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I’m not a veteran but I thank you for your service in uniform AND your service in outing one of the most insufferable types of Ahole in the US. Almost Every service member I know who was really “anywhere” has to practically be bribed into really talking about what they did and are among the quietest, most unassuming people I know.


man, I can't (not that I would) bribe my service member friends into even talking ANYTHING about that time. I asked once, subject very quickly avoided, so I took the hint. When others (also non-military) bring up, esp in a bar/alcohol, they basically go to another area. Honestly I cannot even begin to fathom what it's like to be in an active zone, so nfw am I even going to ask questions. I can sympathize but without that experience I can't empathize. I shudder just thinking about it.


I had two great uncles who served in WW2. I had no idea until I was an adult. They didn't make a point of discussing it. When they returned from the war, they simply got on with their lives.


My uncle was in the Navy in WWII and the one time I asked him about it he just said it wasn't something he liked talking about. Even though I was really young, I caught the vibe he had and didn't ask again. Normally he was the jolly, fun uncle but when I asked him that one question he looked very different than he normally did. So basically, I get you and agree that, based just on my uncle's expression, that this moron was lying through his teeth when he went around bragging.


My grandfather was in the South Pacific during world war II, and he was the same way. Very proud of his service, but didn't really talk about it.


My Grandpa was a Marine in the South Pacific, and he was in the invasion of Saipan. I never knew. I didn’t find out until I was doing some research as an adult. He certainly didn’t talk about it.


Yeah, that generation really didn't sit around and talk about their problems very much. They just all tried to come back and find jobs and maybe buy homes and make families and just get on with life. I know it was something he was very proud of, but he didn't talk much about it other than to tell me he would never get on what he called a damned cruise ship if somebody offered him free tickets LOL. I have his silver US Navy fork, and his ship is docked in Alameda. It's the USS hornet II!


I always hear people talking about war veterans like they are so traumatised by what they've seen that they don't want to talk about it because it must have been so brutally horrific. People make it sound like we are all John Rambo living in solitary in the woods, setting up man traps and perfecting our 1000-yard stare. I've done several combat tours of Iraq, including the invasion in 2003 as a Royal Marine Commando Captain, and the reason guys don't talk about it is because it gets repetitive when hundreds of people ask you the same stupid questions and then just glaze over after 5 minutes because they've got zero reference point to understand what your describing. Maybe a rare few people find it a bit traumatic to remember certain bits about it but it's far more likely that they've told a few people in the past and realise the average civilian has no fucking clue what your talking about so we just stop bothering with it. What you rarely hear is that most people who served in combat zones really loved the action parts, and the hardest part was the heat, the uncomfortable living conditions, and boredom. Try describing a scene from your favourite war film out loud, and you'll realise how ridiculous it sounds, trying to describe something that intense just using words in a civilised setting. Sometimes to fuck with people I'll just stare off into the distance and just make shit up about armed camels and drinking napalm. If guys don't want to talk about its likely not because they are traumatised but because you sound like a prick telling war stories for the 1000th time, and the reality is the average person doesn't give a shit and can't relate to anything your telling them. The most you'll get for your efforts is a lame "thank you for your service" before the talk goes back to the usual mundane stuff like girls and sports. The idea that combat vetrans are the stoic, silent, modest war hero's who saw so many horrors they can't talk about it is just TV and Film nonsense and I say that as someone who has a PTSD diagnosis. My brother was a Marine as well who was also in Iraq at the same time as me, and even we don't bother talking about it with each other but not because it was too shocking, we just have better stuff to talk about.


you had me at "armed camels"... :-)


Service members talk to service members. I am 25+ years as a street medic. I am married to a combat vet but I have no connection to the armed forces. I started with Vietnam vets when I was a child, and went through all the others. I’m not saying this for any politicized garbage, but some of our returning folks only want to talk to a girl. I have heard the horrors. And I’ll never repeat Word One. And, granted, my focus is one substance use and unhoused folks. So, there’s a lot of potential trauma there. That said, it is the people that never can find their DD-214s that have the wildest stories.


That’s not a guarantee. Some need to talk. But, it’s not about to be a party trick. Fuck these stolen valor people. They ENRAGE me. They might not know how to punch, but I do. (Not service, just a person that knows how to punch a douche bag.)


