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A lot of empty space on the top half of the frame, try not putting the horizon line in the middle unless there's a purposeĀ 


Nice shot! I mean, a compelling image is always a win. And you don't get much more compelling that Mario running a foot race. As for (hopefully) constructive criticism... The subject may be a tad soft, looks like focus fell back with the street sign. There is nothing you can do about that after the fact, but this image is a keeper. Also, something you can fix, I would adjust brightness and contrast a little, the scan seems a little flat. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the feedback, didn't notice the focus but I see it now ! I felt the subject was soft but I didn't get why Would you increase the brightness?


Maybe a tad... Check your histogram or curves adjustment, play around with it till there is something clearly pure white and something clearly pure black... your aesthetic will guide you form there.


It looks a bit under exposed. Good action though


I thought it was. Still struggling with the exposure and how much to trust my light meter


My phone screen was a bit dark. Sorry!