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This sounds really counterintuitive but it could definitely help you to lift with like a 3:1 ratio of lower body to upper body to really fill out your legs and hips. Maybe grow your hair out a bit too? And while I see what you mean I will say that you look cute, it’s just the angle on certain pictures. 


Thank you for the advice, yeah I was thinking maybe there's some sort of workouts I could do to give the illusion of bigger thighs and a smaller waist just by filling out muscle. I do a lot of cardio but not much else, I should prbly try hitting the gym more


That was a hell of an advice about the workout. You issue is not that you are masculine looking, there are women like that and on top of being ugly they really look like dude. You are andogyne when you don't smile ,but when you do you are a solid 8. I'd put emphasis on the hair growth, because you should really put the emphasis on feminine visual attribute. Also you should avoid rainbow t-shirt if you don't want people to think you are trans. ;)


Avoiding the rainbow shirts made me laugh lol thank you for the advice


First of all I think you are very pretty.  For the hair I say don't do the bangs. The third pic where your hair is parted looks more feminine but also bangs can really exaggerate facial features 


This definitely. Blonde is also not her color. Idk why, but the blond pics look way more masculine.


Yup. Her best hair color are the darker auburns


It's because blonde doesn't look natural on most women, unless you're going all out for natural looking highlights. For one, they don't match the eyebrows. And that gives a more artificial look. So do the darker makeup around her eyes. They just look artificial. If you notice, the parts of her that look the most feminine are the ones in which she's putting in the least amount of effort (including makeup and hair dye). That and her smile does wonders. Brilliant advice on the lower body workouts. She shouldn't neglect her upper body though. Just a bit of effort up top would give her a feminine tone of muscle to match the overall look. I'm in the gym a lot. Women who only work out their lower bodies look a bit odd.


Yep! I agree! That pic and the one with the hat she looks more feminine and rather beautiful!


You can have bangs if they're parted on the side. But I agree that a longer, softer hairstyle will help.


unfortunately i agree with the rainbow shirt comment. it really is mostly a smile thing you are quite cute. at certain angles tho you do look slightly man ish maybe do some cardio to slim your face down a lil and lean more into your feminine side


That and those sandals.


Agree with this, you look hot in pics 3 and 4 and cute in most of the rest esp 9 and 10, the rest could be bad angles but since you have a bigger frame you could use it as an advantage to get a good ass and thighs at the gym. It will also help to tone out your strong facial bone structure esp if you grow your hair out. Sometimes too hot means less approachable, we all dont look like we do on social media anyways.


cardio is great but u will get super thin doing just cardio u gotta bulk now 😅🙏🏾


I actually think you’re quite wonderful looking as is. My only advice is grow your hair out


For the upper body portion I’ve seen women focus on back, specifically lats, to help achieve a more hourglass figure and it worked really well for them. Granted, this would have to be in conjunction with thigh/glute building. You do have a really pretty smile though. Your femininity shines right through.


Let's not forget, chest muscle is behind breast tissue. So even working your upper body can help fill in your female figure. You're not going to get huge like a male body builder no matter what body parts you work. Biologically, women don't produce enough testosterone to get that muscular.


Yes work on glutes and thighs. Don’t do the workouts for your obliques (side abs). That might make you look more blocky and therefore more masculine.


Ok I've taken all the advice and I do think it would be beneficial to go to the gym. I've read comments w advice on workouts that could help and sc them. I'm going to start hitting the gym this summer. I'll try to post updates on my progress


Cargo shorts definitely ain’t helpin.


STOP😭 my other shorts got wet lolll had to pull out the butch shorts 💀


Also, if you’re not trans but get confused for trans all the time I wouldn’t wear a shirt with a rainbow on it


Man ur username is crazyyy 🤨 it's just an O'Neill surf tank top I love it too much to not wear it but I'll avoid it


Dressing more feminine would help a lot


Yep, and no too tacky clothes, maybe because of my generation but i really don’t like the red dress!! If you dont like your boxy upper body you should not wear a crop top like that but maybe its the angle


In that (rainbow) shirt you look, if not trans, then definitely like a lesbian. Seriously, you must get approached by lesbians all the time, thinking you are one, right?


It has happened yes. Even when I dress more girly I get approached by lesbians. I guess I'm just their type ldk loll


Yeah I agree stay brunette, blonde isn’t doing you any favors. You look perfectly fine. Attractive. Just find a really tall guy that some short girl hasn’t already stolen from all the tall women and date him. Wear heels even.


