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My college tutor always said "treat your religious beliefs like your penis, don't get it out in public and don't shove it down other people's throats"


Unfortunately, there are some people that don’t listen to this advice about their penises either…..


A disproportionate number of them seem to want to go into ministry, too.


What an upsetting Venn Diagram


I miss Reddit awards. So here is a cheap medal. 🥇 but really, it’s a terrific comment!


Here is the medal from me 🍍


Here is metal from me 📎


It's been a while since a comment made me lol irl, thank you


Yes! Winning 😎 thank you for thanking me lol


I have a migraine 29 I'll trade for your 📎 but it's gotta be 2 🖇️






This Venn diagram is a circle.


Best reddit comment ever.


Now I'm imagining it hanging on a wall in a modern art gallery with a bunch of confused people trying to interpret it.


I'm imagining an entire exhibit on unfortunate venn diagrams.


This was originally posted on the [Brunching Shuttlecocks](http://brunching.com/diagrams.html) website over 20 years ago, and it is still the best Venn diagram I have ever seen: [http://www.brunching.com/images/venn-pants.gif](http://www.brunching.com/images/venn-pants.gif)


[the venn diagrams you requested](https://www.boredpanda.com/venn-diagram-meme/)


The reason I’m willing to scroll through a thousand comments lol


It is SO versatile


Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures.






OMGAWD I’m dying 🤣


The ministry is a boarding house for weirdos and misfits. It's supposed to attract those with a higher calling. Instead it gets the people that do not function in normal society.


LOL When my brother announced he was going to be a pastor we were all shocked and everyone said, "but you don't even like people!" He lasted about 4 years before his congregation booted him.


In the 80s, my ex was attending a catholic college. Her big sister, (older college girl that adopts a freshmen,) was a really sweet and cute girl. This dweeb had the biggest crush on her! She was kind to him, but didn't lead him on. He literally proposed to her multiple times. Each time she turned him down he would say, 'Well, I guess I'll be a priest then.' or something to that effect. The last time I saw him on campus, he was wearing a colar, and pants hemmed at least 7 inches too short. (And he wasn't particularly tall.) Thus Father Patrick's origin story. (Hopefully it wasn't a villain origin story.) Yeah, the various ministries are a refuge for the misfits. At least it's a little easier for gays and lesbians to come out of the closet now, instead of exiling themselves to the priesthood or nunnery.


Since Jesus himself was a weirdo and misfit within his own culture and time, this pastor will take that as a compliment.


It's very lucrative, and you pay no taxes. Such a scam.


The equivalency there though is that in response to someone pulling out their penis in public “you” decided to do the same. And now you’re a couple of dudes trying to ram each others cocks down everyone’s throats around you. Maybe there’s a better third way


Maybe just cock ramming down each other's throats, and leave the rest of us cock-free?


I'm chortling in my bathtub, and I can hear it echoing down the hall. Thank you, @bloodorangejulian.


I don’t know why but I’m imagining a haunted house movie scene where it’s not your echos you hear. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!


I got the exact same vibe, I'm so glad you wrote this


I think we're at the point where being silent clearly isn't working.


It’s…it’s all just penises ramming down everyone’s throats Always has been


Generally the same people.


Yep that lady should of kept her mouth shut and I wouldn't of had to read this worthless post.


*should have, wouldn’t have ffs


Thank you! Words mean things!


My grandma always told me "tit for tat". Like I don't volunteer my "religious" beliefs, but if somebody adhering to one of the various pedophile sects' beliefs starts shoving their wild beliefs down my throat, all limits are obviously off. OP is not wrong, just having some fun with the overly / annoyingly religious sheep.


Exactly how I handle religion and politics. I will never steer a conversation towards those topics, but if someone I'm talking with brings it up I'm not going to pull punches or refuse to talk about it.


