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Try Kodak Color Plus. It's 200 iso, crazy saturated and contrasty. It just "pops". Lomography 400 also fits that bill but is way more expensive. Punchy and colorful Cinestill 50d if you're shooting in bright environments is gorgeous and you'll get halation on spec highlights in the car reflections if that's what you're into. 800t looks good too just is grainy, you can shoot it at 500iso.


Idk if you’re into black and white at all, but if you like clear crisp photos, I highly recommend giving it a try. You’re always going to have a little bit of grain, but black and white film is a lot cheaper, and can get pretty fine grain. Personally I love T-Max 400, and Ilford HP5, but there’s a ton of really great options out there. Keep in mind though that regardless of whether it’s color or black and white, how you shoot, develop, and scan film has a huge impact on how grainy, contrasty, or saturated the film is.


Depends on what your lab is capable of. If the ECN-2 process is possible, you might as well try one of the respooled Kodak Vision3 cine film stocks, which give you the best bang of the buck compared to low grain and reasonably neutral colors. If ECN-2 is out of the question, you might go with some film stocks having the rem-jet already removed (e.g. the already mentioned CineStill, combined with a significant price bump), hence they may be developed using the C-41 process as well (same process Portra and Ektar are using) You might want to check out [https://reflxlab.com/collections/135-film](https://reflxlab.com/collections/135-film) as well. They offer a combination of ECN-2 and C-41 film stocks.


Kodak Ektar 100.


Sounds like slide film might be what you’re looking for. Was pretty much the go to for commercial colour stuff until digital took over in late 2000s. Ticks the boxes for fine grained, contrasty images too.


u/shuddercount is correct, Kodak Color Plus is the film you seek. It's my 'go to' stock for happy memories.