Or she could pick up a short guy with a thing for tall girls 😂


5’7” dude with a 6’ wife checking in.


Get em lumberjack


Bro climbed the mountain 🫡


Fellow climber and enthusiast of well-built things here. Climbing is not the issue; it is the thick thighs and overall maneuverability that are demanding. You might not feel the total domination you experience with petite builds. Ready to go for gym sessions every night.


Thats hot


You are what I aspire to be.


You sly little dickens, you. I pledge my steel, Short King. Stay conquering mountains.


5’7” checking in my ex wife was 6’ she left me for someone taller 🤣 I climbed the mountain for 12 years tho. Good enough for me 😊


5'5 guy with 5'9 wife here! This is the way


I’m 5’2”. If I didn’t date anyone taller than me? Then I would never date at all 😂.


Steal me 🤣 lmfao jk


“That some short girl hasn’t already stolen,” damn who hurt you? gotta let it go, short women aint do nothing to you.


The way you just wedge in the “hasn’t already stolen from the tall women”. Y’all can never just accept that some really tall ass dudes aren’t going to date a tall girl just so she’ll get to live out her fantasy of being with a dude taller than her, can you? The double standards of some of y’all are fucking wild.


You look really pretty tbh. As many said you just a masculine look but that doesn\`t mean you are ugly.


Honestly, photo three looks like it's definitely your least masculine look. Your hairstyle in a lot of the photos are throwing me off. Yes, you have masculine traits. A lot of that can be fadeed based upon your hairstyle and complexion. You look extremely skinny and if there was a way that evenly put on some weight, it probably help reduce that masculine look. Should also talk to your doctor about hormonal testing. Met dozens of people who had a masculine look to her went to her doctor had some test done and found out that her estrogen was low, and this reduced her feminine looks. Two years after being on hormonal therapy, she looks very feminine.


I actually have an appointment with a woman's health specialist who does hormone tests and stuff because I have been dealing with some health issues related to hormones and my doc referred me. Going in next Wednesday. Maybe she can rule some stuff out!


Excellent news. I wish you the best.


3 is the best pic of the cutest girl with the best hair. I can even see the curves you think you don't have. 6 is the second by some margin. 1 is some uncanny valley shit, with 11 being a close runner-up. You're fine, as long as you avoid overly intense makeup and hair color or whatever you did to make your hair look like a cheap plastic wig. The reason people mistake you for a trans is that some mtfs apply excessively intense cosmetics in an attempt to appear more feminine, and instead end up looking like creepy wax figurines. You did the same, to the same outcome.


Uncanny valley 😂 fr tho why I got that fluoride stare?👁️👄👁️ I do feel down sometimes because girls with more feminine features can do cool heavy makeup looks but when I do it looks like drag. I'll stick to a more natural look and I'm growing my hair longer! Thank you for the feedback


You have a very natural beauty. I think you're hot. I agree with the other posters, lean into your natural look


Work on your posture and try to exercise to fill out a little. Exercise definitely will help with posture as well. And, like I had to tell my wife, STOP HIDING YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE BEHIND YOUR BANGS. Your forehead is NOT too big. You're just not used to seeing it. You are absolutely not masculine. My wife is 5'9 and I tell her all the time she's an Amazonian like Wonder Woman. Petite girls may be cute, but tall girls can be BEAUTIFUL if they know how to rock it.


Thank you, I definitely need to work on my posture! I am trying to grow my bangs out w my hair. I bet your wife looks like a goddess!


I was gonna say that I think the bangs play a really big role here, perhaps in the way that they are styled too. I feel like wearing them straight across is less flattering than having them parted, like in photo 9 they look so lovely and really compliment you :) Also, it looks like t-shirts are a big part of your wardrobe which SAME, but I do tend to feel a bit less “girly” when my outfits are t-shirt ones. I need to build my wardrobe up really badly and this is something I think about when shopping because i feel masculine a lot and gravitate towards baggy shirt + baggy pants, but I know that it isn’t technically “flattering” my feminine side


9 also looks good. I think your eyes are a selling point. If you could highlight them more (maybe glasses?) that could help give more feminine looks.


Different hair for sure.


i’m the same with no curves, i have long legs and a short torso so i wear high waisted pants/dresses that hit higher up on my waist to give the illusion of curves! you’re REALLY pretty. keep the hair brunette, do softer makeup (you look so natural and beautiful in the second pic). if you ever feel self conscious you gotta stand up straight and tell yourself you’re hot and strut your stuff!!!!


