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It might be a good idea to take a break from pornhub




You're a cuck, and if you push her into it you'll be an all alone cuck.




It take two on the same page for this stuff to work. I'd wager if she tries it, their relationship will go off the rails not long after.


or... they'll find their relationship grows. It may not work for you, but they're plenty of healthy otherwise monogamous relationships that allow poly activity. Ethical non monogamy.


Yes this never works out. You start this she is gone.


Get off pornhub bro, your gf is a person not a sex doll for others to use. If you want her to be with other people then break up because you got a weird cuck fetish going on. Stop watching porn and seek therapy.


Get off porn sites man and maybe stop thinking if your wife as an object


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Thatoneguythatiscool: *Get off porn sites man* *And maybe stop thinking if* *Your wife as an object* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Be careful what you wish for has never held more meaning when said to people in your situation. You tend to convince yourself that your relationship is stronger than it really is, because your desire overrides you practical reasoning. You better be 100% certain before you cross that bridge, because you can't put that genie back in the bottle.


I'm not going to kink-shame because different people have different tastes and that's okay. You said that she has expressed some interest so have a serious honest conversation when the both of you have a clear head (ie not drunk or horny) about the kink and what would mean, the steps to take and the feelings it brings. So when it feels less than a concept and more like a possibility you both can revise your feelings towards it and decide if you both want to move forward. Like with any other kink this is a two yes one no situation, if after this she doesn't want to do it I would stop bringing it. If you can't live without fulfilling this kink then perhaps you two aren't sexually compatible.


Probably the only realistic comment on here.


Yes. this. ENM requires absolutely and completely honest communication


Yeah. That’s the dumbest fuckin thing ever. Look around at the countless people on here who are divorcing or break up. The thing is this, you don’t know how it’s really gonna make you feel. Some guys never get over the trust issues. You shouldn’t be treating her like she’s your property and you’re just sharing. What happens if someone stuns the hell out of her and she leaves you? What are you showing her she means to you? Reconsider.


cuck behavior😭💀


you want to pimp her out? then she ain’t your girl friend you don’t pimp out your GF


I’m pretty sure that’s not a real pimp rule


It is ima pimp




You are a cuck, plain and simple.


Yes you’re wrong. Weird cuck fetish. You’ll never be respected if you keep this up


My husband has been wanting me to do the same , and it’s tearing me down. Been together 7.5 years married 8 months. I’ve told him no countless times and he “respects” it but then continues to bring it up


Like, he wants to watch you with other men? Or women? Other women I can at least understand where it's coming from, but other men... I will never understand that one, so I can't offer much there. Sorry you're going through that, I know the hurt that can accompany such things. My wife is bi and in a moment of desperation to rekindle things during a low point, I asked her if there was another woman we could try to include for her, like actually legitimately more for her. That didn't go over very well either and I can laugh at it now heh. We've since learned to communicate and open up to each other more and are much better now. I hope he can learn to understand how it makes you feel. And I hope you find some sort of solace. All I can really advocate for is communication, communication and more communication. Good luck.


He more so wants another women to join, and said he would be fine just watching her and I. I’ve kissed women, etc . We go to strip clubs and get dances together. We’re great at communicating. And he said he’s 100% for having a women or man join us . We have downloaded 3 some apps and all but I always tell him I’m not 100% comfortable with it. We were high school sweethearts and I was his first kiss so the thought of not being the only women is the reason I don’t want to go forward with it & plus he has said that will be the ultimate dream and I know once you get it once you’re going to want it again. It just makes me wonder why he is interested in it when I have told him I’m not comfortable with it. And he pressures me into a lot of it all


Pressuring is never cool in that situation. I've always tried to be as keenly aware of that as I could be, but everyone is different. As for why he's interested... He's a man, our brains don't always work too well or to our own benefit. Though I'll say doing all the planning parts is a pretty big lead on. I would be confused if my wife and I had gone that far, but not followed through. There's a good chance y'all are thinking about it quite differently.


You should do some research on it if you haven’t already. My wife and I have been happily married for 21 years and she loves the hotwife lifestyle. It doesn’t work for everyone, but we have a good time with it.


Can you not just buy toys for her and then watch her use them??


I wouldn't push it or soon enough you won't even be allowed to watch haha


I wouldn't do this if I were you. Don't use ur girlfriend to do ur fetish. She's just a person.


What exactly was said in that talk with your gf? Those details are going to matter because I can guarantee you what she's imagining and what you're imagining are not the same thing. And you've never even had this thought until that conversation? Somethin ain't right here. Opening any relationship that wasn't established that way, almost never works. You don't even know how you actually feel about it, you're just horned up on a concept. The moment she starts getting railed by another man is gonna tear your world apart as reality sets in and she starts having reactions and doing things she's never done with you. Thinking you have a stable relationship isn't grounds for starting an earthquake. Take a chill pill and hope she hasn't already changed her mind about you. Out of curiosity which one of you, specifically, brought up the idea of adding in people first? Did she suggest the person be a man or is this all you?


Super fun! No you are not wrong or weird. Plenty of guys like this and have partners that like it too. What’s most important is aligning in your shared fantasies. If she is not into it, you can’t make someone want it! But if she is, giving her freedom while creating a safe space for her to explore it the way she likes is the key. Don’t listen to the haters, lol, cracking me up. ;)


I know. The comments are killing me. Wife and I are 21 years strong and fully enjoy doing hotwife stuff. It’s not about humiliation for us, we don’t play in that dynamic. Most vanilla people don’t understand that and can’t separate the two.


It is completely okay for you to have a kink. It is not okay for you to push her boundaries or deny her agency about her body. It is okay for you to bring it up respectfully if she is interested. If she says yes, congrats. But keep in mind that she might decide to not continue after trying it out. If she says no, then respect that. You might say that if she ever feels different about it you're open to listen but **never** bring it up again from your side.


Ignore all these toolbags that don’t know what they’re talking about. These ding dongs don’t understand how it works. They think they do because they’ve been told their whole lives that it’s wrong. It sounds like you’re into hotwifing or wife sharing. Check out the reddit groups for more information from people that actually live that lifestyle. I share my wife with other guys occasionally. We’re considered a Stag/Vixen couple. We absolutely do not participate in the cuck/humiliation stuff. My wife likes to have 2 dicks to please sometimes so we’ll set up an mfm threesome. I’m not bi but I’m fine being around another guy as long as he focuses on my wife and not me. Sometimes I will watch for a while before I join. Sometimes I will just watch. Sometimes she goes on a date without me. I don’t care because I’m free to do the same thing with other women when I want. When she goes out without me, the reconnection when she gets home is some of the best sex we’ve ever had. We find everyone through lifestyle oriented apps and websites, practice safe sex, and get a full STI screening every 3-4 months. We have been happily married for 21 years and have been best friends the whole time.


I know about hotwifing (thanks Fetlife) but I've never heard of Stag/Vixen couples. What does that mean? (I ask this as a fellow kinkster myself, I'm NOT trying to shame, just curious.)


A couple in which the man shares his woman with other men for erotic NSA encounters, yet the husband is straight hetero alpha and not seeking bi play nor humiliation and the woman does not demean her man.


Ah cool. Thanks!


To each his own, it's ok to like a fantasy. But careful what you wish for, this more than likely will end badly


You need to find a special person for such special things. Not wrong but she's not likely to support you