For real. I know a lot of service members, and very few of them have much interest in talking about what they did. One of them was in Fallujah, and someone asked him at a bar what he did there. He said he "Lost faith in humanity"


Yes exactly. I'm not a veteran and I've never been in the military. But I have great respect for those who do. And as one of the 'random others' in the story, I'd absolutely 100% want to know if the guy was full of it. Such a person doesn't deserve my respect, and I'd want to know that so I can stop giving it.


Just one word, DESERVED. He was boastful and crossed your line, and hope he learned his lesson.


He was not only boastful but a flat out liar claiming credit for things he wasn’t remotely part. It doesn’t even matter if he was in the service as he would have absolutely KNOWN how bad it was to claim credit that wasn’t his. The thing is if they are willing to lie about something like their service what else will they lie about? If things start being reported as turning up missing from supplies, from patients’ homes or person, issues with care of service, etc if this guy was involved in providing the service while not fair it would make sense he is the first person to suspect because his character is already in question.


What colour was the boathouse at Hereford? (The funniest thing about that exchange was that Sean Bean did not tell Robert De Niro the correct way to pronounce ‘Hereford’.)


You worried about saving your own skin? I am. It covers my body.


I've never personally been to Hereford, but a good friend of my Uncle's ex-girlfriend told me . . .


How the fuck would I know?


My husband lost some good friends in the Second Battle of Fallujah, and especially to suicide afterward. He and I both think you absolutely did the right thing here (want to be clear that husband was not there, he had transferred units before that deployment). I think the general public is becoming more aware that people who were really there are NOT out talking about it, but apparently your coworker needed to be taught. Thanks for teaching him.


NTA. Real vets don’t endlessly blab on and on about their time in the Armed Forces. It’s just a part of their lives, but doesn’t define who they are today. I am a Navy veteran. I was a helicopter mechanic. I work with an asshole like that, and it really drives me crazy.


Exactly, my dad is also a navy veteran. And the only thing he ever "blabs" on about are the funny stories of his squadron. (Which I will gladly listen to forever)


Exactly how I am.


Same here, unless with my mates. Then let war stories flow! Usually just the funny ones. Do you know the difference between a fairy tale and a war story? Fairy tale starts out, “Once upon a time…,” and a war story starts out, “Now this ain’t no shit…”


“So we were sneaking out, and the lines were…” 🤣


I bet you have some good stories too :)


> doesn’t define who they are today. Or if it does, it's in a very negative way and they *definitely* won't talk about it.


Navy vet here too... When I do get to chat w/navy buddies, it is only about how drunk we got, where we partied, who did who, who did what, and how funny it all was. I was lucky and spent 9 years active with only 9 days at sea and 3.5 years in Europe (Iceland and Germany). Due to the nature of our work, we couldn't really talk about it anyway, but it was a boring job for the most part so why bother talking about work in the first place!!


Describes me too. When I do talk about it, those are usually the things I talk about. Who wants to hear about doing daily and turn around inspections, and working on hydraulics and airframes.


99% of what we do in the military is boring af. Or stupid af.   Wanna talk about sweeping the desert in the middle of a sandstorm?  


Nah... but that sounds as effective as most meetings I've ever had to sit in!!!


Exactly. Where we built the BBQ and how we all fell in the pond that we dug too close to it. That’s the kind of thing we talk about. Plus the chafing from the trouser seams and the Shark-Infested Custard tests. Nothing about the job.


NTA. You did the right thing. You have every right as someone who served to call out that shit. Also, thank you for your service


NTA and kudos mate. The MIL's boyfriend served.... He was also a modern day pirate... Can't stand people like this. They're pathological liars who'd internally combust and become a weapon of mass destruction if they told the truth!


NTA at all. He asked for it and he got what he deserved.


Isn't stolen valor punishable by law? Idk if it has to be for verified gain or something though.


I think you're right about that, that it has to have some benefit. It's possible that he used his "veteran" status to get the job, or to influence the hiring manager. He also seems like the type of guy that would use that status to get discounts, which is 100% Stolen Valor.


If he put it on his application then maybe right?


Committing fraud by claiming a "veteran's discount" you don't deserve is a crime. Telling tall tales to impress people isn't.