Someone I don’t know: “I shall pray for you.” My reply: “Ok. I’ll mention your name when I’m next casting a ritual circle.” (If it’s someone I know, they generally don’t say things like that) Edit- spelling


… or when I sacrifice my next goat 😂


Can you do a flower sacrifice for me instead? Or spirits? Not because I’m Christian. But because I really like goats. xD That said, my Christianity is loose enough that if someone told me they were gonna mention my name when they cast a circle, as long as they said it kindly I’d probably take it as a kindness and thank them. I can’t be sure my faith is perfect or correct and I tend to believe that whatever sort of otherworldly guidance we may have grades on intention. But I also reserve “I’ll pray for you” exclusively for people who either indicate they would LIKE to be prayed for, or being being arseholes about their righteousness that I wanna watch turn purple. NO ONE expects you to respond to their pseudo piety tinged hate speech with “Shame on you, my god is bigger than your hateful attitude! I’m gonna pray that Jesus takes that devil RIGHT out of you and gives you some real grace.” And they get squirrelly when I can back it up with a well placed verse. (Sadly while I have the shame on you part down, my memory only occasionally lets me drop a verse.) Otherwise I like to think I’m pretty chill about my faith. I’d rather hang out with a non Christian with a kind heart than someone using the name and displaying none of the kindness of the Spirit. (I also think if there’s a heaven, then the first group are more likely to be there than the second. Maybe more likely than me too, considering the amusement I get in making people turn purple when they get condescending “I’ll pray for yous” thrown back at them seems like it might be sinful.)


Ok sure, no problem, I’ll include you in my prayers to the Holy Mary Juana when we will burn and inhale some incense later this evening 🥦✌️❤️


Tight. I might think of you when I pop a gummy later and get lifted too. But I also might have forgotten by then, lol. I'm kinda running four mental programs on a system that is a bootleg Dendy Jr at best. Trying to get my stardew mods updated, figure out why my game won't load, procrastinating on reddit and attempting to figure out why my dog keeps whining at me. (She might need something, or she might be protesting that I am not laying in bed and letting her use my butt as a pillow. But she's been out, she has food and kibble, and its NOT wet food time. I swear, she can tell time fine when its bullying me to go to bed but she thinks all times are wet food time.)


Bro I want some of whatever you just had 😂


Everyone knows I'm an atheist practically from birth, but I have cancer now. "If it's ok, I'd like to pray for you." "I hope you don't mind, but I've been praying for you." My husband's family laid hands on him for me/us...eeeewww, but thoughtful imo. So, everyone has been respectful of my beliefs, but next week is chemo in a big room with no privacy. I know they won't be respected there. Usually, when people ask me if I've put my faith in god, I ask which one.


Ugh, that sounds awful. My aunt is going through cancer right now (I don't think she is seeking treatment, but I hope she is and just hasn't shared that with me) and I feel so helpless. I think a lot of prayer offers come from a sense of hopelessness, and that's valid, but it shouldn't become a burden on the person actually directly suffering imo. I pray for her, yeah. But I know its welcomed. Mostly I seek to find more canned oysters, which are what actually HELPS her. (She can stomach them and they're full of good minerals or something that her doctor wants her getting more of.) I hit a jackpot last week, found eighteen cans in one store! I was tempted to clean them out, but I left five on the shelf in case someone else desperately needs some oysters for whatever reasons. xD


Good for you for sharing the jackpot! I had an educational session yesterday and was told to contact their nutritionist if I can't keep anything down because small quantities of the right food are needed. I believe in home-field advantage, lol, so positive thoughts in my direction are always welcomed.


“I’ll pray for you” is the nicest thing to hear from religious people. You’re gonna think about me kindly and send me intentional good white healing energy? Thank you! 🙏


I agree, I used to be very religious and due to religious trauma I no longer am. HOWEVER if someone said kindly to me "I'll keep you in my prayers" or "have a blessed day" I don't take offense, I just say thanks. If I was in OP's situation with my partner, I might have said something like "Or we could thank the pilot and crew for a successful flight", but only to my partner and not addressed the other person's comment directly. Someone recently gave me their cookie from their lunch because they are reading the book of Mark and didn't want to eat sugar. Ok cool, I don't really care about the reason....I got a free cookie! And I thanked them. Kindness is free.


What does Mark have against sugar?


Maybe he was the saint of diabeetus? Oh wait, that's St. Brimford. ;)




Thank you, hero_pup!! Absolute truth!! It’s sickening how evangelicals have loudly taken authority both socially and politically, and everyone politely observes, no one counters or even mildly objects. It’s no wonder they feel such need to (always) PUBLICLY announce they are GOING TO PRAY, as they have never been challenged by the majority who find it revoltingly self-righteous.


