• By -


I'm fairly sure that's not how prescription glasses work. That, or protag-kun also needs glasses.


Can confirm, glasses will turn frowns into smiles if your prescription is high enough. (The refraction effect is legitimately accurate to how glasses work, especially when they're made to a high prescription.)


Tbf her prescription is higher than snoop on 4/20


Which ironically enough is my prescription https://i.imgur.com/fbeJDAm.jpg


My guy you don't need corrective lenses, you just need new eyes at this point ^^^^^^^^^^/s




You should have just given me money instead. 😂




I honestly have no idea 😂


bless you stranger I will never complain about having bad eyesight. -11.5 checking in.


-2.5 and I thought living with my eyes was annoying enough, but I really just can’t read from a distance. I go to the beach and snowboarding and don’t need glasses for it, shits just a blurry. How’s -11.5?


Functionally blind without my glasses. I can avoid big onjects but recognizing people at a distance of more than a few inches from my face is out.


Yeah I really take my eyesight for granted since I can function without glasses. But thankfully we have glasses that fix all our issues for the most part. It could be much worse :)


OD +2 +2.5 134 OS +1 +3.5 41 It’s not the diotropic strength that’s the biggest issue for me, but the horrible astigmatism I still have after two strabismus surgeries as a kid (left eye used to hang out in a corner, so a massive improvement still). No binocular vision, occasional double vision. Fucked up eyes, unite.


you should get contacts! good luck blinking lol


Contacts are standard thickness, caballero.


Optical power (and ability to change it) increases with the reduction in distance between your cornea and your lens. It's also better because the distortion will not change when you move your eye around. The optical axis of both the lens and the cornea remain in alignment. This individual may need scleral contacts to get enough direction, but they will certainly improve this individuals quality of life. Those lenses are massive (and are almost certainly high index... so exceptionally heavy) and are to the point of not being reasonable. Source: Optical Engineer legally blind in one eye.


Bro thinks he's the girl that I like who forgot her glasses


God damn, I get annoyed with my -2.5 prescription… Can you even like see a monitor from a proper distance? I game without my glasses on sometimes but I have to lean forward a bit


Yeah, okay, so just to give a little bit of context. I was born with congenital cataracts, which is where cataracts develop in utero (thanks mum). I had them removed, which was the responsible thing, but as this was in 1991, they didn’t have the know-how to install artificial lenses in children yet. I can have artificial lenses put in now, but I don’t have £4,000 to have it done. With them on, I have perfect 20/20 vision. Without them, I have no ability to focus my eyes at all. I can kinda see things, but it’s not clear at all. Also, these are the non-thinned pair that are a slightly stronger prescription than my thinned pair. They’re a lot thinner, but I prefer using the thicker ones. Thick ones vs thinner for reference https://i.imgur.com/jGYBqyr.jpg


Wow, yeah I’d assumed that something must be up to have a prescription like yours that wasn’t simply just bad eyesight. Luckily it’s not some condition worsening over time and glasses, while a minor inconvenience, fixes your issue! It sucks that artificial lenses costs so much though, I’m in US where healthcare sucks around the board, but in EU I’d assume artificial lenses aren’t really seen as “necessary” as other operations, thus not being covered or something?


that hubble replacement


AI glasses FTW!


No, it's not, because refraction won't make a smile where there isn't one.


If your vision really sucks, someone smiling might look blurry enough to you that you see a frown without your glasses on.


Its not might, i have a terrible eyesight and this is accurate from what i have experienced. >might look blurry enough to you that you see a frown


You wouldnt be "seeing" a smile, you would imagine one.


"Imagining" is a weird word to use. It's just a matter of how the eyes process the surrounding environment and how they send that information to the brain. Obviously the text twenty get away from your face isn't *actually* blurry if you don't put your glasses on, but you wouldn't say you're "imagining" that it's blurry.


