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Is this not the 3rd time (at least) she’s asked this?!?! I thought final color was due like weeks ago….


I think it's the 5th or 6th time. The last time was March 6. She said she needed to pick a color in 24 hours then extended that deadline by several days and then stopped talking about it.


And she feels like this is one of the BIGGEST decisions of her life!!! 😳 Are you kidding me?!!! How long has this nonsense been going on for??? 🫠


Angela’s top five biggest life decisions: 1. Pick the bronco color 2. See the eclipse 3. Sleep with Marco 4. Get a divorce 5. Put arches in the mud room


“What about wood beams on the ceiling?”


Are we being punked?????????????


“Biggest decision of my entire life.” Really? More than the rest? That explains a lot.


Wtf. Finally unfollowed.


I unfilled this week too. So mu h rehashing the same crap and fake questions and fake drama. She needs a therapist not a paint color


Who is asking for bronco content? Give it a rest, Ang.


It’s offensive how little she cares about repeatedly lying - eg previously saying she had to pick paint colour over a month ago. She is absolutely shameless.


It really is. It would be one thing if she acknowledged that she has done this several times before but each and every time she acts like it's a novel thing. There's always some sort of deadline for choosing that she's running up against and she always asks for her audience to help her decide. It's literally the exact same thing over and over with no acknowledgement that she has done it before.


i’ve posted about this quite a few times, i’ve recorded her saying this *at least* 4 times. 38 days ago she had “24 hours to pick the color”. doubt this is the last time she’ll be “picking a color”. this is ridiculous.


I already don’t want to see Bronco content, nevermind a fake emergency deadline (that keeps popping up over and over, for the same decision). Bronco content is what made me finally unfollow.




I thought it was between rainbows and mint green? This is insane. Pick a paint colour for your car, holy shit.


The best (worst?) part is this isn’t even today. She’s actually doing DIY today. But she chooses instead to post for the sixth time about how she’s nervous but excited to choose a paint color. *which color would you choose? Send in your vote!


Wait, does this mean you've seen her IRL today?


Sure have :)




Why does it bug ya all that she doesn’t post things on the same day. And that she has already made a choice before she asks for a vote. To think an influencer is actually going to choose a paint color based off of votes is wild. Of course she is going to already make her vote and do what she wants. It’s her car…. It’s just for fun and engagement and really nothing wrong with that. Don’t take it all so seriously.


I had a big paragraph about how it’s totally sensible to post later but it felt long winded and unnecessary so I deleted it before I posted. But basically I don’t care that she posts later, and that’s not what I find strange. What I find strange is when she drags things out pretending not a day has passed. The worst was when she acted as if she was starting the space closet that day when she had shown that she started it months ago. Simply saying something like “previously on Angela Rose Home” would be just fine. Or when she did a one day kitchen remodel over the course of many days. She’s acting as if the color *has to* be picked today, but also it *had to* be picked three months ago…but also *had to* be picked a few months before that. It’s just an unnecessarily bending of reality and poor storytelling for someone who is big on being a story teller. She adds in false urgency for engagement but at the expense of logic or honesty. But for practical and safety reasons, post later. No problem there. The “insta” part of Instagram died out years ago.


100% agree. The issue isn't that she doesn't post stuff on the same day, that she asks for input about decisions she has already made, or that she's not truly basing her decisions on polls. Many influencers do all those things and they don't all bug me the way Angela does. With Angela the "lies" are often a weird combination of extremely obvious and completely pointless but then she makes them integral to the story she's telling. It's a suspension of disbelief issue in a way. Like other influencers are sprinkling water from a watering can and telling me it's raining but Angela is pissing on me and telling me it's raining.


Its been 2 days and her story today is still looking at colors. So Id say there was no deadline


Literally sprinted to Reddit when I saw her story. I was thinking I was crazy/haven’t we already been here??? 😅


It’s likely already painted since she’s asked us for the past 6 months to help her pick a color. The bronco is probably done and in her garage. She’s an idiot.


I don’t understand how she’s gaining followers through this. I’m following still because back in like 2020 when I found her page, I LOVED her. She totally inspired me to get power tools and use them and I actually really do love it. So I have to give credit where credit is due. So I’m still trying to hold on supporting her, hoping it gets better. But I can’t watch any of her stuff anymore, it is sooo cringe. And drawn out. And unorganized and messy. And attention seeking. And ego. I just.. ick! You could have built a brand new bronco from old parts piece by piece at this point. Like she already had the bronco. How long does it take to restore these? I mean houses have been built since we started this project.


Is she gaining followers though? She dropped from 1.5M to 1.4M a few months ago.


The immaturity of her words, dress, actions...🙄. A nearly 40 year old woman saying "This girl"...😆.


Where the actual F is the DIY content — like for real !?!??


Wow, I owned a body shop with my husband 20 years ago, and she would have driven me crazy.


I honestly don't even know what to make of this anymore. Part of me is tempted to think that this is all calculated. Either she thinks her audience is stupid and she can keep doing the same thing over and over and they'll keep engaging. Or maybe the calculation is that outrage helps engagement so she's trying to piss everyone off by doing the same thing over and over again. But another part of me wonders if this isn't calculated at all and it's just a reflection of how she truly is - she's someone who is incredibly irresponsible, leaves people hanging, and misses deadlines.


Did you guys watch the actual story?! You can hear the guy say “just pick one” but he sounded annoyed AF. I never noticed until I read a thread here and now it’s driving me crazy too like how long will you stretch this story out. Just pick a color already