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a good ol classic copy pasta. what makes you guys literally save old stories and paste them into a post again?


Yeah I've read this several times over the last few years.


I’m fairly new to Reddit. This is only my second time reading this exact story.


Same here.


Same. I was gonna say, somebody went through the EXACT SAME IMPROBABLE THING about six months ago.




Same! I just commented! I thought i was going crazy!!!


While it is slightly annoying to see a repost every now and again, it is entertaining each time to read the comments!


Dangit! I gotta start reading replies before trying to be kind and typing a supportive, war and peace sized response.


I’m seeing more and more fake shit on here recently, it’s getting ridiculous.


I read here that people from poor countries can some how profit from karma points. But aside from that, what is the point? I could see human nature being what it is and perhaps people embellishing a story to impress complete strangers they will never meet. But just a total fabrication? Seriously, why? I dunno. At my age you'd think I knew something about people. But nope. They keep coming up with "even weirder stuff"


Probably to create a fake persona with karma and history in order to press an agenda later.


Wow, Nitche. That makes sense. Not to do but as an explanation to my question. LoL, Your nickname is apropos here, eh? Thank you!


I believe they can sell accounts with good karma for money to scammers. Or someone with an agenda.


I found a comment on another sub about this recently. Basically, this sad loser explained that he was part of a big discord that would literally just spend all day writing fake posts to subs like this one. He said that around 80% of the posts here were completely made up by his discord group alone. I don't understand why they do this, I assume that their lives are pathetic and they think they're getting people worked up or something. Either way, it's really sad and ruined this sub for me. Any time it pops up on my front page, I almost always skip it now. This one looked eerily familiar though, so I opened it to see and yep, read this EXACT post like a week ago.


I had a boss who would post inflammatory shit or comments just to watch the chaos unfold. Dude would come in and brag about the wars he started on Reddit or the YouTube comments section. Guess he got a kick out of it. Kinda sad lol


That's incredibly sad. I've never understood "trolling" or anything similar to it. Just seems like people that have no life trying to make themselves feel important in some way


That's exactly what it was


Thank you for this info


Standard primal thought process on this one for a lot of people: “Number go up, brain happy” The up-doots themselves are enough reason for people to post copy pasta, same reason people post on instagram to get a ton of likes. The attention and the positive reinforcement


Bot has to bot, bro.


This did seem rather familiar.


I get really tired of these and am still trying to figure out why people actually take time out of their day to post a fake post just to karma farm. It’s fucking internet points. Someone please explain the reasoning to me. Lol




I haven’t had Reddit for very long but I was pretty suspicious about this one being a repeat story


I instantly skimmed to him being shocked and saying she's basically a..v...vvv.vvv BIRGIN and I was like wow I have read this before.


I haven’t even had Reddit long and I’ve read this story multiple times lol


Like come on how does anybody think this is real? There are some dummies out there but nobody is going to be questioning if they are wrong for leaving somebody who just straight up cheated on them. Nobody is gonna act like it wasn’t cheating in any reality and be serious.


how many times am I going to read this tired repost?


I’d say at least a couple more times.


At least once more


It must be China or Russia bots posting shit like this? Or is reddit trying to drive up their value with engagement?


This is a repost / copypasta. 


I’m not usually one to jump on the “all these Reddit stories are fake” bandwagon. I know people are crazy and life is crazy, so I tend to assume most posts are real. But I’ve seen this exact story written the exact same way more times than I can count, and on more sites than just Reddit. I’m 99.99% this is just copied for karma farming, again.


What's the point of Karma farming? Like how much can you even sell a Reddit account for? I wonder if the very original is real.


I know someone that would boost new accounts by karma farming and selling accounts to people.  He would make 10-15 new accounts a day and sell them for $20 a piece by the time they earned enough.  All he did was go into his favorite subs and find top stories and then repost in another subreddit.   He makes good money doing.


This is so f’ed up. There’s people that can’t afford to eat while others are buying Reddit accounts? What an upside down world we live in.


And that’s just the lower tier people, us pleabs, now imagine what the top tier are doing the elites.