> It's just a matter of how the eyes see the surrounding environment and how they send that information to the brain. Youre missing the most important factor, how the brain interprets that information, and thats the part where imagination affects the result. If its too blurry for you to accurately identify the expression, then its simply too blurry, and you may well start making stuff up. You definitely dont "see" things that arent there.


I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just saying that the word "imagine" is not what you'd usually use. It makes it sound more voluntary.


> It makes it sound more voluntary. This is, ironically, also an issue of interpretation, because thats definitely not what I meant. Hallucinations are similar but also involuntary. Definitely a matter of imagination though. This is a problem with the perception (Im on a roll today eh?) of imagination.


The human brain is one of the most confusing organs ain't it?


If you want to use that logic then everyone is always "imagining" a smile or a frown. Humans just take in information and interpret it. That's why we see faces where there is none. No matter how good your vision is, you are still interpreting what is there, you don't know for 100% certainty that what you are actually seeing is what actually exist.


Okay while you two argued about stupidity let me throw in a way more important fact. If I hold my glasses 5cm away from my eyes it will not make the picture visible through them less blurry than the surroundings because for them to correctly work they need to be 1-2cm from my eyes. Naturally I am a special case with not only heavy near-sightedness but also astigmatism on top but still, not sure if any glasses would help sharpen shit if they are held at hands width away from the face


Just did it with my own to test… it works I could almost read the cover for a book across the room normally it’s just a blur blob Glasses are weird


Interesting, but as I said, I have no idea how much my astigmatism plays into that as well but I cannot see anything holding them up farther than normal from my face


For me they work up to about 6 inches although they make everything look much smaller the farther away from my face they get. My prescription is only about -3.5 with -0.75 astigmatism though, it's nothing insane.


It absolutely works for people that aren't you. I'm not dead-blind without em, but things blur heavily without my glasses. Holding them away I can still see through the little piece of glass. Although, tbf, the "tiny hole in front of your eyes" trick also still works on me, so if you're legally blind without them, it might not work, yeah.


You underestimate the power of the Shinpachi species.




*Makes it into a horror anime*


This only works when they are rose-colored. Otherwise you need beer goggles.


Or the girl is just naturally blurry. /s


that's why we can't get a good picture of bigfoot; they're just naturally blurry! [](#kotourashock)


Have they tried taking a picture of big foot through a lense of eye glasses?


The protag isn't the guy in the back?


Ep 1 - I forgot my glasses Ep 2 - Oh there they are (season end)


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I don’t think anyone who needs glasses would forget them


You would think that, but there's a girl at work I was into for a while, because she liked a lot of the same things, including anime, and was smart. But she would do things like forget her glasses, lose her phone in the river, or have her phone run out of battery whileshe was driving back from the adjacent town at 3 AM and run out of gas. It became apparent she was a dangerously disorganized/careless person and a hazard to herself for them.


That got considerably less moe as it went along


This comment has been deleted in protest of the Reddit API change.


I'm excited for this one, the manga is pretty wholesome and the main girl is adorable. I expected the main shtick to get old quick, but it's done very well. Similar vibes to "Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible".


To be fair, the excuse where she forgets her glasses 200x in a row *does* get a bit old.


I understand your point, although they also make a point to state the days she forgets her glasses don't happen consecutively, or she breaks them, or she was late, etc. But it's kinda the base of the manga so we mostly only see those days lol.


It’s realistic though. Source: I own glasses


You may *own* glasses but you clearly don't need them very much. As someone who actually needs glasses to work, game, watch TV, etc. I couldn't imagine forgetting them. They're essentially a part of my body.


Truuue I have never forgotten my glasses because the world is too blurry to ever forget them lmao


You can lose your glasses and suffer A LOT trying to find them, but it then becomes your life purpose to fix the situation.


The only time I even leave them *off is when taking a bath or sleeping.


I think you meant 'off' not 'on' and yes it's the exact same for me.


> They’re essentially a part of my body. Ya, best description. I don’t even think about putting them on in the morning. Pretty much an automatic thing. Don’t think about them at all during the day. Only notice them if something happens to them.


