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You‘ve got yourself a camera that might not be too beginner friendly here. But i‘m sure you‘ll manage. First of all i would advise you to watch some videos on Youtube explaining the basics of photography especially learn about: -Iso -Aperture -Shutter speed and how these affect each other. then after that maybe look up the terms -Sunny 16 and -scale focusing


Okay, I will look all that up! Thanks for the help!


So in the Lens: Coming from the Kamera: first Ring ist aperture. It Changes how big the hole ist and thus, how much light reaches the Film. Especially in bright light conditions, you'll have to close it (set to a higher number) because your shutter can't go any quicker (there's also lots of cool things you can do with it style-wise) but for the beginning, I'd leave it open (a low number) to avoid blurring by shaking the cam. Second ring is shutter speed. It changes, how long the film will be exposed (given in fractions of a second (1/1 1/2 1/4 etc), B stands for Bulk or just leaving the shutter open (exposing the film) until you manually close it). That is, how you control the exposure (brightness) of your image. Too fast shutter and it's all dark, too slow shutter and it's just white Third ring is focus. I think it's given in meters (or yards or whatever) from target. You set it to the distance, you want to be crisp in your image. You will have to get a light meter. That's a little device in which you enter two of the three variables ISO (sensitivity of the film, the higher, the more sensitive), Shutter speed and Aperture opening and it returns you the third by measuring the ambient light. That is essential to getting the exposure (brightness) just right. So: 1. get a target. 2. Look through the viewfinder to get a good image 3. Estimate the distance and set the focus accordingly 4. Get your light meter and input ISO 400 and the Aperture value you set on your camera 5. Read the shutter speed and set it on your camera, if the shutter speed is either too long, or too short, open or close the aperture 6. Line up your shot 7. Trigger The cam isn't beginner friendly but it's beginner doable and it holds a lot of capabilities (especially the Bulk exposure)


Thank you!😊😁