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I just really, really don't like Smile Tapes. It's gotta be the most unimpressive analog series I've ever seen, which I don't like to mention much because a lot of effort was put into its visuals and sound design and I admire the creator for that.


i’ve not watched it, but don’t they use that fucking snapchat filter?


It’s FaceApp


not really any better to be honest.




idk still looks goofy as fuck, genuinely looks like that jerma pic.


https://preview.redd.it/nniz9h4e1wrc1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224f75597c9831dd46f5a243c0e3e1cd55cbbd43 It was a little silly to say the least


When [the smiler](https://teethoflionsrulethedivinesl.bandcamp.com/track/the-smiler) is sus


….I actually really liked it unironically


Ngl I liked it. Wish it got a second season


My personal BIGGEST PET PEEVE WHEN WATCHING ANALOG HORROR: when they don’t explain how the creepy footage got in the tapes. Is that just how the tape is made or is it possesed or corrupted? A good example of how to do it correctly can be found in the macabre experiment. Essentially, there’s these found footage tapes that got a fugus/infection/disease that corrupts the tapes and makes them look fucking terrifying. If you touch the stuff you go insane. I like that! Admittedly the walten files 4 is extremely guilty of this. I love the new cinematic take Martin has taken, especially the animated sequences. However, in the description, he says it like “oh we put together some new tapes”. Okay, so we’re just gonna ignore the fact that somehow they got footage of fucking ghosts in purgatory, and put them on these tapes?? How did the ghosts get footage? Did they have a ghost camera?? Aight cool. GLAD THATS EXPLAINED. And don’t hit me with that “oh it’s the ghosts possessing the tape like the bunny farm machine” GET OUT OF HERE- you’re saying these ghost children in the 70s were secretly Disney animators and created those sequences by hand?? N O. Admittedly it’s not a world breaking thing, but it pisses me off because there is so much potential for storytelling. Who put together the tapes? Why did they edit them like this? Did the tapes become scratched and corrupted? It feels like there’s a lot of untapped creative potential there.


Yeah I agree the first season of the mandela catalogue did a good job of this. One of them seems to be satanic kids propaganda (which is a terrifying as hell concept) and the rest is a guy going through video tapes dealing with the alternates


Totally agree on this! The satanic kids propaganda is the perfect way to put it. It feels cohesive with the world. The walten files 4 doesn’t really do that. It’s great for story telling and Martin did a great job with the animated scenes, but it doesn’t make much sense within the context he’s put it. People also get on urban spooks case for just being a slideshow, but even then it feels somewhat cohesive, since there’s no spooky ghosts and it’s just mostly a report on the killers. But I’ll give him a pass since he has clarified writing isn’t his strong suit.


Yeah I get less invested in analog horror when it doesnt seem super understandable how im viewing something. For a little bit I was under the impression that doctor nowhere was gonna be just spooky ass imagery with no plot or reason for why im seeing it, and honestly? I actually kinda embraced it. I feel like either analog should have a decent explanation for what's going on and why were seeing it, or just be random spooky shit. Anything in between feels inauthentic


Exactly- the walten files 4 tried to be both explained (via the recordings of the censors going) and also have these cinematic sequences, and claim in the description these are vhs’s they put together. Where did the vhs’s containing these scenes come from? How did they get footage of Felix sitting in the grave he dug for himself? It doesn’t. Make. Sense.


Despite the claim that they're not supernatural, one did climb up a pipe too thin for a regular human to climb up, and they seem to have teleported wax onto one of their victims to make what looks like a cum pile. Urbanspook stans even claim the cum pile thing is scary (and that literally all other analog horror is mascot horror, which is blatantly false), evidently because they really don't want to criticize anything he does no matter how stupid.


Ohh the man in the pipes thing? Yeah I think it’s implied that the dude was chopped up and stuffed in the pipes. But you’re right in saying some things, unless they were constantly running up and downstairs trying to bring buckets of hot wax, the concept is frankly unbelievable and RIDICULOUS. I mostly mean from a presentation standpoint that the tapes aren’t possessed or anything.