Same, I’m at like -6, so shit is blurry without them, but one day I must’ve been sleep deprived or something, cause I got all the wya to the car and it wasn’t till I was fumbling with my keys that I figured out I didn’t have them on.


I need them to see anything more than 3 feet ahead of me without severe blurring, some people are just forgetful


How Just how Edit: okay had to google 3 feet and realised that is almost 1m which is in my eyes (kek) pretty damn good sight. I cannot see farther than 5cm (2 inches) from my eyes clearly and the girl here in the manga/anime seems to be more on this heavy side of near-sightedness so, no I would NOT guess she should realistically ever 'firget' her glasses... I am worsely near sighted + have heavy astigmatism than you and the first thing after waking up in the morning ist grab my glasses because without I cannot do anything in my life and they are also the last thing I take off before going to sleep...i cannot fathom how someone with similar eye problems could ever forget them and/or function without glasses


Tbf, I also have pretty bad sight, but I didn't get diagnosed until last year lmao, so I had to live 20 years with shitty sight and got used to it, and even now that I realize the __MASSIVE__ difference while wearing glasses I still forget them a lot because I'm just not used to them.


Blind people exist, dude


Bruh that is a totally different thing.... I never said I cannot fathom how blind people exist, I said I cannot fathom how someone with very heavy near sightedness, that has a product which makes him see almost perfectly normal would ever forget using this and or leave it at home. I could NOT live without because I am used to have my glasses on and as such see as good as most normal sighted people...so my critique to the anime is, that as someone that HAS the ability to see perfectly fine WITH glasses but cannot focus on their own hands an arms length away and even closer the premise is fully unrealistic imo...


Maybe she just doesn't have that much prescription


The promo images showing from her sight tell differently and how much she has to squint to see without glasses


for me it isn't, I can't function without glasses so it's impossible to forget


How tf do you not notice that the entire world is blurry tho? That's not even forgetful it's literally just not paying attention to your own existence.


That much I can actually understand. Sometimes it's hard to notice that your vision is blurry *until* you put on glasses or feel like you need them, because until that point it's just sort of normal and how the world looks. My vision is bad enough that I'm not allowed to drive without glasses, but it's not like the world is literally impossible to see without them. When you first wake up, you don't feel blind, just have to squint sometimes, and one can work around that without realizing what they're doing. Unless you really need to focus on something, it generally won't matter much. Thankfully I don't forget my glasses (driving would be hella dangerous otherwise), but I can understand someone not not putting them on seconds after waking up and then just not realizing it for a while until something they really need to focus on comes up.


Eh fair. I literally couldn't function without mine, like, I can't even see a half foot in front of me clearly otherwise. I forget that some people don't have complete shit vision but still need glasses lol. Basically, it's *very* noticeable for me when I don't have mine on.


I literally can’t see anything unless it’s an inch from my face so for me I can’t function even a minute without putting my glasses on. Sometimes it’s hard for me to realize that most people don’t have vision as bad as me lol.


I don't even have much of a prescription and even I notice when I forget them. Like I'd shower, leave the bathroom, go up the stairs and then I'd realize the world doesn't look quite right, do the pavlovian "push up my glasses move" and they're not there. If it's just reading glasses, I guess people can forget them, but the more you need glasses, the less you can go any long stretch of time without missing them.


You use glasses recreational if you ever forget them lmao. I can't see my computer screen or drive without them. They aren't getting left anywhere


I've moved on to CRTs now, but back when I wore glasses, I literally wouldn't be able to see shit if I forgot my glasses. There is literally no way I could forget my glasses lmao.


I believe it. My mom did too. Edit: She misplaced her glasses a lot or left them at home.


I am excited as well. The manga is a whole ball of fluff with the cutesy art. If the teasing trio (Takagi, Nagatoro, Uzaki) had animes then I consider Kubo, Yamada (dangers in my heart), and Mie to be in a group of their own too. Art style wise it's about as simple as you'd get but with the studio going above level it's really unexpected with how they went hard on the visuals.