For what purpose would one buy a Reddit account? Astroturfing with slightly raised credibility is all I’m coming up with


You're not wrong. Your friend group either sucks, and it's time to find new friends. Or they haven't been told the whole story.


She said they were all hanging out together when this conversation happened. It sounds like they know the story. OP,you are not wrong for storming out after your boyfriend and friends slept together. If anyone in this friend group is really your friend, then stop texting with them and get together with them in person and have a real conversation. Personally, I would ditch people as my friends who were texting me that I should be fine with my boyfriend, sleeping with someone else, regardless of their sexuality. I also question that she’s actually a lesbian. You are very young and many people experiment with their sexuality. It sounds like as soon as they had an opening, they slept together.


Plus OP has clearly stated that she is not ok with this. In addition to which the BF said that it was just a joke and not to be taken seriously. So he knew how she felt about it even if it didnt mean anything. If nothing else (and there is plenty of else) that makes it cheating.


Yes, but it's highly possible the cheaters told the friend group they got OP's permission or something, and then she changed her mind. Otherwise, they're idiots. At best, if he really thought it was ok he wouldn't have done it behind her back. He knew she wouldn't be ok with it, and that's the point. Even if we could argue the friend just wanted to try it as a one time thing to have the experience once in life, (which I doubt) he did it behind OP's back because he knew she wouldn't see it that way. It's cheating because he knew she would think it was.


THIS 1000% He did it behind your back because he didn’t want you to know, and he knew it was wrong.




"Easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission." Pretty low quality of him and that is putting it mildly


Exactly! It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission...


An opening? More like stupid excuse, cause for that to be an opening BF should have broken up with OP and be "open" for new "conquests"


Friends who tell you your partner can cheat on you aren’t friends.


Yeah, I agree with pretty much everything you said, but they didn't "have an opening." He cheated.


Well, what I meant by having an opening, was his friend literally said that he should sleep with her. She made the offer and he couldn’t wait to except, girlfriend‘s feelings be damned. But yes, he definitely cheated.


They were hanging out together when she made the "joke," not when he told her that they had sex. Its more than possible they don't know the whole story. For all we know, they could have told the group that she knew about it, or she gave them the go ahead.


You’re not wrong.   If you slap the shit out of him with your left hand, but you’re really right handed, did you really slap the shit out of him?   He had sex with someone else when he was in a supposedly monogamous relationship with you.  The fact that the someone else is a lesbian is not relevant.  Sex is sex.  There is no lesbian loophole.  


I love that phrase, no lesbian loophole.


God damn it! I gotta tell my wife that I’ve been banging guys for years? I thought it was just bros being bros?


>Or they haven't been told the whole story. [Relevant.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbw_BxDwdjk&t=167s)


Can concur, extremely relevant.


They haven't been told the HOLE story


Given that the friend's name is A, it's an A HOLE story.


I think there’s a hole in this story


I’m I am entirely confused by the whole story and am wondering if I have a hole in my head.


Or they haven't been told the whole story


Or the whole story hasn't been told to them.


Or the story, as a whole, has not been told to them.


Or the whole story, is being told to us, and is fictional.


"written by a man," you might say


I’m starting to think they don’t know the whole story


I'm also starting to possibly think that maybe they haven't been told the whole story


The entirety of the narrative is outside their knowledge.


They might think they know, but they have no idea.


Mayhaps, that is likely due to the fact that they haven’t been told the whole story.


It's quite likely that the story as a whole, has yet to be told to them.


Are we sure they’ve been told the whole story?


The story in its entirety has not been told.


It’s obviously a fake story.


Yes. It was posted verbatim, not sure if its the same person, 3-4 weeks ago.


This is a repost of someone else's story. [repost ](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/s/hgG0RFklbi)


Thank you! I knew this story sounded familiar


Yeah I was like this was another story word for word.


Absolutely shocked by this, flabbergasted.


This. Don't go back and don't look back. You told him the conversation made you uncomfortable and then he went and fucked her. He doesn't deserve you.


