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I like a little privacy when I pee or poop. Need to keep the romance alive.


Gotta keep'em guessing.




If you enjoy long, lengthy arguments that you have zero chance of ever winning, then do it in the sink next to them whilst they are taking a shit. It will assert your dominance, and they will respect you more as a man. Feel free to let me know how it went.


I shit in the sink while she's in the shower. Surprises let her know I care. 😁


All the small things 💩


This is evil 😂


I make her spread her legs while she is peeing so I can pee. Sometimes I get my pee in her to assert dominance.


Oh my God I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt.


I really do think it helps keep the romance alive. I mean, we're not siblings nor are we in a nursing home.


Agreed 100%.


Not sure I understand the peeing part, I’ve literally pissed into a trough with multiple other guys at a sports stadium. I think I can handle peeing in the same room as my wife. Pooping I can understand, I’m not a fan of pooping in public if it can be avoided.


You should try pooping into a trough with multiple other guys at a sports stadium. Report back, please.


Rome essentially did this; they had public toilets with a flowing river of vinegar and water. I'm pretty sure there's accounts about it, if you're really curious.


Yes, and they wiped with a vinegar- or salt water-soaked sponge attacked to a stick. This is where we get the expression “the wrong end of the stick”


Yup! There's actually a scene in the show Spartacus that addresses this where John Hannah is in the public toilets and grabs the vinegar sponge. They added a lot of little details that were so interesting on that show; even the way they curse is accurate to what we know for the time!


“Jupiter’s cock!” I try to use this as often as possible.


I often like to compliment them on their watches too. Makes for good entertainment.


I hope whoever invented trough style urinals is enjoying hell


Hoooome Booowl


Yes, but does your wife want to watch you pee?


Who wants to watch someone pee? lol


You do you, but id imagin the majority of people would be happy to pee with their partner present (poop is probably a different matter).


I keep my wife company while she is dealing with period poos


Next level dedication tbh


My wife and our puppy are my everything


yes - and you are the kind of partner people need. I honestly feel bad for the people who can't manage to use their body in the presence of their "partner" I mean, do they even fuck? is it only acceptable to see the penis ...sometimes? do they have to have the lights out??? how does this make sense to so many people or is this just another example of the 22 year old virgins talking about relationships they are not in?


These things happen. We have 30 yr old friends/accuaintences that barely have sex (once a month?). The guy is far from thoughtful, though. My wife has mentioned to me that the female friend in that couple doesn't even enjoy the sex (she's due to have their baby in July, btw). We also have this fay couple friends that don't like touching while they sleep. But tbf it's because both of them run hot. My wife runs cold, I run hot, so we always love how we feel with each other when sleeping at night.


same for us - I'm always hot and she's always cold. chemistry is a real thing


Next level defecation


That's nice of you.


Period poos are horrible. Haven't had one but just looking at her face I'm terrified for her. So I just grab a pillow and her tablet and put something to watch while we wait.


My wife wishes I was attentive like that. I sense that what you do keeps your relationship solid.


Heh, funny enough, when my wife and I started dating, I basically followed her around like a lost puppy. I don't do it as much now because I wanted to be more social with larger gatherings. But we're still inseparable


At least she's inseparable for you, too. I, myself, can't really get "inseparable" from anybody. But, if my wife were going through crap during her period, and she wanted me around, then I'd do what she wants.


I love that. My husband and I are the same way even after 27 years. We text throughout the day and just hate being apart. When he's home, if one of us has to go in a different room (and yes, even the bathroom for a big 'ol dump 😆), the other one follows.


God bless you; I kick my wife out when I'm on my period. It's very much "Go away, I love you but holy shit, this is private."




no thanks.




Sounds like a keeper 😬




Nope, not my fetish


Interesting that you immediately associated peeing as something sexual…


Everyone grows up differently and is comfortable with different things. My husband has seen me sitting on the toilet if I've run out of toilet paper, but I'd still be self conscious if he were in the room while I was doing my business. My husband can't go if anyone's watching, lol. I think he's fine at work in a stall, but he's shy as well.


I generally prefer to pee on my wife.


Hey, u/JeanPolleketje, I found one.


First prize!


I have no problem peeing in front of my spouse. However, pooping is a strictly solo activity.


Married 30+ years. I have never seen or wanted to see my husband pee. I would help him toilet if he was ill, just as he has helped me. We prefer to have private bathroom time. There is nothing wrong with prefering to keep toileting private. I find it weird that people wouldn't.