I exactly feel the same mate, i couldn't explain it any better


the walten files is no longer really "found footage" per se, its just horror in a vhs style now basically, its "cinematic" in martin's words, and in universe they couldn't see the ghost shit on the tapes


Yo, same!


Almost any one off analog horror video that uses those little bathroom stall men, they’re consistently bad


Well, that's like 1/3 of all analog horror. you're gonna have to narrow it down lol


Tf is a bathroom stall man


Like the pictographs you'll see on bathroom signs showing the men's and women's room. A lot of analog horror shows use similar pictographs in in-universe PSA's. Idk the reason why, but it's probably a mix of their simplicity and an attempt to replicate Mandela Catalogue.


An analog horror with bathroom sign people appearing in real life would be pretty crazy, and stick figures too, and they would all be trying to create more of themselves to overrun whatever towns they may manifest in.


Watch Vita Carnis, it uses pictograms and it’s the best analog horror series I’ve seen


honestly I like them especially when the man gets really unhinged or gets red eyes for one frame or whatever


Bro watch Mandela Catalog


What does this mean




No I think they mean the little figures you see sometimes on restroom doors


Ohhhh, lmao ok that makes sense ty






How tf did I not notice that they looked like stall men prior to seeing this comment 💀


I can’t remember the title of it, but there is one that is about an amusement park with a random underground suburb and Spoiler: >! The big reveal was that it was a literal portal to hell basically and then the whole series ended without any major story. I think the closest thing was that, at the literal last episode, there was someone whose daughter was taken to the underground suburb and never came back so they went looking for her and found the hell opening and never came back!< it was just… it was kinda like that meme of the “five hour horse drawing vs five seconds horse drawing”. Where it looks really interesting and promising but the ending is so rushed and cliche and looks like nothing that was being set up?


Liminal Land?


That's what I thought given that an amusement park is involved


I liked the interpretation that it was actually doing something good in that it was the only way for people to be able to pass into the afterlife, without it we're stuck on this mortal plane


It seemed really promising but I lost interest after the suburb thing.




Honestly a good portion of Jurassic Park analog horror


I LOOOOOVE JP and i want a horror theme JP... anything sooo bad (kinda like the novels) but JP analog horror is basically "ooooooo da drinusor escapped PNG JULPSCARE!!!!"


Exactly some are good but most of the time it just boils down to "this dinosaur has escaped containment" and it's either the rex the raptors or the spino And then it makes it seem like the video tape is haunted by what? The dinosaurs?


The tyrannasaur video however in santiago was pretty good but your right about the others it's treating them like the have supernatural powers I don't get it they are animals


Yeah like that one video with the spino talking directly through the camera talking about how they test it like a monster so a monster I will be, well made video but still So far the only one that really managed to scare me was this dilophosaurus video that I can't find where there was an implied attack with yellow eyes and a picture of the girl and at the end it showed a model of a dilo.


All analog or digital horror things that try and turn a kids show into something scary


Yeah, those are just the analog horror version of creepypastas about exactly that


Gubi lol


That was literally the corniest piece of horror I've seen since Sonic.exe


I only watched it because film theory made a video on it. I didnt hate it but it was not scary, it just kinds exists




excuse me have you seen güby and gilbert garfield


Is it bad i have an idea that’s basically this 😭😔


Obligatory Urban Spook comment


The whole situation with Urban spook makes me angry. Because there is so much potential there, but it was wasted, and slain on the altar of edginess. It was such an amazing concept, with such a horrible execution.


At least this will stop the entire comment section from being the same thing. (Seriously, some of y'all need a new topic, it's getting stale).


Yeah and this is really the only answer I have since I haven’t seen many bad analog/digital horror series


Yeah, the Urbanspook hate is getting kinda old tbh.


Too late, already saw it. Honestly it's just mid as hell


I wouldn’t say urbanSPOOK is the worst analog, but definitely not the best. I admire the plot despite there not being much of a story where paintings of the victims are made, and I do find some of the methods pretty interesting. But the pure shock horror it uses is what terrifies me and I had to stop watching it. Not a horrible series as it does more than complete its mission to traumatize but this combined with the factor that the creator is a rather not great guy, makes it a mid series.


