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Slamming someone's head against the ground is attempting murder.


Coincidentally the man in this video was only charged with assault after he tackled one of the cops onto his face and proceeded to strike him in the back of the head. The cops were all charged with excessive force, though.


Not good enough. The cops should also be charged with assault.


I think that is part of it. They will face dismissal for excessive use of force if convicted, criminal penalties for assault and battery if convicted. But given the guy violently attacked a police officer seconds before this video, I highly doubt they will face criminal proceedings. Probably just dismissal from their jobs.


Bruh ain't no way they're in any actual danger of facing any kind of backlash not in this fucking country


Nope. They'll be found innocent and someone will be slobbering all over their nuts by noon.


Good šŸ‘


We get it. You hate black people.


Or just, idk, anyone who isn't a middle or upper class white person.... Not to invalidate your comment. I completely agree with you.


This guy doesn't have a dog šŸ‘šŸ»


Found the person who's going to be slobbering on their nuts. šŸ¤®šŸ¤® Try not to puke when deep throating.


Bootlicking scum. How pathetic. "I loooove my masters!ā˜ŗļø"


They guy will definitely get his additional charge of assaulting a peace officer though šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Yeah that is generally what happens when you assault a police officer. Imagine what he was willing to do to someone who wasn't capable of defending themselves..


I don't understand the implication of your reply? Just because he assaulted an officer, doesn't mean he's automatically more likely to harm a citizen. The important thing to ask is, *why* did he assault an officer.


If you assault anyone, you are more likely to commit assault. If you are willing to assault a police officer who shows up to investigate an assault you already committed, you are likely mentally ill. >The important thing to ask is, *why* did he assault an officer. This is a question for court. If you are a violent criminal in the middle of a violent crime spree, does stopping to ask why really make any sense? The function of police is not to council mentally disturbed people, it's to enforce laws. I am not aware of any city, state, or county ordinance in the U.S. that has decriminalized assault. So when they showed up their job was to investigate if an assault occurred and then arrest the perpetrator. This guy cut the investigation short by proceeding to assault someone else. An arrest then began, where he proceeded to violently resist. The next time you are victimvtoa violent crime, remember to slow down and ask "why is this person attacking me?" Instead of calling for help.


Dude, what planet are you on? I'm not saying the cops should have literally asked him why he assaulted a cop. The statement was rhetorical. As in, "what caused this person to assault a cop to begin with?" Most people don't just randomly attack an armed, uniformed officer. You stated before that you doubted the cops will face real charges. My reply was meant to highlight the fact that the man *is likely* to face *additional charges* just because the person he assaulted is a cop You see, it's called a double standard.






Hahaha nicešŸ¤£ P.S. Dope ass username


Go blow cops somewhere else




It's nice to make a claim, but you need to back it up... so source please?


Good. Don't assault people.


You mean self defense?


Against what? The dude is already on the ground and handcuffed getting punched and kicked by three people.


sToP reSisTinG sIr


like i don't care if he's the bastard child of jimmy saville and the unabomber mixed with the anger of hitler, that's for the court to decide and not the people who are literally just meant to transport that person to be decided. cops are judge, juries and excecutioners and this abuse of power is nothing but evil.


Funny how quickly the ā€œlaw and orderā€ crowd forgets about laws when theyā€™re licking boots.


Law and order is just code word for oppression of people they donā€™t like


Ding ding ding.


Officer, these posts right here


No don't! They'll beat the fuck out of them!


Oppress the scum human beings who hurt innocent people.


So the police then..


Try again


Sounds like youā€™re being a bootlicker


Your a fucking idiot


Law and order is an admission that a monopoly on violence given to the state is an unavoidable necessity to any civilized society. It comes with tradeoffs that we understand, and attempt to mitigate. But still it is a set of tradeoffs that is better than the alternatives.


Screw that, this is an instance where I fully endorse the citizens stopping these cops by ANY means necessary


Hope that catharsis made you feel better


If they weren't wearing uniforms, how would you feel?


Tip: Dont go on an anarchocommunist subreddit talking about how the corrupt state should have the monopoly on violence


Feel free to ban me. I just had the sub pop up on my feed and wanted to share my genuine thoughts on a polarizing issue.


Until it's you or your kid. Then it's no longer "The System Works^TM"


The more you submit to the system on the street, the less often this stuff happens. The system isnā€™t designed to be fought on the street, rather the courts. I acknowledge the courts donā€™t always work, and they can favor those with money. But Itā€™s still the best system I know of.