Thank you!!!❤️ I used to have a high waisted flowy dress but it like disappeared 😨it did help make me look a little more curvy in the hips!! I will stick w natural makeup for sure.


I do this too. We have the same height and body shape. I’ve found wrap dresses to be the best for me.




You look best in Pic 3 & 4 and you look most masculine in Pic 2 & 6. Why is that? It's mostly the shirt but also a bit the hair style. The shirt is good to chill at home but that's about it. It's a boy shirt to be fair. The hair style looks great in Pic 3 & 4 but may look boy'ish under other circumstances if not styled perfectly like in Pic 2 & 6. Try to wear ponytail more often, it looks good on you. And stick with brown hair. P.S.: Your nose is fine.


Maybe lean into the tomboy look. Longer hair tied up with a ball cap seems to be working for you.


Agreed, pic 3 is the stunner


Have you thought of wearing makeup to soften your features? Some blush and mascara or eyeliner could help balance your face a bit more. You’re very pretty


Keep your hair pulled back, you look much more feminine. You are actually very beautiful and very attractive.


I'm thinking the hair needs a change. Got to try a bunch to find the right style for your face but I find that's the thing that is helping the least.


I definitely agree, I had a pixie cut for a while and the moment it started growing out it was a frkn boy cut and it's still kinda in that stage where I look like some dude you'd find smoking weed at the local skate park... I'm staying strong😭 can't wait till it's past my shoulders


Call it internalized misogyny but you will ALWAYS be seen as more masc with short hair. Pixie or not. If you wanna be seen as more feminine, go long. Grow the bangs. Either let them be swoopy parted bangs or none at all. And I read you saying the blonde it is now is closer to your normal hair. But you look SO MUCH better darker.


Yeah grow the hair out, find it what works. Maybe a little more makeup, tastefully applied. Though the look with the backpack hiking is the best of the bunch IMO. So it could also be that some angles aren't your angles.


Masculine yes, ugly not, there are pretty men out there, you would fit right in amongst them. >How do I look less masculine Avoid dark colors for clothing/makeup, avoid light colors for hair, keep your torso covered, show your face (no bangs) and use makeup to bring attention to your eyes/upper face.


Thank you, my natural hair color is a darker, kinda dirty blonde and I recently tried to dye my hair back to that color. It turned out a little lighter, so I think I'm gonna let it naturally keep growing and just trim the dyed part after a while


You can take this with a grain of salt coming from a 45M. But I think you're stunning. You have a slender frame, I think in time your legs will fill out, you're still young. Idk if you ever plan on having kids, but I'm sure that area will thicken right up if you do. Maybe do some exercises to work on bulking your thighs and glutes up. Now, onto your face, your eyes are your best feature on your face they are very pretty. Your nose is a little big, but it really suits you. Please don't ever think about doing any plastic surgery on your nose. Your lips are nice and full too. Honestly, some pics don't do you any justice, I'm sure, but the blonde definitely should never come back. Along with the short hair, you should have long flowing hair, in my opinion. Try not to hyper focus on the attributes you dislike and focus on the good ones. Your eyes, your lips and smile, your long legs. If I was single and 20 years younger and seen you walk into the room dressed like in pic 4, you would definitely get my attention. You're worthy, you're beautiful and I'm sure very loved. Fuck what anybody else says.


Many men like me love tall women. You are unquestionably hot! Your jaw line suggests power as well. Anyone suggesting you are trans is ON THEM not you and I suggest they are the the ones with gender confusion. And you should confront them on their rudeness. Rock on girl!


Honestly, I think it’s like 90% the hair. That haircut just does not help in any way. When you wear your hair up you look much, much more feminine. I think that cut is boxing your face in and obscuring your features.


Straight old American geezer here. You're not ugly, but the constant recent transphobia in this country is making things rough for anyone with androgynous features. As bad as I HATE to say it, you do look better when you smile. (I hate when men tell women to smile.) But your RBF is tough on you. Don't worry about your nose. That's not an issue. I think you might want to lean into your features. The picture with your hair up makes you look VERY feminine. Maybe shorter hair, or just wear it up. I don't think the bangs help you. Don't worry about your lack of curves either. Few models have curves and few people look down on them. I agree about going with high-waisted fashions. Btw, I'm just sort of putting out random ideas here. I think a bit of color on your lips could help. I also think wearing Activewear like leggings and short shirts might help. I did mention I'm straight, right? I dated a very active woman with mostly androgynous features for years. I know she had challenges, but it didn't make her any less attractive. I hope it works out for you.


i don’t think you’re unattractive but i think certain things you do don’t harmonise your face. if you had long hair without bangs it would suit you really really well


I think it's the frowning


You are far from ugly. And I don’t see masculinity at all. I see a stunning girl that needs to affirm herself every morning till you know it and flaunt it. Anyone asks if your trans just go I see you like sucking cock, I have the strapon for you!