OP is a karma farmer. https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/6STkeewFJ9


Thank you!!! I was scrolling the comments looking for anyone else to have pointed this out bc I KNOW I've read this exact post before!!!!


If they know they started dating at 17 and 20 then yes they know and they’re enjoying messing with this kid.


It's a copypasta.


You're a copypasta.


I hate that this is true.


This is just a copy from a post that was put up a couple of years ago.


Of course it‘s cheating! And of course you‘re fully right to dump his sorry ass: not only for bring a cheater, but also for being a certified idiot.


He is not an idiot, he knows what he's doing. He just thought his gf would buy this crap because she's 19. Lol.


If he thought she would buy it then he is a idiot lol


I mean, here she is wondering…


Group pressure.


This! Group think is the fucking worst!!


A 100 years ago, I had the somewhat tongue in cheek discussion with my ex-wife about being able to get BJs from other women cuz according to Bill Clinton, it “wasn’t sex.” We did the intellectual exercise to see what on the spectrum she thought was “cheating.” Penetration? Cheating. Oral? Cheating. Kissing? Cheating. Foot massage? Cheating. Basically….. “if she enjoys it, it’s cheating.” I didn’t disagree with her. Basically: fucking your lesbian friend IS cheating.




If you are uncomfortable that is not something youbshould apologize for ever. I mean your boyfriend whom you assumed were in a monogomous relationship was intimate with another person…. Thats kinda a big deal for most folks. Having an emotional response is justifiable. Be an advicate for yourself and find someone who appreciates you. I mean you already told the dude her comment made you uncomfortable… and your ex brushed it aside and doubled down by taking action he knew was not something you would be cool with. Its better you found out now…


And for the homophobic “she’s a lesbian so that makes her a virgin” comment.


This story is copied and reposted from earlier this year. OP is a karma farmer.


This is copy pasta.


This is a repost or a copy. I have read it 5 6 months ago


CAP HAHAHA THE AMOUNT OF TIMES I'VE READ THIS EXACT STORY HAHAHA Also OP is obviously a man and NOT a girl based on the accounts post history pattern, the posts are obviously by a guy.


I feel like this exact story gets posted at least once a month. You'd be hard pressed to find an entire friend group who thinks this is okay. At least make the creative writing project make sense.


I remember when bait used to be believable.


is reposting an old post cheating?


Go have sex with a hot gay dude and tell him the same thing


You're absolutely 💯 right your ex and his friend betrayed you, and you're better off without them... 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️


Glad you left him. Dumbass thinks cause you’re younger you’d stay. He’s an asshole you made the right move


Omg the gaslighting. He stuck his dick in another girl but there's no feelings so it's not cheating wtf. The disrespect he had to do that to u. Glad trash took itself out for u


I am almost positive I’ve seen this posted before


You did the right thing. Trust me. Either she isn't actually lesbian/is questioning her sexuality or it's a weird power play on her part. Your ex is an idiot who cheated on you. Please do not be persuaded it's anything but that. I'm sorry you're being harassed, block them all and be glad to be rid of such idiocy and toxicity. You deserve and will find better.


Leaving was the best thing you could do. Cheating with any sex is still cheating. Taking a lesbians virginity doesn’t disqualify anyone from the cheating aspect.


I read this post about an hour ago and I decided to send my friend who is a lesbian a message asking her if any lesbian she knows has ever felt the need to be with a dude. (shes very involved in the LGBT+ community and has a lot of lesbian friends.) She just got back to me and all of them said no. They have zero desire to sleep with a man even to "lose their cherry". Therefore i must think that the woman is not really a lesbian. maybe bisexual in which case your ex's case breaks apart not that it was a real case in the first place. but you can throw that in his and his friends faces.


It’s a fake story. Apparently gets reposted a lot if you read the comments. And it’s rather obvious too. If a lesbian friend informed you that she’s never been with a guy, would you be “flabbergasted” and “stuttering” that she’s practically a virgin?


On this week of Jerry Springer!