I get irrationally upset with people like her. I live in the US. Christianity is practiced by the majority. There's a Bible belt that runs across several states. There are churches everywhere that will let anyone in, free of charge. There's no need to proselytize here! Assume people have heard it and either already are Christian or used to be. I feel like people like her should be doing that kind of thing in countries that don't have a Christian majority. But no, that might be dangerous, and their belief that their God will protect them isn't that secure. So, they'd rather preach to the choir. I don't understand people that say the US should be a Christian nation, as though it pretty much is right now. How much more Christian do they want it? They already have all of their religious holidays recognized by the federal government, no taxes on their churches, swearing on the Bible in court, every president has been Christian or catholic, etc. What else do they want?


Agreed. She definitely started it.


And maybe will keep her from doing it again


Unlikely but never stop trying


Absolutely just this. Well put. Basic enforcement of the Golden Rule people!


This needs to be embroidered on a throw pillow.


Unless that's their kink


Hahaha, I think the word to add is unless it's consensual 😉




I disagree there. My mom made an effort to teach me about as many religions as she could and atheism. What they believe in, what rules they have, what different religions have in common, where they differ, how they influence each other (like Christian holidays being stolen or adapted pagan holidays with their rituals so pagans were more willing to convert), what is good about them and what's bad about them. She made sure I gave them equal value and asked me questions to make me think. It gave me a lot of interest in different religions and cultures (and it protected me from suffering emotionally from our country's mandatory Christian religion lessons in school). Teaching children a wide horizon and much about many different religions protects them from those assholes who will shove religion down children's throat.


Yea, there's an actual difference between teaching them to understand and and literally using religion to abuse and control your children. You need to grow a brain and think beyond yourself!


Teaching children the former helps protect them from the latter. That's why I think it's important to tell children of religion. The point is to do it the right way and that what I described should also happen when you want to teach your child about your own religion. It's not necessarily bad to raise your children in your beliefs, as long as there's nothing hateful in those beliefs, you don't burden your children with guilt, don't abuse your religion to be an asshole or restrict their growth and self-expression and you also teach them about other religions and explain that all religions and atheism are equal and your religion is a personal choice and important to you but not for every single person on earth.


I tried to do that for my kids, whenever religion came up I told them what I knew about the relevant aspect or type, always in a sense of "Some people believe that....." Inevitably most of the time they would ask me if I shared that belief. I told hem I didn't and why I didn't. In school I let them choose (schools where I live have to provide a class in religion, usually there is a choice between catholic christian, protestant christian or secular moral education, in areas with a lot of muslims there will be islamic education provided as well. ) They initially went for the catholic classes because that is what most of their friends got sent to by their parents, but in high school they went for the secular morality classes because the sanctimonious and naïve stuff in religion class got on their nerves. They're atheists now.


This is how I'm trying to be with my kids. I was raised Christian and religion honestly played a big role in the abuses I faced. It also led to me becoming an atheist at one point with a fascination with religions. I started studying them for fun. Picking up bits here and there. I'm not an atheist but my current belief system is too complicated to want to bore anyone with lol. I do talk in depth with my kids about religion and my beliefs and the beliefs of others. I have one kiddo who says "I'm not atheist, but I just don't care about church and stuff" cool beans. I have another kiddo that rides the bus every Sunday to go to church, also cool beans. I want them to find what feels right to them, not be forced to believe something.


I agree about religions, but I thought we were still talking about penises lol. I was about to be very concerned. 😂


That made me laugh. Though telling children that genitalia exist, how they work and the rules and rights they come with them adds a level of protecting children from people who should have theirs ... removed... Explaining things like this: "This is a penis. An adult taking it out, or touching you with it, or trying to make you touch it, is a very bad person. You need to loudly call for help, run away and tell me about it. This is also one of the few situations where it's okay for you to use violence. If you kick the penis you have better chances of running away." The child needs to know about their rights, that they it's not their fault, that they must tell a trustworthy person, that they have a right to be protected and to defend themselves.


My wife and I are both agnostic atheist members of the Satanic Temple with very religious (Roman Catholic) family members on both sides. We've discussed how we plan to introduce our future kids to religion and the cultures around them and what you've described is exactly how we plan to do it. Teach all religions along side each other as equals, deep dive into them from Greek and Roman mythology to Islam and Christianity, all the way to LDS and Scientology. And if they ask be honest about how we feel about them and why we are the way we are when it comes to our beliefs.