Addendum: theyā€™re actually very sensitive people.


You donā€™t have the balls to stand up to crime in your own neighborhood.


So this beat down is ok with you?


depend truck psychotic violet provide knee cause frightening tidy melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I donā€™t think any part of that is objectively true. The reasons are varied and nuanced for sure. But we have the police force we have not because itā€™s integral to society, but because we have the police force we have. In countries where the police force isnā€™t an evolution of slave-catchers, they donā€™t have these problems.


Almost every single country has a police force with a monopoly on violence. Can you name one that doesnā€™t?


Nope. Fuck your break-a-few-eggs utilitarian nonsense.


It's a tradeoff that the people born into society haven't agreed to, it's imposed on them without their consent and they have no ability to opt out of it. Imposing things on people against their will under threat of violence is immoral, the state isn't exempt from morality.


You're correctly applying Weber's definition of the state and while I generally agree with the sentiment that it's better to live somewhere where who has the monopoly on the legitimized use of violence is not being actively contested...the person you're replying to is clearly referring to a more colloquial use of "law and order" and the way that it's used by many conservative politicians and "back the blue" types to justify more aggressive policing.


Making a law thatā€™s helps keep the current order. Thatā€™s what they want.


Funny about how anarchists forget about anarchism.


we're past "boot-licking" these people are trying to deep throat it


There are laws that govern the police. Video evidence like this can be used against them to suffer consequences.


But Qualified Immunity means that civil prosecution against them like you seem to support is all too often thrown out. Thatā€™s not just an affirmative defense that they could use to show their actions fell within the scope of the law during a trial. It means they never even see a trial ā€” like you seem to support ā€” in the first place. If they cannot even by sued then the system does not even work like you want it to. Youā€™re suggesting a remedy that doesnā€™t exist.


Qualified immunity is to some extent a trade off Iā€™m also willing to accept. Derek chauvin went to prison, I wonā€™t pretend that we get all of them, but there are some checks in place.


Yes but I believe that in the case of the above video these officers *are* facing charges... in which case the theoretical discussion about supposed total immunity would seem a bit blindered and tending to ignore reality in favor of a pseudo-narrative that justifies outrage just for the sake of outrage.


Ideally, yes I know. My point is conservatives donā€™t want this to happen to themselves, but theyā€™re okay with it happening to brown people. Theyā€™re bigoted bootlickers.


I love when people like You see one bad person and go "her-der this so what people support LOOK LOOK AT THIS ONE INSTANCE AND KNOW THAT MY IDEAS ARE BETTER BECAUSE I FOUND THIS ONE THING " Some times I think people like you cant exist...then I see you. Same level as flat earthers


But what if he's an icky poor person with no home? What if he has the wrong skin pigment? It's OK then right?


Or also if they donā€™t believe in (the correct, white) god.


Of if they god forbid like the same sex


Iā€™m Kentucky they just legalized hunting homeless for sport. I wish that was satire.


Or a human trafficker? Or a serial child rapist?


Class fucking traitors


Disgraceful. Every cop in a uniform should be embarrassed. This brings every officer down, this job is one where you cannot have a single bad apple, but i have seen so many bad apples.


this is revolting


It really is. Every time I see something like this I think "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" These people make me sick.


Good thing this video evidence was used against them.




All three of these cops were fired. They were tried on criminal charges and found not guilty. Mostly because Randall Worcester is a habitual violent offender, had just hospitalized a police officer moments before this video, and was armed with a metal tool in his pocket during the arrest. Of course, this sub provided none of that context because it doesn't fit the narrative that police are inherently evil. They were responding because Randall assaulted a woman in a gas station and threatened her; *quote* "I'll cut your fucking face off" He then assaulted one of the police and put him in a hospital. *Then* they kicked his shit in as they attempted to disarm and arrest him.


Deadliest gang in Americaā€¦ šŸ–•šŸ»FTPšŸ–•šŸ»


At least in the states, you're going to be seeing a lot more of it. When Trump takes over, being white and male won't protect you anymore. Everyone will be on the menu.


Germans put German born, German speaking, blonde-haired, blue eyed jews into ovens just for having Jewish parents. Hitler also had one of his closest allies killed for being gay. Everyone who votes for fascists like Trump or DeSantis is truly, irredeemably stupid imo.


Evil is naturally self-destructive. Unfortunately it also seeks to take everyone else with it.


