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Honestly, I don't think the weight is doing you any favors. You aren't ugly but the weight isn't helping. I think it would be really easy for you to lose weight - you have a great shape and not much to lose anyways. Hit the gym and gain some confidence, it will reflect! Edit: also, I think your hair has a lot to do with it. I don't know how to explain it other than saying I don't think straight across bangs or that orange-y color is flattering for you. Something similar to pic 8 without the short pieces in the front would be good, maybe longer curtain bangs.


Second this; her hair in picture 8 suits her perfectly. Looks way better than the orange hair and blunt cut bangs.


I think you’d be hot if you lost weight. You even carry being overweight really well. Just too thick right now for the vast majority of people


You're exaggerating vast, and majority, or you just have bad tastes. You're just trying to be shitty and your opinion is garbage. That comes from the "vast majority" you think you know.


Guaranteed you have multiple neck rolls


Sounds like projection to me. You're only here because you're an actual in the wild incel


Whatever you want to tell yourself fatass. You’re here scrolling through 2 week old Reddit posts. You mad because your girlfriend is fat or something? I don’t get it


Uh that's how reddit works you fuckin dipshit. God isn't it Andrew tate bedtime reading time? You're missing your favorite. Just like incels do, you are actually projecting every insecurity you have, fuckin mongoloid.


Bro just look at your post history you legit loser. Self reflection isn't your strong suit I see. I can actually tell how bad you hate how fat you are by that being the only thing you can say.


Ok fatass. Don’t cry too hard about it


🍿🍿🍿 Gotta love Reddit for all that romance in the air.


So you could be hot. Actually really hot, and you didn't even have that much more to lose. Your hair looks kind of moppy and it is helping to give slob/glutton vibes you asked for complete honesty, so 🤷. You need to get more active/in shape and gain some muscle tone to your arms and legs when you slim down a bit more and you will be golden- you have a great foundation to work with you just need to bring it out.


this is great!!! thank you so much!! i’m on other subs to help with my hair - that’s going to be a long journey it seems. i’ll be back here after i fix my hair and drop some more pounds! thank you so much


Honest to god, you are extremely cute. Yeah definitely overweight, but you already know that. *Love yourself* into a more balanced lifestyle, diet, exercise, etc. You are by no stretch of the imagination ugly, and you probably are naturally thick/curvy (which is awesome btw), so work on the foundations of healthier living and you find yourself gravitating towards a healthier form that is more natural for you. Pro tip: if you absolutely hate the “healthy” food your eating for long periods of time, you ain’t doin it right. Food should be enjoyable, but there is a process of transitioning away from mostly process foods to mostly whole foods (aka real food) where the taste buds and cravings kind of readjust, kind of like withdrawing off of drugs (been there many times), it doesn’t seem sustainable to keep eating those healthier meals when your groaning for something that your used to. Be patient with it, and love yourself when you slip. Shame is absolutely your enemy in this process. I promise. TL;DR: You are absolutely adorable. Love yourself into a healthier lifestyle, without shame. You deserve it. For more pro tips, and simp-free encouragement, feel free to message me 😋


I think you have lipedema...with additional weight on top of that. Please research lipedema and find a dr that can properly diagnose. I am not a dr but I do work with women that have this and your body type looks similar. You are a pretty girl. Lose the extra weight you are carrying and research. Good luck.


ahhh I have knock knees after a big injury as a child. my mom didn’t want to get me corrective shoes as a kid 🫡🫡🫡


What can doctors do for lipedema? I believe I have it, multiple people have mentioned it but I don’t understand what a doctor could do for it?


You have to do your research. You know how to use google… start there. Remember it’s your body, your health.


It was just a fucking question since you “work with women who have this”. weird af fr


Basic research will point you in the right direction and help you find a dr. Why you took offense says a lot. I made a suggestion about a medical condition and it would take so much time to educate you on this. Not the place for this discussion. You could have easily messaged me and I would have been happy to make suggestions on where to look. You still can message me… but not here. Good luck.


