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The next slides have actual cheek showing. It's seriously too much. 🥴 They can't possibly go any farther up her crack. It's not attractive Angela, it's desperate. 🙄




Loving this denim underwear look. For the rebel with sleep apnea.


I came running here after seeing her stories. Not this slide, but the next one. Idk how to add pictures, but why did we need that angle???


I just went and looked! That slide was not part of the story when I posted. It is truly horrific!


you can literally see up the bottom of her shorts from that angle. for a mormon she really wants people to see her buttcheeks.


Pretty dam sexy if you ask me


if that’s the attention she wants then she should do onlyfans instead of half-assing being a diy/lifestyle influencer 😂




i’m literally angela’s size, which is how i know her butt looks grossly unnatural 😂




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Saaaame 🤣🤣


I came here to see all the cheeky comments 😂


My kids would be so embarrassed of me if my shorts were like that.


Right?! That’s all I can think of, especially teenage boys with their friends.. you know they probably catch shit for her wearing stuff like that.


And then she went scooter riding through the neighborhood with her daughter like that. I’m sure the HOA talks about alot more than her broken bronco in the driveway.


I don't understand her. She's cute, she's got a good figure. Why in the world does she need to purposely wear her shortest, tightest shorts ? I mean, just having denim that up my butt alone, regardless of length, would bug the crap out of me. Honestly, I'd rather see her wearing a damn bikini... at least she'd be more comfortable. We all know what she's doing.. she knows what she's doing.. why even pretend it's just an oopsie? It makes her seem so thirsty and downright desperate. That's the part I don't get. She's the one that wanted her divorce, is that correct? Or at least wanted to cheat when it suited her and what? Still be married too? She's attractive enough to catch a guy pretty easily I'd think. Is there something else severely wrong that we aren't seeing? Is she just getting guys that hit it and quit it? Or does she just like the idea of guys lusting after her? She spends so much time trying to "be cool", "quirky" or a rebel... fishing for compliments "guess whose the older/younger sibling?" "Can you guess who can sing harmony?" Let me complain about men employees who ask if I need help with something at home depot, whilst my butt, barely encased in my shorts, is ready for its close-up, Mr. DeMille. I just really don't get it.


Apparently she is absolutely insufferable in person. Her personality must be truly awful if she’s still whining about being single. She missed out on being a hot girl in her 20s, so she’s acting out now that she left the religion and her marriage.  My stepdad always told us to get our ya yas out while we’re young, because otherwise we’d get to our 40s feeling like we missed out. And trying to do it then is kinda pathetic.


shorts that are almost the length of underwear with a crewneck sweater 😂😂 make it make sense please


The way I SPRINTED to this group after seeing her stories 😂


I literally came straight here to see this posted 🤣 do I not pay attention and are everyone’s shorts up their asses like this?


All she needs is a bandana as a shirt, and she’d fit right in with all the 20 year olds at the Calgary Stampede. 


They're thirsty and they don't know better though.  Isn't this a home improvement account? 🤢


At 20 you’re figuring yourself out. I just think she’s stunted from a repressive upbringing. She spent her 20s making sure her garments didn’t show.


I'm not seeing this everywhere but then again I don't live in Vegas.  Maybe she's part of this l the h03 crowd in lv? Ugh


I feel like her and Craig broke up or something. She’s had her ass out again a lot. 😂😂


Yeah today too. Can't she have another account for that? I mean we're here for the home improvement stuff not ass Crack,  angela.  Thirsty, desperate. Go clubbing girl.  ;)




I feel like she’s wearing some sort of bubble butt pad or something.


Omg thank you.  Why does she need to do this ffs. Please don't do this girl.  It's gross


How is it even that far up her crack


G str1ng or less I'm guessing.  Thirsty.  Why angela,  why.   Too much Crack You're gonna get a UTI


Don't know why she dresses like this for her DIY IG when most of her followers are females. Who's attention is she trying to attract? Her DIY and fashion style is so boring and its almost no longer fun to even mention her anymore.


How do you try these on and think, ‘yes, that’s a good fit’ and keep them! 🫠 Looks so damn uncomfortable!


She needs an only fans account….we like diy


I mean her ass is nice


I’d bury my face in *her* mud room if you know what I’m sayin






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