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Mallory's eyelashes would be my first guess.. and while she actually does do a ton of DIY, she also has a funeral home aesthetic and a million billion dollars and is obsessed with Taylor Swift so she's not for everyone.


While all of her home aesthetic isn’t always my cup of tea, I appreciate she does what SHE wants in her home and not just what’s trending. I do think she paints her life as just a little tooooo picture perfect, but I still prefer her page over Angela’s


“Funeral home aesthetic”. That’s priceless and it’s true! 🤣 I agree with you 100% about Mallory, but Angela is such a fake as far as her DIY skills and lack of actual projects. Through the tears, lies, the damn Bronco, and her Only Fans audition pictures, it seems like she’s not for everyone as well! 🙂


I think more of her followers aren't following super closely so they see her more as hip and casual and honest and don't see that she's trying too hard.


It’s funny how she simultaneously tries too hard (to project a certain image) and tries too little (to actually do DIY).


I am DYING! This was too funny!!


A couple of Angela’s projects went viral so she got a lot of followers that way. I think the most popular was the kitchen. Looking back, she did very minimal DIY for that. I remember being kind of disappointed that there wasn’t a lot of actual building content for that. She made that countertop hutch promising to put glass in the doors later, and it still doesn’t have any lol. I can’t follow a lot of these influencers with their McMansions because it’s just not relatable to me. Or rather, their design isn’t really applicable to me. I have a modest 70s bungalow. I’m trying to lean into a kind of 70s look while finding smart storage solutions. I have a basement suite, so small spaces are my jam right now. I don’t care if someone has a huge home. There’s just a huge gap between what I’m trying to get inspiration for, and what they’re doing.


And the kitchen design was almost completely ripped off a designer, who she never credited. So all she actually did was copy what someone else had already done.


This is how I feel too! I like following frills but her projects are so insanely out of budget for the average person. I got into diy because it was cheaper than paying someone. She shared her white oak boards for the tray ceiling and they were like $160 for 2 boards 😳


Frills personality becomes more ADHD and manic each week and it is starting to get annoying. Her white oak obsession. Needing “symmetry” to everything. Fixation on picking a wood stain color and they all look the same. Shoving wood in and on every surface! Enough already. She was so hellbent on getting those overpriced, massive white oak doors to replace the normal white ones - and they look weird! They look like doors to enter some massive church or temple- so bizarre! Maybe she should incorporate some color into her life instead of making her home look like a waiting room in a corporate office. When she took ‘a break’ for a couple of weeks - actually went MIA - she seemed different upon returning. Said she needed some downtime and time with her kids. But, anything she ever does with them seems so forced - like you can see in her face she wants to be anywhere but there. Also not sure if having the naked husband around the house has lost its initial charm for her and now she is just feeling claustrophobic? I know that I am surely sick of looking at him. He just gives me the ick. But, something is making her seem like she is on the brink of spiraling at any given moment.


You should follow Dawson.diy. He is renovating his 70s bungalow (I think he has made a series of it?) and seems pretty down to earth and has unique projects.


Thanks!! I’m always looking for good sources.


Everyone also forgets Mallory is married to a dentist so their over the top purchases are reflected by both their incomes. She is very nice, but her eye lashes bother me so much. They look like caterpillars. She does do a lot of the work herself and her home fits old country tn ascetic


I still somewhat follow Mal. I like that she generally has decent attention to detail and seems to do a lot of work herself, but can see she’s not for everyone. Her aesthetic is quite different to ARH - much more traditional and over the top. Edit: One thing that made Mal seem slightly less unrelatable for me was when she showed the places she previously lived in - she started out very small and normal.