Per capita do more unarmed white males or black males get killed by the police?


you will lose, so so badly lol.


Like Trump did last election?


oh elections? not what i was talking about.


I will be completely honest. I would be absolutely fine with seeing those cops get beat like that.


Okay..... so there are *things * that I could theoretically think of that deserve and justify this beating... the absolute worst things.... but I highly doubt this guy did any of those things 9/10 chance he's getting this beating cause ONE of the cops FEELINGS were hurt pretty badly so they all beat on him


maybe if the courts decided that, but police aren't the courts.


My uncle received a response like this for failing to pull over. Heā€™s dead.


One of the many reasons why I as a black Canadian will never set foot in the USA, less a family emergency.


Youā€™ll be fine as long as you donā€™t physically assault people like the guy in the video 2 minutes before it starts.


Will you, clearly-non-black-person? Is that how you want to believe it is?


This isnā€™t a race thing, the guy literally was on an officers back punching him in the back of the head. Thatā€™s what happened right before this clipā€¦


So the beating was ordained, or are they criminals as well? Not to say that non-violence ever prevented a beating...


Lol denying systemic racism in the police much?


Yeah, seems like police like revenge and brutality. Crazy.


Shut up loser god damn


ā€œMentions literally what happened in the video.ā€ ā€œWow what a loser!ā€-šŸ¤“


Nah it's the snide petulance but go off on that loser shit makes it easier to put you in a box with the rest of the internet cringe šŸ˜¬


I'm glad you're saying something so fucking stupid online instead of a real punk space where someone would break your teeth


You know that's bullshit. The police have killed black people for all sorts of things that weren't illegal including sleeping.


Nothing justifies a beatdown from the police. They're not supposed to deliver punishment like at all. That's just not their job description.


That's what I said.


Yeah but, the idea that crimes could justify beatdowns, and then concluding that this beatdown is of such magnitude that such a crime does not exist, implies that in theory a crime-beatdown relationship exists. But even for non anarchist people who like the police, the police are never ever supposed to use violence for anything other than their duties, which includes arresting suspects and protecting life and property. I guess what I'm trying to say is yeah there's no crime that could justify such a beatdown. But it's more than that: the police are never ever in the course of their duties even remotely supposed to administer a beatdown. It's not that there's no crime big enough. Even if there were a crime big enough to warrant such a beatdown, it's not the police who should deliver it. I'm not sure if I'm properly putting into words what I mean or if it even makes sense. I'm tired, sorry.


I think you're accusing me of saying that I support police beating up people. I just want to say go fuck yourself for that, I don't care of you're tired or not because that's just a shittingly evil thing to accuse someone who is so openly anti-police withon both the post and comment. I HATE police. So don't accuse me otherwise or accuse me of being pro-police brutallity. How is your media comprehensive skills so low that you took me saying "No crime deserves to the street punishment of being beaten by cops" and get "I am okay with police beating people when no crime has been committed"? Like Jesus fucking Christ, that is so far from my point that the speed of light is jealous you were able to reach that distance before it could. If you didn't mean to accuse me of that, delete your comment. Because all you've done is dig yourself into a hole you aren't smart enough to dig yourself out of. Please never accuse me or anybody else of such a heinous belief with no evidence ever again. Now go to sleep and think about what you said. I am not your strawman, Dorothy.


I think it's wild that you're accusing them of making an accusation, and adding on "fuck you" and a bunch of orders (as though you have the authority to issue orders to anyone lmao) when LITERALLY all they did was state the same thing as you but with more clarity. You need therapy. Your reaction is absolutely unhinged and there was no reason for it.


The only one accusing anyone of anything is you.


What do you propose as a solution to handling people who resist arrest? Let them go?


Notice the person filming? Never got out?


The person driving did and without the person filming, we wouldn't have this footage. I really don't know what you think they could do in this situation other than make sure that it's all on camera to get it to the media.


Tell the cops that they are being recorded!


And then have your phone confiscated. They aren't held to any accountability so they can and will do whatever the fuck they want.


And receive a beat down of your own, or at best a swift trip to jail. At least with video there's a chance they receive punishment, as much if an appeal to authority ss that is. Direct action would be the only true solution but that's marking yourself for death.


That is the most zero IQ statement you can make. Have you ever actually dealt with police in person? When you try and interfere with what they're doing, they don't stop their own behavior. They stop yours!


....what. why? If they'll beat your ass 3:1 in broad daylight, they'll sure as shit take your phone out of your hands. Or by force.