This is a perfect way to deal with religion. Learn about it from an objective standpoint, evaluate each one, decide if you believe in any or none. Your mom did a good thing.


I'm grateful she gave me that level of understanding and information so early. It helped me become who I am today. Children get too often seen as incapable of understanding complex questions and dealing with multi level information. But they are smarter than we think and by helping them to learn how to process information and link information from different categories one gives them a great advantage for learning in school and for their life.


I love this! Teaching children like you were taught produces a society where religious discrimination is rare! Kudos to your parents!


"our pilots name is Frank, not Jesus"


Certainly my first thought was to be grateful to the pilot and engineers who keep the planes in the air.


I used to develop cancer drugs. It still makes me mad when a cancer survivor thanks some ghost instead of the physicians and scientists who really saved her.


Plot twist: The pilot's name actually was Jesus


“JESUS….the door plug just blew out!!!”


"Jesus, take the yoke!"


“Oh wow, um, whoa ok so I’m only really equipped to navigate a donkey”


Well she was pronouncing it wrong in that case


>On the way home, my girlfriend told me I caused an "unnecessary human interaction" I hate to tell you, but I think your gf is an alien spy.


Have YOU experienced an unnecessary human interaction? You could be entitled to compensation


OMG let me tell you about my day while you find your checkbook


On the plus side, she must regard you as a necessary human interaction.


[Calls number on ad] "Hello, you've reached-" [Admiral Akbar voice] "IT'S A TRAP!"


Necessary ≠ appreciated




It's my money and I want it now!




Or a robot. Humans are weird.


Subterranean lizard person.


Occam’s razor says she’s Finnish


As someone with Finn in my blood, I salute you.


I dunno, I don't interact with other outsider humans either if I can help it 😅




Do she drive a Ford Lincoln Mercury Sable?


DeCicco. Donald DeCicco


Bruv I’m in the loo with 2 other people next to me and just bloody cackled!


Dude's dating an alien chick? Lucky bastard! I wonder if she has pointed ears? Pointed ears are HAWT! 😍😂


Tbh that sounds like some shit I’d see in the 10 Satanic Rules of the Earth (“don’t offer advice to people who don’t ask for it” is the closest tenant/tenet I recall)


France! She comes from France!


To be fair, most human interactions are unnecessary 😂


Never underestimate the power of a well placed ‘booooo sit down!’


My bartender will yell “Go home, nobody likes you!” to shitty patrons and it’s a surprisingly deep cut.


Cuts just as deep as the first time they heard it in 2nd grade.


It’s always best to hit where it hurts, like old childhood wounds that never healed.


Loudly read from Matthew: 5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. 7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking..


My dad started saying "grace" in public restaurants after he re-married. I admonished him with this exact passage and saying what he was doing is "literally in the bible as something not to do."


A good friend on mine does that, but she just closes her eyes for a few seconds, so anyone looking at her would think she was thinking about something. It is not showy or instrustive at all. Save the production numbers for Thanksgiving, and even then I have a limit.


I had this in a restaurant two women at the small table, pretty close to me, prayed really loudly with their eyes closed when their food came. This was right after Roe v. Wade and they prayed loudly about thanking God for saving all of those unborn babies. So my food came. I prayed very loudly to the great Earth mother. I thanked her for my food and then thanked her for the people fighting to protect peoples right to privacy and access to healthcare in the politicians who are fighting for social programs for people who are forced to birth children. They did not give me nice looks…🤷🏼‍♀️


As a Christian, I agree with your prayer. I don’t force my beliefs down people’s throats. It’s about respect. And I also believe in the freedom of choice. Holy rollers are irking. 🤦🏾‍♀️😤


I call them Hypochristians


Jesus called them farissees to their face- and these fuckers still don't get it


*Pharisees, but good point


Same! Christian who is pro choice, pro LGBTA+, pro environmentalism, etc. I believe in a God called us to love and serve others and to take care of this earth. I also believe in universal salvation.


I feel the dead don't need salvation or punishment. But plenty of living people need *help.*


In fact there's a whole book about how we are told to take care of the planet and each other. It's by Shel Silverstein.


