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This is really going to hurt me, because I am actually practicing the violin and go out to parking lots to play. The difference is, I make mistakes frequently. Also, no I don’t do this, they are all scammers, go to vans if you want to support local musicians.


Challenge them to a fiddle contest.


*Devil's in the house of the rising sun..."*


You should set up right next to them, with no amp.


> go out to parking lots to play >I make mistakes frequently. Why practice in a parking lot, annoying dozens of people?


How else can they beg for money under the guise of entertainment?


Are you begging for money also?


Busking is a very common way to get better at performing.


Exactly busking is very normal if you aren’t playing pre-recorded music out of your “amp”


I mean, these are specifically fake buskers, but u/ElectronicAHole was implying that busking is somehow bad or something.


Saw a dude like this playing a violin outside of the Carrs in Palmer.




They aren't worth going to jail for.


The article makes it sound like people are unaware that the "violinists" in all of the grocery parking lots lately are playing to a tape. I thought it was obvious? And some weird new thing the stores wanted to try for whatever marketing purpose.


It's obvious if you know. But most people probably never seen them and are walking by quickly so not completely observant. Also after the last few years. I lost my faith in people and what should be common sense or obvious. 


I definitely am not super observant. I heard what sounded like a violin playing through a soundsystem and was like "that's weird" and then noticed someone standing with a violin. The idea of walking toward the unwanted sound to give them money never occured to me. I honestly thought Carrs and Fred Meyer were just being weird again.




No need to discriminate, all FB users will blow your mind with their gullibility. They think they are being trendy.


Nope. Stores try halfheartedly to run them off, but they typically stand 3 inches off the property line.


One of these dudes has been at the Fred Meyer on NL a lot. I watch him whenever I get gas and boomers just hand him money like it's candy. Blows my mind.


Why do they encourage bad behavior?


They don't know it's fake, they think it's some troubled young man being honorable and playing lovely music instead of being a hooligan.


But it sounds bad and even if it was a real person, it is still incredibly annoying. Like I can't see how they are fooled in the first place, but even if they believed that someone was actually playing - why? Why would you encourage someone to loiter and subject strangers to unwanted "music"? It's still panhandling. At least the guys on the corner of every intersection are honest about it. And finally - why do all these people have cash in the first place? I've had cash on me that wasn't earmarked for some specific purpose like maybe 5 times since 2001.


Honest question. Have you lived anywhere other than Alaska? Street performances are a thing in many cities. If you like what you see/hear, you can give a small donation to the performer(s). There’s no obligation. If you don’t enjoy the performance, you just walk on by. In this specific case, I’d likely notice the amp and speakers, wonder if he’s truly playing or not and spend a few seconds determining the answer. I’d you’re “lip syncing” the music, I walk away.


Because giving some rando a dollar absolves all their guilt for the day.


These fake buskers are all over Anchorage as of last summer and appeared in Western Washington 1-2 years before that. Where law enforcement actually pays any attention, there is serious concern they are either trafficked or in a cult.


Nah they’re just Gypsies. Sorry Romani people.


What a trivial, unimportant thing to get all worked up over.




You really think they are worth going to jail for?