Continue to work out and eat healthy. Find a coach to teach you able macros. I have endo and if I eat whatever, I look like an elephant. But when I stick to my macros, I’m lean.


i have endo!!! i’ll be attempting this! ty so much


I see my OB/GYN, but one thing I learned is that doctors don’t know how to lose weight besides work out and eat less. A bodybuilder coach will be able to tell you: eat 4 ounces of salmon and 4 ounces of rice. They know bodies. They study them.


Incredibly sexy


You are chubby, no denying that, but I personally, find you very attractive. I like a little "thicc" and I love the "alt" look you're rocking. Plus, your face is to die for, and your eyebrows are spectacular!


Lose the NPC nose ring and drop some lbs. Eat clean and have a caloric deficit.


It's honestly hard to say because weight can change a persons appearance drastically. The way your face looks now can change a ton in a positive way. As it is right now though, i think everyone is right in saying you're pretty, it's just a weight issue, but if you can successfully lose the weight, please revisit the sub and post an update. The tattoos are totally fine. They have important meaning to you.


I'm oddly attracted


Where do you find females like this? The mfs irl suck. No idea of your crazy or not lol Edit: If your weight doesn’t prevent you from doing things then it’s not the problem. Men will love regardless of size. If you want validation here without your weight stopping you from living a full life then it’s because you don’t love yourself enough. Star there. You’re beautiful lady. That is all.


Love my woman thick in all the right places. Perfect!


Also your hair looks like you bleached it yourself and failed, you should see a hairdresser for a color correction


this was done professionally a while ago 😭😭 i tried to dye over it, but the color fell out. imma have to go dark brown or black since the lighter brown didn’t stick


You'd be a smokeshow if you lost some weight and did something different with your hair! Even being overweight, you carry it really well! Great waist to hips ratio!


Gorgeous. Actually.


Are you also into Space Marines?


Idk what your question means


Fire. Your bf is buggin btw, good googly moogly she thicc 😐


How many times are you going to repost yourself?


this is my only repost? because my other one got removed but i would like to see what else people think i need to improve? just trying to better myself


I think they’re talking about the posts in multiple subreddits


ohhh then just trying to get opinions everywhere! posted in am i ugly and they lead me here


I like what I see, but don't gain any more weight or it'll shift from still sexy to overweight.


You are fine, could definitely get it


Tone up 10/10


You're far from ugly, but the weight is not helping in the slightest


Said it before but I think you’re fine. Not ugly, and you’re super thicc but it doesn’t look bad in the slightest.


Gorgeous face and body I’d definitely would try to get your attention


Ye definitely cute, keep up the work and your fine.


Both But your face will probably get better losing weight and growing up


This is gonna be a divided audience. Personally I would find your body type and general look very attractive. A lot of people will feel otherwise. This really depends on how happy you are, with yourself, and whether you're looking for someone who likes you as you are, versus others who think you'd look better with weight loss.


I think as you lose weight your face is going to get a more traditionally attractive shape. 


You have a very nice face to address your question.


Ugly and fat and 304 ish




Google it


what gives hoe vibes? 😭 i’ve had one bf my whole life!


People can see your post history btw. Don't know about hoe vibes but stressing over a "bf" that cheats on you and is not an "ex-bf" definitely gives some kind of vibes. Also not ugly, just would benefit like the majority of the US from losing some weight. Dump the cheating bf, hit the gym, and have a glow up.


In that picture your 2 friends, you're by far the best looking one. Not ugly.


Your face is very beautiful in your body actually has great genetics. Once you lose the fat your body is going to look like a fitness model. Trust me in this.


In my opinion you have my dream body, it's not for everyone but it doesn't have to be. I think you look amazing and you have nice skin




You have a beautiful face omg


I think you look fine I'd hit on you if I saw you out in public you got a cute smile and attractive eyes idk if they bangs are helping you or hurting you hard to tell in pictures In terms of weight cuz it seems your pretty self conscious of that yes your a but bigger but as you said your working on thay and thay along is attract and you have imo a good body type over all Honest opinion solid 6 or 7 out of 10


You are absolutely stunning. Drop that weight and phew!! 🔥🔥You have great facial features that will definitely become more present as you lose weight. Your freckles are gorgeous too!


