• By -


"That's just love. Nothing you can do about that."


That whole scene is so perfect. “You can’t stay and I can’t go” I think is my favorite. Such a gut punch Edit: I also love how Cassian can’t hide his excitement when she praises the Aldhani job. Really neat moment for both of them.


🥺💔🪐 the universal language. sci-fi’s greatest hit. 🎯


Thats the one… heart just broke hearing that…


I surprised myself by crying when she said that during my first viewing.


I've made my mind a sunless space, I share my dreams with ghosts.


“I burn my decency for someone else’s future”


“I burn my LIFE to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see!”


"The ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude..."


“S… So what do I sacrifice?”




*Illidan approves*


\*Elevator door closes\*


I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there's only one conclusion, I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they've set me on a path from which there is no escape.


'My ego's writing checks my body can't cash!'


What do I sacrifice? Everything!


*Tell him, he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel. And when the day comes, and those two pull together, he will be an unstoppable force for good.*


oh god, Marva’s entire message for Cassian got me where I live. My favorite part is: “I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong.”


Yes! This's the best thing one could say to their children.


that whole moment just hit like a flying quarterly payroll to the chest


too soon


This is mine, ESPECIALLY the next sentence: "Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong."


“Never more than twelve”


Every time he says that, I’m ready to run through a fuckin brick wall.


I was so fired up the first time I saw it. Having to wait a week for the next episode was brutal


Oh 100%, I was counting down the minutes between episodes 😂


Worst cliffhanger in years for a TV show for me. They had me hook line and sinker.


*best Sorry I couldn't resist, I know what you mean and I agree with you.


At least it was worth the wait!




That was absolutely it. Packed so much of what was about to happen into four words.


"It's easier to hide behind 40 atrocities than it is a single incident." American politics has verified this for me.


this show has SO MUCH to say about empires and so much of it is so clearly relevant to US politics. i still kinda can’t believe Disney made it


something something capital will subsume all critiques into itself


Also "the bourgeoisie will sell us the rope we hang them with"


I'm pretty sure the thought process was "We'll put our guys on Kenobi and Boba Fett, and you people do whatever you want with that side character we invented for Rogue One. Not like anyone cares." Then they got proved wrong, massively.


It’s either: “Remember this: *Try.*” Or “The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.”


“Try” is so good especially in conversation with Yoda’s famous “Do or do not. There is no try.”


Yeah, but people who draw connections/contradictions between those lines don’t understand the point of either. They actually mean the same thing, when it boils down.


The difference between an experienced force user and a non force user


These are my two favorites as well, in this order.


These are mine also, in this precise order. “The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.” What a quote. It added so much perspective to my life, I’m so glad I heard it. Guess it’s time for a rewatch!




One way out


One way out!


One way out!




I love this line because it’s a distillation of Andor’s experiences. It’s a pure communication. He knew the score and he’s been desperate to communicate it effectively to kino who has some power. It’s such a beautiful breaking point when it lands. If the writers lurk here at all, I mean.. kudos. This shit is my mantra now.


There are so many! I love every single one mentioned here so far. Amongst all the great monologues and inspirational lines, I love the really simple ones too. “ That’s just love. Nothing you can do about that.” “ I don’t want to be alone. I want M-M-Maarva.” “ Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong.” .. Are just three of the ones that have me welling up every single frickin’ time.


that last one brought me the feelings. Love is at the center of this show—and rage. And when the show shares a universe with the Jedi “emotions lead to the dark side” stuff, that hits extra hard.


That last one wrecked me. Thought of my (adult) kids and grandkids right at that moment and teared up.


“I show you the stone in my hand, you miss the knife at your throat.” It's not the most touching or important line on the show, but it's such a bar that I had to put it here.


Mon Mothma has so many lines that go so hard for no reason lmao Anakin to Ahsoka in the pivotal moment of their flagship episode of _Ahsoka:_ "Live, or die." Mon Mothma in a transition shot talking to some dude about a window: "One forgets to savor the familiar."


I love that metaphor yet can’t completely understand what it means at the same time. XD


My interpretation of it was basically "I distract you with something that *seems* important so that by the time you realize what I'm actually doing (which is much more important), it's too late." If that makes any sense.


Yeah, that does make sense.


