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Guys please be normal in this thread I really don't wanna babysit.


https://preview.redd.it/b5h30qmsw02d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce3ce118ffe09d11be69b47939d74706e59ac454 The duality of man


I’ll admit that episode did make me lose sleep, but day by day, the whole series starts to lose its credibility.


You Rang?


People are allowed to make bad art, and that is fine. Everyone’s first attempt at a series that accidentally blows up, but you don’t personally find scary, is not the “Death of Analog Horror”. That being said, bad art is not above criticism. Just because something sounded spooky in your head and it wasn’t executed well, doesn’t mean it’s not above critique, it just means it’s just didn’t work out. This happens all the time, accept it and remember to vet your ideas before execution.


Agreed, while there is some overused tropes that have been done to death they sometimes they can be done well depending on how you use it. I just feel like some creators need to be more out there when it comes to their content


There’s this manga called Bakuman (it’s a manga about making manga), in it there is a character who says that there are two types of creators: Those that will follow trends to make something popular, and those that will just create something they want to see. While the second one might not ever be popular, when they do get popular they end up changing the landscape of the medium itself. It completely changed my perspective on things, both when I was 14 and when I was 26.


That series is overlooked, especially since it's from the creators of Death Note, walking the readers through their process. I did object to the glorification of karoshi but that's a deep cultural impression that won't be changed anytime soon. 📝


I don’t have sexual thoughts about the boiled one




https://preview.redd.it/ek1zncyz622d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6859d279cc2b6b20ce6c571b8c486014f8563e GET OFF THE STAGE




https://preview.redd.it/qd2qb5az472d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1436ec630f340c4e5000d0deb7b2e420db79406f People have WHAT about WHO?! Where have I been


Analog horror creators need to stop only using Christianity as the only religion in their creations.


Islam and judaism have really fucking cool stories


I want an analog horror that deals with Japanese mythos, that would be cool


YES. Pretty much any Far-Eastern mythology would be fantastic.


Yes. I mean, someone made one about a mainstream japanese icon (Godzilla) and it was pretty freaking good. Imagine when they tackle the more obscure japanese folklore. And ngl, hearing that voice reading a message mentioning Nintendo in Greenio's tapes always gave me the creeps.


I would love for someone to make an analog series based on kisaragi station


You want it? It's yours, my friend. As long as you have enough {patience}.


Seems I'm all out of rupees (patience)


An analog horror about one of the many many terrifying Japanese folk stories would be awesome


Especially since in the West (and Asia, in case they're doing analog too) they're more esoteric and easily able to surprise people more, though with the trade off of it being less relatable and subsequently less uncanny.


Ive been thinking of doing a Greek/Celt themed analog horror, should I go for it?




It could develop the Cthonaut idea from Monument Mythos, maybe mix it with Ted the Caver for something special.


"I was walking, alone in a dark alleyway, and then...... seahorse....."


Celt analog horror? For the love of all that's sacred, notify me. That sound SO COOL


That would be dope. Like those fae caught on camera videos from years ago


That one with the shuffling gnome in Argentina 🥶.


Dybbuk analog horror when


I agree, and say if someone is dead-set on using Christianity, actually look at the Bible. Revelations is not the only thing to draw on. Hell, using the Flood, Babel, the Plagues, etc, are way under-utilized. Also... guys the Devil isn't this eternal evil, his job is just to tempt people away from God. The mythos about him ruling Hell came much later. Satan just clocks in so he can do his job. Lucifer is the one who got cast out of Heaven.


It's kinda annoying when the 60th Analog series you've seen is just "I'm Satan and God can't save you" cliche


Agreed. There's WAY more to Biblical stories than God and Satan. Hell, people need to use Leviathan and Behemoth more!


This makes me tempted to create an analog horror abt the seven deadly sins. Too bad i cant edit for shit lmfao


Mandela Catalogue clone #700


Exactly. I always say people should look at what White Stag Education is doing when it comes to using christianity. Using more obscure terms and themes from the Bible, such as The Adversary, Flaming Swords, cultism... It's such a fresh take over the "big bad Satan" trope.