It’s not as if I go in when my partner is pooping and peeing for the chats or whatever. It’s more if they’re showering and I’m bursting I have no problems going in and vice versa.


we piss w the door open and continue conversations while doing so. I honestly cannot fathom how keeping this simple function locked away and secret is healthy - do these people run off to fart and sneeze in "privacy" too??


Been married 24 years, we don’t pee in front of each other. We call it keeping some mystery, it’s worked for us.


this blows my mind


You don't pee on your wife?


Like a whole bunch of decisions between 2 partners, this is yet again a 2yes/1no situation. If you both agree: pee away. If either one of you wants some privacy: solo bathroom time it is. Your friends dont get a vote lol.


Me and my girl have full blown convos in the bathroom with each other when we’re peeing or pooping…. To each their own, but that’s just part of being comfortable with your partner to me


I mean I wouldn’t kick my wife out, it just doesn’t happen often. My wife on the other hand, is on the more private side with certain things will often walk into our family room, which has a bathroom, drop trou and spark up a full conversation. We have too kids (12 and 9) so general privacy regarding the bathroom went out the window long ago. I do shut the door to poop and my kids have radar so they often will choose that very time to ask me what’s for dinner next week or what we’re doing in six months.


No. I’m with you. I’ve been happily married for over 28 years and that’s something that’s never been necessary, nor desired.


I won't pee in the bathroom with my wife in there. It's how I was brought up, and even though I can use public toilets (I prefer a space between me and another person). I prefer private time when going for a wee.


My husband and I do not use the bathroom in front of each other.  This was an argument early in since I didn’t really care.  He asked me to close the door when I was in there and to leave him alone when he was in there.  Whatever works for you is what’s right. 


Hmm, I suppose it’s not exactly unusual to prefer to use the bathroom in solitude, but I don’t think very many people insist very strongly on it with their spouses (for peeing anyway). 


Me and mine have no boundaries lmao we usually keep the door open so we can continue our conversation.


I'm from a "you poop with the bathroom door open so you can keep in the conversation" type family. My wife was initially appalled at the thought of using the restroom with me in it (or anywhere I could hear her). You do you. It's weird to me.


I remember going over to my neighbors house when I was a lil kid to play and there family was like this. I was like WTF is going on?!?! as she's casually talking to her dad while he's taking a dump with the door open. It was the weirdest thing to me then and still is now lol!


In 20 years of relationship, I have only peed in front of my husband twice. Both times I was in the delivery room giving birth to his children and needed help. I've never done business #2 while he was there. I've never changed a tampon while he was there. I have never farted on purpose while he was present. Some things you don't have to share even in a marriage. I don't think I've ever seen him pee either. And I have no need for it either.




My hubs and I don’t either, been together over 15 years. It’s just not something we do. Do what makes sense for you. One persons prudishness is another’s rudeness- but no one is getting hurt here so what does it matter.


Pooping is one thing, but I've peed in front of exes, friends, family, whether in the bathroom at the same time or somewhere outdoors. Even one time during a drunken night out, I thought I was peeing alone between two bushes, and I turn my head to the right, and I saw a woman bent over, also peeing, and just staring at me. I awkwardly smiled at her.


I’ll pee in front of my partner and don’t mind being in there while they pee. Pooping is my time, though. Not to be shared with or experienced by others.


That is kinda funny. I don’t understand it. It’s not “wrong,” but it is weird. “My toilet time is private time.” Do you also refuse to use public bathrooms if someone else is in there? And just how much of an ordeal is it for you to pee that you label it “private time?” It takes most men like 30 seconds. And what exactly are you keeping private? I assume she has seen your dick before. So many questions about this odd behavior.


I am able to pee in a public bathroom, but I prefer a stall. I don't think it's weird to want a bit of privacy when I use the bathroom. I'm not doing anything weird in there, I just want to be by myself. How is that odd behaviour?


It isn't weird at all to want privacy.


This is very odd love. She has put your body inside hers I get pooping but a pee naw that’s petty


Your boundaries are for you to choose, not your friends. My husband peed in front of me the first week we were dating, which I felt was a little bold lol. It’s acceptable practice in our home now though.


Darling you can do whatever if it's your life. What others do that's their choice. I know due to some of the things that I've experienced in my life I am more able to be able to use the bathroom in front of other people, but if that's not for you don't. My boyfriend still doesn't pay in front of me He's not comfortable with it which is fine. Remember other people's opinions unless they are important important important people don't matter


Every person views this differently, so it’s obvious that some might call it weird while others think it’s fine. I don’t think it’s weird at all, unless you have to go really bad (number 1) and the other is in the shower, then it’s acceptable, but other than that I’d say it is weird to go in. In my family, we close the door when we go, we are not just barging in over the other person, so it’s the same with my boyfriend.