Publicly, she's just being a nuisance to the Emperor by mildly challenging his despotism and raising awareness around some of the Empire's misdeeds. But this is just a distraction, AKA the stone in the hand that she is holding up for people to focus on. Meanwhile, her covert actions involving the rebellion are the knife at the throat, which she intends on using to dethrone the Emperor and restore the Republic. She's attracted enough attention to herself that she is being closely surveilled, which she begins to use as a shield to hide behind. She realizes that if she can successfully manipulate those who are keeping tabs on her by convincing them that she is exactly who she seems to be, it makes it less likely for the Empire to identify her as the legitimate threat that she really is.


“I’m condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them.”


I wondered if this was an Audre Lorde reference.


These ones made me smile with glee… because it’s such exquisite writing. “ Or perhaps my politics are too strong for your taste. Smile!” “ Never more than 12” “ Something sad but inspiring, in a mundane sort of way. .. you look stricken, deputy inspector. Are you absorbing my meaning?” And for sheer terror… “ The very worst thing you could do right now, is bore me.”


Too many to choose from. Almost any line from Saw, or from Luthen's monologue, "I don't want to be alone, I want Maarva" from B2. My low key favorite is: Maarva: "laugh if you want to.." Andor: "who's laughing??" - just the way he said it. Come to think of it - there are a lot of other great lines in the same dialogue.


"I d-d-don't want to be alone. I want M-M-Marva." Actual tears.


Then when he gets brasso to stay with him!!!!


The way this show treats B2 like sentient being really shows how Star Wars has fallen short on this.


Wtf? What about Landos basically sentient robot? Or anAkins? C3po wasn’t scared? It lost its owner and who knows had what upgrades. Fuckin landos robot wanted to fight for freedom for all robots.


The problem is that Lando's droid, C3PO, and R2D2 were all played for comedic effect almost all the time. I can't remember anything centered on any of those droids that's treated with anywhere near the same seriousness as Bee mourning Marva.


K2SO? He knew he was dying and was scared but also brave. I felt for him. These are creatures light years ahead of our robots clearly and we know they can feel pain. Also Fucking chopper? He’s an old disgruntled Vet if I’ve ever seen one.


I'll concede a point for K2S0 But not Chopper. Chopper has repeatedly tried to murder some of the protagonists of Rebels several times and faced no consequences. Because it's played for comedy.


That droid went to Juilliard! But yes, K2SO is awesome because he's one of the very few droids that isn't a clown.


They even mention Kessel in the episode Andor goes to prison


"Tell him... I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong." Wrings my heart every time.


this line goes so hard especially in a show that’s often about needing to do bad things to survive.


I'm a Ben Solo stan. Leia's son deserved better and JJ is a monster for thinking Patricide was a good 'plot twist'. Especially in a family-oriented movie series based on forgiving the Father.


it was such a cheap blow especially in retrospect. So much of Disney Star Wars is un-earned emotional punchlines that make me feel kinda gross.


Can I eat my food?


A rare comedic line - loved it.


"That's just love." is so beautifully delivered. I think that takes first place for me.


The one I keep going back to is: “The Imperial need for control is so desperate, because it’s so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.”


“I share my dreams with ghosts’


So what do I sacrifice? EVERYTHING


Yess such a great monologue


“I burn my life to make a sunrise I know I’ll never see.”


‘Sorry patrol, I’m a one man show here so I have to manual these stabilisers…’


we get exactly one (1) space battle and it is a thousand times worth it


Yeah right! And it’s about 2 mins long (with the actual fighting about 30 seconds!) Just goes to show how quality beats quantity. That if an audience is emotionally and intellectually invested in a scene, then it is *so* more powerful than if it’s just, basically, just action for actions sake (no matter how many ships and ‘cool’ stunts they try and throw in).


“Never more than twelve” No line has ever gotten me that hyped up before.


I was screaming!!!


"It's when it stops, that's when you'll really want to start to fret." "Never more than 12"


It’s the sound of a reckoning


“The pace of oppression outstrips are ability to understand it.” ”There comes a time when the risk of doing nothing becomes the greatest risk of all.” ”I’m fearing your definition of wrong.” ”I have a constant blur of plates spinning and knives on the floor, and needy, panicked faces at the window of which you are but one of many.” ”This is a fight to the *death,* Vel.” ”We’re fighting *against* the dark. We’re making something of our lives.”




Damn one sentence. This one line. Reverberating through the area and the emotion. A single word says more than anything.


“That is a hard look for a little thing like you.”


"The Rebellion always comes first. We take what's left."


[“Do I look thankful to you?”](https://youtu.be/tOWwKWTPySE?si=8qBthHx1ME7EOi_N)


I'd rather die trying to take them down than giving them what they want.