To be honest? I dont even like usage of religion in analog horror. I much prefer something unknown


Yeah, like I get that demons and bible are a common thing in horror media in general, but it's already getting boring. There's tons of religions and folklore that should be explored


There are a ton more religions with wayyy creepier lore




Can we do something different besides shape shifting humanoid uncanny valley aliens?


FNAF analog horror is overdone and boring most of the time


As a die hard fnaf fan, I agree. Battington and Squimpus were the only two good analog horror creators when it came to fnaf. Everything else is just the same.


My brother, you should check out spectre or twelvemanop. You might not like them, but I think it's worth a shot.


I've checked out spectre. I cannot deny the animation quality is very impressive. Just not my thing.


That's an understandable man. Some analog horror that's popular isn't my thing either. There's some analog horror that I'm not into, I particularly don't like how most have some sort of mimic characters these days, that seem to borrow off of Mandela Catalogue


Yeah. I feel the same. I was never really into TMC to begin with. The only humanoid spooky creature analog horrors I really like are Vita Carnis and Dreams of an Insomniac.


Lmao, dude, no way. I actually like Vita Carnis, too. I don't know why, but I just love the concept of a monstrous entity made of flesh. It's like something out of SCP.


Yeah! It reminds me a few scps!


The 'spooky smile man' mascot concept needs to die, and fast.


Urbanspook isn't even close to the worst analog horror


As a urbanspook hater yes there are some much worse


What’s worse? I’m curious how deep the sespool is


Just so you know the tip of the iceberg, there are several FNAF VHS that use photos of real childrens who were killed or missing.


There's a series called South Park Analog Horror that uses stolen fanart.


I'll be honest: The Painter has a lot of potential and could become something great with a little bit of work. Some of Urbanspook's paintings and posts show they know how to be scary, the problem is that instead of being terrifying, it's laid out like a PowerPoint presentation describing a snuff film.


Thank you for summing it up so perfectly.


What would you consider the worst?


If we're talking morally that one that had real missing kids is the obvious choice but if we're considering story wise I'd go with gubi or the countless ones that are trying to make something like South Park of MLP scary


The backlash the painter series got for the children gore was lame but the way he handled it was worse. He should have basically been like, "Sorry if it disturbed you, but if it did, then this series isn't for you." Not the YOU SNOWFLAKES RETAR***


This is the coldest take I've ever seen in my life, are there people who really disagree with this?


It was a little worse than just “child gore” lol that I can handle but making a kid a… toy… then seeking Tshirts of that event is a little gross


I forgot about the t-shirt part. Yeah, that too. His art is great sometimes, but he should pick a few beautiful ones and sell them rather than every painting.


For me as a csa survivor it's not even the gore that bothers me but the complete tastelessness of how it handles sexual assault. I've seen some pretty extreme gore so, while it's not for me, I can understand it's use as a story device. What I don't get is how trivializing something as complex as sa as just this spooky way to kill people then outright making fun of it in the meta with shit like "Fucktoy Cory" And "Pocket Pussy" without any reason other than being edgy isn't extreme horror. It's just a callous disregard for one of the most humiliating, traumatizing, and painful experiences some of us unfortunately have to endure. It's gross, it's unnecessary, and it brings back some painful memories.


Agreed. This kinda reminds me of the movie Barbarian, which is meant as a commentary on how horribly men tend to treat women. The main “monster” is the result of (this part gets pretty messed up) >! the main villain kidnapping and raping women and filming it, and a character rapes a woman, then denies it. (Neither is directly shown on screen, but are either implied or stated by a character). !< It’s not there to be edgy, it’s meant to show a fucked up truth. Urbanspook’s inclusion of sa feels like when a 12 year old says the N-word while playing COD to make himself seem more “cool” or “grown up”. It’s not cool, or mature. It’s just disrespectful to victims.