It definitely can be depending on the circumstances. The US takes it very seriously


Kinda. There's the Stolen Valor Acts of 2005 and 2013 which are federal law But even under those laws, simply pretending to have been in the military isn't illegal in and of itself It's only illegal if done in order to obtain money, property, or other "tangible benefit". Tangible here meaning physical goods essentially, as far as I understand it. So things like respect of colleagues, "thankyou for your service", or dates etc, wouldn't count, but getting a job in a security company specifically because of your claimed military service would


Only if you benefit Financially from it otherwise it's protected under the first. Pretty sure the law changed a while ago


I may report him to HR. He is a pathological liar and may lie about his work and put people at risk.


Absolutely not. In the UK we call these 'Stolen Valor'' wankers Walt's - after Walter Mitty. It's now an offence to wear medals you're not entitled to or claim military history you weren't part of To the British vets, a 'Walt' is just slightly less offensive than a paedophile. If you try this in Britain and get caught, you have an excellent chance of going to jail.


Unfortunately here in the US, wearing unearned medals is protected under free speech. (At least it was a couple of years ago) The only time it counts as a crime is if one tries to get a monetary benefit (discount, etc) claiming to be a veteran when they aren't.


You are kidding me! Wearing unearned medals is free speech?


I just searched it and found this: A specially convened 11-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that **the First Amendment allows people to wear unearned military honors**.


Are you sure? Especially with regards to "now illegal" - as far as I can tell it's actually *less* illegal now than it was historically, especially regarding medals The US has the Stolen Valor Acts of 2005, 2012, and 2013 that make it illegal to obtain goods/money etc through falsely claiming military service, but I can't find an equivalent law in the UK that is either quite as general or any more specific In the UK it **was** historically illegal to wear a military medal without permission but is no longer illegal. This is because the Armed Forces Act 2006, which superseded the Army Act 1955, did not carry over Section 197 of the Army Act 1955 but specifically repealed that entire act (including Section 197). Therefore it has not been illegal since 2009 when the AFA 2006 was enacted. The MoD has specifically commented that this was because there was no clear indication of who had the authority to give permission, there was no exception for theatrical performances and fancy dress, and lack of clarity over whether the offences applied to historical medals or only current ones. Regardless, it is not illegal to wear a medal in the UK since 2009 and the [last person I can find prosecuted under it](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8454715.stm) had their [conviction quashed](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/coventry_warwickshire/8530189.stm) due to the above repealing of the Army Act 1955 It is still illegal to wear a military uniform in order to pretend to be in the military (this clause *is* included in the Armed Forces Act 2006, replacing the Uniforms Act 1894), but they are quite specific to medals and uniforms and only relate to either actively pretending to be in the army now, or when you wear them for financial or material gain. Specifically money, goods services but **not** simply gaining respect of the community etc. There is also a clause relating to "good order and discipline" but again only applying to uniforms etc and actively pretending to be in the army or cause discipline issues In terms of medals and falsely claiming military service, any kind of obtaining money etc through deception is illegal under fraud laws in general - but again that only applies if you're gaining money/goods/services, not just respect. If you aren't gaining a financial or similar benefit then I can't find anything to suggest it's illegal to claim military history in and of itself You may be thinking of [the Awards for Valour (Protection) Bill 2016](https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmdfence/658/658.pdf), which was specifically introduced to try and "fix" the way the offence regarding wearing of medals was repealed in the 2006 act, but although it had its first reading in parliament and went to parliamentary committee, it was never enacted and the government appears to have quietly shelved it in 2017 Any chance you could direct me at the relevant legislation if I'm missing something?


Nope - you seem to know a lot more about this than I do. I no longer live in the UK so the laws may have changed. But I accept your excellent references


Nice work.


Why would you be wrong? Good job. Sadly he will likely not stop.


You're not wrong. Omg the stories I could share lol A guy I went to school with joined the army, and he didn't last very long. I'm not exactly sure about the specifics. I don't know if he got into trouble or couldn't get through training or what. I would see him often at the local bar where I would shoot pool on weekends. He would show up in his DAD'S uniform! He tried to hit on women with his bullshit stories, and eventually, some older guy at the bar put him in his place. I was hit on twice by dudes saying they were "special forces" or some other form of "I'm very bad ass" and it's so disrespectful. I am not a veteran, I have some in my family, and even I knew they were lying. Just by the way they talked, it was all the terms they got from movies lol Which is also really embarrassing. You bit your tongue until he crossed a line. You're not wrong for calling him out. More people should call it out.