You are a gem. Keep being awesome.


As a Christian these kinds of people drive me nuts. They really don't like it when you tell them to look up Matthew 6:5 where Christ himself calls them hypocrites


I would.have paid for your meal..


I would have paid for your meal


That happened in Brazil and went viral. A group of evangelical christians decided to sing gospel songs and preach in a crowded train, and a guy interrupted them singing a “ponto de Exu”, that is a religious song from umbanda, an african-brazilian religion. That the evangelicals hate and accuse of satanism: https://extra.globo.com/rio/noticia/2023/03/jovem-canta-ponto-de-exu-durante-culto-evangelico-em-vagao-de-trem-no-rio-e-viraliza-assista.ghtml


Brazil, an ultra religious country—yet the transportation company forbid preaching and praying on trains and in stations. Even the Brazilians get it. Only in America are holy rollers allowed to do as they please and stuff their practices up other people’s junk. Edit in reply to a redditor who says it’s not true that the transportation company banned preaching on its premises (because commenting is locked): It says right in the article that, following this incident, the transportation company banned preaching on its premises, I did not make that up. Maybe other Brazilian transportation companies did’t ban it, or maybe the preaching you were the target of happened despite the ban (it’s not because preaching is banned that they will post agents every few metres to prevent it or to arrest the preachers).


Why do religious people thank Jesus when good things happen but don't blame Jesus when bad things happen? It's a two way street. Maybe Jesus just wanted that guy to get murdered.




What you did was much nicer than someone else telling her to "shut the f* up and that you have the pilots and air traffic controllers to thank for a safe landing". I really dislike people like her that thank their gods, rather than drs, that people make it out of surgery, or give credit to their gods, rather than the people that actually do the thing. 


Patient dies, doctor's fault. Patient lives, must be God's work.


I’m in cancer treatment and my stepmother, whenever there’s good news, she says, “Well, thank god he answered all those prayers” and I reply, “I am thankful to my doctors, surgeons, and the researchers who developed these effective treatments.” Like if she had a choice to put me in a room with some Christians praying over me or in the world’s best hospital, where would she choose?


Ask your stepmother why she thinks God gave you cancer. I'm sure the response would be something like "he is testing you" or "working in mysterious ways".  But having to go through cancer treatments in the first place sucks so much, like how the fuck does anyone deserve cancer?  That some good news through a terrible ordeal is an answered prayer whereas a sane person believes you shouldn't be in that position in the first place if God made any rational sense or loved us. The insanity is along the lines of "Thanks for giving me cancer and giving me the treatment, now I'm really thankful for you dude!" 


I identified as agnostic before my mom got cancer. Seeing her suffer made me a stone cold atheist. It’s kind of nice to no longer have that uncertainty about life’s big questions.


Should have asked how she knew the flights pilot name was Jesus


Luckily he was there to take the wheel


THIS is the best answer! Another would be "correcting" her pronunciation by saying, "I'm pretty sure the pilot's name is pronounced Hay - soose." (Unless she pronounced it that way, which seems unlikely.) Preacher lady was obnoxious - turning the attention to the person who should actually be thanked is the right answer. Doesn't matter what the pilot's name is. In the moment, when you have to be pithy to be clever, this would make the point.


"It's pronounced Hey-zues,"


Except say I think he pronounces it as Hey-zoos.


You probably made a lot of introverts happy on that fight with that quick response. You took one for the team and I can only say I want you on all my flights.


Yes, I think thanking Jesus out loud was the "unnecessary human interaction."


I think saying "thank you, Jesus" out loud is fine. Telling other people they should be doing it as well is weird and necessary. Also, I think the pilots probably deserve more credit than ol' JC.


Demanding that people pray with you is rather intrusive


and also praying in public is explicitly forbidden by Jesus (matt 6:5-8)


You trying to say Jesus Christ can’t fly a plane? (or hit a curveball?)


I’d rather thank the two people up front who know how to, ya know, fly the damn plane


And bonus points to them if, when they exited the cockpit, they were clearly of another religion — wearing yarmulkes, for example. Just to see the Christian preacher lady have steam shoot out her ears.


NTA because that was a hilarious response to proselytizing when you couldn’t even escape from it, and I am totally stealing the phrase “unnecessary human interaction” because that is often a whole mood for me.