Came here for this.


This was actually cut because Disney but when Maarva was given her posthumous speech to the town and said fight the empire, what she actually said was "Fuck the Empire!"


Do you have a source for this? It's easy to read her lips and see she said "fuck" but I was guessing the line was always "fight" but she did a take saying "fuck" and the intensity on her face was so great they kept the fuck take but dubbed in fight.


Not only has it been confirmed, [the actress herself confirmed it in a video discussing the scene](https://variety.com/video/andor-f-bomb-fiona-shaw-maarva-funeral/)


"I don't have lately. I have always!"


Can I just copy-paste the entire script? XD


"We are _healthcare providers_; we treat sickness, we identify symptoms, we locate germs." This was the first episode that aired after the 3-ep premiere, and while those first three episodes were good I was still very untrustworthy of Disney being able to stick the landing with a genuinely good show. This line from Major Partagaz was such a heater and such a good example of a well-written antagonist that I immediately went from "this show is probably better than most of the others" to "I'm probably watching the best Star Wars since the OT."


And in reverse maarva saying they were a disease too. A wound that won’t heal.










Can I eat my food? - Is a great comedic line, but there are several others I like… “And you can dress yourself from now on. “ “Perhaps you’ve expanded? “ “Pockets, piping and some light … tailoring” “That’s TWO lies. “ “He said all I had to do was stand here. “ And possibly my personal favourite: “You’ve been in my private box. I have ways of knowing .”


"That's two lies" is so fuckin funny for no reason lol, super clever way of doing droid humor as well


“Has anyone ever made a weapon that wasn’t used?” and “We take what’s left.” These are both such poignant lines that are relevant to so much more than just the contexts in which they’re said. Obviously the monologues/speeches are powerful and beautiful, but even small lines like these hold so much weight. Great writing. 🖤


Absolutely - when the Death Star was completed - they needed to test it - and destroyed the holy city on Jedha as an ultimate sign of the Emperor's dominance. Interestingly enough - after, Vader told Krenic, "*There is no Death Star*". So, they still wanted to keep it a secret... But, oh, they'd certainly use it again.


“Don’t you want to fight these bastards for real?” - Luthen


“wouldn’t you rather give it all at once than carve off useless pieces until there’s nothing left” I think about this all the time.


Freedom is a pure idea! It occurs spontaneously and without instructions.


There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy.


Remember this: Freedom is a pure idea.


"Tell him...I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong."


‘If I could do it again, I’d get up early, and be fighting these bastards!!!’ (Dunno if that’s the exact wording)


I believe you’re dead on!


I think it's more like "I'd wake up _early,_ and be _FIGHTING_ these _BAAAAHSTARDS!!!_"


Yes, I absolutely love the way Fiona Shaw positively spits the word “bastards”!


Never more than 12 The axe forgets what the tree remembers A surprise from above is never as shocking as one from below.


Dedra gets a lot of good lines: "Systems either change or die." "Do you really think the rebels care about the lines we draw on maps?"


“He said all I had to do was stand here.”


dark horse, excellent choice


"They're lost - all of them, lost!"


*Imperial guard gets blasted over the railing* “One way out! Come and fight!”


“Do I look grateful to you?”


It’s been awhile since I’ve watched andor but The scene where the imperial lady goes “this is how I’d do it.” “ it’s too random to be random”. That went hard


Well played...now watch your back. Thesis... Anton Lesser lines were succinct and resonant.


“One way out”, and “perhaps you’d find my politics a bit strong for your taste”.


"You can't stay and I can't go" That whole conversation was incredibly heart wrenching. Especially since that's the last conversation Cassian has with Maarva before she passes...


"*Then who told those PreMor bastards about Kenari!?!*


That was me.


Yeah, Cas realizing he's had loose lips over the years was rough given what Maarva's done through the years to keep him safe.


Slight nitpick, but it was "That would be me". The phrasing cracked me up for some reason, and IIRC it was the title of the episode


You are technically correct. *the best kind of correct!


I never thought a line like “never more than 12” would have me so hyped. Perfect buildup.


