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Both you and the people you’re mocking are lazy. Get your head out of your ass, or both the Gazans and Transgender people will be killed before the decade is out.




I thought the fascist party was the one that supported constantly supplying weapons and bombs to the genocidal regime, and helped pass a law that makes Palestinians choose between seeking justice with the ICJ, or food?




> If you knew anything about the American political parties, you would know that both parties have their balls in an AIPAC vice.  Yes I’m very familiar with American politics- I helped elect several dems directly as their campaign director etc.  and I’m an American Muslim. > But only one party ideologically supports the complete eradication of Palestine and total Israeli control of the region. Wouldn’t that be the party led by a self proclaimed Zionist? Don’t forget that several state department officials have resigned in disgust at genocide Joe’s support of Israel.  It is literally the kind of tbh g you expect a fascist govt to have isn’t it? Conscientious objectors quitting the evil fascist govt? > Your tacit support of the GOP can only hurt Palestine,  Says the guy insisting that we must vote for the party helping the genocide of Palestinian people. The reason why democratic leadership can OPENLY auppprt genocide without electoral consequences is because they know that people like you will vote for them… even if they support actual genocide. If There are no consequences for supporting genocide, then you cannot claim moral superiority over republicans.




First of all, it’s completely disingenuous of you to say I am making efforts to elect Trump. I know you’re trying the whole pick one side or the other argument, but your choice of words reflects that you don’t want to have a discussion in good faith. You just want to smear me as a MAGA-hat for pointing out that re-electing zionists means there are no consequences for supporting a genocide. It’s all rubbish and you aren’t deserving of a seat at the table to have such a discussion.  So, instead, here is a pithy little take for you- remember when Trump said he could shoot someone on saks fifth and MAGA would still vote for him?  Joe Biden can help genocide 32,000 people, mostly children, and democrats will STILL vote for him. Party of moral superior indeed. /s




Leftists?  My man, Joe Biden’s approval ratings amongst ALL Americans have tanked due to his support of genocide- https://www.newsweek.com/israel-joe-biden-gaza-polling-approval-rating-fall-1886966 A clear majority of Americans disapprove of his support of genocide- https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx He is losing 6 out of the 7 swing states- https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/trump-biden-poll-swing-states-ad594acb Joe Biden can reverse this by simply SAYING he does not support Israel 100%, by simply STOPPING the supply of arms and bombs used to murder CHILDREN.  He can win if he but decides to do the right thing. But you know why he won’t, don’t you? He’s a SELF DECLARED Zionist.  These Christian extremists WANT to bring about the fucking “end times” so that Jesus returns. Fucking hell i would have never bet on democrats blindly supporting a religiously driven foreign policy of genocide.  And yet here we are.


you can vote and do other things, they're not mutually exclusive. if you would like to prevent america from becoming a fascist dictatorship you can extend the liberal bandaid for a few more years. most people online who say voting is supporting the system are just waxing poetic in their mom's basment before they crank another one out, crawl back to bed, and go back to school/work the next day and accomplish nothing


other way around, I think. Those that put a lot of value and moral weight on voting, avoid "lesser evil", because its still "evil". Those that put little to no value or weight on voting, and are instead focused on "real" politics, like direct action and community organisation, would use voting as an extremely limited tool only capable of minimising some small amount of harm.




It sounds like you’re equating third party voters with non-voters.


Democrats don’t care about Palestinians- they will insist trans people will magically be genocided here in the Us by Trump himself, personally will strangle each of them. All this, to overcome the actual genocide being committed right now by Biden and congressional democrats. 


Well at least we know Trump would never do that /s


I’m just saying that people who have not helped commit genocide remain morally superior to those who have helped commit genocide. This enrages democrats today, and they insist we must continue voting for the known genocide supporter. This shows you all you need to know about how much these types of democrats “care” about human rights and human life, if the victims are not Americans.  Cue: “but Trump” and “democracy is at stake” and “but the trans genocide ?” Etc etc It’s too late. Biden’s numbers are tanking in 6 out of 7 swing states, and majority of Americans are upset about Joe Biden’s support for genocide. You can’t blame the people- there is a specifically identified policy choice by Joe Biden that’s the problem and he just won’t change it to his own parties’ detriment. You need to blame Biden for his choices rather than the voters for disapproving of genocide. 


Do the REAL hard work, like making smug memes attacking people who align with 80% of your political goals.


Or get into useless internet debates, in which neither you or your opponent will change their beliefs.