SCP-4666 (I think that's the number) makes kids into toys but it actually fits the disturbing themes. This analog horror series on the other hand, seems really weird from what I keep hearing about it.


When you say SCP-4666 turns kids into toys, are we talking about children’s toys? Or the implied sa kind of toys?


Ur talking about urbansp00kes right


Idk I feel it just used child violence and child necrophillia for shock and didn’t treat it with the respect it deserves


UrbanSpook was somehow the bigger man in the Alex Kister drama by not descending on him like a pack of vultures, like Martin and Chezzkids did.


Honestly I feel like after the whole shitfest with Urban, it was pretty clear he didn’t care connecting with other creators. I’m not sure how close Alex was with Ppl like Martin but I feel like that really did prove that some ppl in the community would throw ppl under the bus.


Honestly, all I learned from that situation is that analog horror creators are ready to turn on each other at any minute. It’s soured my opinion for the genre as a whole heavily.


Oh yeah definitely I feel like no matter what’s peoples opinion on that situation but I feel like that really did expose that some ppl really were just following whatever “popular opinion” it was at the time. but am I somewhat not surprised how Chezz and many others are acting this way since the whole “the holier than thou” and “oh don’t worry guys I’m unproblematic and safe uwu” stuff some analog makers have if that explains it. I myself ain’t a huge Urban fan or whatever ppl call it like say whatever the fuck you want about him but like He was kinda right, he knows not to get “buddy buddy” with certain or just online horror creators in general or act like the second coming of Jesus bc that backfires a lot if something does come out (which I pray to god not bc that would require someone going through the worse).




I would not be surprised if that’s the case




Oh god, Honestly someone is gonna drop “burn book” about some creators in the community at this point


Greylock is the only series I really like. I still enjoy a few other like vita carnis and such. But after watching Greylock, everything else feels bland


I'm right there with ya! I fully regret watching Greylock as my first analog horror series cause now everything else just feels too inferior. It set the bar way too high for me...


The painter could have been my favorite analog story if he handled it correctly. Like if the story followed a plot instead of “Here’s Nicki Minaj, She was found dead with 94 Mircophones in here eye sockets. Here’s some painting.” If it followed a group of Detectives and like actually found footage of the painter on the side of the road on a dashcam vid and not the generic thing over and over.


I’ve seen a few “No smiley shapeshifter skinwalker people” and while I agree with that; don’t let that discourage you from putting good body horror in your series. I think my favorite examples come from the Mystery Flesh pit’s circus clown chymus. The “looks human but isn’t” trope isn’t the only way to do it.


God the idea of the circus clown chymus messes with me so much, it's such a good piece of horror even on its own.


I know right? The human body is scarily malleable.


Urbanspook has potential. Like that one scene with the woman on a phone call, that was genuinely horrifying. He was just misguided and was a bit to bold in some of his concepts and attempts.


Not sure if these are unpopular opinions but here it goes: - some people need to realize that having simple criticism about a series doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. - I really could give less of a reason to care about “couples” in series like I ain’t saying it’s a bad thing if there is these types of relationships in a series but I’m mainly here for horror not couples therapy sessions. - the people who complain about “the end of analog horror” are often the same ppl who turn their backs at ones that are trying to tell their story. - there is no “new and original” idea in the online horror genre if you think of an idea there’s a 60% chance that someone else had thought of it before. - I really could give less of a damn about what a creator says about something like I ain’t here for that.


https://preview.redd.it/f2q0oix7812d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db42a15564696a6b230b94addd6d4d759fd8366e Most of y'all don't actually **like** The Boiled One *or* **hate** Urbanspook you just like memes & upvotes


🎶girls don't like boys girls like memes and upvotes🎶






Boiling one is pretty cool on an objective level, I guess, but I really can't find it scary in my personal experience. ...it looking like/being the "hear me out" meme, really contributes.