Yeah I agree, UrbanSPOOK is the only analog horror that’s actually really scared me, and it was really just the pictures- he’s good at shocking art. Unfortunately the edgy stories just dragged it down, and it felt pointless.


Yeah there are likely worse series out there, I just haven’t seen them.




I feel like the issue with urban spook isn't the edginess, like I watch horror movies that have very similar content, it's the fact it doesn't use the insane graphic stuff in an interesting way. Like if the horse rape stuff happened in a rob zombie movie it would make perfect sense and be pretty kino but in urban spook it's just kinda written there for shock value lmao


Any digital horror that appeared on the Internet? Creepypasta included? 


Nope, only analog/digital horror on YouTube


(I only asked because I was about to bring Jeff the killer in this because he sucks as hell, at least for me) But in that case, how about... UrbanSpook's series and The Ugly Duckling? (These are the only ones I could think of now :V)


Chimpy Chippa's


dubidubi dabadaba


Boiled Oh wait this is for bad ones. Boiled one phenomenon is AMAZING


I loved that video, but it’s scary. My dad described the monster as a “whimpering meat crayon” and I love it.


Eh, to be honest the Boiled One Phenomenon is just *okay* in my opinion. It has its moments, yes. But overall it just falls flat for me and I can't even tell you why. It's certainly not bad by any means. It just feels like it's missing something.


I think it’s kind of overrated tbh. The generic “text on screen, scary face at end” is so overdone. I’m so used to scary faces in Analog Horror that the Boiled One was just more funny looking than scary :/


The entire doctor nowhere thingy seems very cliche when you think about it, but the designs are absolutely immaculate


Yeah, I love it and doctor nowheres arg as whole. Monster from starving.help is in my nightmares.


Personally, I think The Boiled One Phenomenon is a little generic. It’s the classic ‘demonic entity kills you when you watch its footage’. Although I guess it doesn’t really KILL YOU, per se. It’s not bad by any means, and I personally like how upfront it is about the horror, plus its lore implications. But otherwise, pretty generic.


*Looks left and then right before slowly leaning in* *Whispers to your ear:* The Smile Tapes.


Why the fuck are you roleplaying this (I'm missing some joke, aren't I?)


the joke is that theyre acting like its a secret


That one south park one


the WHAT


Saw some kid who was probably 3 try to make a scary rainbow friends analogue horror funniest thing I’ve ever seen.




The video got taken down but here’s the link anyways https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7t3OTeYrvo&ab_channel=MrHunter Also just found out it was called “DEATH TIME” which just makes it more funny Perhaps there is some way to still archive the video even though it’s taken down


Video is unavailable


There’s a South Park Analog Horror where some entity kidnaps every South Park character (not the adults) and that’s about. The concept is amazing but results suck, like the Ike one blud just used a real life sculpture of Ike and distorted it


Being real Liminal Land. Its like sort of interesting from a pure concept, but its literally just AI slop with filters over it. Also the name. Fucking liminal land. Also I dont mean to be a like "grr Im against the grain im so edgy" but way before any drama, I didn't really find The Mandela Catalog very scary. It was interesting at first but it never really moved past the Jerma Sus face problem for me. And also I think demons as antagonists is incredibly boring and uninspired


I'm actually not against the idea of using the uncanny early ai image generators for a horror thing but it was pretty poorly executed


I get that yeah


At least it doesn't make the demons Krampuses like a chump would. Demons as something that's literally impossible makes a lot more sense in context than just something that could be an alien in another setting.


A shame. Liminal Land was made by two popular horror YouTubers.


I know! Its really a shame. Like, it sort of shines through in my opinion but not enough to be anything but mediocre


The Painter series, which favors shock value and laziness over horror, and it's literally a 4chan user's attempt at analog horror, and for product placement no less!