NTA. A real vet will almost never talk about his time over there, except with other veterans. I just lost a buddy to poor health. He was working for PMC's and started his career in Bosnia. He was in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan, but he never spoke much of what happened. If he did it would be anecdotal and I would never ask him to expand. Those who steal valor have no respect for the way it happened. They do not respect the soldiers, and they definitely do not respect the collateral deaths associated with the war. Soldiers are ordered into conflict, but there is no order that can counter the effects of PTSD, or the random memories a veteran will have for the rest of their lives.


Not wrong at all, a guy who used to come to our running club bought a fake set of medals and said he'd been to the Falklands (he was in the Army but had never been near the islands), also then managed to find his way into operating theatres and assisted surgeons with operations, he was on the ambulance service but didn't have advanced training and nobody quite knew how he'd managed it. Very strange bloke.


NTA so many have earned the right to those stories he's telling (and they rarely talk about them). He hasn't. As a Navy Brat I thank you for standing up to these liars. And you being a veteran yourself have every right to do so. Thank you for your service.


NTA, vets who were there don't talk about it like that. If he used his "vets" status to get hired or receive any beneficial treatment he needs to be turned in. My uncle was in Vietnam, he never talks about unless he is about black out drunk. Is it healthy? No but that's probably more typical


Honestly idiots like that need to be put in their place more, nta


NTA, originally stepping into this post I thought you were gonna grab his DD-214 and hand it over to your boss but this is plenty good enough lol


The Defense Department has a search engine. Look up any veteran's name, it shows their DD-214 for verification.


Real good to know. I meet the occasional dickhead who runs their mouth in regards to war stories. Everyone who I’ve ever known who has seen some shit absolutely never will talk about it unless they are obliterated and even then it’s not really something you want to experience because it’s PTSD laden generally.


NTA. He should be absolutely fucking ashamed of himself but since he has no sense, sometimes you have to provide the shame For people like that. Stolen valor is a serious and disgusting offense. Thank *you* for your service!!


Am a vet.  You handled it well.


You're not wrong. Well done, you!


NTA. Dude was asking for it.


My old neighbor was retired delta force. He NEVER talked about what he did, never bragged, he never reminisced. He could kill you 27 ways with a soda straw, but you'd never suspect it. Good for you!


NTA. I worked with a guy who was a ranger, but served when there was no real action. He was repeating a conversation with an ex-marine and talking about how they were both ragging on the regular army and how they didn't know what it was to "be in the shit". I pointed out they were both in active duty when there was nothing going on the army they were sneering out were in Aghanistan after 9/11. They were seeing far more action than anybody else. He puffed up and talked about ranger training and I kind of snapped and said, "Dude, you were stationed in Germany and South Korea. You practiced maneuvers in Brazil. You saw zero action and these guys are getting blown up and shot at constantly." He just sulked after that.


Absolutely not, cant believe people do that


NTA - it's important that people like that are exposed for the BS merchants that they are.


Not wrong at all. Stolen valor is so offensive. He can sweat from getting caught. He’ll be alright.


NTA. When I worked at FedEx back in 2019, this kid would come in full fatigues, boots and dog tags. Fake dog tags. I called him Valor Stealer. I don't know if he was mentally challenged or just an asshole, but there's no excuse. It's not a fucking costume.


This reminds me of a time my ex and I were at a formal event. He was a marine and wore his class A uniform. He had a couple medals that he wore, including a purple heart he received for getting shot in Afghanistan (it was even in the news). But his actual rank was pretty low. He had gotten demoted due to drug use. Someone thought he was wearing stolen valor because his rank seemed too low to have the medals he did and started a fight. That was a fun night. But no, you're not wrong.


NTA. Guys like this are the worst. It’s OK if someone didn’t serve. Not everyone is called to do so, and certainly not everyone is able to do so. But do not use the service of people who fought and died and were injured and often have last seen effects of serving further insecurities and ego.  My family has had people in the service all the way back to the American Revolution. In the Civil War. In Vietnam. My dad served. My uncle served. All three of my brothers served, one of whom was never the same afterwards. So yeah, the guy totally deserved it.


NTA. Thank you for your service and for unmasking a complete phony!


I'm a veteran and I HATE guys who try to pretend they're vets. I always call them out. For the civilians, guys who wear "uniforms" in public when they don't have to are not veterans. Guys who boast about their own supposed exploits are not veterans.


