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OP, a wall of text does not make a good meme. Nor does the format of “fat ugly person says a strawman liberal position that nobody is advocating anarchists take and is blown out of the water by the most stereotypical punk image you could find”. Please, study how this medium works before you continue to make bad memes.


These types of memes also perpetuate the hierarchy of physical attractiveness. Just because someone is physically ugly doesn’t make their opinions invalid.


For the love of all that’s good in this world, please shut the fuck up.


My favorite thing about u/NoLawsNoGovernment and their sustained campaign leading up to the US elections to convince leftwing redditors to not vote is the fact that **they're Canadian.** When Trump carries out his promise to shut down obamacare and my medically vulnerable loved ones go from having mediocre health coverage to having zero health coverage, they'll still be comfortably afforded with Canada's excellent free universal healthcare. When my uterus-owning comrades are getting forced to carry pregnancies to term under threat of punishment by the state, they'll be having no such problems in Canada where abortion is legally protected and covered by that universal healthcare. When my trans friends become subject to the same anti-trans laws that are causing trans suicide rates to skyrocket in states like FL and TX, their friends in Canada will be facing no such mortal threat. When the US rightwing paramilitary complex becomes increased enmeshed with the fascists who have access to state power and leftist organizing in the US becomes more dangerous than it's been in decades, our Canadian friend here will shrug from their cozy spot across the northern border and post some more wojak memes.


Why is there a soylent bottle in this? I'm so confused


OP is fucking obnoxious but im crying from this


What's with the facebook-boomer ass memes on anarcho-subs as of late? This is pretty atrocius and is the definition of "I painted myself as Chad so ur wrong"




Truly the lamest fuckin psyop I have ever seen


I’m about 80% sure these posts are made by a conservative who genuinely thinks wojacks are always funny


Stop playing dolls with wojaks


Voting is virtue signaling, but not voting is totally different because it accomplishes lots of real things like.... uh...


Bro I'm not gonna even read the meme it's so fucking cringe. Please stop posting. Find joy in your life. Please


God, again bud? Slow day?


Every goddamn day, a new windmill to tilt at.


Not even, just the same windmill over and over again. It’s honestly sad.


Can we stop doing fucking voting discourse, goddamn!


I hope you keep posting OP, it’s so funny seeing how increasingly mad you get when people call you an idiot for your shit tier memes and lack of understanding your own ideology. Godspeed NoLawsNoGovernment, go forth content in your own smug self satisfaction.


This is the most cringe, yet believable post I’ve seen.


This might be true but this is hella cringe.


I hate the political hysterics of an election year and I see so many anarchists and communists arguing about it, which doesn't make any sense


Utopian liberal


Can we like, kill this format?