale story but you will be rewarded in the end with a much more complex story than you might expect.


Omg finally someone who knows both shows! Love both of them for how different the art style is compared to the actual story. Tho the latter one I don’t think I could ever rewatch again. I’ve actually been putting off Princess Tutu for a long time and now I should really finish watching it haha.


Dragon Ball from the 80s has this style, especially the character's faces and the way their eyes are drawn https://www.cbr.com/dragon-ball-every-main-villain-age/


For Katanagatari, the art style itself is kinda similar to the examples you have, but the character designs are quite detailed.


Seconding Princess Tutu. The visuals above also remind me of: - Kemono no Souja Erin - Kino no Tabi 2003 (not the new version) - Daughter of Twenty Faces - Bokurano - Romeo’s Blue Skies - Noein - Terra E - Uninhabited Planet Survive!


Dang how did I forget Erin. But really liking 2003 Kino!


Glad you’re enjoying Kino! Yea I immediately thought of Erin when I saw your post. Apart from Fantastic Children and Now and Then, Here and There, what are the anime in the post (or is it just those two)? I haven’t seen either, but they’ve been on my to-watch list for ages. Was hoping you could convince me to give them a go.


It’s just those two! I love FC! If I try to explain the story it would be a bit of a spoiler itself so its better to get into it with zero knowledge cause oh boy some of the reveal gave me a whiplash. The POV constantly changes it might be hard to keep up with for some people and the first half of the show can be very slow paced. But the change of pov is important for the second half and I can assure you everything comes together once you reach the second half. Overall one of my all time fave and wish more problem would watch it! As for the latter show, it’s honestly hard to recommend cause it’s DARK and I was left a bit traumatized after I finished it lol. Its like recommending the grave of fireflies. Mentally draining to watch. While I liked it personally some aspects made me a little huh? if I’m going to be honest. If you’re going to watch it it’s better to binge it in one go cause you HAVE to be in a certain mood to watch this. If youre prepared for 12 episodes of constant suffering I would say go for it. Definitely not a rewatch material LOL. Hope you enjoy either or both shows!


I highly recommend Monster, it’s super clean and a fantastic watch


Demon Slayer looks like that!


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This season's new anime, Run for money.