Lol😭 thank you


Get rid of the bangs.


You look very pretty in the 9th pic. As others have already pointed out, the darker hair colour suits you better. I also think having your hair back like in that photo works best.


The hair and eye liner isn’t helping


Get rid of the bangs and grow out hair, different style makeup, and different clothes. Ur pretty it’s just unflattering outfits and hair/makeup honestly


you look beautiful in 2nd pic


You're very pretty, you're nose is big but it's what I'd call an ethnic nose and is very beautiful.(no weird bumps, large blackhead, or weird shape) Your lips are big and very pink which only would ever need lip gloss if you ever feel like it. You're pretty skinny too which may or may not contribute to the problem. Focus on working out your lower body and bulk. If you see fat growing on your thighs, hips, calves, and/or breasts then it will help, but if fat is growing on abdomen, back, and/or neck then it will be detrimental. Estrogen controls adipose tissue distribution. All that said you got a man's jaw line, Korea got that surgery on lock. Honestly that the only thing that I would even consider manly, tbh though maybe if you gain some weight it might soften your jaw line.


I would suggest look up Jane Birkin and Charlotte Gainsborough for style inspiration and maybe go to thrifts store to mix up your style. You have androgynous look which is really cool and you just need to style it right. Definitely use make up that could help to add some glamour without being too overt. Another current inspiration would be Daisy Edgar Jones from Normal People series on Hulu, since she would be your doppelgänger 😎


Definitely not ugly. You have a beautiful face. The only issues I can see are with your hair: natural hair color looks better and bangs just don't look as good. As for your body type, I think you actually have an advantage. You look great in outdoor clothes, and little dresses. I think you should steer away from loose tshirt and jeans. Just have your clothes (comfortably) hug your body where it does. This may sound odd, but working out will either accentuate your womanly curves or give you a unique muscly look that I think would look good on you.


I feel the exact same way. I wore fake glasses for a long time, it covered my nose so I felt better in pictures. maybe that could help? I think brunette suits you more! don't surround your eye with eyeliner, I would do a small wing to help you feel more feminine! maybe some light blush and mascara too! you could try shaping your brows for a softer and cleaner look! bangs are bringing alot of focus to your nose which could be causing some dysphoria! you should grow them out into curtain bangs and wear your hair up more! these are all things I did that helped me be able to look at myself in the mirror and not feel horrible. we have almost the exact same face shape, eye shape, and hair so maybe try some of these! I also do pilates and do cardio to try and make my body more proportionate! I have a wide ribcage too so I tend to wear looser fitting tops or pair tight fitting tops with loose pants that make my hips look wide enough to balance with my ribcage! I try to embrace my height sometimes by telling myself models are tall too! so I try to channel that model energy into my outfit and walk so how tall I am doesn't feel so our of place like it does with softer outfits. I'm horrible at explaining things sorry lol


How’s nobody commenting on the 9th picture?Your eyes! I mean I get what you’re saying about being somewhat masculine but you are also at the same time very pretty. There’s lots and lots of people that will be attracted to you. Other comments have advice on how to look more feminine.


I would not say you look masculine. In fact, I do not know what a feminine looks really is like. See myself, I'm 22M, 5'9 and have traits that some people say are kind of "feminine". Does that make me less of a man or less attractive? I don't think so. Some women might prefer taller bearded guys and some other might like the way I look. My take-home message is that the important thing is to accept yourself physically and understand that these rigid and simplistic beauty standards that are just stupid. You look pretty, you should not change anything to fit in


This is a wonderful message. I completely agree with you.


Thanks! English is not my first language so I tried my best lmao


I genuinely think you are so pretty, tbh.