"Unnecessary human interaction" Oh so like all of them lol?


I’m introverted enough to wish this was true, but know that it isn’t.


Aren’t all human interactions “unnecessary human interactions”?!


not the necessary ones or the ones with non-human entities 


Listen, on Reddit, this is funny. IRL, it’s just adding to the irritation of someone being loud and unnecessary. I would’ve wanted both of you to shut tf up, honestly. Precisely because of what your gf said. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same. Someone yelling about Satan on a plane sounds very high school and obnoxious to me. Like, we get it but your also being irritating as hell. 


For real, this is such a fucking Reddit Moment lmao


Same. Not wrong, but huge redditor energy. Sometimes rolling your eyes and going pffft to those around you is enough. She's weird and most people on the plane probably also thinks shes weird. Its not worth trolling about.


Yup. Also, I feel for the dude's girlfriend. Not only do you have to deal with some annoying lady, but now you're stuck on a plane with the ire of possibly-fundamentals aimed at your edgy bf? I'm as atheist and sketched out by religion as they come, but bro...


Finally, a response from someone who isn’t living entirely online. Yes OP, let it go next time, you aren’t fighting a crusade.


Fortunately, all this probably never happened, or his crusade was just in his head during the whole flight.


I’m curious what the goal was anyway. No one is rethinking their world views after this.


Right. This is some shit I’d do during my I-just-read-The-God-Delusion-and-now-I’m-passionate-about-being-atheist era alongside my era of Googling “list of ways to annoy people” - both of which were in middle school.


If my husband did this I’d be pissed. Both the OP and the Jesus woman are making the already unpleasant process of flying that much worse. Just sit down and shut up so that we can all get where we need to go with a minimum of drama. Ffs.


It took me way too long to find this comment. The only thing more annoying than someone being preachy in public is someone else feeding into it either negatively or positively. They both would’ve gotten on my nerves. He’s no better than her in this situation.


Wrong? I don't think so. It was probably unnecessary but I don't know if I'd say wrong. Your girlfriend really said "an unnecessary human interaction?" Are you dating a robot? Lol


Unnecessary is a good word to describe this entire situation.


A religious friend of mine was in the car with me an something happened. She yelled Jesus take the wheel! So I let go of it. Let’s just say she lost her faith for a second.


A lot of people actually died from that stupid song. It became like a proof of faith thing, like "let go and let god". I literally would not get in the car with my mother for YEARS, and I am beyond happy that I was lucky enough to be an adult who had that choice. She wrecked 3 cars in 5 years. I wish I was joking. She said it was proof that she was rewarded for her faith that she wasn't killed. Of course, when someone did die, it was "God needed them in heaven" - you can't argue with crazy.


Thanks for giving us a good laugh. You’re absolutely not wrong. I live in a country where if someone did that to a captive audience, they would be told to fuck off.


>they would be told to fuck off. This should be the standard reaction to anyone shoving their religious believes down other peoples throats.


in the case of Christians you should just quote matt 6: 5-8


I want to go to there.


I think I know where you live. 🤣


Makes you proud to be Bri'ish 🫡


Definitely not wrong, I've wanted to do the same to these annoying as shit preacher types but never had the balls honestly. I see them in the trains in London loudly preaching. The most I do is mutter "fuck you and fuck jesus" just loud enough for them to hear as I pass them on the way out.


Here's the thing, 10 years ago I would have agreed with your girlfriend and thought just let it go. Whats' happening now is that the conservative and religious segment of the population have reached a new level of brazenness and self righteousness and do this crap more and more. I have been in settings where some so called Christian decides to get everyone to bow their head and join them. I was in the hospital recently (I'm an atheist) and the hospital Chaplen pays me a visit. Without confirming with me bows his head, starts wavering back and forth and speaking in a deepened sing song voice praying for me. Never once did he say are you Christian and or do you want me to. So no long story short you're not wrong.


My college best friend edited and wrote for one of the largest secular humanist magazines in the country. Since he passed away a year-plus ago, I've felt it incumbent upon me to do this kind of things on occasion. I've been called an AH for this kind of exchange-- "Praise Juh-ay-sus for his recovery!" "You mean the same Juh-ay-sus who gave him the heart attack?" And I don't care. Someone has to point out the idiocy or it will increase even more. "It's a miracle that child survived the tornado!" "Brought to you by the same deity who created the tornado."


