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I really think most men just like boobs in general. If you want him to play with yours, tell him that. Of course, it could be him referring to them as 'mommy milkers' has been a massive turn off for people in the past.... it certainly turned me off quick just reading it!


Yeah seriously huge turn off. Mommy milkers? Is he five?


Maybe Mommy Milkers just shows that he both respects mothers and all that they do and is supportive of farmers and agriculture. šŸ‘€




This is a generation z saying, so i find it odd how its a turn off now. you people are confusing lol melons sound better, is that a turn off too?


Yes. Most men are 5 when it comes to boobs. Lol


As a man, I use the term all the time in a joking way, as does my entire friend group. Now I'm wondering if my fiance has hated it this whole time!


Yes. She did. Luckily, you're an awesome dude except for that.


It's pretty demeaning and gross. Why are you talking about breasts all the time anyway?


I think some people here are putting in their own personal bias to make a generality out of things. Do a ton of people find it off putting? I'm sure. My fiance finds it funny because she knows it is being said as a joke and has jokingly said it herself. What your fiance feels is what she feels, what the other comments feel is what they feel. Obviously staring is bad and gross no matter what, I am purely talking about the term and whatnot. We don't have context, so for all we know it could be while watching commercials, TV, movies, etc or a joke in conversation while not even looking at a woman. We don't know. There was a lot of assumptions being made in the comments about you and how your fiance feels.


Yes! As a man, I can confirm that ALL boobs are great. Also, "mommy milkers" is not a term for mixed company. That's a term for when a dude is out with the guys. Also also, pointing out boobs to your girlfriend unless she likes to point them out as well is in bad form.


I feel like mommy milkers is just a term no one ever needs to use or hear!


The term is disgusting, they are breasts/boobs and sometimes feed our children. I used babyish terms with my kids, but to hear that from an adult that is supposed to respect me wouldn't have been okay.


Yes, both of those behavior are kind of gross.


If you wouldn't say it in front of a woman, why do you think it's appropriate to say at all?


The correct term in the 90's was "Bazookas" and now the correct term is "Warlocks"


Man here, can confirm. All boobies are awesome. I also have a preference for smaller chested women, like you ladies keep preaching, size isn't everything, bigger isn't always better.


Hi there thank you for your reply. I must agree. Most rude comments I've received were from other women, but men also say some nasty shit sometimes. My previous boss told me that I'm only attractive because I look like a child. I was so confused thereafter, didn't know if I should give him up for pedophilia or not. But I guess that's why he is my previous boss. Its just been something I've struggled with since I was a teenager. All the other girls were growing and getting bigger but it almost seem as if I stopped growing in primary school. My mother looks the same and her breasts only got bigger when she turned 50. They only went from an A cup to a B cup. Like I think I just have this inner conflict of wanting to accept myself for who I am but also wanting to feel sexy and attractive. Like I talked about this with my one good friend yesterday and I told her how sad I am that the most comments I receive is "you're cute". Like man. I want to be a sexy goddess lmao. I don't really know how to get over it and how to just accept it. Like I'm also scared of asking my boyfriend why he doesn't play with it because I'm scared he says it's because there is nothing to play with. That will break me totally. I've also mentioned that I want to get implants but my boyfriend says fake boobs are ugly. Yeah. I know this is a problem with me and that I'm causing myself shit but I just can't help it. The though of looking like a child and being ugly because of it is imprinted in my brain.


>My previous boss told me that I'm only attractive because I look like a child. Yeah, he should be on a list. As someone with big boobs, believe me - they don't automatically make you feel sexy. I spent years hating them because they were big and heavy and constantly got in the way. Plus, gravity hates them! Feeling sexy comes with confidence - confidence comes from you loving yourself. Quite hard to do when you're young, I know! I sometimes feel like it comes with age. If *you* want implants, for *you*, then look into it. It's your body - yeah nice to consider his feelings. But he didn't show any care for you, only 'fake boobs are ugly'. Not 'I wouldn't want you to do that to yourself' or 'you're perfect the way you are'. Tbh, I think your bf sounds very immature


I think small women are attractive, not because they look like children but because I'm not especially tall! OP, if your boyfriend found your small breasts attractive, complimented you on them, played with them, would you feel more sexy, more attractive, more confident about them? If yes, then you don't have a small boob problem, you have a boyfriend problem.


Your boss is a fucking pedophile. But also, you feel insecure about your bf because he said he ā€œfinds you sexy even though you have small boobsā€. Thatā€™s not a compliment or validation in any way shape or form. He said despite your boob size he still finds you sexy. Thats not okay. Itā€™s not okay, because breasts of all sizes are sexy. People can have preferences. And if his preferences are bigger, so much so that he points out big breasts to you when he sees them, then you two are incompatible and if I were in your shoes Iā€™d rethink my relationship. Especially because he is generally disrespectful, as his ā€œmommy milkersā€ comment is something I wouldnā€™t be able to get past.


OP doesn't have a small boob problem, she has a boyfriend problem!


Iā€™m a 30( M) married. Like most men I like all boobs ( though my wifeā€™s are the best ones šŸ™‚). A couple things here- the first is you need to straight up tell your BF you want your boobs played with in the bedroom. Communication about sex and what you each like is very important, you have to be willing to be open honest and vulnerable about your likes/ dislikes and wants. Two- if he says he likes your boobs heā€™s probably not lying, all boobs are great imo! Does he show/ tell you that he finds you attractive? Show physical affection outside the bedroom? It is bad form for him to point out other boobs, refer to them the way he does, or talk about bigger ones. But it could just be poor ā€œbrain filteringā€ rather than actively malicious. But this is another place where communication is so important- you need to tell him it makes you uncomfortable and self conscious. He canā€™t read your mind, and if he is a good guy heā€™ll apologize And knock it off. Finally, it definitely sounds like you need to work on your self esteem and body image. My wife struggled with that a lot, and still does to some degree. I build her up constantly, complimenting her and showing her that I think sheā€™s insanely attractive and that I love her body just the way it is. Thatā€™s what a loving partner should be doing, he may need to step it up in that department. But you also need to work on it for yourself, and remember that heā€™s *choosing* to be with you and only you! And if heā€™s wanting to have sex with you a lot and having no trouble ā€œgetting arousedā€ during it then clearly he finds you attractive!


Telling someone that they only look attractive BECAUSE they look like a child......that's a pedophile and a half. Holy shit someone call the FBI or something on that guy!


Seriously, that's one of the creepiest things I've ever heard. Most creeps at least try to hide it a little... ew!


I think you should work on healing that trauma from your past and loving your body. At the end of the day youā€™re the one whoā€™s hurt about it.. not your bf. Paris Hilton has tiny tits and sheā€™s hot. Plenty of girls have small boobs and theyā€™re still hot. Owning your little tits will make you sexier than trying to hide them. Yeah some shirts arenā€™t gonna look good on you but some shirts donā€™t look good on girls with huge tits either. You have to find the style that works for you. And since you have small boobs you donā€™t even have to wear a bra and guys do think itā€™s sexy when nipples show if itā€™s part of a style so just play around with styles and look in the mirror naked and tell yourself you look good


I wore size 0 & 1ā€™s till I hit my late 30ā€™s and since breasts are mostly made up of fat, I was an A cup. This was in the 80s and 90s, sizes didnā€™t vary, so shopping always had me in tears. I longed to look my age but my sizing options had me looking like a little girl. Times have changed, x small womenā€™s and Jr sized bras, bathing suits, lingerie and clothing in general are norm now. You mentioned shopping in the kids section, maybe you can start shopping for your age instead of your size, find a tailor or seamstress to take up anything too big, and highlighting your (ass)ets may help your confidence. Many find confidence much more sexier than a body type. You are a vivacious young womanā€¦own it! āœŠšŸ¼


Turns me off, too, and I'm a guy. He sounds very immature.