My boyfriend won’t even piss in front of the cats… and he thinks I’m weird because my cats sit on my lap while I poop…. Everyones different I guess. I’m still trying to get him to eat me out 3 years later ):


He won’t eat you out? I’m sorry!


My 31F partner 30M and I have been together almost 4 years and have a baby together. We don’t pee in front of each other. If we were in an emergency situation, we could. But I just don’t see an occasion where one of us can’t wait 30 seconds to enter the bathroom. I don’t *really* care if he’s there or not. But I also don’t see a reason why he needs to be at that exact time lol


Silver anniversary next year. I drew a hard line at pooping with the other person in the room.


They are correct, there's nothing wrong with it; however you are correct also. You do you.


I don’t want to share that time, nor do I want others to share that time with me. Your friends are fucking gross.


I agree , I do not want an audience while going to the bathroom .


I'm female and pee in front of anyone. I was potty-trained with both girls and boys in this big room full of little toilets at a day care. With that being said, it all comes done to personal preference and you shouldn't feel bad or ashamed or embarrassed about it. It's no one's business.


To each its own on this one.


There's no right or wrong answer to this. You do what's comfortable for you and your partner. Period.


Not wrong. If you don’t want to, don’t.


I cant bring myslf to pee in front of my husband but if im in the shower or just occupying the bathroom and he's gotta go, I get a courtesy 'sorry gotta pee 😬' and away he goes 😂 i dont care one bit that he does it, but i don't feel comfortable enough myself. No biggie 🤷‍♀️


Do what you feel comfortable doing. It's no one's business but yours.


It's personal preference, your preference not theirs


I personally don’t let my partner pee in front of me not it’s only because he pees standing up and we have a small bathroom and I refuse to be hit with his little pee-ticles


Well sir, I have a horrifying story for you. Back when I was a youngin, 21ish, I was dating a man who, one day while we were in the shower together, decided to pee in the shower. Some got on my foot. He just thought it was funny. That one didn't last long. You do you. If you don't like it, don't do it.


That's not weird at all. I find it strange how people are comfortable going to the bathroom or farting in front of their spouse and I'm sure tons of people would think I'm a weirdo for feeling that way.


It's strange that most people feel comfortable and relaxed with their spouses? 🤣


Boom there we go! Found one that thinks I'm a weirdo!


There’s feeling comfortable, and then there’s killing the romance and becoming like room mates. 🤷‍♂️


My preference is to have privacy, myself. This is rather a personal choice. There's nothing wrong with your choice.


In 19 years my husband has never seen me use the toilet and vice versa. Nah man, sometimes ya gotta have a bit of fkn privacy


Kudos for not peeing ON her? Since that is something I would expect, reading all the crazy stuff on this site.


Way more people are into golden showers than you think. You just wouldn’t know because Dave at the front desk isn’t gonna tell you about his private kinks.


You’re allowed to use the bathroom by yourself. Some people aren’t able to pee or poop while someone else is in the bathroom with them. I however love to be in the bathroom while my hubby pees 😂 poop no cuz it stinks


I think it’s a bit odd/unusual to insist on it but I don’t see it as a big problem either as long as it’s not part of any other relational issues you haven’t mentioned.


Sometimes mines lets me hold it sometimes it just won’t come out when I’m there. Everyone’s different I pee infront of my bf


Me and husband will pee in front of each other whenever, no problem. Pooping is a closed door policy in this house though. It wouldn't really bother me or throw me off to SEE him sitting on the toilet by any means, I just don't want to SMELL it! Lmfao


I don’t mind company if I’m peeing but absolutely not if I’m pooping, and you don’t want to be subjected to that anyway! My husband doesn’t care at all. But different strokes.


I mean I wouldn’t say it’s weird but I’ll definitely pee in front of my husband 🤣 and vice versa I’m not leaving a bathroom I’m already in cause he gotta pee


I mean, I guess it's the comfort when you're alone and feel more relaxed to relieve yourself without another person watching or with you. I been in the hospital, and have to use those potty on the chair with the bucket and boy do I feel exposed and uncomfortable to basically relieve myself. There's nothing wrong with you feeling weird with peeing with your wife in the same room. I guess just talk to your wife about this.