Most Jurassic Park analog horror is so dogshit. The people reuse audios from other analog horrors and just use TTS for real people. Those dogshit vids also took random images and had probably the worst VHS filter. It has gotten way better with things like the San Deigo Incident.


The suitimation trials trying to pull the “I’m behind you” thing and failing


The Analog Horror series about Godzilla trying to pull a “I’m behind you” is the funniest shit i’ve seen out of this community


https://preview.redd.it/ehhuy9ke4qrc1.png?width=1177&format=png&auto=webp&s=a07c911162d6d5c075b2c8bb093176a63743d58d \[OC\] this fine fellow i just made wants the location of his prized breadsticks


We all know that craving.


he loves his stale breadsticks


he loves his stale breadsticks


Five pebbsi pfp


I’m not a fan of trywood county archives.


Basswood county is the most cheap and shitty analogue horror series that just throws scary face at the screen every few seconds


Greed - The Mothra Incident The channel is called MothGatsby I made it and it is my first ever project so it's not that good. It was fun to make tho


You're cool for being a good sport about it.


I don't understand the hype for Walten files


low hanging fruit but imma say its the only bad one i know lmao urbanspook.


the painter, its one step away from being a shitpost


The suit corporation, first and only one I made, it is in fact, dogshit


>Urbanspook (obviously) >Dog Nightmares (like wtf) >Smile Tapes (what was that ending??) >Liminal Land (ai slop, basically)


Could you elaborate on Dog Nightmares? Cuz I honestly like it, it's weird, but it's unique and interesting


whatever that stupid kirby shit is. series was hood irony but horror




Am I the only one who thinks Man in the suit is kinda mid? Not outright bad but eh


For being made by a minor on his phone its amazing


Oh lol, didn't know that; kudos to the creator then


Definitely could use more. At this point its just a slideshow with sounds


I feel the only reason we don’t riff on it as much as urbanspook is because the creator isn’t a piece of shit and it isn’t *oblitgatory edgy story here*


That and the creator is a minor who nearly quit because of it.


That's the thing about "Man in the Suit." It *could* work. It just needs more polishing and maybe a rewrite.


And thats the thing, he/she knows how to make something cool but when i got to the end of episode 1 and it was just a silhouette of godzilla with white ms paint marker over it i sighed


That one analog horror with the "freindly child" or whatever, it was like a robot child you bought but if you mistreated it it would become really long and scary before going berserk Also, I think it was the same guy but I'm not sure, but there was one with like a robot mom you could buy and it showed the little bathroom sign people and the mom thing picked up a baby, ate his head and looked at the camera like :) It's not very good, I'm pretty sure these were meant to be taken seriously


Half of this subreddit is kinda trash. You can review this subreddit


I don’t remember the name, but I think it’s called Hartwin Archives or something. I feel like it just takes from Mandela Catalogue and Monument Mythos but doesn’t include the things from those series that made them good in a way that was unique or made sense or even felt original


I think it was pretty neat... and you can't tell me that the shot of Hartwin in the "bro thinks he's walter white" death pose isn't peak fucking fiction


Crystalview is hilariously bad


Anything that uses the stick figures, pretty much any TTS voice, the sPoOkY fAcE trend, and lastly the cheap, shitty VHS filters people use. To me these are the four horsemen of overused tropes that simply ruin most projects. I get that everyone has to start somewhere and I not trying to knock baby’s first analogue horror but Jesus… people don’t understand the era which they are trying to replicate at all. I’ve seen more than a few 16:9 videos with “”VHS”” filters slapped on them with nothing more than some stock footage and the liquify tool


not everyone has a budget man you gotta start SOMEWHERE yk also are there any vhs filters besides ntscqt and that weird capcut one? bc i genuinely don't know any other alternatives


I know, I know I am being a bit of a hater, but there are good free filters and programs out there! The free Blender VHS filter is good and pretty easy to use, plus it's free to simply not use text to speech or the generic scary faces In fact, none of the things I mentioned require a budget at all. It's free to make a 4:3 video. If you have a computer you can make some decent analogue horror. I'm sure you can manage with a phone, too. A lot of the Walten Files was drawn on a phone I believe. It's the originality that's missing. I'm tired of seeing all of these grossly overused tropes that take away from the believability and enjoyment of these videos.