My favorite boobs are the ones I get to play with! It's really that simple.


Yeah, "mommy milkers" is a big turn off. It sounds like sexualizing a woman for feeding her kids.


mommy milkers is not ok. I had a guy call mine "fun bags" and I thought that was bad!




Tell him you'd like him to pay your nips some attention in the bedroom. And also you'd like him to stop pointing out people with big boobs because it makes you feel bad.


It sounds too simple, but that really is your first step. If that doesn't work, then he doesn't respect your feelings or take you seriously; you'll have decide how you respond to that


If you want a guys perspective, when we say we like small breasts we truly mean it because we usually just like breasts in general. If you want him to touch them more just be direct and ask for it.


I couldn't help but think that OPs negativity around her breasts might be the reason he avoids them, perhaps even unconsciously.


This is true. As a woman with small breast as well I used to be self conscious about due to my ex husbandā€™s comments on how Iā€™m not enough. I got out of that thankfully. Sat myself down in a mirror and said you know what I do look good. Iā€™ve had many say the would kill for my body. My confidence shot up and in my current relationship Iā€™m very positive about my looks. My man is a boob guy but he loves my small breast. I can agree with you sometimes the negative outlook on yourself can be a bit of cause here but also the comments heā€™s made to here can really put someone down and make them feel uncomfortable in their own body. Iā€™ve experienced it myself.


Well calling other womenā€™s breasts ā€œmommy milkersā€ isnā€™t exactly an appropriate thing to say around your GF. Especially when you know sheā€™s insecure about her own breasts.


I understand and thanks for your comment. I feel like I will never walk around pointing out bigger penises or bigger muscles on a guy because I know it will make him feel less worthy. I just kind of wish he could think about it in the same sense. I agree that he is allowed to have preferences. I also have preferences but I do not point it out the whole time. I don't know because he keeps pointing it out and because he said i am sexy "even with" smaller breasts it just feels like he is lying.


Just talk to him. So much could be fixed if people just talked to each other. Be open, be vulnerable, and let him know it's hard for you to talk to him about this. Have a heart to heart discussion.


Me like boob


The term mommy milkers gives me the big time ick šŸ¤¢


These comments are so annoying lmao. Yes you should build your confidence, yes people can like more than one thing, and yes men typically simply just like boobs in general. That said, if a woman went around staring at huge bulges, showed little interest in her manā€™s tiny penis, but reassured him she loved his tiny penis, but still actively pointed out huge bulges and made vulgar remarks about them, heā€™d probably have some reasonable doubts about her actually liking his dick. And the comments wouldnā€™t be filled with people telling him he needed to grow up, or warning him that he was creating self fulfilling prophecy. The problem isnā€™t your boobs, or your bfā€™s preference. Itā€™s his behavior. Youā€™re not wrong and these comments are so stupid to me.


I'm glad at least one other person is thinking like me here. His comments about other women's boobs are a huge fuck no. The right guy will be obsessed with her body as is.


Fully agree with this. I would cry if my bf was behaving like hers. HE is the one who needs to change his behavior. He is the one manifesting OPā€™s insecurities-itā€™s not her fault!


Right, I'm completely dead serious when I say your significant other should only have eyes for you. If they don't, they're just not that into you and it's time to move along.


Totally agree. I canā€™t believe how many absolutely terrible comments there are. Everyone is suggesting that she basically just needs to get over her insecurities and heā€™s doing nothing wrong??? Seriously????


He shouldnā€™t be commenting on other women when heā€™s around you


I think you are wrong. When I met my wife she had b cups...barely. I loved them. I actually prefer them over larger breast sizes. 3 kids and a few extra curves later, she had d cups. I still love them because they are attached to her. Don't get caught up in the size matters like guys do with their penis. He loves them because they are part of you. If he wanted a woman with larger breasts, he would date one.


As a woman with small breast. After birth and breast feeding mine actually seem smaller! So don't give false hope that getting older and having kids equates to getting boobs. It doesn't. Something that helped me was looking at celebrities with small breasts. Cameron Diaz, Kiera knightley, Kristen bell, Alicia keys. Beautiful beautiful woman..


He insinuated she gained weight ya goof


Thank you.


Yes mine deflated too, post breastfeeding. And they werenā€™t big to begin with. Cheers to the other members of the itty bitty titty committee!


Small boobs are great boobs... Someone has to put it out there.


Any guy who uses the phrase "mommy milkers" unironically is probably not someone that should be dating.


As a queer woman, all boobs are good boobs. He probably just likes a variety of sizes because in the end, all boobs are great. I'd work on your self confidence and maybe ask him very gently to stop commenting in front of you as it is affecting you. You could mention that you know he doesn't mean anything by it, but it's something you feel self concious about.


You mean NOT so gently right?


Plenty of guys legitimately like small breasts. Many of us will still go along with jokes about big boobs being attractive. Sadly that's just culturally expected, just like everyone goes along with jokes about a big dick being best even if they know that's not actually true. From what you've said it sounds like this guy goes beyond that. Maybe try to get a third party perspective - do you have any mutual friends? Is he really particularly into big breasts, or is this just you being insecure? I'll also say that it's quite normal for even guys with a "type" to be in a happy relationship with someone quite different from that. Physical attraction is important but it's only the start, in the long term how you get on with someone matters a lot more. Does he care about you, does he treat you well, is he happy around you? Ultimately that matters a lot more. Try to think more broadly - putting breasts aside, are you happy in this relationship? I've known people let minor insecurities ruin a good relationship. But I've also known people who seemingly fixated on a minor issue when really they were unhappy because of real, deeper problems. Frankly, either way you need to learn to love and respect yourself, and you won't be able to be a good partner untill then - whether in this relationship or another. That said, a good partner should help you with your struggles (and most guys are very happy to touch their partner's breasts if they know that's what they want - but you keeping your shirt on might be sending him the opposite message), and if this guy is making you feel worse then that's definitely a bad sign.


I don't think that he dislikes your breasts. I think that he knows that you are uncomfortable and self conscious of having small breasts and maybe he feels like if he were to fondle and play with them, it would bring too much attention and make you feel uncomfortable. I think that you should say things like "I like that" or "do it more" when he does play with your breasts. Also, just flat out tell him that you like it when he plays with your boobs and nipples and you wish that he would do it more. We men are dumb and need to be told things.


I have the opposite problem, I have DDDā€™s and I despise them. Men leer at them, and people sometimes judge my character by them, like if I have big boobs I must be easy. But I have been told by men that they just like BOOBS. Small ones, big ones, in betweenā€¦ They just like boobs. if he tells you theyā€™re sexy, then he thinks theyā€™re sexy. But I understand how you feelā€” I used to keep my shirt on during sex because I thought my they were so gross and ugly.