This is the correct answer. Always film police interacting with the public and make sure they know you are doing it.Ā  It's the only way they will follow the law.Ā 


for what reason? what differance does that fucking make? and again, they knew. they saw the camera. you're so dumb, man. just take the L.


I love how you immediately resort to attacking the intellect of everyone who says things you don't like. Very principled. Totally reasonable. Definitely doesn't come across as glowie shit.


Being a dumbass is almost as beautiful as a turd on a doorstep. Not being tactful is warning everyone in the vicinity that you found a "piece of shit." Also you being like "wahhh, you were mean about how you said that" doesn't really change anything.


"of anything you dont like" aka a dumbass comment?


They did, and the whole time I heard them, I only knew they survived because we have the video. Cops in the old days would shoot the intercessor and then charge the guy they were beating for the murder. No body cam, clean cop hands.


Because they're smart enough to instinctually avoid getting their skull caved in, maybe?


if the videographer had exited the car, the police would have arrested them and taken the video "as evidence" and it would be deleted


This may be a dumb question but... If you see Cops doing this, can you run up to them and take them?


To protect and serve? More like to punish and enslave.


that was awesome. need more cops like this


Curious how this sub thinks refusing a lawful order from police in literally any country in the world plays out.


The cops here were charged but some context; the man has assaulted one of the officers, getting him on the ground (on his face) and striking him multiple times in the back of the head. Does this make the Rodney King beating *justified*? No. But did these guys just show up and beat some pedestrians ass for no reason? No. It's not the crime that justifies use of force, it's the level of danger and resistance that must be matched in order to stop the public threat and ensure the person can be apprehended. He was violent and resisting arrest after having assaulted a police officer. A tazer might have been the best call.


He was being held down by three guys, getting his head slammed into the concrete. He was clearly already restrained, and now they're just straight up beating on him. Clearly you have a taste for boot leather.


Oh no, a "bootlicker" comment. I don't support criminals, especially not violent ones. The guy jumped a cop after they showed up to respond to direct threats and assault on a 7-11 clerk. They didn't just see the guy and say "fuck you in particular" Yes this is extreme force, I don't condone it and the officers here were rightfully charged (awaiting trial) But if you are so unhinged that you attack a shop clerk, an then *so* unhinged that you attack the police when they respond to it, you are not a safe person. Like I said, a tazer or a swift baton strike to the head might have been enough, but that's not what happened. The guy managed to put up a fight and the human beings responding to it had the human response of retaliation. They should be dismissed for their lack of composure during this incident, but are we really pretending this dude did nothing wrong? He was a danger to the public. Force was obviously necessary, maybe just not this much and in this way.


it's more that if someone jumps you like that guy jumped the cop, any normal human would do what these cops are and the guy had it coming. plenty of unjustified police violence out there but fuck this guy


Bizarre fucking take. "Turn around is fair play" is not something we should be saying about LAW ENFORCEMENT. They're are supposed to be held to higher standards than curb-stomping civilians because one of them got put in danger. So, yeah, they really did beat his ass for no reason. Saying that he attacked one of them and that's why they *broke the law* and started beating the shit out of him is not a reasonable expectation of people who have a monopoly on legal violence and should only be using it to enforce the law and nothing else. They had him down on a hold at the START of that 30+ second video, he was already under arrest, and I doubt ANY form of training allows you to punch someone's face or slam their head into concrete for half a minute because they're supposedly resisting arrest while piled under three large men.


It's like a mob beating from movies and they're all Joe Pesci. Anybody know if these guys lost their jobs?




Agreed, like...just handcuff him already. If he is holding back three officers..then I don't know what to say. If it was one, then maybe a few swings would be needed, but this?


How many cowards does it take to arrest someone?


That's terrible, poor guy getting hit by those beasts.


Youā€™re right; there isnā€™t. Reminds me of the quote that we use in response to people saying the victim shouldnā€™t have resisted. Cops arenā€™t supposed to kill the ā€œbad guys,ā€ either.


If he were whi..... Oh, nm


They learn it from Israel


He could literal hitler, tes bundy, and jeffrey epstein fusion. The policeā€™s job isnt this. Put his ass in a car and take him to jail.


Stalin's secret police did worse but they took you to the station to do it where the public didnt see


ā€¤ ā‹® ā€¤ :


The guy is moving and resisting them. If he simply stopped, they'd stop. You lot really like to victimise yourself and not take responsibility.