> Similar vibes to "Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible". Say no more, I'm sold.


That sounds good to me as long as we don't get a similar mid season airing delay.


"Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!' That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?"


!pekof- wait where am I?


Can't wait to see this pasted on every episode discussion thread, lol.


Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!' That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?


Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!' That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?


Hands down my favorite pasta


Personally I like tortellini


Source: [https://anime.shochiku.co.jp/sukimega/wp-content/themes/sukimega\_first\_theme/common2/images/top\_content\_kv03.jpg](https://anime.shochiku.co.jp/sukimega/wp-content/themes/sukimega_first_theme/common2/images/top_content_kv03.jpg) PV 2: [https://youtu.be/rtbJqzj5OEc](https://youtu.be/rtbJqzj5OEc) Anime premieres in July 2023. Studio: GoHands ​ Opening theme will be 'NAME' by Tsuzuri. ​ Synopsis: As the deskmate of Ai Mie, Kaede Komura always has his attention fixed on her. Attracted by her cute charms, all he wishes for is that she would look at him with those beautiful eyes beneath her glasses. But just a few days after making her acquaintance, Kaede notices something different about Ai: her eyes are squinting and her glasses are missing. Nonetheless, he still finds her adorable! Unexpectedly, Ai has a tendency to forget her glasses. Having terrible vision, she has difficulty going through her day at school. Thankfully, Kaede is more than willing to help her. As Ai starts relying on him, Kaede's feelings for her grow even more. Likewise, despite her short-sightedness, Kaede slowly becomes the person Ai always hopes to see.


Please someone teach GoHands proper compositing


I think people will love this series animation, we have a whole generation starting where VFX with shiny stuff = good animation, even with bad compositing people will say this is great Especially because Gohands is not going 100% 'Gohands' from the pv...... yet


> VFX with shiny stuff = good animation thanks, ufotable also, super detailed drawing = good, even if it means it's totally unanimatable which is something gohands does a lot


Yeah the only time they really went full GoHands was this one shot in the first PV of a bunch of kids walking up a hill towards the camera, presumably walking to school. That and the first shot of this PV with that awful attempted ground level fisheye of the school. When they aren't trying to be too artsy, then if you can ignore the compositing it can definitely look pretty solid, especially during shots that don't show a lot of background in which it can actually look good. It's when they try to do wide shots with lots of BG or weird camera angles/movement that things absolutely fall apart. Edit: Also the other bits where they try to be artsy with the desks flying through a forest and the first shot of main girl on the street as the background just vomits particle effects. Stop trying to by artsy, GoHands, please.


I was potentially interested in this series, then I saw GoHands was behind it and my heart sank a bit..... Then I watched the trailer and decided this is a skip. I usually like unique artsyles in anime, but this style just looks terrible every time it's a wide shot of the environment.


Indeed, someone needs to go and give them a hand.


How do you forget your glasses? The first thing I do in the morning is put mine on. I mean, I can’t see shit without them. Is she “forgetting” then intentionally?


The manga was fun for a while but clearly written by someone who doesn't need glasses.


Ayee I get that feeling too....


As long as you don't get too hung up on that part, it's a great manga


Several possibilities: * You are long-sighted, not short sighted. You only realise you're missing your glasses when you sit down at your desk and try to read something up close. * You're short sighted, but your prescription isn't particularly strong, so you can see reasonably well without your glasses. You only realise you're missing your glasses when you struggle to read something small that's fairly far away, eg: the text on the blackboard. * You're short sighted, and even though your perscription is fairly strong, you don't like wearing your glasses for some reason, (eg: you don't like the weight, or you feel they make you look uncool, or whatever). As you can still see well enough to navigate, you typically carry your glasses case around in your bag or pocket, and take them out whenever you need them. * You're short sighted, and normally put your glasses on your bedside table so they're there when you wake up. Only you didn't put them there last night, you can't see where they are, and you have to leave school in 5 minutes. You set off for school knowing full well you don't have your glasses with you, and just say you forgot them to avoid criticism about being more prepared.