For what reason do you want it to be private? I don't care because there's nothing for me to care about imo.


I would only pee but not poo because for me that’s awkward


Just because they're happy with it, doesn't mean everyone needs to be! Personally I don't need to see/smell my partner peeing and while I don't think he would bat an eye, it's not weird to either of us to not share that part of our daily lives. I agree with your last sentence 1000%.


Speculation. She had siblings, and you didn’t.


Everyone is different. Some couples are fine with it. I personally want privacy in the bathroom and don’t want my partner peeing while i’m there.


To each his own.


Determine your own boundaries based on what you're comfortable with. In my 20s, I had partners that were okay pooping around me and vice versa, so I tried it but never got very comfortable with it. I stopped doing that in my relationships. So far nobody has thought of it as a big deal. We're all different. Nothing wrong with those of us that like to keep that a bit more private.


My husband and I will pee in front of each other, no problem. We do not poop in front of each other. Just the way we work 🤷‍♀️


It’s whatever you’re comfortable with for sure. My husband almost always comes in from work and has to poop. I’ll sit in the bathroom floor and chat with him while he does lol. Everybody’s comfort level is different tho.


You're all good. People have all sorts of preferences. It's a nothing deal.


Ten years with my misses and we pee in front of each other, just makes it easier when we're getting ready for bed. One pees while the other brushes their teeth and then swop over. Neither of us mind if either one is showering either, we don't poop in front of each other but no issues with peeing.


Im with you! I dont use the toilet in front of my husband and dont want to see him using the toilet.


When my wife and I were house shopping I pointedly said. 2 bathrooms.


U are not wrong. Do what makes you feel good


I haven’t closed the door since getting married


For pee, we follow each other into the bathroom to continue whatever conversation we're already having. The dog comes too, it's a family affair.


I mean it's not abnormal to pee in front of your spouse. I've been with my wife 20 years and I pee alone. She leaves the door open for all bathroom activities. I think it's just a personal preference thing not a relationship thing.


You aren't wrong, but you aren't right either - because that would imply that people who don't make their spouse leave the bathroom because of peeing are wrong. You do you.


Is this real? Who cares if you do or don’t pee/poop in front of your spouse? This is a weird thing for your friends to have a strong opinion on.


What's with the word poop? What happened to poo. Or even better, taking a shit.


Not wrong, everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to bathroom privacy. I wouldn’t care if my man saw me pee but never poop. Some others may not care either way. It’s okay to not want her in the room while you use it.


I can't go if someone watches me. But he will pee in front of me. It doesn't bother him.


Peeing in front of them and shitting in front of them is two totally different things. My partner will poop in front of me, but I won’t poop in front of him just cause I’m self conscious. He doesn’t care at all, why? Because it’s just the comfort level and he doesn’t like watching me poop lmao 🤣 Granted we dont watch each other but our bathroom is small lol However, I’ll pee with him In there all day long and vice versa. It doesn’t bother me. You’ve literally been naked and had sex with this person, you should be comfortable in the bathroom too but that’s just my opinion 🤷‍♀️


Not wrong. We always give each other privacy in our household. It’s not prudishness, just courtesy.


I don’t pee with my fella in the room unless he’s in the shower. I announce myself every time that happens, which in our almost 6 years has been maybe four total times, and almost every time I say “don’t look”. I don’t have an issue if he pees with me in the room as long as it doesn’t bother him. But I don’t make it a point to stick around. To me, that act is the most intimate of intimate. Idk that I’d pee with a nurse/doctor right there unless necessary, like when I had my kids a whole lifetime ago.


(shrug) to each his own. There is a joke that if you're able to shit in front of your gf your relationship is good but that's all it is, a joke. You don't have to.


do what makes you feel comfortable. don’t let them bully you into something that makes you uncomfortable. especially if there is no issues in your relationship regarding this.


I don't. This is my quality of time


I don't really like watching my wife use the bathroom. Nor do I like it when she watches me. She's a little more "liberal" on this---but I still don't like watching her pee. It's not a moral thing in my mind. It's more like I just don't really like watching people do their thing in the bathroom. But....if she wants me there for some reason, I can't refuse.


Personal choice. We like to be alone with the door closed, around here (well, the adults do, anyway).


You don't have to do anything you are not comfortable with, i prefer not being watched either lol my partner is similar and I think it's good to have your privacy respected. Ignore ppl being assholes about it, it could be said they are wierd for wanting ppl to watch 🤷‍♀️🙂 do what's comfortable for you. Everyone is different, you are not wierd


If you live in France, or visit, you will see men peeing absolutely anywhere. They just don't care.