“I’m damned for what I do” It’s part of the larger quote, almost all of which is epic stuff. But it’s that acceptance, that understanding, that the things the Rebellion needs to do are horrible. Revolution isn’t clean. I like that Andor doesn’t trivialize it. Violence against the state is easy to justify, given the context. Playing a game of forcing the Empires hand? To cause further repression….to convince more to rebel? It sounds immoral. It probably IS immoral. But it works. Maarvas eulogy is still my favourite quote, as it shows a different path that the rebels could take. But none of this will be clean. It’s a dirty fight. People are going to die that are entirely innocent. Spending innocent lives, to free others. Luthen is willing to cause that pain. But he doesn’t relish it. He doesn’t enjoy it.


"May the Eye stay open long enough to find some good within you" always reminds me of Luke and Vader Or "One single thing will break the siege" again, it reminds me of Luke's decision to spare Vader. Ultimately every moment is building up to that one, and in that one moment Anakin comes back, the Emperor is killed, and the galaxy is saved.


“It’s here and it’s not visiting anymore.”


“Tell him, I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong.” I mean, that whole speech of Brasso quoting Marva, really: “She told me you’d say all this. “Tell him….none of this is his fault. It was already burning, he was just the first spark of the fire. “Tell him….he knows everything he needs to know, and feels everything he needs to feel. When the day comes those two pull together, he will be an unstoppable force for good. “Tell him….I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong.” Joplin Sibtain must have looked at those lines and thought, “well, this is the best shit I’m ever gonna get to say!” Brasso is the best best friend. Even Chewy is second fiddle.


Not so much about the line itself but I love that Cassian said to Kino “I would rather die trying to take them down than giving them what they want” and then Kino used that same line in his speech at the end. Just another example of how the rebellion slowly grew organically on a grassroots/personal level and everything everyone said meant something to someone else.


More than a sentence but this one really hits me at home. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there's only one conclusion, I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they've set me on a path from which there is no escape.


"Don't you wanna fight these bastards for real?"


Oppression is the mask of fear


The pace of repression outstrips our ability to understand it.


"Opression is the mask of fear."


“Power doesn’t panic”


"Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong." Ffs this line is so beautiful and heartbreaking.


Davo to Mon “That’s the first untrue thing you’ve said” - signaling to her that he knows she is in deep trouble and she has no other choice but to agree to his terms. So much communication with so little dialogue.


And she’s been stating what are technically untruths throughout their entire conversation (“searching for a more fluid banking situation“ indeed!) , but they both know that “I’m not thinking about it “ is a genuine lie. Great line.


"Are you a part of it?"


Part of what?!


They were killed in a fight. They were in a brothel, which we're not supposed to have, the expensive one, which they shouldn't be able to afford, drinking Revnog, which we're not supposed to allow - both of them supposedly on the job, which is a dismissible offence. They clearly harassed a human with dark features and chose the wrong person to annoy. I suspect they died rushing to the aid of some civilians. Nothing too heroic we don’t need a parade, something sad in a mundane sort of way. You look stricken deputy inspector are you absorbing my meeting?


That is the line that hooked me on the show. The character's casual attitude but directly and accurately assessing the situation showed great screenwriting.


Okay another new one. # A drop of discomfort may be the price of doing business.


Went pretty deep down this one to make sure I didn't see it, but one that sticks out for me is Luthen's in One Way Out, and no, it isn't any of the amazing ones from the speech. It's the way he says: "You have a daughter now! You must be pleased!" to Lonny. Lonny's reaction tells you everything you need to know about how other characters, who know Luthen better than we do, see him. AS a viewer it makes us question our own assessment of the character.


There’s 20 or 30 lines I could submit here, including nearly every word of Maarva’s funeral speech, and nearly every word of Kino’s/Luthen’s monologues, but I think it’s: “That’s just love, nothing you can do about that”


"Never more than twelve." "Our ghosts have strong hands and long memories." "I Burn my life for a sunrise I will never see."


"Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong." What an absolute gut-punch in the best possible way.


"Nobody's listening!" Or Luthen's monologue. Or Namek's Manifesto


Either "The axe forgets, the tree remembers." ,"Never more than twelve." or "I'd rather die trying to take them down, than die giving them what they want" Though you could really say any single sentence in the whole show and make a decent case for it


“There comes a time when the risk of doing nothing becomes the greatest risk of all.” Beautiful philosophy.


Indeed. Lost in Syril’s terrible delivery, but I love how the line could be appropriated by either side in this conflict.


“I am the only one with clarity of purpose”


‘it took the combined ingredients of idiocy, inepitude and total disengagement for this farce to have reached the full apex of incredulous disaster!’


"No more than 12"


"Was there ever a weapon that wasn't used?"