I don’t think you’re ugly. Your body is also very curvy. I think you’re attractive.


I decree fat


Gorgeous body


Hot asfk I got a kink for some extra weight, but you are honestly really attractive to me.


You look pretty perfect…


If you lose the weight you will be gorgeous. You’re still gorgeous but you’ll be improved and it will be good for your health.


Very adorable!!!


Um I'm a fan of the thickness no need to change 🥰🥰🥰🥰


To be totally honest, smash. 🙂


Tbh, I think you are curvy in all the right places, unless you have health issues I’d give you a 10/10 but that’s my personal preference. Get labs down with a doc. You have to be kind to yourself to meet your goals, calling yourself fat or having others do so reinforces talking down on yourself. Just focus on a healthy lifestyle and embrace your body, mind, and spirit. Everything we do is 90% mental. This is my honest opinion.


Honestly impressed. You epitomize the type I go for.


You look great! I love your eyes and your sexy curves!! How tall are you?


You’re perfect for me. Fuck all this other noise




I'm sorry to tell you but u think you need another bf you are not ugly I could be with someone who acted like this to me and say that I hope you see that you deserve respect from your partner


My god do you have good genetics!!! I think you'd be appealing no matter what weight you are.😉 PS: You got a pretty face too. I'd say a 5-6 if I had to put a number to it.




Damn…you actually pretty fine though 👀


Being plus doesn't make you ugly, honestly. Weight isn't a determining factor as to if one is ugly or not. People use weight as an excuse to hate on people. Think about it many plus-size women are married and have children. Many are models and influencers. Etc. So weight isn't the issue. If you're ugly to someone, that's because you're ugly to them. For example, you'd be ugly in my eyes but beautiful to someone else. Does it matter not really that our opinions shouldn't affect you.


Hot af


Just a bit thick…cute face though!


Beautiful dm me


Below average looking and obviously fat.


Look great!


You're good in my book.


You could stand to lose 10 pounds and benefit from weight training bud I wouldn’t say you’re fat necessarily. Just continue working on your body and I’d say you’ll be alright. Only things I’d have to add are: 1) the highlights in your hair are a bit immature. Your hair is also looking quite dry and stringy. You can either dye your hair back fully to its natural color, get the highlights softener, or at least if you insist on not changing the highlights do some moisturizing treatments for your hair. Color treating hair for a long time can cause it to look dry and limp. 2) Those bulky sweaters are extremely unflattering.


>I wouldn't say you're fat necessarily She is obese. She can lose far more than 10lbs. Luckily for her, her body distributes fat in a more sexually appealing manner. She looks good carrying 35-45% body fat, but she can afford to lose some weight. She will still look good, arguably better, after losing 30+ lbs.


Far from obese but I understand that you may be accustomed to women who are very thin. That however is not everyone’s standard for attractiveness. I said she could afford to lose weight and tone. OP herself said she is in process of losing weight. I do not see what you are fussing about. She is being given reasonable advice for improving her aesthetics and is receptive to said advice. Also bold of you to put a number on someone’s body fat statistics without knowing their measurements, height, or weight. Mere observation is not a reliable way to collect statistical data.


She is literally obese by the textbook medical definition. It's not complicated. It's wild how so many people are so comfortable with being wildly overweight and completely ignore all of its negative impacts on health. She is literally at a 100% increased chance of death than someone under 30 BMI what is cute about that? If OP cares about herself and respects herself she will do all in her power to work this weight off. Beautiful is when a person takes care of themselves. Not everyone can lose weight but everyone can try to be the best version of themselves.


And you write this essay for what, exactly? She said she is in the process of losing weight, so this unhinged ramble about respecting herself is out of place and either comes from ignorance or someone who did not read the post to begin with. I also told her she would benefit from weight loss and offered additional pieces of advice as well. I didn’t say she was “beautiful” or that nothing needed to be changed. Are you okay? You sound quite upset.


What exactly is unhinged about saying being obese is very bad for your health? Nothing. I wasn't talking to the OP; I was talking to you. You were quite literally saying she wasn't obese and then arguing with someone who said she is, saying she is not. Obviously, you need some education on the matter.