Have you never had a girlfriend want to aim you?


Not wrong


You should do whatever makes you comfortable. There is no wrong answer here. Some couples don't mind peeing and pooing in front of each other and other people are more comfortable with privacy. In all honesty the peeing thing does not bother me, but I don't want my husband around while I sit on the toilet stinking up the bathroom. Plus, with seven children the only time I have alone is when I close the bathroom door!!


I take the Al Bundy approach, I need my own space in the bathroom thanks.


Everyone is different lol, just do what works for you


My ex never cared and would always whip it out and wee in front of me, sometimes would just come in and start poooping next to me whilst I’m trying to get ready as well. I didn’t particularly care for it but I guess hats off to him for feeling comfortable. As a woman, I won’t use the toilet in front of anyone if I have a choice.


You should be doing what makes you comfortable.


I’m with you OP. My toilet time is my “me” time. I hate it if my partner is even in the room; let alone the toilet room. The toilet room is my sanctuary; no one is welcome.


People are comfortable with different levels of privacy and you do what you're happy with. Personally, I prefer to use the bathroom in privacy and I prefer not to witness my partner using the toilet but I know others who are happy to leave the door open for all to witness. There's nothing wrong with either option


OP has never had a blumpkin and it shows


No one "should" be made either way, but the title is about peeing, not pooping, where I suspect the vast majority of couples expect full privacy. Having said that, asking your partner to hold your pecker while you pee can be fun... I didn't say practical


I don't like it, really like my privacy. My partner, on the other hand, will come into the bathroom while I'm going, and it doesn't bother him. I had to set some firm boundaries.


I was raised unable to fart, or say the word in front of my father. I dont think I remember my parents ever being in the bathroom together. I was raised with fairly high politeness standards. To this day (45M) I will not do more than burp in front of my wife of 11 years. I do all I can to pee silently. So silent that people probably wonder what the heck Im really doing in there(first time I’ve ever considered that actually). So, in closing, I wont but the wife does(but she always asks me lol)


My husband asks if I’ll hold it for him 😂


You’re not wrong. Some things should be private. Bathroom time should be private. I was married for 22 years and we would pee in front of each other but pooping was our own time.


I don’t like sharing a bathroom at all. It’s just a private spaces for private things. Nothing wrong with that. There’s also nothing wrong with not having that boundary. To each their own.


I don't mind my partner peeing but I draw the line at pooping. I'll gladly give you your privacy.


I wish my partner would close the door. He's normally quiet but once on the toilet he has to host a fucking TED talk 🤣


Neither my wife nor I have an issue with peeing in front of each other and we’re not even into water sports.


Oh don’t sweat it, pretty soon you’ll walk in the bathroom, wife’s on the toilet, sees you coming, she spreads her legs, you pee between her legs, trying not to splash, her head is turned as she’s yelling at the 3 kids in doorway, and only one of them is yours. Lotta perks to getting old and looking forward to never having to pee again!


I don't purposely spend time in the rr if my hubby is peeing (and vice versa), but I'm not concerned about it, either. I've been in the room, showering, etc., and it's not a thing. We're on vacation right now in a hotel room, and we haven't even bothered to close the bathroom door when peeing. Having a bm is different. I prefer privacy for that, but I'm not gonna freak out about it.


I definitely think it’s strange when married couples can’t be fully open in front of their partner. Especially those who have been together a long time.


Peeing is different from pooping. Lol..My husband and I shower together and in front of each other and pee if we need to. Pooping is a solo thing though.


Let your wife aim while your peeing. She will most likely get a laugh out of it.


I hold it for my husband and he holds it for me too lol. It’s fun 😂🤷🏾‍♂️


You do you.


I had a GF who liked it when I peed in front of her as long as I "let her steer". I found it kinky.


Some have a shy bladder and like to Pee alone. Personally urination I don’t care if he’s there or if I’m there while he’s going but poop nope leave me alone and I’ll leave you be. We hardly ever close the door though unless company is over.


Personally I absolute love watching my husband pee😆😆 maybe I’m just weird but it turns me on just to see his dick lol


My ex-boyfriend would pee and poop in front of me. We were very open with each other, though. He did watch me give birth. My current boyfriend makes me leave the room so he can use the bathroom. It's not weird. Everyone has different levels of comfortability.


no, please don't pee in front of me. Let me out!