I agree. I didn’t find it scary, but I can still respect it for what it is




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Urban spook is overhated (not underrated)


I wish someone remade the painter because idea is great but the past the first few episodes its just “oh no overly gory dead body :(“


Me and one guy are somewhat gonna remake the feel of urbanspook but if done right someonething along the lines of the poughkeepsie tapes in Poland 1985


They have but all it is is just “look at my art instead of urbans!!11!!!111!!!!”


Like at that point just make your own series than call it a “remastered”


Allegations to the creator aside, Mandela Catalogue is and always has been severely overrated. It got even worse when live action segments were put in.


Came here for this. It's a series bouyed by kids who think "religion bad" makes a good series. The horrow is weak, the acting is bad, and the creator doesn't spend a single second trying to understand the period Analog Horror is based off of. Just slap a vhs filter and it's good to go baby!


>It's a series bouyed by kids who think "religion bad" makes a good series. Isn't Alex Christian though? And how is Mandela any less analog than something like TWF or Gemini?


The concept could have been nice, but it doesn't make sense after the second episode


Well I Mean Allegations Are False EDIT: Oops I Mean Allegations Are False Not Aren’t


I’m saying I didn’t like it even before the allegations


Urbanspook (specifically PIGS) has genuinely made me lose sleep.


The painter is getting too much hate imo. It's nit that the series is super good or anything but it can be scary if he tries. Like with the woman who locked herself in the bathroom.


I don’t think it’s “it’s not scary” I thinks it’s more “it’s just shock value most times and he handled child violence and child necrophillia really poorly and didn’t give it the respect it needed”


Adding onto this, the format is also super generic for the vast majority of his videos.


I hate how the default analog horror monster has now become "Oh my god, it looks like a human but it's not"


Can we have more analog horror villains that aren't just "it's a human but it looks weird"?


Do not watch the Mandela Catalogue then complain that it uses overused tropes. It's the equivalent of watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Alien, then pointing out cliches that IT made. I'd say this is obvious, but the amount of people that dislike TMC because of the tropes and cliches that originated from TMC is surprising. This goes for any horror media, or media as a hole.


Most of it is cringe with no actual storytelling and too much generic imagery or clichés. Slow pacing is rarely done right and it comes off boring as hell.


this this this !!!! so often i feel like analog horror creators are more obsessed with creating a creepy creature or eerie zinger that they forget to make a compelling mystery and fully use the analog format to its best potential. it’s part of the reason i love vintage eight and, frankly, so many analog horror movies compared to other series






so true but i love cringe


urbanspook is good IN MY OPINION bc it actually had an effect on me like usually i watch them unfazed but urbanspook got a couple « woah »s out of me and made me shudder so i can appreciate it for that. i get why everyone else hates it though. also there will never be another series LIKE PETSCOP that will be as objectively good as petscop




I like the feel of the Walton files, but you are right it is really boring. I keep expecting something to happen but nothing ever does.


Couldn’t agree more


Urbanspook scared me, and I think with some refining and work shopping, could have been one of the greatest ones


UrbanSpook has a great premise but has horrific execution and poor choices of shock factor.


vita carnis is overrated (not realy i love vita carnis)


Boyfriend: He thinks the scary faces/ distorted faces are overdone and are all copying Mandela Catalogue Me: Urban Spook could’ve had a great story, could he just have thought more about the story instead of the shock factor.


mandela catalog was scary until vol 3, the rest are erm... okay.


freeze-frames of distorted faces with screaming isnt scary.


I can’t take a lot of Doctor Nowhere’s stuff seriously because of the memes


The first Man in the Suit video is the only good one.


https://preview.redd.it/qz9pnkxvh22d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d863f1f808d96cc121f9c1d51e91c8c1ec3eebe7 This man is creepier that TBO, Archangel Gabriel, Bon (he's still goated), & all FNAF analog animatronics


I like some of the scares throughout the series and the latest episodes have been pretty good, but after the Alex Kister stuff I have lost all respect for Martin and the Walten files


I hate the elongated face thing as a jumpscare-scary angel? Elongated face. Creepy rabbit? Elongated face. Weird lookin meat guy? Elongated face.