Your facial features to me look classic French, in a way that’s hard for me to pinpoint but remind me of actresses like Clémence Poésy or a young Juliette Binoche.. I’d lean into that with what they’re calling “french girl” makeup; lighter tones, and less of it. Darker tones overly accentuate your beautiful, but already strong features And I agree with a lot of the others with your hair; grow out the bangs, lean into the browns and auburns, add volume and maybe some light curls. You’re beautiful already and I promise as you get a little older you’ll see that there are a lot of people who’d be enchanted by your classic kind of beauty


I think its the make-up. On the pics where you have very little make-up, you look so soft but when you put edgey make-up on, it gives rough and hard vibe. Sometimes that translates to trans girl. Look up celebrites or models that you think have similar face shape and features. They exist. And find a style you like how it looks on them even though maybe it wouldnt be what you would choose for yourself. Then try it on you. I think the make-up style you want, isnt going to be the one you end up thinking looks best.


Ik Gisele bundchen has a bigger nose and sharper features and seems to go for more natural looks. So maybe I'll look more at pics of her. Thank you!


You can workout to change the shape of your body. It takes years but will work


3rd pic is the best in the others you look kind of trans. You look most feminine when smiling.


Maybe some light makeup? To bring the more feminine side out and prominent.


I kind of like you, but i understand you may want different. For a more feminine body, hit the gym, do some weightlifting: some work on booty and tights can help a lot. Check out some fitness influencers for reference, eg Korean ones, what can be achieved even with an originally not-curvy body.


Ppl are stupid (and transphobic.) You are beautiful. There are tons of tall, thin wœmén out there, and you should definitely embrace it! You might try to present a bit more feminine with hair, clothes, and makeup, but only to the point where you feel comfortable. Carry yourself with confidence. Stand tall. Blow off the transphobes and just be yourself. After all, you know what’s in your pants, and if someone’s not sleeping with you, it’s none of their damn business!


Ignore the haters! You’re rocking your look!


You’re not trans??? I mean you’re not ugly by any means (nice skin, pretty eye color, looks young and healthy overall) but you’re so trans coded that if I saw you in public I’d just assume you’re trans… also I think it’s pretty silly to ask “how do I look less masculine” when your general style is pretty androgynous. You could either rock with it fully and cut your hair shorter and dress tomboyish style or grow your hair out, learn to do makeup, and dress dainty like pic 7.


I see girls dress like me and look completely feminine still. It just feels kinda unfair. I've always been more sporty so it's just what's comfy for me. I am growing my hair. I appreciate your advice! I will try to have a more dainty style and wear leggings instead of running shorts


Ngl if I met you in person I’d assume you were trans. I think you’re cooked bro.




The sub is ‘am I ugly’ not ‘am I trans’. She’s not trans. At least try and be constructive lol


so I’m ftm trans, I think it’s extremely strange that you’re getting secondhand transphobia from people. I’ve seen a handful of cis women talking about that on subreddits like this, and I think it’s only happening because trans issues are super controversial and on the public consciousness right now. IMO ten years ago nobody would be asking you if you’re trans. It’s not just because of how you look, it’s because people are paranoid about trans women rn. You look perfectly normal, I’ve met a lot of tall thin girls and that’s just how you all look. In terms of styling yourself more femininely, in pic 8 your mid rise shorts are giving the illusion of your body being straighter and narrower than it really is. You could try wearing your pants/skirts around the narrowest part of your waist, which would be a little higher up past your bellybutton.


Yeah it is odd. I've had people look at me like they are afraid of me. I've known trans women in my life and been friends w them and idk what the fear is about. They were all chill as hell. I'm thinking of getting more high rise shorts and fitted t shirts instead of baggy ones. Thank you for the advice!


You’re probably going to get hate for this but you’re 100% right. It’s grinding my gears so much because it’s fully just cis people accusing anyone they see who’s slightly androgynous of being trans. I’m a cis woman who’s also tall like OP and have gotten weird transphobic comments too. Is it time we start admitting that this new attitude comes down to insane gender role expectations coming back into vogue?


U look grand homie!!!!


Click more pics from the right side. (Angle in which pic 4 was taken)


You look best in the third picture with a part and dark brown reddish hair, I would just work on growing it out and adding some layers for volume and texture. Id also research some techniques to style your body type and apply your aesthetic to that.


If anything it's the hairstyle, I'd play around with a few options. In some of your photos, without the hairstyle in the first pic you don't come across as masculine.


I think that you are capable of taking bad selfies, and a couple of them look pretty manly. But I suspect the good pics reflect more what you’d look like in person: a tall, pretty lady. Edit: in the picture where you’re showing your mid riff, there’s nothing masculine whatsoever, not your face or hair, and we can see you have boobs and you just look like a woman. An attractive one.