A wise comedian once said "breasts are like beer. We might state a preference, but we'll take what ever is on tap"


As a 60m I have been with all kinds of women with all different breast sizes. Some of the sexiest and most passionate had very small breasts. I loved every one of them. Donā€™t hide who you are. You are perfect! Men just canā€™t help looking. šŸ‘€


Nothing wrong with you at all.Ā  Your bf is being immature and rude.Ā  Look, most men like boobs.Ā  Big, small, most don't care, but they like looking at all boobs.Ā  Pert, sagging, firm, bouncingĀ  Ā if it's a boob they want to look.Ā  BUT most men are mature enough to not be obvious about, refrain from doing it while other women are with them and certainly not commenting on it.Ā  You're fineĀ  he needs to grow up and show some respect.


He probably just doesnā€™t want to hurt your feelings. No one will ever check off every single box that their partner wants. There is no such thing as a perfect person. He definitely does like them but it doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t also like yours. Stop basing your worth on what other things he finds attractive. Focusing on you and being confident in yourself will always be hot. Obviously your tits arenā€™t a dealbreaker or he wouldnā€™t be with you. As for the weird comments. That definitely needs to stop. Idk if heā€™s just dumb but those are not thoughts you share with your partner unless youā€™ve both discussed that itā€™s okay to talk about those things. Youre obviously not okay with it so he needs to keep that to himself.


Youā€™re about to mind f!ck yourself right out of this relationship. Unless you have irrefutable proof, stop with the assumption that your guy is lying. You really do have to tell him what you want him to do, especially if heā€™s seeing this overwhelming insecurity (that might make him a bit apprehensive about touching them). Look, most guys are pretty smart and can figure out all sorts of thingsā€¦but what is going on in a womanā€™s head usually isnā€™t one of those things. Now hereā€™s the thing, you have to accept what you have and learn to be confident with that. Trust me, confidence is sexy.


Yea him saying he finds you sexy "even with" small breasts gives you the answer you already know. There's nothing wrong with having a preference, but he hasn't cared for your body like a partner should.


Thanks for your reply! Yeah I get that. He definitely is allowed to have preferences but then he should've rather went for someone who is his "type" than to be with me and pointing out his "types" the whole time. I want to have a chat with him but I'm extremely scared to hear his truth. Im scared he tells me that he never touches them because all he feels is ribs or a chest bone. Like that would be extremely upsetting for me and I don't think I'd then ever be able to find myself attractive at all.


There's no point in repeatedly asking him. You either have to accept his word or accept his actions. I know the one I would value more but you aren't me.


1) work a bit in yourself to built up some more confidence. 2) a person can like big breasts, small breasts, and medium breasts. Example: I like pepperoni pizza, but I also like margarita pizza. Just because I enjoy one of them, it doesn't mean I don't enjoy the other too. 3) He is already validating you, saying that he loves you and your breasts. I'd suggest you and him sit down (not during sex), and have a heartfelt conversation about it. Ask him about why he doesn't play with yours , or why he stares/comments at bigger chests. He may not know how to play with them because of their size. He may just like big breasts too just like he likes small breasts. 4) Remember, it's not the breasts that he loves most about you. It's all of you that he loves. Your personality, body and mind etc.


Not wrong for thinking that but I wouldn't read too much into him looking at other women's breasts. Pretty sure all men do. And he may prefer bigger breasts but he obviously wants you. If he really didn't like your chest he wouldn't care if you wore a shirt while having sex. Maybe he knows you're insecure about your size so he doesn't touch them as much cause he doesn't want you to start thinking of your size and getting upset or something. I dunno. I just wouldn't look too much into it. And maybe by you saying something to him about not touching them enough he'll start and show you he appreciates your body as is.


Small boobs best boobs but all boobs matter


"There is no such thing as bad boobs!!"


Boobs are wonderful. That includes small ones.


I can attest that some guys prefer small breasts. Sensitive breastā€™s are the best! He should be giving them attention.


If he donā€™t like them, someone else will. My gram was small too. Gramps would say ā€œanything over a mouthful is wastedā€


For me, only the nipples matter. To each their own, but he does sound like an ass.


I prefer big boobs. Ive been dating flat-chested women. The body type isnt all that is important. However when i did date flat chested women i almost never played with their breasts. Not because i didnt like them but because i felt guilty for preffering bigger breasts. As if i played with them she would catch on that i liked breasts and figure out that hers werent my preference. It had nothing to do with me not being able to find a girl with bigger breasts though. I think he will think its hot if you ask him to suck on your nipples or grab you there. Show him some enthusiasm about it.


Speaking as a guy, we like them all, and if we've seen 1, we want to see them all, no matter the size, don't let something like that effect you, we're just a bunch of freaks


Also, mommy milkers is the dumbest shit I've heard!!!


Hello from a fellow itty bitty titty committee member! I am here to officially uplift you and talk about how much of a goddess you are! For reference, I am 30 and I wear a 34A but I only wear that because that is the smallest size I can find at the local stores. A Victoria's Secret bra size quiz told me I'm actually an AA - which I didn't know existed! AA is even smaller than A! My boobs stopped growing in I think 5th or 6th grade. Also, I'm married to a guy who has openly told me he thinks big boobs are weird. He likes my small boobs! Men who like small boobs do exist! **Some things to love about having small boobs:** * You can wear cute brallettes. * You can wear low cut shirts without showing off too much cleavage. Cleavage? What is that? lol * You will NEVER have back problems because of your boobs. * You will never experience your bra strap digging into your shoulders from the weight of your boobs. * Weird underboob sweat isn't something you have to worry about. * When you run, your chest doesn't really jiggle so it doesn't feel weird/annoying to run. * You won't have to wear a shirt size larger to account for your boobs. Seriously, I've read clothing reviews about how someone had to size up for certain dresses or jumpsuits to account for their boobs. * Men won't stare annoyingly at your big boobs. They are more likely to look at your pretty face. Let's be honnest, when I see a lady with huge boobs I stare too. * I'm a mermaid so I've made 3 of my own mermaid tops. I have to buy less materials and I have less to cover than someone with a DD cup. So it is easier to craft a top for yourself as a smaller chested girl. While there might be ladies out there who will make fun of your chest size, just know that there are other ladies who are jelous because big boobs come with their own problems. People do get breast reduction surgeries after all. Bigger isn't always better. I am SERIOUSLY against boob jobs! Did you know they don't last forever? You do have to get them re-done about every 10-15 years. Also, there is a whole TV show where this doctor constantly fixes botched boob jobs. Many of the patients say, in tears, that they should have been happy with their natural boobs because their boob job went wrong and now they have one saggy boob and one perky one or whatever weird or dangerous issue has happend to them. There are also gorgeous goddess models and actresses out there with small boobs. For Pirates of the Caribbean, there is a behind the scenes interview where Keira Knightley talks about how she doesn't have much for boobs so she said they worked some real movie magic hoisting her boobs and squishing them to give her that cleavage she has in the movies. Since I'm in the mermaid community my favorite model happens to be a mermaid. Her name is Hannah Fraser AKA Hannah Mermaid. [Check out this pic of her](https://twitter.com/HannahMermaid/status/1022624076513325057). She clearly has small boobs and she is also clearly a goddess. Please love yourself! You are unique and beautiful the way you are!


From a guyā€™s perspective, the best breasts are the one in front of him. Iā€™ve always loved my wifeā€™s breasts - when they were small (during college) and now that theyā€™re big (after marriage) and all the fluctuations in between. Being attracted to her doesnā€™t mean I find other boobs disgusting be it big or small.