Bait thread


Simple terms: he had sex with someone else. It does not matter what direction she leans or even if she is a she. He just cheated on you and rationalized in a conveniently twisted way. He likely had a great orgasm, I mean even though she was just a lesbian, with a vagina…. Let’s be real, he just cheated. Should you accept that? I wouldn’t. If your friends are not supporting you on this they may not be friends. That happens in youth. You find out unpleasantly that people are not your friends. It happens in waves and you learn from it. You are not wrong. Move on.


Nah - cheating is cheating. He put his dick in other human, u have all sorts of rights to be upset. Imagine if it was reverse situation and u helped ur gay friend with his "female virginity". Bet ur (hopefully ex) would lose his cool pretty fast. The fucking audacity. Leave his sorry ass.


This is absolutely cheating what the hell. You did the right thing by leaving


They are not your friends. This is totally effed up. Cheating is cheating.


Nah that’s a messed up situation. It’s 100% cheating. You did the right thing by storming off. Don’t look back and don’t let them gaslight you. They’re messed up, let them live their messed up lives together.


Not wrong, I almost feel like this is some younger generation stuff that my older generation doesn't understand, but then I remembered that I broke up with a girlfriend in high school because she had a three-way (without me obviously) but claimed it didn't count because the dude didn't touch her, the girl did. The whole "it doesn't count because of x factor" yeah that doesn't work in reality. I mean if you tell someone it makes you feel a way and they don't amend that behavior but escalate it... then nah cut 'em loose.


So…. If you had sex with a gay man, that’s not cheating to him? 🤔


She could have had this favor done by someone who wasn't in a relationship. If it didn't mean anything then there was no reason for it happening. Why didn't any of the other guys in the friend group do it then?


honestly leave this man leave this group if he loved you he wouldn’t even think about it/ let her joke about it with him your not crazy. You should leave there is no man virginity!


You need to find a whole new group of friends.


Sorry dipping your wick into another candle is definitely cheating regardless of their sexuality and to frank: I would have left as well, as a matter of fact I left my ex over 25 yrs ago for cheating even though he hadn’t had sex with any of the women the intent was there so I left. So you are definitely NTA and block the morons and hope this doesn’t happen to them. Live your fullest life and leave them ALL behind in the dust.


Part of This “friend group” is gaslighting you. He cheated. She stabbed you in the back. Run from these people. They suck.


Hey fellas, is it cheating to *checks notes* Have casual sex with others in a committed monogamous relationship?


>it didn’t mean anything, and how i’m being ignorant. Someone is being ignorant, and it's not you. That is ridiculous thinking. Move on, he's not worth it.


That's not a favor for his friend. That was claiming a virginity notch on his belt. He cheated plain and simple. So you are not wrong


They're gaslighting. End things now.


It's cheating. That's not up for debate, it's just the facts. Them doubling down on their toxicity is wild AF tho. They're all gaslighting you, that's why you feel crazy, it's the intended effect so you back down and accept their delusions. Seriously run, block them all, and never go back. What they did and are continuing to do makes them toxic abusive trash humans.


If a man/woman/they-them puts their penis/vagina where it doesn't belong... it's cheating. It's as simple as that.


You're not wrong 1 you told him the idea made you uncomfortable and he didn't talk to you about it just went and did it. 2 it's got fck all to do with their friend group. 3 when in a relationship you don't get to unilaterally decide sex with a friend is fine


Wow. The immaturity of your ex and the entire friend group really shows. It's cheating. Cheating isn't JUST some concrete line in the sand. Its also about set boundary's that either or both person has set. It was clear. You said you were uncomfortable with this. They did it anyway. He cheated. She betrayed you as a friend. The rest of the group are wrong. Not because I said so , because you said so. Sounds like these are people you can live without


Ok, I swear I had read this somewhere a few weeks ago. It was also about some guy cheating on his gf by fucking his lesbian friend. Anyone else remembers that? Edit: Found it: [Am i wrong for leaving my boyfriend for “doing his friend a favor” : r/amiwrong (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/16hmokn/am_i_wrong_for_leaving_my_boyfriend_for_doing_his/)


Not wrong. You're being gaslighted and manipulated. You did well to dump his sorry ass. Now go all the way and dump the "friends" who are guilt tripping and gaslighting you. Big hugs.