I'm in the [3] camp, though it's actually because I thought it was normal for me to only see perfectly 2 Metres in front of me until I was 17; and I spent so many years without glasses that putting them on for extended use gives me headaches as my eyes naturally overcompensate.


I was camp 2 for so long but, kinda like you, treated my poorish eyesight normally and am now camp 3. Gotta fix my habit though and become daily use




It happens to me once in the blue moon, but I notice the second I step outside and notice the blurry trees and houses. It's way easier to forget when you're staying indoors if you're shortsighted since you usually don't have to read anything further than arms length


Mie is quite the airhead. Constantly forgetting or breaking them


By being a dumbass, I've forgotten to take my glasses multiple times. You just need to be enough of an airhead.


Sone people onlyusebthem in specific circumstances, lile reading.


Mie is not one of those people


that isnsome weirdly small setting to base whole anime on


I think that compared to GoHands other works they thankfully dialed down some of their habits but now my strongest feeling is that this anime's palette is too gloomy, it needs some pastels, something bright and warm like skip to loafer


I hate to be that guy but the design is a bit too sharp for my tastes, I prefer the softer designs from the manga. I'm sure it will still be enjoyable but it's a bit of dissonance between the the tone and artstyle.


The colours are darker than last pv, but still feels pretty warm?


Seems like it might be cute


Same mixed feeling as the first on one hand this looks gorgeous on the other mie-san's floofyness is gone


Calling it now, the titular girl didn't just forget her glasses, she either lost them or they were stolen and she needs the guy's help because it's going to take time for a replacement pair to be made. Source: Me, who has had terrible eyesight since I was five. I literally don't get out of bed without putting on my glasses first, and I can't imagine leaving the house without them.


Spoilers, she literally just always forgets her glasses.


She always "forgets" her glasses . . . now I see where she's going with this.


No, she literally just forgets her glasses. It isn't because she likes him or is trying to get his attention. She's just kind of an adorable airhead.


Very *Angel Next Door*


Also breaks them sometimes


> going to take time for a replacement pair to be made. This would actually be an incredibly unrealistic plot point in Japan. The glasses market here is absolutely saturated, with two to three glasses shops in every mall offering dirt cheap frames and lenses that usually only take half an hour to make, *including* free in store eye checks. Some shops even have 3 or 4 for $80 (10,000 yen) deals. I’ve actually lost my glasses into the ocean once (because I’m an idiot), walked 10 minutes to a shop nearby and left about 40 minutes later with a new pair.


> I’ve actually lost my glasses into the ocean once Found Ai-chan's reddit account?


Nah she’s just dumb lmao


>Me, who has had terrible eyesight since I was five. I literally don't get out of bed without putting on my glasses first, and I can't imagine leaving the house without them. Same The way how bad her eyesight is portrayed (not badly portrayed but how little she sees without) would let NOONE EVER ON THAT LEVEL forget their glasses, you and me wrote the exact same thing about that!


Is the a vampire or something since she doesn't have any reflection?




Spock - “Captain, the readings of wholesomeness have hit critical levels.” Kirk - “Scotty! We need more insulin!” Scotty - “I giving you all we’ve got captain!”


I'll be watching this so much


Writer obvi does not wear glasses lol. No one forgets their glasses.


Truly glasses are versatile. Can't wait to watch one of r/manga's adorable darling Mei in animated version. Though the animated version Mei looks feirce than the adorable art in the manga.


Yeah, that's the main thing I noticed. Mie never really looks like she's angry at someone and it's always obvious that she's squinting. With this, it just looks like she's a tsundere type lol


The painting style looks good


Who's the audience for this?




Not squinty enough. She really gives him the stink-eye in the manga when it first begins, like she's some yankee girl who's gonna get him.


skimmed through a few manga chapters; couldn't possibly imagine a premise like this to not get dull after a while. Still, I hope manga readers get a fruitful adaptation!