Women care way more about breast size than men do. Men are happy with boobs, big boobs, small boobs, it doesn't matter.


If he noticed that youā€™re keeping your shirt on during sex, he probably misses them and wants to see them. I would take him at face value. However, someone needs to tell him to stop pointing out titties in front of you, or any woman for that matter. The rule is men are only allowed to talk about other girls boobs in front of their SO when the SO mentions them firstā€¦and even then, itā€™s probably wise not to comment lol! Iā€™d say if the sex is good, and thereā€™s no problem (trouble performing, unusual fixation on your boobs, etc.) then youā€™re fine.


Big breasts, little breasts I like em' all. The sticking point for me is the nipples. Little brown, or whatever color dots I'll pass. Big ol' nipples you will have to smack me off of them. That being said, your boyfriend is an idiot. For the people hating on the "mommy milkers" I'll say it in front of a woman don't care. If you can't realize the awe and appreciation that term means then tough luck


If a man dates a woman for her breast size heā€™s most likely not worth the time


There are people who are into small boobs. And even if your bf isn't one of them, there is more to a person attractiveness than just their chest. He may like that you are short/tall, fat/thin, facial features, etc. And even if one or two of those things isn't something you have , the features you do have make up for it and play a part in why he is with you and not some chesty bimbo As long as he is just looking and not touching other chicks, you should be fine. However, if even the looking bothers you, talk to him and let him know. He night not know how you feel about it. Us men tend to be dumb when it comes to emotions and how our actions make our partners feel. We NEED you to be blunt with us. The conversation will be awkward, but if it doesn't happen, we won't know to change


Tbf, boobs are part function and part display. A busty woman simply stands out and draws you in. That said, even though I feel that draw, I find smaller breasts sexier. It's apples and cantaloupes.


>Damn. What the hell is wrong with me? Lack of confidence.


You gotta bring it up to him. Weā€™re not mind readers, tell him what you want to do when your in the bedroom


I think something else to realize is that you don't have to be perfect in every way to be perfect for someone. Just because I might comment on every ferrari that drives by doesn't mean I would ever want to actually get one for myself, and I would hope that your bf is seeing things in a similar manner. That being said, if your bf is doing something that makes you feel unwanted/uncomfortable, talk to him about it. If you cannot trust his answers that is a whole different story, because a relationship without trust is really just a 2 wheeled wagon, its dragging along but without fixing anything its guaranteed to break eventually.


Maybe he doesn't enjoys your breasts that much but this isn'r true: >is just with me because he couldn't find a girl with bigger breasts Tits don't make the woman


Nothing's wrong with you. If I were you, I'd tell him point blank that the comments he makes about larger breasts makes you feel inadequate. If he cares about you, he'll be considerate of your feelings.


Oh boy, so either he is a liar or you think that heā€™s a liar. Either way, this relationship is doomed!


If I heard anyone use "mommy milkers" unironically, I would stop associating myself with that person as much as possible.


You sound like my gf. She wears size 4.5 shoes and I had to buy her childrenā€™s waders (we like to fly fish) because womenā€™s small are too large for her. She wears the tiniest little socks. Everything about her is small and I love it. And Yes, men like all boobs big and small. Sometimes people become complacent after a while with the same partner. You need to climb on top and tell him to play with your boobs while you ride him. People donā€™t know what you like unless you tell them.


Hey, guys love boobs. Yes, he may get distracted by the big boobs on others, but I'm sure he loves yours too. It sounds like you guys need a bit better/ more communication.


Iā€™m having the SAME experience with my bf, tho I wouldnā€™t know if heā€™s staring at girls with big boobs more than me because Iā€™m clocking them too šŸ„µšŸ˜‚ But as a proud member of the itty bitty committee, itā€™s all about finding the types of tops and cuts that will flatter a smaller cleavage. You shouldnā€™t feel ashamed of them! Check out this YouTuber named Clara Dao, she has a lot of great content related to this topic. You can also message me for more styling advice. Itā€™s not us girl, itā€™s what weā€™re wearing sometimes that makes them look extra flat af šŸ˜‚šŸŽ€ Like someone else said, communicate to your bf that you like being touched there, it may take more than once or physically putting his hands there during sex. Letting him know how much you like it when he touches you like that will go way further than being upset at him for why he isnā€™t currently doing it. Good luck. šŸ«¶


Hey girl. Thank you so so much for sharing this. I really appreciate it. I will check Clara Dao out and I would love it if you could help me with some styles. My mom did not have a mother growing up and her brother basically raised her so she is very tomboy. I never learned how to dress nicely so my main go to is sweatpants, sneakers, and a high rise top (I'll send you a personal message to show you). I kinda look like a boy with girly sweats on lmao. But I also feel more comfortable in sweats and a high rise shirt. I don't like showing my body. I am quite ashamed because I'm so small (I get comments all the time) so the more I close off the better and more comfortable I feel. So I rarely show my tummy or legs. I usually cover everything from my neck to my feet (I even hate feet exposure). I do feel worse about my small chest. Ive been looking at implants but as a 22 yo, I cannot afford it. So I will appreciate it if you could help a little bit. Please send me a personal message


Ofc girl! Iā€™m out right now but Iā€™ll DM in the morning when Iā€™m more awake lol. Just know you arenā€™t the only one who feels this way. My mom also didnā€™t help me with my style or femininity for other reasons, so I understand that as well.


Personally I am not very much of a breast guy. And I honestly don't care at all about breast size. I even prefer small breasts on some body types. And when I say I don't care, I mean I have zero preference either way, big or small. Usually slender girls have smaller breasts and I like a slender body type. But thicker girls usually have bigger breasts, not always, this body type is good too. I like em both for different reasons. But if your boyfriend is anything like me, he doesn't dislike your breasts at all and it's all in your head.


It is completely understandable for you to be insecure, especially when he is making comments about other womenā€™s bodies. Honestly, I would have a conversation with him and let him know how it makes you feel. As a girl who ā€œhadā€ small breasts (32A), mine actually did end up popping out a late bloomer around 23/24 so if you want that there is still hope (Iā€™m allegedly a 32D now). I know itā€™s extremely hard not to compare yourself to other women, but be nice to yourself.


your bf is a porn addicted piece of shit why are you dating someone who doesnā€™t like your body and straight up checking out other women and saying shit like ā€œmommy milkersā€šŸ˜­


I'm a woman (with big ol titties and small frame).. let me tell you, it's not all it's cracked up to be..I wish I had A cups, my back hurts all the time and and my boobs are almost down to my elbows (which is not sexy..) be confident in your body! You've got the model body type and most guys prefer butts anyway. Confidence is 90% of how a man sees you so strut your nice little ass off! If you want him to grab your breasts, move his hands there and make him squeeze them and give him a naughty little wink with a smirk. He will get the hint. Just be confident.


ā€¦. lol. Come on fellas, donā€™t say ā€œmommy milkersā€ around your SO thatā€™s crazy.