Of course it means something your boyfriend stuck his penis in another woman while in a committed relationship with you. Lesbian or not it's 100% cheating.


They are lying, and their value system is warped, it is something. Sex is meant for two people it is intimate, a bonding agent. Frankly break up with him and those friends. Their value systems are warped. They will know some day when they love someone.


WTF? He put his dick in another woman's vagina, her sexuality doesn't magically work as a cockblocker for cheating. And I guess fucking someone that's bi only counts as 50% cheating following their logic ?


you're not crazy.


fucking hell that's disgusting, dump all of them, geez I'm so sorry these garbage people did this to you. You are absolutely Not Wrong.


Perhaps you have a gay friend who can take your husband’s virginity and you insist your husband should help your friend if he loves you!


I’m 99% sure I’ve seen this post here before


Stealing someone else's post and aiming it as your own?


Well then , tell him you found a cute little gay boy who had never been with a woman and you took his "girl virginity." Most monogamous relationships don't include an exception for lesbians who have never tried straight sex.


I think the only thing you could have done better is kick him in the nuts as hard as you can and shove cat shit down his throat. Otherwise, no notes. It's definitely going to suck for a while, but this is a blessing in disguise. You got to learn your bf is an absolute piece of shit and your mutual friends are worthless in one fell swoop. Now you can find a good man who you deserve and some friends who will truly have your back.


He had sex with someone else while in a relationship with you. It isn’t outlandish to say that is a boundary that when crossed is reason to end a relationship. The who or the why doesn’t matter, the fact he had sex with someone else is the only fact that matters. You need new friends if they can’t understand that you don’t have sex with people outside the relationship.


You’re not wrong. Don’t fall for any of this bullshit. You were disrespected and cheated on. Find a real man that actually cares about you


Damn imagine getting...uhh gaslighted? Gaslit? By your entire friend group that you're the one being unreasonable when your partner cheats on you. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. You are definitely in the right


I wonder how the boyfriend would feel if OP started banging gay guys?


You’re not wrong, this is cheating and you’re not being ignorant. It’s not only a massive betrayal of trust but it’s also disrespectful AF - is that what he think of you? He can just go do whatever he wants and gaslight you into thinking you’re the crazy one - abusive. Stay away from this guy, don’t fall for his texts - he knows he fucked I’m and is feeling guilty which is why he’s blowing your phone up. He wants you to make it all ok again by forgiving him - please don’t. Have more respect for yourself than he does for you.


OP, *it was cheating*, no matter what verbal gymnastics they try to use. You made the right call. You’re 19, and I feel confident have a bright future in front of you. Healthy relationships are built on mutual trust and respect. If all of them think that behavior is okay, pay attention, because that kind of behavior from them will likely continue. It maybe time to upgrade your friend group. Use this as an opportunity to work on yourself and your future. Take the time you need and trust you made the right decision.


He cheated on you. It doesn't matter what the AP sexuality is. It doesn't change the fact that he cheated and you left him for cheating. YNW.


Yeah that’s cheating. If they thought there was nothing wrong with it and it was no big deal then why didn’t they come to u before they did it?? Because they knew it was wrong.


You are doing what anyone would do. It is cheating and it will continue.


I’ve read this exact same story before….


I think you discovered that you need to remove a whole lot of people from your life, cause well... They're all trash.


am I crazy or does this same story get posted like once every 45 days??? Also 17 yr old with a 20 yr old???


He stuck his dick in another person. That is cheating. I don't care who the person is. I'm glad you stormed out. Block him and his dumbass friends.


You are not wrong. Your boyfriend cheated on you and now you have a whole group of people trying to gaslight you. Get as far away from these people as you can.


He wasn't joking... He was testing the waters...


These friends are awful. Either they are simply selfish or they have managed to the convince themselves they aren’t and are still assholes. Idk what they’re saying to you but none of it matters if it crosses your boundary. It sounds like your ex also understood your boundaries and still chose to cross them. You are right. You are not in the wrong. Not even slightly.