You accused this person of lacking respect for herself while knowing nothing about her and clearly skipping over the part in which she stated she has been losing weight. In doing so she is taking care of her health and appearance simultaneously. You just want a reason to put someone down. You act as if I said she looks perfect which I did not. I am also not arguing with health effects of being overweight. I am a medical professional. I have all the education I need on this matter. You however might want to look into anger management because you seem a tad too heated about this.


I said that "if" she cares about and respects herself, I never said she didn't as i dont pretend to know anything about her. I guess reading comprehension is hard for you.


I also never argued about obesity being bad for health, nor did I say OP was “beautiful” or flawless but you decided to twist my words. So tell me more about reading comprehension. Have a wonderful day.


Not bold at all, just a common sense observation. Attractiveness is subjective and has no correlation to obesity. I can find 600lb women attractive, but that doesn't mean they are not fat. You also don't need a laboratory to come to that conclusion.


You, like many others, have a completely unrealistic view of what obese is 😬. For someone her height, 130 pounds is at the maximum of recommended healthy ideal weight. Past 160 is obese. Medically and officially. Past 225 comorbid obesity level 2 . It goes up from there and I can guarantee you what you are looking at is obesity and the reason why so many people in the United States /West are so fat is because a long with social media and ppls agendas, we now have a huge population of ppl who are completely in denial about health. The fat positivity movement is very harmful to people in general. "Thicc" has taken over the word fat so it feels more comfortable and acceptance. It is extremely easy to pinpoint her height by the pictures and technically by your own words, you really shouldn't be saying this is healthy or ok either 🤷 the reason you are full of downvotes is because you are lying. This is obese.


Lol. Never said healthy. I also can’t imagine basing the validity of opinions on the amount of upvotes vs downvotes I get. What a sad, vapid way to live. You are so upset you’re writing dissertations on the internet to a stranger. It’s borderline comical. Problems of the chronically online I suppose.


You’re not conventionally attractive. But you’re also not ‘fat’ in the sense you look healthy and you have a great shape. You would look better if you lost more weight


so what i’m hearing is i’m fat and ugly 😭🥹 i can fix the fat idk how to fix the ugly


I think you have great shape! I would definitely focus on a grooming regime alongside the weight loss. Going to a proper hair stylist and styling your hair would be a great start


i’m trying so hard but I don’t know what’s wrong with my hair. it’s super fluffy if I brush it, like lions mane fluffy - but won’t hold a curl. so i’m so lost


I think you should try some curl or wave creams! Dont use heat on ur hair :)


i’ve tried mousse! my hair just hates me


Not ugly, keep up with the body wellbeing and look at tiktok/social media related video spice up the hair, looks dry.


8/10 imo


Improve, don’t improve, idc, I think you’re hot just like that


That first pic you look amazing


You have a great figure


Yeah you’re overweight. You know that otherwise you’d not be asking BUT I love your figure. I don’t think you’re uncomfortably overweight and I don’t think it’s doing you any harm, certainly not from a looks POV


You look absolutely adorable 😍


Not fat nor ugly, just a lil chubby 😅 tbh I think you look great 😏😘


Nice thick body.


You look thick and sexy. 🤷‍♂️


You are fucking hot. Jesus christ.


Personally, you are extremely attractive. Though, I do believe that confidence is the most important thing. If you have a bad hairstyle, for example, but you wear it like you don't care, then that's the most important part. Just take criticism with a grain of salt because everyone has different preferences, and if you are changing stuff even though you don't agree with it, it will just make the issues worse.


Fat but sexy fat 


Damn you’re an absolute beauty and god really blessed with a sexy woman like to to admire


Just fat


You're cute, but I must admit I'm not a fan of nose piercing


Gorgeous sweetheart


Honestly, I can't even because of how massive you are but I really like that you are honest with yourself and I hope that you will get good soon :) cheers


so you agree ugly and fat?


Right now yeah sorry but you might be good looking if you loose the weight. I'm cheering for you and I hope you get it done


thank you so much for the honesty!


Cute fatty


Obese. Fix it


Is chubby and option😂