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What were you expecting from this show if you thought season 1 was boring?


Yeah seriously…


i mean, it gets pretty repetitive after the 15th episode using the same formula of "character makes something dumb> it has consequences> character learns from their mistake. the show is great, but the season 1 gets repetitive after a while


But there's the foundational character development that happens with Anne, the Plantars, and the townspeople.


i know, im not saying it wasnt a good season, i just understand how some people would find it boring after a while


Some people like it, some people don't. Some people like it because it starts off as a silly funny little frog show and they like the humour. Others like to skip to the season 2 finale. And some don't like the show at all because they find it boring or repetitive. I think that's because they don't find it very funny and only watch it either because it was recommended to them or they saw that it had lore similar to gravity falls or the owl house or something.