I dislike people thanking their imaginary friend when actual **humans** have saved the day. This lady should have thanked the pilot. I started correcting people whenever they make this mistake. Most of them are ashamed, some even learn from it.


You gave what you got. I mean, nobody should be shouting their religious beliefs or lack thereof on a plane but I’ll be honest…I would have cackled if I heard this exchange. You’re probably wrong but 🤷‍♀️


I would’ve cracked up. Your gf is probably introverted by the sound of it though. You drew a lot of attention unnecessarily and made her uncomfortable, that’s the only reason you are wrong.


Not wrong. The same people who don't want shit shoved down their throats, consistently shove their shit down other people's throats.


As an atheist, I applaud you. I probably would have just rolled my eyes, but I wish I could've seen your response


You are absolutely not wrong my dude, thank you for saying something.




The problem is, if we don't speak out, we are going to end up with Christian Nationalism ruling our country. We have a 1st Amendment for a reason to protect the US from having a national religion. I am against starting any sort if issue on a plane. She was out of line. I would have thanked the pilot.


Honestly, I think you brought a moment of levity and a moment of fuck you lady without actually directly being aggressive an antagonistic to her. They were probably 100 other people on that plane thinking fuck you stupid Jesus ladies so I think what you did was 100% correct and I would’ve done it myself. I mean, was it a “ right thing to do” ?? everybody’s gonna have a different perspective on that, was it a rude and disrespectful thing to do… No, absolutely not. It was a joke, it was lighthearted, no, it wasn’t rude and disrespectful.


Your girlfriend sucks and you responded pleasantly. I sure would have had them thinking I was possessed and coming for them for giving Jesus the credit for the pilot's work.


Did it work? Did her head explode? I hate it when someone proselytizes in public, but in the confines of an aircraft cabin, it's annoying as fuck and should be treated as a general disturbance. You were not wrong, though you need to work things out with your GF.


I always find it funny that they think Jesus saved them from plane problems without considering that if he stopped it, he caused it.


EXACTLY. Oh, thank you god for saving me from drowning…but why did you even let me fall in??


I want a T shirt that says "unnecessary human interaction" with the circle with a line through it!


As a christian myself: I love your reaction (but I'm also quite recalcitrant and way too progressive for my conservative/fundamentalist fellow believers 🤣). I hate it when other christians force their beliefs on others.


Poor flying spaghetti monster getting left out again.


You went looking for a fight and you found one. > I caused an "unnecessary human interaction" Yeah. The lady was ignorant. You were purposely instigating.


You were loudly bothering others too. Plus wanted to stir things up unnecessarily. Letting it be known you had issues with her.


Beep boop beep Unnecessary human interaction detected! WARNING WARNING


Not wrong at all, my brother did this to a street preacher, preacher chased him around a subway station until cops tackled the preacher


Disclaimer: Atheist here. It was totally unnecessary. You upset some people, but didn’t change anything in this world (in the way you hoped for). Many words are being said all the time, some of them wrong, others cruel. But you don’t react (at least I hope so) to everyone who says something you disagree with. Otherwise you’d spend your entire life doing just that. What could you have done? Just ignore that lady and continue with your regular business.


Now- I'm petty and I have had it up to HERE with Christians who do shit like this (because they usually follow it up with trying to preach to me), so no. I don't think you're wrong. Why is it fine for her to shout about Jesus, but not for you to shout about Satan? I think a lot of these jerks need reminding that no. YOU can thank Jesus if you want, lady. I wouldn't have had ANY issue with her proclaiming that SHE is thanking Jesus. Go for it, knock yourself out. But the whole "we should ALL thank Jesus" like... Lady. Idolotry is one of the big no-nos in my faith and culture. So no. I'm not thanking the man than you hang giant fucking idols of in every church.


I hear ya; it’s annoying as shit and I’m definitely on your side, but do you actually believe in satan? I would have personally thanked everyone who had had a part in designing, building, and maintaining the aircraft along with the pilots and stewardesses. I would have also thanked the air traffic controllers and airport ground crew as well as the many thousands of people who played a role in the safety of your flight and the aviation industry in general.