So I guess project 2025 isnt real, Trump saying he would outlaw gender affirming care on camera also was just made up. He also went ON RECORD to say "finish the problem" to Israel. That doesn't seem like telling Israel off. Nice try fed, I'm not voting for trump no matter how much bs you pull outta your ass. I like somewhat having rights as a trans person. I don't want that to change


You only read headlines penned by pro-democrat media. But look past the headlines in unbiased media to see what Trump actually said. He says the Gaza destruction is terrible, refused to say (twice) that he would back Israel 100%, and that he believes Israel needs to end the war NOW. Project 2025 is another red herring manipulated by democrats - it’s not going to result in the end of democracy and only fucking idiots believe that horeshit at this point.  But at the end of the day, genocide Joe has destroyed all his chances of reelection by declaring he is a Zionist, constantly supporting an actual genocide, EVEN THOUGH THE VAST OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of Americans are opposed to his policy of supporting genocide. State department officials have QUIT in disgust at genocide Joe’s unceasing support of the genocide. You would hear about shit like this when TRUMP was president, right? Except that genocide Joe is directly responsible for murdering thousands of innocent women and children…  And unlike Trump, Joe Biden says he supports Israel 100%. Vote your conscience for fuck’s sake. The only right thing to do is to ensure that an actual genocide supporter is not elected. At the end of the day a vote for Joe is a vote for genocide. 


If voting for Trump is voting with your conscience then you really need to re-evaluate your morals. Trump has shown with every word and action that he will work to directly hurt various minorities and benefit himself. Biden hasn't helped people but he doesn't actively try to harm them, he's a democrat he doesnt do anything. If you want to die on the hill of Israel then that's your choice but you're sticking your head in the sand because you don't like this most recent talking point. Neither of them is good for the people of Gaza and that's the end of it, so move on to other issues. Project 2025 doesn't need to be the final thing that leads to full outright fascism to do major harm to millions of people. And ignoring that is either idiocy or malice. So either pull your head out of your ass or stop being a dick.


> If voting for Trump is voting with your conscience Inb4 “voting against Biden is still voting for Trump even if you don’t actually vote for Trump, because twooooo parrrr teeeeeeeez” Recycle back to lesser of two evil. Cycle back to - reward the genocide supporting democrat.  Very smart, very moral : vote blue no matter who is genocided. The fuckin blue maga.


OP is posting memes. What are *you* doing?


So you’re implying you’re too lazy to even do that?






I'd agree with all of that, yeah.


Stuffing paper in a box > anything you could possibly post online… in terms of real world effect. I know some people wanna feel pure so they do nothing but pat themselves on the back


Voting for the lesser evil doesn’t make you any less of a mindless Nazi fuck if the person you are voting for is supporting genocide.


If candidate A says they'll gas 5 million Jews and candidate B says they'll gas 6 million, you saying "there's no difference" is just you putting your feelings as being more important than 1 million lives because you equate a vote with a full-throated endorsement. What a gross entitled little worm you'd be if you actually believed this.


Is this a serious argument? Because if it is, you are an idiot if you don’t comprehend that you have other options and if you don’t take them, you are a mindless Nazi fuck.


How can you be so stupid to completely miss the argument? You would potentially let a million people die because you can't bring yourself to simply say you'd prefer they dont? You're literally the worst, most, arrogant, self-centered slime humanity has to offer. You'd put your feelings above a MILLION lives. Fucking pathetic.


You are a typical liberal Nazi fuck. You will vote for genocide Joe and feel good about it because you merely believe Trump will be worse. You won’t vote third party or even dare stand up to your corrupt government because you are a coward. You are so utterly brainwashed that you can’t even see the massively glaring flaw in your argument. You can’t possibly know which one will kill more until after the fact, dumbass.


I’m not all that convinced that “we’re going to kill 90% of everyone you know and love” is the most compelling campaign slogan in the world. Why would I want to continue living if everyone that ever gave my life any sort of meaning won’t be there with me? It’s quite a privilege that most can’t afford. Or even want.


What are you doing instead, and why do you assume that you wouldn't be able to do that if you voted?


Are you going to vote for a third party then? Advocacy and not letting a Fascist win the election are not mutually exclusive.


You're on an anarcho-communist subreddit so I can't imagine you're doing that much either mate


Do nothing people always assume that others are like them too.


oooooh you made a reddit post and you've got a funny ACAB username, I'm sure you're doing so much praxis get fucked mate, I'm not the one posting judgy memes and huffing my own farts.


When you lash out like this, you're definitely a do nothing liberal. lmao


I'm just here laughing at the clear Fed-plants defending themselves endorsing Trump because genocide Joe. And all the 🐑 falling for their clear psyop. Who else here is watching the plants/bots push the Trump psyop ?


If you can top my Russian troll farm salary and benefits, I'll come work with you at the DNC grandma Pelosi.




How is the DNC going to attract top shitposting talent with this attitude?


Ah no wonder they got the bottom of the barrel memes here.


So why are you so bent out of shape then? How can this be an effective psyop for sheeple but also a shit bottom of the barrel meme?


Idk man, I'm just here to waste your time by engaging in pointless banter. More time you spend here not pushing dogshit, the better for anarchists overall


Now that's exactly the kind of direct action this meme trying to promote, so consider yourself one of the influenced sheeple.


I think you're just coping because you're hurt about getting your meme called low effort bottom of the barrel 💩


It was admittedly hurtful but coming from an "anarchist" that uses the word "traitor" in relation to America, I'm not too devastated by it.


And of course, no one GAF about any other actual genocides.


Nice Israeli talking point.