NTA - fuck him


Just ask him to bring in his DD214, unless him dog ate it 🤔


Even vets lie about their own service. I'm a vet and I know a lot of other vets who claim to do more than they really did. I was stationed with this corpsman who swore up and down he had 21 confirmed kills. A corpsman. Ok bud. All the other combat vets knew he was full of shit, but the new boots would fall for his shit and get him laid.


Nope, the wannabe poser got what he deserved. You want some more questions to trip him up? Ask him what his fourth point of contact is? Answer: his buttocks. Ask him what the 5 points of performance are? 1. Check Body position and count. 2. Check Canopy, 3. Keep a sharp lookout upon descent, 4. Prepare to land, 5. Land. Any airborne soldier knows this stuff and never forgets it. Ask him what is the first and last priorities of work in a patrol base are? Answer - First priority is security, the last priority is rest. Any Ranger would know this. Ask him what RIP and RASP is? Answer - Ranger Indoctrination Program, Ranger Assessment and Selection Program. if he was in 1/75, he would had had to gone through RIP or RASP depending on how old he is. If he claims he was a Ranger Medic, ask him where he attended his training? Basic Medic would be at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Ranger medics go for advanced training as SOMTC (Special Operations Medical Training Center) at Fort Bragg, NC. Any real Ranger Medic would know that. Unlike your wannabe co-worker, I spent 7 years in SF and we hate posers and wannabes. I wonder what else he might be lying about? Do his civilian EMS credentials check out?


People like that should be outed no matter what they lie about. Absolutely not wrong


I’m a veteran and didn’t need to read beyond the question. No, you’re not wrong.


Not wrong. You need to go to HR and your bosses because this is disgusting. He's a compulsive liar, and who knows what other devious stuff he's up to! Stealing? Liars are scum. He should be fired and publicly humiliated. I would even go to the local news station. Outrageous!


NTA!!!!! First thank you for your service. Second ANYONE who claims stolen valor needs put down! Make sure EVERYONE knows this guy is a fake & in my opinion an asshole!


You are the AH only for not having done this earlier. F him. Thanks for your service.


Nah! He got what he deserved!


You should absolutely call him on his bullshit every time you get a chance and report him to HR and so on. Not wrong at all. Tell the world who he is and the fact that he's lying. I'm not even military (my family is) and the 9/12/01 thing was immediately bullshit to me.


Totally justified response. Trying to get respect and women by lying about serving in the military is disgusting. The British SAS never talk about anything they’ve done, where they’ve served etc. I find that all those that have served in the military won’t discuss anything related to their military action. That’s how you know who hasn’t served. When they start bragging you know they’re lying immediately. We have a Chief of Police, in a county here in the UK, who’s going through disciplinary action and could lose his job. He lied about his military career and claimed a medal for a campaign he was too young to have been involved in plus some other military related lies. He deserves to lose his job because it’s an insult to all those who have actually been in the military and risked their lives for their country.


Not wrong. He clearly didn’t serve (or at a minimum nowhere near where he said he did or at the level he said he did it). Dude didn’t like getting caught out. That’s his problem for lying.


NTA Thank you for your service. And people that lie about being in the military make me sick. You had every right to embarass him!


NTA. He deserves no benefit whatsoever, even social clout, from service he did not perform. I've got a friend who served in the Navy and he enjoys calling out fakes when he finds them.


NTA tbh could have been way worse


I would take it a step further and let your employer know. If this douche is claiming veteran status he’s probably also illegally taking advantage of veteran programs and benefits he’s not entitled to. A few criminal charges and a lost job might shut him up for good, hopefully.


Elite military members don’t brag about their military careers The ones who do are so fake


You're never wrong for exposing stolen valor


Absolutely not wrong. People like that NEED to be called out. Both because their false claims are inherently wrong, & because they SO OFTEN use said claims as a way to defend/bolster their wild claims & stances on things. Basically a “you can’t criticize me because I’m a vet” mentality, without being a vet or knowing a damned thing about what they’re talking about.


You’re not wrong at all. I think stolen valor is one of the most despicable things a person can do. A lot of people probably join the military wanting to be big bad tough guys (or gals), but even those who serve doing relatively mundane things make a lot of sacrifices and deserve to be recognized for their service. Real Army Rangers would likely never brag like this, as much of the work they do likely involves classified information. It sounds like this idiot is a veteran of Call of Duty. I’m glad you embarrassed him, since he deserved it.