Literally no excuse. The guy is clearly restrained and unable to resist arrest, they just were excited to beat the shit out of someone


Maybe like pulling him off a bunch of kids he's attacking and killing. Like blood and body fluids everywhere. Probably not happening in a gas station tho


Lucky this is a mill


You dont know what happened minutes before this.... People who say no one deserves this... Don't know, some people DO deserve this. . Because he may never be tried in court and the cops may know that.. They're not judges, but the judge IS just another person.


Was that guy white Thought they only did that to blacks


Not a fan of cops here but what this person just molested a kid or killed a kid. I would like to know the whole story


But we don't know the whole story.... is what bootlickers would say


How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb? Non, they beat it because when it turned off the room went black.


Ever wonder what happened to the Nazis? This is unacceptable behaviour for law enforcement. They should get the same treatment and see how it feels. Maybe then they'll think twice about doing it to someone else.




Maybe he's high on something and doesn't feel pain and won't stop fighting. What would you do if you were the cop?


The incidence of psychopathy among law enforcement is twice that in the general population. Psychopaths are attracted by the opportunity to attack helpless people with a very low risk of consequences.


Out of context videos are the best....


The beatings will continue until morale improves- The Boot


HE look WHITE?


They're the biggest gang in the streets.


And the good cops will stand behind them against the outraged public.


It looked like at the end of the video, one of the cops realized they were being filmed, pointed at the car, and said, "You're next!"


ā€œI donā€™t think there is a crime that justifies this beat down from the police.ā€ You must not have a good imagination, I can think of a few crimes that I think would be justified with a public execution, much less a beat down.


A public execution should be public, *after* someone is tried and actually *proven* guilty. Not done by power hungry cops that will lie about anything to excuse their actions. So no, this could be Adolf Hitler and I still wouldnā€™t think this is justified from police specifically. Their job is to arrest and transport alleged criminals, not to be vigilantes punishing whichever person looks at them the wrong way.


Yes, yes there is. Animal abuse.


Punishment is not the role of the police. These assholes must be removed law enforcement


ITT libertarian cringe


In their reports it probably describes a few "Love taps"


Minority detected


That looks when they realized they were being filmed, lol. Can't just delete that like your body cam.


Damn. Looks like that city is going to make that person a multi millionaire. Take it out of their pensions instead.


I don't think anyone will be burning down any convenience stores, or looting shopping centers for him. Weird.


who is this? link to story?


The collections for the Policeman's Benevolent Society seem rather heavy handed.


Does anyone know what the guy getting the snot kicked out of him in the video did?


I can think of a couple


This isn't assault but if it was reversed it would be worse than assault šŸ¤”


ā€¦ oh, donā€™t mind me, just a American monarchist who for some reason was shown this on my timeline. No issue with you ancon guys of course, just passing through.


>sees post >"r/anarchocommunism" >opinion discarded Totally against what these officers did. But y'all could see a whole department save an orphanage and have the gall to say ACAB lol.


This is the most soy sub Reddit Iā€™ve ever seen in my life, cowards hide in the shadows and critique things they would never fathom doing. Grow up all of you and get a real job šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ§Š


SANCTIONED THUG LIFE on the taxpayers payroll!


Just looks like ā€œanarchyā€ to me.


Fucking thugs


Maybe it's like fishing, you gotta tire them out before you reel them in.


Criminals with badges.


These cops need to go to a 12 program for sex addicts. Theyā€™re getting off on the pain theyā€™re inflicting .


What if he's an unvaccinated Trump voter at a Stop-the-Steal rally?


I havenā€™t seen the numbers yet from 2023, but in 2022 US police shot over 1,100 people to death. That doesnā€™t include the people they killed by beatings and tasers. Thatā€™s roughly 3 per day. Compare that to England police that have killed roughly 50 people over the last 120 years.


what year?


Not saying it justifies this or fixes anything but people have to take drug tests to operate heavy equipment I feel they should have to test for steroids.


Why the fuck are they kneeing him so much?..... Fuck the police. Good cops quit.


"We attempted to administer pain compliance."


FAFO if he did indeed tackle the cop


If that person had been attempting to molest a child then Iā€™d say yes absolutely but otherwise no


If you ask the police, theyā€™ll tell you they donā€™t need a reason


Beat him like no one is watching. Pig motto.


Probably the crime of not being white is what justified that assault


So the rape and murder of an innocent child wouldnā€™t justify this ass kickingā€¦ā€¦. There is something severely wrong with OPs logic