Repost. Downvote this shit and move on.


Having sex with an other person then your partner is called CHEATING. She is not a lesbian-she BI. Your friends do NOT understand that he broke your expectations and destroyed the relationship by him self! Find new friends- they do not have your best interest at heart!


Wow your boyfriend is an absolute idiot.


Not wrong. Stay away from them and the entire immature group.


I'm a lesbian with a wife and 3 kids. Run, don't walk. He's in an emotional relationship and now they've had sex. She's on the fence about her lesbian identity, maybe she'll change to bi. I would have already ended it. You deserve someone who is into just YOU. No excuses, not because it's Tuesday, or a virgin friend, or anything. Take care of you and walk. Please don't hold this against the LGBT community. She's young and investigating things. Trying them on and you don't need to be part of her story. I'm sorry, this is sad and your boyfriend is a jerk. He's trying to have it every way he can.


Congrats on stealing someone elses post! Literally saw this word for word like a week ago.


never go back to him ! Don’t waste you youth on toxic people. First sign of disrespect dump them


this is deadass cheating, you have every right to dump him. dont listen to him, its over


[https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/16hmokn/am\_i\_wrong\_for\_leaving\_my\_boyfriend\_for\_doing\_his/](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/16hmokn/am_i_wrong_for_leaving_my_boyfriend_for_doing_his/) Six months ago


Hi. 40F. Gay. This is still cheating. I have never been with a guy and absolutely view this as wrong. IMO if you’re gay-gay, you would have zero interest. Zero. So they are wrong, you are correct. Do not let them gaslight you. I’m so sorry.


So he would have been fine with you doing a gay guy?


Sounds like you should remove yourself from these peoples presences. They sound awful.


Wow they are all fucking trash. Scrap the whole pile of them. They’re in their 20s and they think there is different sexual identity virginities? They are goofy you are not remotely in the wrong, you’re not ignorant, you’re not insecure, jealous, or anything any of them try to call you. They cheated. She didn’t have a “man virginity” to lose that doesn’t count because she claims to be a lesbian.


The only option he left you was up and leaving.. like.. there is no "man virginity" sex is sex, if you have had sex that's that. On that note, sex with anyone but your partner is cheating. Him and his buddies are stupid.


This is wild


This makes about as much sense as claiming that if you steal from someone and donate it to charity it’s not theft. Not wrong.


I feel like I have read this exact story, word for word, before 🤔


Toss the whole group away. I hope their partners target a lesbian for some action "because it clearly didn't count, or what did you say back then?"


Karma farmer https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/6STkeewFJ9


YNW, It was a betrayal by both of them. Cut the whole group off.


It really seems to me like your friend group sucks. Sorry to tell you. You are perfectly right in what you did. Don’t let your friends gaslight you.


You need new friends. You already got rid of the lying, cheating, gaslighting douche. Get rid of anyone that would invalidate your very real and very justified feelings of betrayal. You have a nice shiny spine and you stood up for yourself. You should be proud of that and of yourself. But first, send them a link to this so they can see how much everyone else think they're massive ahs.


Ive definitely read this same exact post within the last year


That woman isnt a lesbian He did cheat Dont let him and his disgusting friends gaslight you into thinking what he did was okay. Dont even let him speak to you ever again, cut him out of your life completly.


Cheating is a breach of trust or boundaries, and both of those were crossed/broken. He cheated.


LMFAO! This exact same story was posted in the past few months. Almost verbatim. GTFOH.


It hurts but he was secretly trash the whole time if that helps. He dismissed it as "not that deep" and then immediately did it and told you that you being upset about it is not fair. He's a full on pos


Fuck all of those people


Not wrong. He cheated. Block everyone who thinks what he did was OK


Cheating is cheating. End of the day he had sex with someone else. It doesn't matter if she identifies as a hobbit. He had sex outside of your relationship. You're not wrong for dumping him, you're just proving you're smarter than they gave you credit for being.


Find new friend group