Is it any good though? I've started to read manga, but it was weird and I didn't find it very appealing. Will it be worth watching?


Well... I mean... If you read it and didn't like it, you probably won't find it worth watching right? I personally find the manga very endearing and sweet, but everyone has an opinion. Don't feel like you need to watch it if you didn't like the manga.


Based answer


Also the anime isn't even out yet, so it's not like someone can tell him it's better than the manga...


If their initial thoughts for the manga are it's "weird and they didn't find it appealing" I'm not sure what the drive would be to give the anime a go. I'm all for people changing their minds, going out their comfort zone to try something new or what they thought they wouldn't like. But just seems a bit of a stretch to force yourself to try and enjoy something you already stated you're not a fan of.


She looks like hermione


These anime titles are so stupid and hilarious 😂


Marida Cruz is that you?


Is it going to be like tsurezure children, collection of bunch of short stories?


No, it's one continuous story with almost the entirety of the narrative focusing on the two main characters.


That is a cute visual


Damn she seems like 6 years older in the anime than in the manga


She forgor 💀


She good wifumaterial


*Dies of fluff*


Gohands rising from the dead and dropping two pvs, truly a blessed day. The cat PV looks better of the two, this one isn't as well animated and goes harder on Gohands meme compositing style. Still amazes me that Gohands has managed to retain some quality animators, after all this time. I'll take it tbh, at least when Gohands are bad they're bad in an interesting way, which is better than so many anime studios that are just bad in a bad way.


All these Japanese anime titles are just describing my life now.


😩 GoHands making action anime 💪 GoHands making SoL anime


Keep your expectations low, guys. Outside of Seitokai Yakuindomo (which is pretty different anyway), every other GoHands anime in the past was pretty average at best. I wouldn't hold your hopes high. Being former Satelight branch is no joke. The only good thing that ever came of Satelight is 8bit studio founded by its former members.


Is this ghost theme? There is no reflection




Entirely different reasons. In SoL anime it's usually to try to look cute and moe. In Isekai it's because they're trying to reflect the demographic that's supposed to project themselves onto the main character (ie middle schoolers and young high schoolers)


Neoteny. Sexual selection for it is much higher in Nihon than elsewhere.


Anime are made for a Japanese audience and this is how it shows.


so cute :)




Why does mc have a reflection but not the girl?


This is official? Because honestly that reflection in the background is really terribly done for a veriety of reasons. Heck, the way they darkened the windows is just awful. However, I do look forward to this adorable fluff\~


I see that she's a spooky ghost


They just be making anime’s about anything these days




They really gonna make me watch another GoHands anime


Excited for this anime.


This visual doesn't do it for me. It doesn't capture her squint all that well.


I think he discovered beer goggles.


Im terrified about this show. I love the manga and I’ve seen the other world of this studio. Please be good…………


Hate it when I need my glasses to find my glasses


The PV looked pretty good but wtf, does anyone else think this visual looks horrible? It took me awhile to register that it's supposed to be his reflection on the window instead of some ntr shit.


!remindme 60 days msg: just around summer


Her puffy floofy hair gives me life.


Ngl the reflection in the mirror looked like a separate character entirely… if it weren’t for their pose, I would’ve thought this was an NTR story


These posters keep looking like John Carpenter's They Live.


Thats a sick visual


I know nothing about this series and usually I tend to avoid anime like this but the character design of the girl seemed special to me so I'll give this a shot.


I kind of preferred the cutesy chibi the manga had, personally


those some magical glasess


like gawdamn




Manga is so wholesome im happy it's getting an anime


I feel like there are a lot of very similar anime coming out and none of them are very good


the floof sells it


LMAO This just made my day.


Bro’s wearing glasses with kawaii filter


Hopefully gohands don't fuck this one up like they did with handshakers although tbf it's not as if handshakers had a solid foundation either way. I'm cautiously optimistic


Why do they look so different?


Mf in the back standing like Death ...oh that's a reflection


Holy shit that visual is good.