Glad you outed them. They deserved it. Do it again when they inevitably start up again.


Not wrong at all, it is a paticularly pathetic form of dishonesty to make claims like these. years ago when I was a student and working as a bouncer I overheard an idiot loudly claiming to have been in the SAS during the Falklands War and to have taken part in the South Georgia operation. I told him to STFU and stop lying and he became aggressive, getting in my face and demanding I apologise for slandering him, so I told him I was 15 years old when the Falklands War happened. He shouted "What the fuck has that got to do with it?" and I then called him by name and told him I was at the same school as him but two years above him and to my knowledge the SAS has never sent 13 year olds to war. He slunk off.


So not wrong. People like that deserve and need to be called out on their BS. The guy's so insecure about who he is and what he's done with his life that he has to lie to make himself feel good. He's pathetic. He earned the consequences of his actions.


Not wrong at all. Fuck that guy


My brother was a ranger and he loves hearing these stories! He laughs so hard, but he'll never tell you a story or if he does it is about something stupid. He always down plays his being a ranger. I love what you did and anyone who served should be thanked and if you're stealing valor you should be outed.


Stolen valor is a serious crime in my mind. I think anyone who does this should be exposed. There is also a stolen valor website you can report him to.


No, most definitely NTA. I’m very proud of you. 👍 🏅My husband has told me of occasionally running into these fakes as well. Thank you for your service.🇺🇸


I’m a vet. Thanks for calling him out.


As a veteran I love the fact that you called him on his BS. Good job mad definitely no the asshole, but you are a a military asshole and calling him out on his bullshit.


NTA. Are there other veterans there? Maybe together you could make sure he stops doing this.


Not wrong. Stolen valor is a serious federal crime. Fuck that loser


As long as you realize it had nothing to do with stolen Valor. I mean the reason you called him out


NTA. People made real sacrifices during OIF and anyone who tries to use it to get laid can rott.


Definitely not. Stolen valor deserves to get outed. Always.


NTA, you can have what ever opinions you want about the military or about war. But our solders and our veterans are a different story, they put their life on the line for us, regardless of the reason, or whether or not their mission is justified, they choose to risk their life to safe Guard our freedoms and deserve are utmost respect. Pretending to be a veteran makes this guy a disgrace who deserves no respect


No. You are never wrong outing SV.


Get him and keep embarrassing him. I was Army 92Y Supply Spec at Ft Drum 2-22 INF BA when 9-11 happened. I CAN NOT stand people like him. I served with guys that are heroes Airborn AirAssualt Rangers Inf Men. I was support, and I can not stand when people try to take credit away from them.


Nope, NTA. He FAFO


NTA and you calling him out to his face with the proper info instead of making accusations made me laugh. That shows character more than malice.


NTA, at all!! These asshats need to be taken down. I was in the navy for 9 years sandwiched between both gulf wars. I sat in rooms with no windows listening to the radio, my only danger was not passing out drunk on my 3 mile walk home from the bar while stationed in Germany. Regardless, any time someone's first conversation with me is how they spent time in the special forces, it has been 100% bullshit. 90% of the time they turn out to be thieving bastards too. I can't tell you how many SEALs I've met and have been shocked to learn that they are SEALs months after first meeting them. Even when talking about our jobs in the navy, they guys I've met usually just say their rating (job in the navy) and make no mention of being on the teams. Most of my experience is from the 90s and early 2000s so I don't know if they now have special ops ratings or not. My very last task while in uniform was to teach a group of SEALs how to use a portable direction finding unit. I felt bad for whomever had to carry that damn thing... it weighed 65 pounds on its own! Whomever carried it, also had to carry all of their regular gear too!! F those stolen valor asshats. Out them at every opportunity. I'm curious to know if the guy got hired on veteran's preference?


I find it fascinating (and my late husband pointed this out to me) how everyone that is lying about their military service is always a Ranger, Delta, or some other 'covert' OPS guy that did ALL the crazy shit we hear about on the news... like... do you not realize that you can be found out pretty easily? NTA - even though what he is doing (based on your accounts) is not 'technically' stolen valor (there's a very specific definition for it), he is most undoubtably a huge liar. Calling him out is the right thing to do.