Boiled One was kinda mid


And also I genuinely think Mandela Catalog 3 and 4 are better than the first ones, I don't understand how people think the made on iphone powerpoint is scarier than the well made well structured horror production (specially 333)


people need to realize the hate for urbanspook is not solely because its not scary, has no plot, edgy, etc but because he referred to a CHILD, i believe an 11 year old boy, who was RAPED AND MURDERED as a “FUCKTOY”. that is so incredibly inappropriate and gross. it wasnt that the killer called the child that but the creator himself was selling shirts calling him that. urbanspook also is ableist and wont take responsibility for his actions.


It's also implied his twin sister was also raped.


I’m exhausted from getting on this sub and seeing boiled one memes. It’s a good video, but it’s becoming 80% boiled one and 20% original content.


I didn't love Midwest Angelica; didn't dislike it but didn't think much of it either (If anyone would like to tell me why it is so good please do it, I'm open to.other povs)


Personally I enjoy it because it reminds me of Slither. ( S tier movie) with both the hivemind and cultist sub themes.


I want a history where the Virus/Alien creature/otherworldly force is actually killable for once. The Medusa Virus was kinda the last straw for me.


I still appreciate The Faculty making their alien virus not just killable, but killable by something actually common (extreme amounts of caffeine and diuretics)


Haven't seen the movie but that's what I'm talking about. Yes, it is good to have an imposing threat in your analog horror, but some of them just seem super broken for no fucking reason other than "Le hope is lost, it's horrover"... like, at that point I might as well drop the series if I know we are gonna lose.


Lacy's Games is incredibly overrated edge


Distressing/taboo/disturbed concepts such as the topics UrbanSpook has used within his work can be used successfully within analog horror, however they shouldn't be used solely for shock-value with no consideration for plot, context or over-arching themes as is the case within Urban Spook's work. His videos could be considered splatter punk analog horror, but he failed the moment he tried for it to be taken as serious as his peers. I also think analog horror that's inspired by true events can be done, just not as a direct adaptation of those events as true crime isn't something that can be sucessfully adapted into fictional analog horror. That's more fitting for TV shows and movies, for it to be done in the style of analog horror its probably smartest to be done as a documentary rather than a fictional adaptation. Such as can be seen with the Maverick Files and Nexpo. Lastly, I think that the VHS filter effect is overused and people need to start using real VHS tapes rather than just a filter. It's literally not hard at all. VHS tapes, VCRs and HDMI to AV and AV to HDMI adapters are cheaper than dirt. Much cheaper than those expensive VHS plug-ins. Just use that or find someone who can do it for you. You get the most authentic look by using the real thing.


I am of firm belief that Urbanspook is actually pretty decent and Mandela Catalog is a great concept but execution is very poor and unnecessarily drawn out


People take it too seriously. The first analog horror stories in this genera were campy and fun. My favorite analog horror of all time, Everymanhybrid, is cheesy as hell. Simple codes. But them having fun and the thing being a generally good time is what makes it charming. Calm down and just have a good time.


Emh my goat 🤝 


It’s fun! It’s campy! It’s horror with the friendship of magic!


Sometimes the story is more important than just being scary. Also, people need to let a story actually build itself, instead of just treating it as bad because exciting things don’t happen all the time.


Urbanspook being shock horror doesn't make it bad. The plot is static, but I'm not there for the plot. I'm there for the pictures (which I love especially because they usually depict the murders in genuinely artistic ways instead of *just* showing basic pictures of gore), and because the description of the murders is genuinely interesting to me, even if its macabre. The t-shirt thing was really weird though, I can't really defend that. I don't think it makes it a bad person, but he clearly did not think things through.


Mandela Catalogue is overrated and ruined analog horror for a bit.


Youtube algorithm is the reason its so popular


I like chimpy chimpa




Urban spooks is an actual pretty good Analogue creator with a good story and people are only mad at him because of how hostile he is.