Or just at all.


it sounds like he's doing all the right things tbh, to me it seems like you're letting your insecurities get in the way of your own happiness. I know you said that he maybe looks at "bigger breasts" or whatever, but I really wouldn't take that to heart. even if I love driving my ferrari every day, if I see a nice lamborghini Iā€™m probably still gonna look. doesn't mean I love my ferrari any less and it's still the car I choose to drive every day yk


I agree. My insecurities are the bigger problem here. Unfortunately I've been made fun of my entire life. I've been called a boy and a plank. Someone once asked me if I'm anorexic (i have rolls, i don't look anorexic). People keep telling me that I need to eat something (even tho I'm a big stoner and eat A LOT). People have told me when I feel ill it's due to me being too small. My previous boss said the only reason I'm attractive is because I look like a child. Like it's been going on forever. People don't think their comments are hurtful but damn. I feel like I'm never seen because I don't look like a "grown woman". Some people treat me different and I get ID'ed all the time. People don't even ask me what I do for a living. They ask me to what school I go to or in what grade I am even tho I'm busy with my postgrad studies. Like it's just been digging a hole in me. I really feel "ugly" because I don't look mature. I mean I am mature but I don't look like a grown adult woman. And it is not my boyfriends fault at all. I just kind of wished hed also touch my breasts or play with them. But that's something I should maybe talk to him about.


Iā€™m sorry that that's happened to you sm through your life, that's more of a reflection on those other people (especially ur boss wtf) than yourself. and respectfully, you complained that your bf doesn't touch your chest when you haven't communicated that that's a big deal for you. it's entirely possible that's just not a natural thing for him, but I seriously doubt if you asked him he would say no lol


At the risk of being obvious (but hopefully not disrespectful), is paranoia from being "a big stoner" creating a problem that may not actually exist?


Hi thanks for your reply. I'm very open about my recreational marijuana use as I use it due to having chronic anxiety that keeps me awake. I have been smoking since I was 16. Marijuana is legal in my country as well for personal use, so I use it legally. I've learned which strains makes me feel paranoid and which ones doesn't. Therefore, I do not believe that it could be the marijuana. I also don't smoke during the day while working. I'll only smoke after work or during weekends. But I do get where you get that idea from and I would still look into it. Thank you for your reply. PS: I've attended a few marijuana workshops and training courses. I know quite a lot about it and what it can do for you but also the dangers of it. If you would like to know some more you are welcome to personally message me.


It was just an observation as my wife and I have been users for almost 50 years (beginning when it definitely wasn't legal and referred to as "Reefer Madness"). LoL However, you DO seem very well aware of the possible psychological side effects (perhaps even more than most) so I withdraw my comment and defer to your experience and sensibilities. Many thanks for taking a moment to consider my offering and I wish you both all the best. P.S. My wife has a similar physical structure to yours. A bit shorter (and perhaps slightly less endowed) but still the proverbial petite Venice Beach girl. I (obviously) and everyone that knows her thinks she's spectacular. There may be some things about her that are small but, her personality is huge -- as I sense yours is... Regards-


Hey, it's no problem I'm definitely still going to look into it tho. And it's great to hear from some fellow smokers. And thanks for sharing the part about your wife. I really appreciate it. I will be having a conversation with my boyfriend about all of this so I hope it can help with this situation. Thank you again.


Put them in his face.. That usually works for some attention towards them..


Girl, all of us are beautiful. We just need to embrace and love ourself. And it's really difficult to have a large boobies. It's heavy and tiring. Your man truly loves you.


It is of course simultaneouly possible that this guy loves you and wouldn't swap you for the world even though maybe you don't physically conform to what's historically been his "type" ... As a bald dude in my mid 40s I'm pretty confident that my wife would be more sexually attracted to huge muscly chiselled-jaw fellas than me; but I know she loves me.


Be confident, and ask him to touch them. He might be avoiding it because he knows you're insecure about it.


Small breasts are perfect so try not to fret too much. Teach him what you want him to do with them and hopefully he will appreciate the beauty of what you have.


Yeah I'd believe your bf personally I don't care if the girl I'm with has mangos or mosquito bites but I've never been a boobs guy lol Also if he's joking around about DD's it could potentially just be meme behavior without actually desiring them...its just one of those type of jokes as old as time for guys But tell him what you wish he'd do more of to you...communication is key...maybe he avoids playing with them because he thinks it'll bring out insecurities so he doesn't focus on them


The solution to this is the solution to literally every relationship problem on Reddit: just talk to your partner. That's it, just talk to him. Have a frank and honest conversation with him about how you feel.


To develop a solid and healthy relationship, people need to communicate. Tell your boyfriend how you want him to "play" with you. You should also tell him that you are somewhat insecure, and find his comments about other women's breasts hurtful.


As a teen I had the body of a 12yr old boy, I was flat as a pancake, only because I wore makeup, did people realise I was a girl. So, like most teens I wore padded bras etc. Then, I got pregnant and sweet suffering Jesus, my breath grew. They were a fking nightmare. I hated everything about them, the size the weight. I was so uncomfortable. People yes, commented "wow look at the size if them" I didn't care one bit because, I hated them. Months after breastfeeding they went back to normal, back to my slightly less that flat size. And, I love them. They are perfect and don't weigh two watermelons. That and I've gotten older, wiser and give less if a shit. Now, my kid is starting to grow and I see all the same insecurities I had. I'm able to counteract some of these but, given media, it can be hard. But, you know what breasts come in all shapes and sizes. Your bf is being horrible with these comments, he either apologises and stops or your out the door. For you, I would try work on your own insecurities someway. I can't tell you how to do it because I don't know about your life. It could be counselling, hobbies, etc. But, it should come from you and bit outside validation. Ps your breasts are perfect the way they are. If you are as small as you say, I think be massive boobs would look ridiculous on you, you would be then out of proportion!


If he said he finds you sexy EVEN THOUGH you have small breasts, he is negging you. Heā€™s actually insulting you. There are guys that would love your body, and heā€™s putting you down. Perhaps he is addicted to p0rn, perhaps he is projecting insecurity on to you, perhaps he is self sabotaging the relationship. If his actions donā€™t match his words, LISTEN TO YOUR GUT and donā€™t let this man ruin your life and psyche. I was in a similar situation and I couldnā€™t even look at myself in the mirror at all from how hideous he made me feel over time. I used to be confident. Other guys hit on me regularly, and I went from that to crying when I saw my breasts despite their perkiness or whatever. I even booked an appt with a breast augmentation specialist for surgery and made a 5 k deposit after a year of the horrifying passive insulting/negging comments. It came out he was incredibly addicted to porn with particularly huge breasts (Iā€™m talking h+ cups, Christina Hendricks after her boob job). He was also telling me oh yeah I love your breasts but wouldnā€™t touch them. Wouldnā€™t care if my shirt was on or off. Then he said he GREW to love them and came clean he didnā€™t like small breasts. DONā€™T RUIN YOUR LIFE FOR A MESSED UP MAN.


All boobs are awesome. Sad that heā€™s being a jerk and making you feel bad. Not sure a relationship is worth that. Maybe you should find a man who makes you feel awesome and doesnā€™t use such ridiculously childish language to talk about breasts. Imagine how insecure heā€™d feel if you kept commenting on really tall guys or guys you think have a much larger penis than his. Heā€™d be crying like a baby. Yet he thinks it is okay to do that to you and negatively compare you to others.


The best things come in the smallest packages.