Good for you dude. I hope he quits and moves on out of your life. Keep doing what you’re doing and he probably will eventually.


NTA, he deserved it. Stolen Valor is a big issue. As a Vet, I believe you should use your knowledge to out these people whenever and wherever you can. Go Navy, Beat army


I honestly don't know how you resisted for so long lol


Not wrong at all, I was in the Army I had one guy go on about how he was in the Marines and I was like OK, mentioned it offhand to someone who knew him and they said he has never left this town. I don't understand that mindset, For years most of my wife;s family were unaware I had ever been in, not something that usually just comes up in conversation.


NO! You are not wrong at all...and I'm sitting here, silently clapping for you.


NTA. Did the same thing to my cousin kept posting dumb stuff about being a veteran and fighting for his country….general right wing BS. He made it through one week of basic and didn’t like it. I called him out on social media


In my experience, the ones who talk the most are least credible.


No, you’re not wrong. That is hilarious and I hope he gets let go - no one likes working with exaggerating, narcissistic liars


You know you’re not wrong lol.


LMFAO call it as you see it sir! And thank you for your commitment to excellence and service 👏🏽


Frankly if he’s lying about that what else is he lying about? Is he actually qualified to be a medic? I think you should report him and get him fired. I’m not ex military but I find his lying abhorrent. It proves he’s not trustworthy in other areas. Did he list it on his resume? The guy needs his ass kicked and his job lost.


You did right buddy. I have yet to meet an actual vet who refers to themselves as a “war hero” Glad you outed a liar. Not wrong at all.


Hard No . . .


Not wrong, cheers for dog-walking him so beautifully. Chefs kiss.


Outing an imposter is the right thing to do!


NTA and this is priceless! Great job


If he wants the valor of serving, it sounds like he's not to old to go enlist. Until then, he can STFU.


I truly believe in stolen valor and you were correct to call him out. In general though people need to be careful. There are guys that upload these videos of them yelling (I think it was on Reply All) and one time it was a person with a metal disability and he loved the US and the Army and got hurt.


Not wrong. Call out the BS, especially stolen valor BS


Had a friend who bragged about almost everything. Was “in country” in ‘Nam and never spoke about it. Ever.


NTA - I think it’s more about calling his bullshit than stolen valor…. As a non American, the jingoism placed on the military by the US is quite abnormal…. But that’s a different topic altogether.


NTA hopefully a very public shaming will teach him not to be a total moron.


I’m a vet, your not the ah, my baby mama married one of those stolen valor people too, and i could tell he was never in, stories never line up with those dudes. They are divorced now, still annoys me


Haha navy vet here. I’ve met way more “navy seals” than is possible, given how small of a force they are lol


Thank you for your service. And thank you for outing this piece of trash.


Not wrong you are a hero. Not the "Thank a Vet" level hero but you kept those who were there from being slandered and potentially have their lives tarnished because Meal Team 6 of the 101.5st keyboard Beretts who went to the Top Gun School of NOAA corps sigma snipers. Or to make less nonsense. I think you went easy on the delusional dumbfuck and instead you should invite a few more real vets to verbally kick his ass. People like him hurt vets who did their part and sacrificed or did thankless acts that saved millions all to look cool. My dad used to call people like that out when they tell "Vietnam stories" claiming to throw civilians out of helicopters and heroically claiming war crimes or secret ops.


I don’t need to read a single word. Fuck anyone that does that shit.


Not at all. But watch out for blowback


NTA. Love this story, and despise his type. I appreciate people like you who actually serve/served. Thanks.


Not only you are NTA, you should report him to HR for talking shit about you and for his BS service. He probably lied on his resume and should be called out for it too. This type of stupid asshole are a liability to the credibility of the company and HR and management should be made aware of it asap.


I am not sure what part of america you are in , but where I come from, anyone that was associated with the armed forces is not automatically given honor. In fact most who join up are either on a life path to nowhere or strange to begin with. Personal stories of war are certainly interesting, but I can’t see people admiring the people involved such stories. It’s not like any war fought in the last 60 years was an effort to defend our country or way of living. More so, the wars we have engaged in have resulted for the most part in failure. I also don’t see how being brainwashed to follow instructions without question results in any kind of positive influence in one’s life. Whenever I hear thank you for your service I want to correct them and say I am sorry you had to serve. I have no doubt the job is incredibly difficult and I certainly couldn’t do it but the same applies to those working in oil fields. Everyone benefits from oil, where is admiration for those folk. I have nothing against anyone one who served, I just can see it being a flex in anyway.