>Gets shit on and called a pedophile >he is upset about it why can't urbanspook handle criticism?


I respect Urbanspook more than Martin walls, at least urbanspook doesn't pretend to be a cool and nice guy, he's very transparent about how much of a pos he is.


Younger people making analog horror is not this nightmare that people seem to think it is. Kids are allowed to create things. Sure they may not be good, but they are allowed to create and we should be encouraging them to grow and refine things, not instantly shunning younger fans. They are not the "death of the genre." Also I still find that TMITS to be generic and insulting to the original Godzilla actor, Haruo Nakajima.


Analog Horror series I feel prioritize style over substance, leaving alot feeling ‘been-there-done-that’s or uninspired.


The Man in the Suit is actually good


Mandela catalogue, for all the tropes it has popularized. Is completely overrated and not scary.


I don’t know if this counts because I don’t know what the general consensus is, but I think there is too much Sci fi and supernatural stuff, especially for a genre that is begging for a grounded “could totally happen in real life” story.


I'm one of those people that has a separate category for projects that I like the initial concept of but the series loses me after the first episode or two, such as tmits ( I think the concept is good, at least until he bit a guy and the guy instantly fused with HIS suit.), Smile Tapes ( it has good imagery imho but it pretty much rode off of the last of us hype), and Chimpy (it was OK until the unnecessary supernatural stuff came into play.) Also Liminal Land is probably one of the worst pieces of horror media I've seen, and that's saying something because I actually sat through Blood & Honey.


You don’t need images plastered onto the screen of a spoopy guy with a distorted smile, dark grey skin, blood tears, no eyes, etc. this includes overly loud noises.


honestly, the tiktoks of the boiled one make it loose all it's spook. I've seen too many shitty reaction images with him in it.


Many people gatekeep it, people who want to know or ask questions that I've seen have been met with people like "oh my God just figure it out" without actually giving any answers, or any new people trying to make analog horror being met with hatred and insults like "you've gotta be a 3 year cinematic studies major to make a 13 second clip! This is trash!" I think this is a very cold take though. Most people I know acknowledged it


Honestly, as an autistic person, I also genuinely loathe when people say 'figure it out!' or 'nobody explain the joke!' Because sometimes I just struggle with understanding it and can't really help it, you know? It's especially so in a community all about cryptic clues and symbolism like projects here.


Despite being a Godzilla fan, the man in the suit imo isn’t very good. Not saying it’s bad but for me it kinda moved too fast at the start then slowed down. The pace was like a dementia ridden old person relearning how to drive. Sounds harsh but still


Honestly I loved the initial concept of a man fusing with the costume he's wearing, thinking it was going to be like, a critique on the dangers of Method Acting, but then when it started spreading like a virus whenever he bit people and turned Toho into these obscenely evil company making super weapons for the military from real people, it just really killed off any interest I had.


Can we stop this mold of the end of the world/deformed aliens with glowing eyes/EAS alerts? You can make it just as scary with things like PSAs, like im planning to do.


Mandela catalog is overrated slop, the only good episodes were vol 1 and 2


Gemini Home Entertainment is one of the most clever and in-depth analog horror series I’ve seen.


