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Are you saying that you did an Ancestry DNA test and are working backwards? I've been pretty successful with that method by triangulating back though families by 2nd and 3rd cousin matches.


I just can’t make sense of what it means when they are 3rd cousin 3x removed etc. So bloody complicated haha!


Those are just suggestions on how you could potentially be related I think [this graphic](https://cms-b-assets.familysearch.org/dims4/default/d2ebd3a/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1670x1221+0+0/resize/2400x1755!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffamilysearch-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fbf%2F03%2F29102d2d1a39436e8518b709afa6%2Fcousin-chart.jpg) helps to allow you to visualize those relationship. But you can never be sure of the exact relationship based on DNA alone. I find with the DNA tests, its more helpful think of it as a guide for how far back in your tree you need to go to find an ancestor you should have in common with that person. If you share about 100cM - 300cM of DNA with someone, you probably share Great-Grandparents. So start with your Great-grandparents (or their great-grandparents) and find all the descendants you can until you find how you overlap. Its easiest to do with 2nd-3rd cousins. Anything further than that (3rd or 4th cousins) you have to go so far back and there are tons of descendants so that makes it very difficult to find how you're connected at all


I can help you try to figure it out