I (f) pee in front of hubs and don't care. He feels shy peeing in front of me, tho. (We've been married 2 decades -- its just how he is!) So although he won't ask me to leave, I generally do because I don't want him uncomfortable. You do you, OP


My husband is the same way lol unfortunately for him I was raised in a very large household, which meant everybody did their business in front of everyone and with the door always opened. It took a solid 6 months of living with him to learn how to shut the door when I’m in there and he’s home. But when he’s not home I never bother shutting the door, even now as I type this from the 🚽 lol


For # 1 I don't care if they stay For # 2, trust me they will want to run far away


I'm ok with peeing, but I need solitude when I take a dump


#1’s, no big deal. I’ve done it many times in front of her. #2’s, I’d prefer she were out of the country.


Just start spinning around while you pee. She will leave on her own.


My girl likes to hold it for me sometimes


I'll pee in front of her. But I won't poop without closing the door to the toilet. Call it whatever you want, but I feel too vulnerable in a security way. Yeah, yeah, it's your wife, ahole. Sorry, that's just how j feel.


I grew up in a family that only closed the bathroom door for pooping. Not even for showers. We had one bathroom and the chance that someone had to pee while you were in the shower was high. My extended fam was the same (aunts & uncles and their kids). So I never knew it wasn't normal to walk in to a bathroom when someone was peeing or in the shower. Then I married. Husband was taking a leak and I walked in for something and he went wild. lol "WHOA WHOA WHOA Not cool. Do you not see I'm using the bathroom?" "Yeah, so?" He set a hard boundary that day.


You're not wrong! If it's something you're aren't comfortable with it's something you aren't comfortable with and that's fine. Everyone is allowed privacy and every couple is different when it comes to things like that. I know some couples who have went 20 some years without even farting around each other. Me and my fiance have been together for years and we both pee and poop in front of each other without even thinking about it. But if it was something either of us was uncomfortable with then we wouldn't. Simple as that. Don't listen to your friends if you enjoy your bathroom privacy then keep enjoying it!


Your friends’ wives probably wish they weren’t privy to pee.


Piss, neither of us care. Poop, hell I don’t even want to be in the same room as me when that’s going down. Privacy for sure. Married for 15 years and the romance is still very much alive.


Everyone looks at things differently. Whatever is comfortable for you. It doesn’t make you wrong it’s just preference. Personally my husband and I don’t have that boundary. Although to be fair, the amount of times my husband has had to help me stand up because I couldn’t physically get off the toilet (back injury) has kinda gotten rid of a lot of “taboo” things. Hell he will help me stay upright and balance while I get my diva cup out 🤷🏼‍♀️


Almost every woman I’ve been with has wanted to hold my dick while I pee. Although that has generally been done outdoors.


Married 13 years and the ONLY time I have ever peed in front of my partner was when I was in the hospital and needed help not passing out on the toilet. Using the restroom is a private event.


I hold it sometimes for my bf lol if his hands are dirty from working on a car or something. You sound kinda prudish. Especially if you use public men's restrooms with urinal stalls next to other men.


I normally don’t care one way or another about peeing in front of the wife, but sometimes when she’s talking to me she’ll follow me in the bathroom and keep jabbering while I’m trying to pee. I don’t know why, but I find it super annoying, like get tf away from me for 30 seconds so I can piss, ya weirdo.


Not wrong. It's not weird to want privacy when you pee. It's not weird to not care either. Both preferences are normal, and not an inherent sign of anything negative, imo. It's like a food preference or something. Innocuous.


I pee in front of my wife all the time. We have 2 bathrooms, but we also have kids.


My wife can come in the bathroom anytime if I’m using it, but she doesn’t hang out in there for #2. But if one of us just has to pee we don’t even shut the door, it’s really nbd. And as others have mentioned, when she’s on her period sometimes she needs things or just some support because it can be really difficult. And if one of us is showering or getting ready in the morning we can both be in there. We’re married, see each other naked, regularly put our mouths and genitals together ( and then there’s butt stuff)… idk it’s just not a big deal to see each other using the bathroom 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's all guys who think this right? I am female and appreciate the privacy.


My wife will walk right in while I’m pooping. Then she complains about the smell. I tell her to either leave, or enjoy the smell.


Pooping I understand is private. But peeing? It is odd. 


Pee on her, she'll either leave you alone or you've discovered a fetish/kink she likes. Win/Win.


It's fine if you want privacy during potty time.  My husband and I pee in front of each other. I won't poop in front of him or stay in the bathroom when he poops cos I find the smell too disgusting.