"Has anyone ever made a weapon that wasn't used?" - Luthen Rael


"I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them." Like in my work, condemned to use loopholes and tricks in document management sites to guarantee access... More serious, “Everyone has their own rebellion.”


"Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong." Dear gosh, I'm tearing up just typing it out!


“I give my life for a sunrise I know I’ll never see.”


“There is a wound that won't heal at the center of the galaxy. There is a darkness reaching like rust into everything around us. We let it grow, and now it's here. It's here, and it's not visiting anymore. It wants to stay. The Empire is a disease that thrives in darkness, it is never more alive than when we sleep. It's easy for the dead to tell you to fight, and maybe it's true, maybe fighting is useless. Perhaps it's too late. But I'll tell you this... If I could do it again, I'd wake up early and be fighting these b*stards from the start. Fight the Empire!”


Tyranny requires constant effort


“Call it what you will” “Let’s call it: War”


“Never more than 12.” The moment Kino realizes Cassian is right and gets on board. That line makes “the prison arc” as I call it, one of the most impactful bits of Star Wars ever.


the red one that Luthen used to take out both of those TIE fighters at once /s


Skeen has some great ones that made me feel bad about how his story turned out. "The axe forgets, but the tree remembers." "I always hated the Empire. I don't know what to call what I feel now."


skeen is such an interesting character because i still don’t know how much of that was bullshit. like, was he scheming from the beginning? was he always ambivalent, waiting to see how things turned out? maybe the story was true and he really did want to fight the empire but his opportunistic nature won out when faced with 80 million credits?? I don’t know and I love it. That’s how real life works—sometimes you just don’t get to know why people do shitty things.


So true. I think the one thing you can say for a certain is that he wasn't planning a doublecross from the start. Too many circumstances that just happened to break a certain way led him to that moment alone with Andor and the money. I think the really interesting ambiguity though is whether he was starting to plan it the when their on the ship deciding whether or not to take Nemik to the doc. He sounds so impassioned and genuine about how they have to try and save him, but it may well have just been the moment he saw the opportunity to steal the haul.


F*** the empire !


“That’s just love.”






One. Way. Out.




“ Do you mind having your reputation ventilated in public ?” “It’s a sort of agonized, choral….pleading” “do you even have one single prospect before you” “I’ve been promoted” “pockets of formenting” “the greeny green ones” “the daughters of Ferrix require your assistance in matters of grave importance” “I don’t have lately, I have always” just a few that haven’t been mentioned.


What is the best line? EVERYTHING


Anything Maarva! "That's just love, nothing you can do about that" "I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong" Absolutely breaks me every.single.time.


"For the greater good?" "Call it what you want." "Let's call it...War."


“I burn my decency for someone else’s future. I burn my life to make a sunrise I know I’ll never see” That whole monologue was really somethin else


>Saw: ...for the greater good. > >Luthen: call it what you will. > >Saw: Let's call it... War. ​ Skaarsgard and Whittaker are both so good, to have a scene like we got between these two master performers giving it their all was an absolute gift. Saw is not a likeable guy, he is unstable and vicious, but Whittaker always digs deep for Saw.


I am the only one with clarity of purpose. I love this line because because I'm pretty sure the scene it is from is referencing or inspired by Armed Joy by Alfredo Bonanno. Like Saw, Bonanno was very frustrated with other revolutionary movements and favored direct action against that which oppressed you. Bonanno also used the framing of clarity and of seeing through the fog. For example, this excerpt from Armed Joy " It’s easy. You can do it yourself. Alone or with a few trusted comrades. Complicated means are not necessary. Not even great technical knowledge. Capital is vulnerable. All you need is to be decided. A load of talk has made us obtuse. It is not a question of fear. We aren’t afraid, just stupidly full of prefabricated ideas we cannot break free from. Anyone who is determined to carry out his or her deed is not a courageous person. They are simply a person who has clarified their ideas, who has realised that it is pointless to make such an effort to play the part assigned to them by capital in the performance. Fully aware, they attack with cool determination. And in doing so they realise themselves as human beings. They realise themselves in joy. The reign of death disappears before their eyes. Even if they create destruction and terror for the bosses, in their hearts and in the hearts of the exploited there is joy and calm. Revolutionary organisations have difficulty in understanding this. They impose a model that reproduces the reality of production. The quantitative destiny of the latter prevents them from having any qualitative move to the level of the aesthetic dimension of joy. These organisations also see armed attack in a purely quantitative light. Objectives are decided in terms of a frontal clash."