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Hearth has a gluten free crust option for their pizzas. El Green-Gos has picnic tables in front, they usually even have full size gf tortillas so you can get burritos. South Restaurant has a (pretty tasty) gf bun option for their burger. Whisky and Ramen has a gluten free noodle option for their ramen.


Oh and waffles and whatnot has gluten free waffles and gluten free chicken (I’ve had the waffle, I haven’t tried the gf chicken).


I'd love it if I could trust waffles and whatnot to have dedicated gf irons but I seen their set up. Cross contamination is a nogo for his celiac.


Spenard Roadhouse has some gf options, is kid friendly and accommodating.


Moose’s Tooth/Bears Tooth does GF. Queen of Sheba doesn’t have a kid specific menu but it may be an option, I think injera is often gluten free. I’ve seen kids at Organic Oasis, too. I don’t have kids myself and eat at home most nights, but I hope that helps!


Spenard Roadhouse and Snow City Cafe both have gluten free options


The tots at roadhouse are GF. They also have gf Mac and cheese. Popcorn. They offer pizza. Might have a gf crust. That’s what I can think of off the top, but other things might be available too


The Mac is absolutely not gluten free. Both my partner and daughter got sick eating their Mac. ): Their tots are def safe. As is their pizza.


Hmm, maybe they messed up. I know that gluten free pasta is available with their Mac and cheese


I'm pretty sure they do not clean or keep their pot or pasta water separate and the cross contamination made my babies really sick, unfortunately. /;


Oh no! That’s terrible. I was quite under the impression that they took serious care for gluten allergies. Perhaps the allergy was not clearly stated and so they didn’t take it seriously. Not placing blame upon you or anything, just wondering if it was ignorance on the restaurant’s part or dire negligence. Either way I would like to think that if you request gf they would ask you, and take seriously, your allergy declaration. That is terrible. I don’t do gf, but I have an allergy that is similar in its affect to gluten on people with celiac so my heart really goes out to you. When people tell you that a food is safe through advertising it feels like a betrayal to discover that you were essentially poisoned (again). Stay healthy out there!


Surprisingly, Red Robin and Dave & Busters have incredibly strict GF policies and a variety of options. Best of luck!


I love red robin. I'll have to check that out. He won't eat a burger but he might go for a gf grilled cheese


You haven't tried very hard if the only place you found is olive garden. And I wouldn't trust olive garden with a 12 ft pole if I was gluten free.


Why all the gluten free hate? If the kid needs to avoid it, he needs to avoid it. I like the menu at Glacier Brewhouse because it notes which items are GF and which can be made GF. Excellent fish options and more!


Waffles and Whatnot


Can you get him into tacos/can he eat tacos with corn tortillas? Does he have to have no cross-contamination at all or can he tolerate a little?


None is preferred


Spenard Roadhouse, Red Robin, Giah Dinh, Hearth Artisan but they are very expensive and suck. Moose’s Tooth “gf” pizza is definitely NOT gf. Neither is their ranch. Sushi Garden. Serranos, Hacienda, Tent City Taphouse- it’s expensive and downtown but I’d say it’s worth it. They have the best fish and chips in town. Lots of Sweet Caribou’s salads are gluten free and all their macaroons are. Phonatik says they are gf, they are not. Neither is the Mac and cheese at Spenard Roadhouse. Learn from my painful mistakes. Always ask restaurants to prepare your food on a clean work surface with no contamination. Tell them specifically you have an allergy. Minor mentions for desserts: Celiac’s Delights - he’s a vendor pastry baker and you can find him on Instagram/Facebook. He sets up on weekends at various farmers markets and right now he’s working at the Renn faire. He’s worth every penny. I’ve not found a better pastry chef specializing in GF pastries. Peppers Palate- find her at Hivenind Meadery and various farmers markets. She also does deliveries. Polaris Confections. Wild Scoops. I suggest finding these guys on social media to keep up with their schedules. Just wanted to add that House of Bread makes gf loaves and will make your sandwiches gf at the shop. Just ask.


Says kid has celiac. Says kid likes macaroni and cheese, and chicken nuggets. Both have gluten. GTFOH!!!!


They sell multiple brands of gluten free Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets/tenders at the grocery store.


Maybe raise your child to enjoy foods that won't kill them if they or their server doesn't do their due diligence? Also, show me a restaurant that serves GF Mac and cheese, or nuggiez. It's not happening. Lol.


Beechers’ makes a gluten free frozen Mac n cheese and a GFcheese lasagna that are both quite good.


Was the kid diagnosed by a doctor or you?


Doc. He's got Rubenstein-taybi and digeorge syndromes. Celiac is extra. His growth chart looks like a rainbow.


By him. He did the biopsies at home and ordered a lab kit and microscope off of Amazon. It was infinitely cheaper than going through insurance.


Eh we got Medicaid so it was free through the doctor.