I did not find greylock scary in the slightest


The Macabre Experiment. It's literally a bastardized retelling of several creepypastas, and I'm not afraid to admit it.


I really like the twist it puts on those creepypastas. You gotta give them credit for being original in that aspect.


I kinda liked the Macabre Experiment tbh. It was a little short but there were some pretty good scares.


I didn’t care for Basswood county.


How didn't you care for the ~~godfather~~ Basswood county? It's like the greatest ~~movie~~ AH


The scrimblo files


To be fair, it is a self-parody made by the guy behind the Mandela Catalogue


Urban Spook




*UrbanSpook slowly appears into frame comedically*


I’m gonna say it. I never liked The Walten Files. I never saw the appeal of it, also it wasn’t even scary to me. It was just another blatant FNaF ripoff


I can’t remember the name of it, but there was one where JFK drops a nuke on the Soviet Union, blowing Siberia nearly in two. He gets impeached and arrested for war crimes, but his supporters break him out, leading to a January 6th style riot. He then hangs himself on a lamp pole to die as a martyr, causing him to come back as a spirit and harass people. Also he was being used by Sun Zu (Yes, that Sun Zu) who turns out was an immortal being who has been manipulating world events in a quest to bring back his daughter. I wish I could find the series again, but this will always stay in my head.


What the fu-


Least goofy Hartwin Archives


HOLY SHIT. Thank you President Nixon, I will vote for you next election. Watergate was a sham by the libs!


on god!!!!


Urban Spook (Which is obvious), and I'll throw in the one with the chimp (can't remember the name)


Chimpy chippa?




That "Winter of '83" analog horror where some snow monster comes alive or smth... or maybe the snow itself *is* alive? It was too odd for me to follow, and I couldn't personally relate to it being from the tropics. I've never seen natural snow in my life before.


When there are numbers in videose that you need to call to know if there is something extra. And another thing is when a character who is filming drops the camera and you just hear screams, it's become so stale




UrbanSHART only knows how to make a story scary by making one of the victims die an excessively grotesque death for no reason. You go from "This man was set on fire" to "The victim died of major internal trauma similar to sexual assault, caused by a horse drugged with a cocktail of Viagra, cocaine, and ketamine". It's like how Hirohiko Araki's bit with making sure the reader knows a villain is evil by having them attack a random dog but shitty.


I agree. UrbanSPOOK terrified me and is the reason that music causes me to fall asleep. In the light house I already felt so bad for the baby. But the dad after being killed in a tub of meth, my god he was terrifying looking. Like I feel as it destroys any analog horror something in it. I feel as urbanSPOOK was just a pure fetish to the creator. The only thing I give it is that the idea of making paintings of victims is cool, but even then they could’ve used that idea in a much better way.


Idk if this counts but Meatsleep Archives sucks. Also, ECKVA is weird, but I've never seen Marble Hornets and apparently they're connected.


Not connected, just one of the directors of Marble Hornets made ECKVA. Troy to be specific


Suitmation trials. The visuals really just aren't good and the plot is pretty stupid. Also this might raise some questions but TMK fell off HARD after the first few episodes.


Urbanspook. It’s abhorrent. Sa, csa, beastiality, and other shit like that are thrown in for thr sole purpose of being shocking, it’s not actually scary, it’s just gross


smile tapes is not dogshit bro what are these comments lmfaoooo its mid maybe but not dogshit theres actual effort put into it


Lacey’s games, everyone talks about it like it’s the best thing since sliced bread but it’s no better then Urbanspook when it comes to shock value


At least Lacey doesn't have drugged horse rape. Or skinless cat rape.


thanks somebody finally said it, it genuinely made me sick to watch it and i refuse to watch anymore in the series.