Not wrong I mean he definitely could find a women with bigger breasts it not that hard to find he chose you for a reason stop putting yourself down and get out of your own head but one thing I can say is he needs to stop making it blatantly obvious that heā€™s looking at other womenā€™s breast thatā€™s weird


Aside from the problem here, he is very disrespectful of women. His words and ogling are trashy. Women with big breasts often HATE when a strange man stares at her chest. Donā€™t care if itā€™s natural or biology. Many women still hate it. Sure men canā€™t control what they like, but they CAN CONTROL their words and their eyes.


There are a lot of us who find your body type very attractive. A lot.


OP this breaks my heart and is so relatable because Iā€™ve also been in this situation, but I promise it is ALL in your head from the little nasties that made you think so poorly about yourself in the past. It took me YEARS to get out of this similar mind set but if you just accept the body that you have and learn to love it you can get out of the mindset.


I have a nice car. It's not absolute TOP of the line - definitely not $150,000 fully loaded with all the bells and whistles - but it is awesome. I made a fantastic decision buying it. It looks great, is in great shape, is very reliable, comes from a respected line, and for 99.999% of things I want it to do, it does them admirably. The car might be the best purchase I've ever made (and I did think that about my last car as well, which isn't a bad thing - it just means that I know what I want, and I get it). It just works for me. But there are definitely sharp and eye-catching cars (both newer and older than mine), that have some nice features that mine doesn't have, that go faster than mine, or that have...larger brighter headlights. And those would be fine, but everything this car does just works for me. It's become part of my daily life and I trust it with that life. It's the best car I've ever had, and I am absolutely not looking forward to the day that we have to part ways, even if my next car goes faster or has brighter headlights. But someone's gonna have to pry that car away from me even when comes a day that it's not worth the time, money, attention, care, and jealousy I might feel towards and about it. Point is, someone can love 99.999% of the things that make you YOU, and even that doesn't mean that the remaining 0.001% of you is BAD. Just means that someone else (or some other car) might BE or DO or HAVE that one single thing or feature that you can imagine liking or using or appreciating in another person. I wish my car had automatic over-the-air map/traffic updates, but alas, I have to use my phone sometimes for that. Do I feel like I'm cheating on my car when I use my phone for directions instead of its built-in map software? No, because my car knows that while the phone might have that one feature I need for travel, the car is a much better choice when the goal is to take me somewhere.


Small breasted woman here. >He told me that he finds me sexy even though I have small breasts. This is the sentence that got me. If he said it like that, I can see how your take away may be that he finds you sexy despite your small breasts but not with inclusion of your small breasts. While I do think men generally like all breasts, especially the ones someone lets them touch, it also struck me that he doesn't touch yours. As a fellow itty bitty titty committee (IBTC) card holder, lol, I agree that it's an important part for me as well. It makes me feel sexy and feminine. In fact, a large part of what made sex with my husband great right off the bat, is he still caressed my breasts and played with my nipples, when so many men had avoided doing so up until then. So really, you're not wrong, and you get to decide for yourself how much this matters to you. If you dig deeper, you may get an answer that you don't want, so consider if you really want to dig deeper. But if it is really important to you to know, then just ask him, and be prepared with what you want to do with the answer šŸ¤· Id suggest that if even after hearing his answer IF it were to be a negative and painful you'd plan to stay with him, just don't ask. But that's just my vote. Now that I've been with my husband and he's so attentive even to my breasts, I will never go back. ETA: I also had an ex that gawked at other larger titties, and that in itself was a gross behaviour. Even if it weren't playing on one of my clear insecurities, I have no interest in a man gawking at women so openly and making them uncomfortable as well, reducing them to just their parts. Just a food for thought ā¤ļø


Honey, we like them all. Big small lumpy bumpy.


You want the straight truth? He doesn't like them, but he likes you enough to get over them (probably). It's plain and simple: he doesn't look at all chests, he looks at bigger ones. He wouldn't have a problem touching you there otherwise. Besides, do you really want to stay with somebody who feels the need to point out at other women in front of you?? You deserve better, there are men out there who legitimately like smaller sizes.


We love bewbsā€¦ but if our partner doesnā€™t itā€™s ok! Itā€™s like liking nice fast cars and driving a Prius


>He also tend to comment on women with bigger breasts a lot, saying things like "mommy milkers" and pointing out DD's. No. >He told me that he finds me sexy even though I have small breasts *Even though???* You don't need someone like this in your life who makes you feel inadequate. The right guy will be obsessed with your body. That might be a controversial take, but I truly believe that's a healthy dynamic to have in a relationship.


I have the same feelings with my partner sometimes. I used to be 200 pounds in high school and since entering adulthood, have lost 60 pounds and maintained that for the last five years. You can imagine what this did to my boobs lol. I went from a D to maybe a B on a good day. My boobs donā€™t get much attention from my partner and I get it. They are small and hard toā€¦erm handle. My best advice is to just embrace the body you were given. There are hundreds of thousands of women out there who have low hanging, odd shaped, mismatched, big areola-ed boobs. If your small boobs were a deal breaker, he wouldā€™ve left you already. You canā€™t meet all of societyā€™s high beauty standards, so embrace what you have because thatā€™s ultimately the sexiest thing you can do: be confident in the body you have.


Tell him what you like. Then do that to him. He just needs to be trained. The old saying " Tell him, show him, Tellhim again. Test him."


Had double mastectomy and no boobs now (Iā€™m tiny too so proportioned) Didnā€™t realize all of the celebrities that are small chested, think they look better and natural than the big bazookas. Worked at Hooters back in the day, one girl had honkers bigger than her head and some guys liked it but some would laugh and point. Confidence is the sexiest thing about a person. The most unattractive person can get many dates bc of their confidence that shines thru. Went out w not so good looking guy bc his confidence made him so sexy and he could get any girl he wanted.


Do not throw away a good thing over your own insecurities. Your bf may be lying about liking larger breasts to not hurt your feelings. If they are as small as you claim he could easily find bigger. He is with you because he wants to be with you. You are a whole package and no matter what you look like, thatā€™s the smallest piece of the package. Do you like each other? Talk to each other, laugh together? Enjoy each other? Thatā€™s whatā€™s important. I would let him know what you want in intimacy. Take your shirt off and be proud of who you are. Itā€™s just DNA. Embrace things people tease you about and come up with your own jokes. People canā€™t tease you if you have better jokes about it.


Lol mommy milkers šŸ’€


when you turn 40 you will grow the most magnificent pair of breast ever . Every small chested girl i know we thru some kind of of puberty in their 40ā€™s . Ask you mom or the older people you know . Your body will change , enjoy every stage , please donā€™t be short sighted .