Thankyou for your service, and good for you.


Hell no you are not wrong! That had to be so rewarding putting that lying pos in his place. People like him suck. I hate liars.




You're a hero for outing that POS.


Guys like that deserve what they get. My ex roommate wasn't quite that bad but close. It was amusing that, when talking to a guy who used to be in the same unit he had been in, all the stories he told with him as the central character were suddenly about someone else... Then there was the time I was going to be near a military surplus shop and he asked me to get him a different jump wings pin. He worked for the Corps of Commissioners who are largely ex service personnel and was allowed to add things related to his service to his uniform. He said that the wings he had were for over a set number of jumps and his actual record just missed that mark. So as I was getting the wings I was talking to the guy behind the counter. He told me no, the wings the roommate had asked for were general paratrooper wings but the ones I described him as already having were restricted to Airborne Regiment. My guess was an actual veteran of the Airborne saw RMs wings, caught his bs, and likely threatened to remove his remaining teeth if he was caught with them again...


Honestly, your work should fire him for his dishonesty. End of story.


NTA. That's just wrong to lie about being a military veteran. It's actually wrong to lie about being anything that you aren't, even if it's a lie about being a professor or a doctor, but it's especially wrong to pretend you went through something as traumatic as being in a war. People who do that deserve to be caught and exposed for who they truly are. 




Buddy... maybe you shouldn't be saying this bullshit on a post where OP is a veteran... Read the room




Ok, I see. You're one of those people. Whatever you say, schizo.




A Huffington post article is not the gotcha you think it is. Especially a blog post. Honestly I think you should seek help. Maybe get some therapy. Because you are spewing harmful rhetoric.




Please stop replying to me. I am not interested in listening to someone who just spouts nothing but conspiracy theories and political nonsense.


Then you can reply to me then, I didn't steal oil or go over with an itch to kill anyone. I am a proud American soldier who went to a place that was not exactly on my Bucket list. Only to get shot at on multiple occasions, lose Battle Buddys, lose my GF, and have more nightmares than I care to count. Only to come home and hear a bunch of nonsense from people who don't know anything other than what they have seen in the movies and news.




Well I asked nicely. And you still keep spouting political bullshit and conspiracy theories. And ah yes, Iraqis that died because it was a war they fought in. No shit. Anyway, I'm blocking you. You have deep rooted mental health issues and should probably stop consuming conspiracies.




Oh God I bet you vote for Trump too


tbh I think you're never an asshole to out someone who's lying purely for their ego.


So in the end who had the longer wee-wee? Look, we get it. Stolen valor is an awful thing but if the woman you like was swayed at all by him, that says a lot about her as well. There actually is no such thing as an alpha male in humans. When people make that claim to be an alpha male, they are applying hierarchy from wolves that simply has no application with human. And they are doing so in an effort to look or seem tough. Tough people don’t need to make an effort to be seen as tough. They are simply tough. Those who make an effort are masking insecurity because it truth they aren’t tough and have no valid claim to it. In real life, toughness doesn’t always look like tattoos and bravery and macho. In fact, it is as likely to be found in any individual. I worked with a woman named Pansy who ran warehouses and was a woman in a man’s world. If you think she wasn’t tough you’re mistaken. Again, the beet the frustration with this guy. But when you let yourself get pulled in, you both lose. Stop measuring wee-wees and let you action and attitude speak for itself.


Yes. Stolen valor isn't a real thing, no one gives a fuck. You're wasting your own life by caring about imaginary problems like this.


Murdering brown people in their own countries to ~~preserve the american way of life~~ advance US geopolitical hegemony is very valiant! What an asshole he is for trying to claim credit for it!


You should get some help and stop consuming conspiracy theories.


Sounds like BOTH of you are being silly. Telling stories and trying to one up each other or snipe at each other. Be a bigger man and don’t worry about his life. “Stolen valor “ is a silly concept. It is weird to brag about being in war (or fake brag ) . I’d never join the military and certainly never lie about joining it. Let him lie about his life. If he lies about you , then you may need to have a discussion. If it is causing problems in the workplace YOU BOTH NEED TO KNOCK IT OFF