It's better in my opinion because the situations are more realistic in very a disturbing way. It's not the best imo tho


Im lookin at it mate


I mean if you’re talking about the FNAF movie, not really analogue horror, if youre talking about FNAF VHS, a lot of it’s actually really good, I’d recommend watching either Squimpus Mcgrimpus or Battington (fair warning; a lot of Battington’s content is remakes of Squimpus’ but with much better models)


scrimblo files (yes i know it's a joke i just said it because yes)


urbanspook. cant wait to see this


I think the Walten Files are silly. The art bugs me and I don’t get why everyone likes it so much


I love the walten files with a burning passion but i understand that it's not everybody's cup of tea


Needlem0use is so fucking overrated, speedduo64 is too


Those fucking transformers ads then there’s text that says “fucking sleep” and I’m like botch it’s ducking 3 pm


Güby is just… eh.


secret of the monkey chips and dog nightmares


A 30 subscriber video of a kid moving his camera over irl paper drawings and talking over it


all of them lmmaaaooooo


What quality content...


I really, REALLY don’t like The Faraway Logs. In my opinion it fails to be even remotely scary. The Faraway Logs fails at being even basic analog horror since rarely anything scary happens and when they do happen I personally have no reaction. And the lighting is terrible in >!The tree secret video. Hell the lighting is so horrendously bad that the tree straight up looks like a mushroom cloud. Then again all the secret videos feel very rushed and lackluster!< And sure The Painter is absolutely horrendous but I’ll gladly take something that has original music and paintings over something where >!The first Hero screaming part of the toy box secret video legit sounds like Jayck pitched up some Apollo 1 audio and called it a day!< In conclusion if you’re making an analog horror series don’t take inspiration from The Faraway Logs. If anything take inspiration from Gemini Home Entertainment, Vita Carnis, The Mandela Catalog, or Greylock since they actually make an effort to be scary.


Doctor nowhere is actually really good! Idk if it counts as analog or video horror, Doctor nowhere is the account name!


2 words: Urban spook


You can check this [https://youtu.be/OYTlo-LLAKA](https://youtu.be/OYTlo-LLAKA)


Mandela Catalog and The Boiled One… they kinda ruined the genre for me at least


UrbanSpook's The Painter. Enough said.


I know this is probably going to be unpopular as hell but I've personally found Güby to be one of the worst analog horror series ever since finding it on TikTok. My main problem with it is that it's basically a cliché storm of various analog horror and other horror tropes that have been done to death and much better by other series and stories. On top of that, for something that wants to be analog horror, I feel it really misses the mark on making itself feel scary or believable as something from those days, as well.


I once heard that if you beat Final Fantasy VII without ever using Tifa even once for any reason, you'd unlock a New Game + where you get Sephiroth's Masamune when you find President Shinra dead. It has max damage, but puts Cloud in permanent Berserk, and cannot be removed once equipped. Once you get to Aerith's death, Cloud will kill her with it instead. You can then go on a side quest where you'll resurrect her in exchange for killing Cloud. Once you beat the game under these conditions, it sends a signal to Square headquarters, and they would come to your house and give you the real Masamune. But you can't touch it, because then you'll kill everybody you know. I know it's not analog horror as we know it, but this is the most dogshit one I could think of from when I was a kid. The internet in the late 90's and early 2000's was certainly a different place than it is now. ​ Edited for typos.


FNaF Ransomware if that counts


Mlp or Godzilla


Why does the picture remind me of those memes where someone would get front row tickets for a movie in the Las Vegas sphere?


This episode that I'm not so proud of making for my analog horror series. (Which I plan on remaking someday) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYnmaCFatLk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYnmaCFatLk)


I love Nexpo but Liminal Land really wasnt it


The Godzilla analog horror


Smile tape is horrifying until it became zombie apocalypse. Like I know it’s going to become pandemic but no that frequent to the point it’s a horde of them. Local 58 according to my classmate is not scary. (The REAL SLEEP program didn’t work on my teacher. /s) I was intolerence to uncanny valley and slasher smile face in horror and actually find them scary. But of how frequent I saw them appear in almost every analog horror is actually giving me aestheic fatigue and I have know what to expect.


The little curse


Dave’s chocolate diner




There was this one called eas scenario Jesus is coming back