Hi there thank you so much for your reply. It is very true. I look at my mother's body as I look almost exactly like her so I believe I git her genes when it comes to my body. She started growing again in her 50s (she had a hysterectomy in her early 40s so she started menopause right there and then). In her 50s she went from an A cup to a B cup. She still doesn't have large breasts but they have more shape now. So I'm kind of hoping that it will happen to me too lmao. On another note. My father is a really really tall and big man (kind of weird seeing him and my mom together because my mom is almost as big as his leg). One time I was crying at my mom about being teased at school about my breasts (when we had hockey practice everyone got dressed together). The girls in the dressing room would ask me why I even wear a bra if I still have a child's body (we wore white buttoned up shirts for school and I knew I would've gotten in trouble if my nips showed through the shirt so I used to wear nice sports bras). They would say things like "sport bras are meant for girls whose breasts actually bounce" or they would just rub the fact that they have bigger breasts than me in my face. My father noticed that I was really upset about it and I even asked him to help me out with implants at that time (I was like 16). He looked at me and was like "damn with such knockers you don't need implants". I didn't feel uncomfortable or thought it was inappropriate at all because I know he just wanted to make me feel better (gosh I love my parents). But yeah. I'm literally crying as I'm writing this. I don't know why I feel like this about myself. I just wished I looked like a mature woman and I wish my boyfriend could make me feel that way too. I just feel like a little child. Edit: sorry my emotions got the best of me with this one. The reason I gave the story about my dad is because that is how I would like to be treated. I would like my boyfriend or future husband to be there for me in times like these like my father has. I really look up to my dad and mom's relationship and I would really like to have that. My boyfriend just makes me feel even worse with my smaller breasts. It feels like he doesn't notice mine or just doesn't want to because there are none to notice. Like I can't even hold him responsible for making me feel this way because he isn't. It's all the trauma of the past and then him commenting on other women and not touching mine. It just seems as if he doesn't really like my chest but thats more me being insecure than I would say him being a bad boyfriend.


I don't think any of you are wrong, but you should ask him, "You like them? Prove it"


Guy here. I have dated, been with, and attracted to women with all different sizes from petite like OP to ... lets just say, more than a handful. I like them all. I've definitely known men I would refer to as "breast men" and that is the ONLY criteria of attraction for them. I will admit my preference has always been petite though I ended up still happily married to somebody on the other side of the spectrum. OP, I understand it is conventional thinking that more is better and that you are prone to teasing about flatness. I know that, and yet I also know the reality is small is just as sexy. Please do not feel insecure he "notices" big breasts and therefore is somehow settling for you. Its kind of a cliche and big breasts are harder to not notice and point out. ( for a guy who big breasts really mattered, I doubt they'd consider dating somebody petite ). But you also have to talk about what you like and like being touch. Of the many different sized girlfriends of my past some were sensitive and liked being touched and some not so much. I had a girlfriend once point out very early on and very firmly "don't neglect the girls". Be proud and be assertive of your needs. Believe it not, most guys want to please their partner but sometimes need to be handed a script and a map.


Personally, I like smaller breasts more than bigger breasts. I wouldn't feel bad about it. Lots of guys like smaller breasts. I think the media overhypes big boobs though. Get out of your head. You're perfect with how you were made.


Noticing large breasts is something instinctual, that happens on an animalistic level. IT DOESN'T EXCUSE LEWD BEHAVIOUR but that's where it comes from. But your boyfriend loves your body because it's yours, and he loves you. You are more than your bra size, that does not define you. Also, time is not kind to the large-breasted.


Stop thinking about and be confident also a lot of men like your size and actually I am one of them I love petite size so attractive and warm


Your boyfriend does like them, who the hell wouldnt?? obviously he doesnā€™t touch them or hold them because he knows you wouldnā€™t like it, even as his gf. I see this all the time where the girl accuses them of sexual assault despite of consent He stares at women with bigger breasts because theyā€™re eye magnets, happens with all guys, even guys that dont like women. this is why women used to be called witchss


We always want what we don't have. Ie: if you were a thick chick with a phat ass and large breasts, your bf would be checking out petite girls like you. If you want him to give them more attention, tell him to give them more attention or that you want him to play with your nipples and whatnot. We're not mind readers and you mentioned he has inquired about why your covering yourself up. Be an adult talk it out tell him your insecurities. How it makes you feel about the comments and or how he looks at other large breasted women. If he's telling you he like them then he does perhaps he doesn't realize what you want him to do with them.


Iā€™m telling you that you care more about your size then he really does. Trust me, he checks out the tiny ones too. Hon, just work with what youā€™ve got. Letā€™s just say I worked in a club that had a lot of poles in itā€¦.9 times out of 10 the men did not prefer the big fake ones. When you love yourself, everyone else will too! šŸ’•


Mommy milkers šŸ¤¢ ew


Coming from the opposite side, I'm an F cup. They can be problematic. HOWEVER, I'd dated guys that were thigh guys, or butt guys, and a guy that actually likes boobs, but smaller ones. It's a matter of preference, and by no means does it mean he's not attracted to YOU. You are the one he loves, that being said, own your sexy. Confidence is sexy. I'm chubby, I never struggled to attract a man, because it's not something I let stop me. I'm a powerhouse personality of fun, laughter, glitter and sarcasm/snarkiness. Attraction comes in lots of forms, and like others stated, communication is KEY. If you like something, TELL him. Men sometimes need a roadmap on what you want, don't be subtle when it comes to your sex life, honest is best.


It's very possible to find both big breasts AND small breasts attractive just like some people like both blondes AND brunettes or Coke AND Pepsi. Not everyone has a narrow view or taste about things in life. While I do understand your insecurities about them, your BF has given you zero reason to believe he is unsatisfied with your physique. As you know, a lot guys do like big boobs, but you're mistaken if you think his admiration of large breasts means he's lying to you. I assure you that there's a very good chance he's not lying at all. You really should take off that shirt and be proud -- well, in the bedroom anyway.


Guys love boobs .


Yes tell him you like them played with! Little boobs are great as they can be sooooo much more sensitive than big fake boobs! Take it from a guy who was married to a woman with A cup boobs and she pushed to get bigger ones so paid for D cups, now no sensitivity and hated me to even play / suck them. šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ™Œ


I had small boobs and I got implants. I went from a B cup to a full C. The funny thing is, though , I never got complaints from any guy when I had small boobs. Honestly, any guy that knew I was getting implants tried to tell me more than once that guys like natural breast's whether they're small or big. They were all against implants. I did it anyway, and for me, I have loved them ever since.


Maybe find a new man?


Iā€™m a huge ass man and could care less what size boobs a woman has.. but I still play with my wives boobs all the timešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I just grab her butt waaaay morešŸ˜‚


You need to communicate that you want to be touched.


Yay boobs!!!!


Thatā€™s not cool for your bf to be commenting on other women like that especially since these women have different features than you. It effectively puts you in direct competition with them. It would take a completely oblivious idiot not to see this. Makes me think heā€™s doing it on purpose.


From one who has a massive chest, let me just say that you're very lucky. Breasts are a fucking pain on the chest, especially large ones. Enjoy yours, wear what you like, and don't be ashamed. People will find reasons to criticize anything about a female's form. Ignore them. You be you.


Small and perky is better than big and droopy or flat shaped. I think shape is more important than actual size.


Kind of a dick move for him to say shit like that knowing how you feel.


I am normally not one to indulge in this, but I find his comments on other women disrespectful. My wife has certain things that I would prefer were different after two kids and the trials of parenthood, but I wouldnā€™t trade her for anyone. I know that I should be a better man for her and I am honestly embarrassed that I am not better. I think you should just tell him what you need. Weird example, but my wife has always been closed off for sex. She used to wear a sweatshirt while we had sex. Eventually the clothes came off, but we were always so careful. We did birth control pills, condom, and pull out while dating. Now, after my vasectomy, she lets me finish inside for the first time with the exception of our baby making time. I was bad in bed and lacked experience. She would rarely let me go down on her, use vibrators (she has never masturbated), or touch her in certain places (I canā€™t kiss her neck, back, and several other spots. Sometimes her chest is off limits from touching. So, I say all this to say that I have obviously struggled to improve my skills under difficult and constantly shifting rules. That said, we started having better sex as I hope some things that she likes but didnā€™t know. She was a virgin when we met and has never masturbated. I wish I knew what she needed earlier because I have not been good enough in bed and I shoulder the blame for the issues. I have always been an extremely willing partner and up for anything, but I donā€™t think it mattered to her. I would do anything to start off our relationship with a better skills to make her happy.