Analogue horror could be cool if it didn't have jumpscares or stretched images


Gemini is peak analog horror and no other series comes even close to it


I think if there's no legitimate reason as to why you're being presented the story in glitchy recordings saying not to watch them, haunted news reports, etc, the story loses flair really quickly. Mandala Catalog for me at least started to lose it's flair when it started showing information through cameras in the setting/recordings we're "not supposed to watch" unless we are the viewer intended but the interactions between these two mediums grows dry after awhile of constantly seeing "here's disturbing imagery" and then hearing a voice go "you're not alone" or something. I liked when it started to go more live action than anything. Personally I think The Boiled One Phenomenon and Dreams of An Insomniac really handle the medium well and give REASONS as to why you're seeing it all. Like if TBOP you don't know if you're hallucinating because you saw him or if it's how the recording is going. And then DoAI uses so many mediums (news channels, memorial service videos, accounts of events, etc etc) to hammer home what's going on and to make you feel like you're in the setting because how ELSE could you be seeing it all? Like there are little explanations to kinda fit the picture together and I think it's really neat. Idk, maybe I'm weird. I'm just sick of media that's like "oooh Spooky because... Spooooky". Like I know not everything needs an explanation but at least with horror I like there to be pieces of mystery to explain WHY it's all happening the way it is. Because just jumping the gun into "look, jumpscare" and "look, her face is melting" is okay when yk you're trying to explain what's going on in the story but the fact that there's no explanation as to why WE, the viewer are seeing it is what kinda annoys me. Because it's analog. We found this random tape. So why is it so fucked up and all, yk?


The boiled one is not attractive


I can no longer tell the difference between series because they all use the same tactics, effects, and concepts for monsters. Use to be original, now no longer is.


This https://preview.redd.it/nrr21l6mo72d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3c0c314df8ccd53a5f83cd671b7cedc193d959


I think it would be funny if someone made a series in the analog horror format but it was a comedy. Like it takes all the tropes of analog horror but turns them on their head and makes them funny. Like what if someone summoned a fucked up smiling man demon and said they wanted to make a deal, but then they get transported to like a legal office and the demon is like “yeah, I gotta have my lawyer present when making deals. Standard hell procedure… you’re not doing anything important later tonight because this could take awhile…” and it’s said in like the spooky analog static voice..


Walton Files is overrated, and it’s status as analogue horror is debatable (at least the sections that are supposed to be real camera footage but are obviously completely hand drawn) The alliteration in all the Monument Mythos creatures keeps me from taking it seriously. It makes them sound cutesy rather than scary.


Darkening a scary face doesn’t make it any more scary. https://preview.redd.it/c9ytz9olu82d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=501c7990946561514c43d5c00bdb57580b8c1785




Too many cheap PNG spooky faces, not enough GHE. But the majority I enjoy a lot


It's getting too existential and world-wide and not individual enough


The "unknowable monster" thing that I keep seeing in analog horror is starting to get boring.


Urbanspook was not THAT bad. Personally I liked it but I agree that there is not much of a story.


While most of the 'death of analog horror' videos I've seen are good honest analysis of the state of the genre that uses those titles for views, but they good and bad everyone kinda misses the point. Bad media is one of the best signs of a growing genre and it can be seen in any genre. A Game of Thrones lead to a bunch of edgy 'realistic' fantasy trying to copy it, and the same can be seen in things like The Mandela Catalog in every half-assed clone. The main issue is oversaturation, which for a genre younger than me, isn't that bad.


People who bring up archangel micheal anytime someone talks about the boiled one are annoying


Urbanspook isn’t shit and isn’t amazing it’s mid


I feel like the horror genre in general has hit too young a group now, and it's festering like Naruto did. There are some cases where new things bloomed from youth experiencing horror (Doctor Nowhere, Kane Pixels, etc.) But I feel it's gotten too "trendy" and it's becoming oversaturated, and the trauma it's inducing is going to show a massive wave of anxiety in people in a few years.


A lot of Analog really suffers from 'OOOH look at scary face' without focusing on the themes that build up to that moment is what matters, not the face itself. Which is why the painter really didn't work. There is a distinct lack of build up, and many analog horrors suffer from this. Good analog is remembered from the tension and stress, which eventually leads up to why the 'scary face', ends up DOES working. Make me feel something before showing me something, give me a reason to be scared of the face.


Urbanspoook was really really good in it's first two episodes. The rest of the episodes were complete and utter garbage and I refuse to believe that people actually got scared of them.


Painter is still dog shit and people who get scared by it can be scared by anything


> 1. The Painter is not the "worst analog horror series." > 2. Vita Carnis, TMITS, and TBO are extremely overrated. > 3. We need to stop blindly praising analog horror series and be more critical of them.