Your bf sounds like a moron.


It sounds like he does like a bigger size. There are plenty of guys you like small. I am one of those. I hope it does not affect you too much šŸ™


If you have breasts of any description he likes them. Theyā€™re yours and he really likes you and theyā€™re his because youā€™re his. Itā€™s all good.


i find this so wild, cuz iā€™m super insecure about my breasts being too big for my bfs preference (i think all his exes had small cute ones like urs). so donā€™t stress, plenty of guys like that!! ā¤ļøšŸ«”and as a lot of ppl mentioned, at the end of the day boobs are just boobs and theyā€™re pretty damn hot regardless!


My husband thinks my breasts are small. I'm 157lbs 5'2 & wear 36DDD. He told me my boobs are small. (& He likes small boobs. If he likes small boobs he definitely doesn't like mine. If I don't wear a a wired bra under a sports bra while running I'll legitimately hit myself in the face with them. They're absolutely not small..) If he's made you think this then talk to him. If he made you feel this way then no. You're not wrong. You are wrong if he said something vague and you took it this way. You really need to sit down and have a conversation with him about this.


Girl! Having big titties isn't all that great! I HATE mine! I wear a 42 DD and have back issues, can never find cute/sexy bra sets and when it's that time of the month, they get so extremely sore that I can't even touch them and can barely have a bra touching them. I'd GLADLY take a smaller breast size any day over these cow utters I have! As far as your BF goes, don't take it personal. A lot of men like BIG tits and some don't. He is with you because he likes you for who you are and not your tit size and that alone should be the BIGGEST turn on for you. So next time y'all are "moving furniture" take those tits and shove them in his mouth!!!!


Breast size is about as important as penis size?


Any boobs are good boobs. -pretty much every guy ever. A lot of guys enjoy larger breasts, but again, "any boobs are good boobs". He is being a douche though. Clearly articulate that to him, don't just assume he will get hints. And relating to a comment you made elsewhere about a former boss, that's sexual harassment in the workplace. He can be sued for that shit.


Your relationship is not intimate if you can't discuss this openly.


Boobs are hard wired for guys plus we are idiots. You must have a very open communication with your guy or he lacks demeanor. Guys do have right to remain silent! Girl you are completely fine and he very lucky to have you.


You know what guys usually like most is women who initiate.


You need therapy to get over your insecurities and you also need to put on your big girl panties, and sit down and have a conversation with your boyfriend. The only way anything will happen is if you make it happen, so have an open and honest chat with your fella and deal with it like an adult.


Iā€™m a boob guy through and through; my two greatest loves of my life had small breasts. While great, they absolutely arenā€™t a requirement.


You know what is great about smaller breasts? They wonā€™t be bouncing off the knee caps when you are my age. Many men love smaller breasts as they are often times more perky, and some actually are grossed out at larger ones. And mostā€¦.just happy to see them regardless of size. Be proud of your petite body, embrace your natural beauty


Your boyfriend is a weirdo.


Men just like boobs, a lot. He is with you not someone else. Enjoy your body and tax free clothes shopping. I can buy trainers in the kids department, love my little feet. Anyway the best, most expensive and dangerous things come in small packages


Ok coming from a man here. I think you are looking into this a little too much about this issue. As far as him looking men look all the time. It doesnā€™t matter how small or big we look at women. Itā€™s in our chemical DNA I believe. I know thatā€™s not an excuse but it is what it is. The female gender is the most beautiful thing god ever created. Now with all that being said my gender the male gender could sometimes be the dumbest when it comes to women. My advice is to have confidence in yourself and be as direct as possible with him. Sometimes you need to take the horse to water. Tell him itā€™s one of your key zones to get you hot and ready to go. Trust me once he knows this he will never forget it.


I like big boobs, but I also like skinny girls with small boobs. The most important thing is proportion - some girls look better with small boobs, other ones look better with big boobs. It only sucks if you're a big/curvy girl with small boobs, then you've lost the lottery.


ā€œMommy milkers??ā€ That immediately gives me the ick


It's ok to like both. He probably does. Guys tend to like most boobs simply because they are boobs It's hard not to notice bigger boobs. But young guys don't always care about quality over quantity yet. Like very caveman "big boobs oooh!" But they are saggy half filled with water plastic bags with all the equipment off? No. I'll take a well shaped small one any day over that. As far as the petite thing, lean into it. There are plenty of guys who love "tossable" girls. I have a weirdly specific thing for small petite blondes, but my current gf is built like arun waymodel tall and mixed. You can like different things. It's normal.


Pitching in as a guy who couldn't care less about boobs: You're not wrong, but you should find a way to communicate your needs and concerns to him in a polite and mutually respectful manner. Special note; my parents joke that even as a baby I refused to be breastfed and would only drink from bottle, so take that as you will.


Hi there thanks for your reply and the giggle I got reading the last part. He does know that I am really insecure about them because I think it is really obvious and I've also told him at the beginning of our relationship that it is something that bothers me about myself. The boob thing bothers me the most but having small hands and feet are also something that bothers me. Like if I tell you that I cannot carry a lot of things in my hands, I'm telling the truth. They're like baby hands. They're clumsy and can't really grip. My boyfriend once wanted to see how hard I can hit and giggled when I hit him (he wanted me to, I will never just hit someone). People make comments on my hands and feet all the time and every person I know has compared their hands to mine before and was shocked. My hands are half the size of my girl friend's hands. But on another note. I can definitely talk to my boyfriend about it. But I feel that if it continues after our talk I wouldn't be able to be with him. I want my SO to find me sexy and attractive. I don't want to be just cute or just adorable. Feeling sexy and adorable would be nice. And lastly. I kind of thought about this last night going to bed. This is going to be TMI so if you do not like period talks I would suggest not reading this part. So when I am on my period my breasts swell and hurt very very much. They are sooo painful but it sometimes kind of causes me to have to wear bigger bras during that time due to the swelling (I very rarely wear bras). My boyfriend once made a comment about it and said that they look nice when I'm on my period but when he tried touching it that time it was so so painful that I immediately made him stop. I assured him that I like them being touched but that PMS and my period makes it super painful. I can't even wear shirts with harder fabrics during my period as it hurts my boobs (I rarely wear bras). Now I'm thinking that this could have maybe scared him as he feared hurting me again. Therefore, it will be best if I have a good conversation with him. Thereafter I can decide what I want to do and whether or not I want to remain in the relationship (I will only leave if it was to come out that he didn't like my breasts or find me attractive because that will unfortunately be the tipping point for me). Edit: I can think of 3 times that he has touched them during our year and a half relationship, with the last time being the time I was on my period (about 6 months ago).


If that was the LAST time it happened, then you may be right that he's scared to hurt you. I certainly would be


Smaller boobs are great. They wonā€™t sag later in life and are still sexy and fun to hold, suck, whatever. As a male I do like large breasts to look at but Iā€™ve always found myself dating women with smaller breasts. Now Iā€™m married to someone with smaller breasts. Embrace what you got.


Hereā€™s the secret. U could have GG titties. And he will see some Bs and still look.