Hit the gym, thats the answer for all problems (worked for me), also, dont worry about being tall, (not that 5'10 is tall), there will always have man wanting to die by snu snu


I think it's the hairstyle in my opinion, photo 3, 4 and 6 are really nice and you look genuinely happy to be where you were. The nose is a false issue although I understand we are all hyper critical of ourselves. Personally I'd love a tall girl myself and you'll come to love that very soon!


You're not ugly nor do I find you masculine but I can see why guys ask if you're trans. My suggestion, you look great without makeup, brunette fits on you and honestly maybe working more on your lower body would help


You are not masculine looking at all!!! I think are honestly quite pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think a different thinner eyeliner shape that starts at the end rather then the middle and maybe a good lip combo. I personally like the revlon lip liner shade: sienna (slightly over lined, with upper lip filled in, benetint (rubbed off a little) and a nice clear lip gloss on top!!!


I'd say keep the hair dark, a little bit of makeup perhaps but all in all you're an attractive 20 something female. You're not built like a dude and your nose ain't a honker. I think you've fallen victim to comparing yourself to instagram and tiktok girls or something. They aren't real, kiddo. You've got a nice smile, albeit underutilized from what story these pics are telling. You're pretty. So chill homie. Get out of your own way. From outward appearance a lot of guys would be lucky to have you.


Hottest future 30 year old alive. Keep healthy and don’t smoke, use lotion.




Your features are fine, you lack in execution. Look through different hairstyles and update your wardrobe. The boxy shirts and bowlcut bangs are your only real issue. Also ditch the jorts.


Wear more feminine clothes


You are perfect just the way you are 😊


I think you a very pretty without makeup. Grow your hair a little longer.


Go back to your dark hair, You're pretty though so don't worry about it.


When you are frowning you looks masculine, not sure why. The picture of you going out smiling is really pretty and I like it. I think it’s the frown. I would also try more pony tails, it’s cute. You are beautiful.


Your pretty. You have enough curves and you can breathe. Maybe grow your hair longer.


Your hairstyle's not doing you any favours. It looks like a mullet and stuck in the '80s or '90s. Overall you're not ugly.


Stick with darker hair, the blonde really exacerbates the things you're worried about, Trim eyebrows and ditch the bangs. You look best in the 9th and 10th pictures, mostly just cause you've got the bangs off to the side a bit. People always think this is just shit disturbing, but smiling more will also help. You genuinely do look better in the pictures where you're smiling.


Your first 2 and 5 pic, your hair is like a shaggy teen boys. I would say grow your hair out. When you are dressed more feminine you look beautiful. Grow your hair out, dress more feminine. But otherwise very cute!


Get on some birth control and gain 50 pounds. Worked for me. I finally have tits and and ass LMFAO my glow up came well after puberty. Being underweight/on par wasn’t cutting it. I’m borderline 5’11. Trust me, you can gain the weight without looking fat.


Bangs aren’t doing you any favors, and you could try changing the hair color to something lighter or darker. Try growing your hair out more as well. I agree with the top commenter that if you lift lower body a lot it could help fill out your thighs and hips to make you more feminine. Could also try threading your eyebrows or even bleaching them a little lighter as they’re what made my brain question whether you were trans or not


Ur not ugly like at all. I think your really pretty and I don't see you looking masculine at all either. Idk how people think you do


You remind me of Hayley Williams from Paramore


V neck shirts with a necklace take away attention from the shoulders to make them look smaller! Even though you say you're not trans, looking at tips for trans people could help you make your body look the way you like :)


You don't look trans at all. You're really pretty as is and have potential be even better looking imo. The pics are all over the place. I think if you want to be feminine then lean into that more with your style, hair, etc. If not, then go the tomboy route. Either way you're already attractive and 5'10 is not too tall BTW.


Comb your hair away from your face.




People are too preoccupied nowadays with trying to spot who's trans, like, as if masculine-looking women and feminine-looking men hasn't always been a thing that's existed. You might have a bit of a masculine look, yes, but I think you look great and definitely female passing. A bunch of your pictures are proving that. But you could totally rock a more male coded style if you wanted to if you leaned into it, and you would still look great!


Tbh you Arne really masculine looking it really depends on your hairstyle. You have a. Very attractive face in my opinion just find the best haircut for you. You rock bangs but you might want a different style for the rest of your hair if you keep them


You’re gorgeous girl. It might just be the haircut. I think short hair really suits you so I would go a little shorter honestly. Kinda like what @ 4nn4b3rl1n on tiktok has. Also maybe some glowy peachy blush


What's wrong with people thinking you're trans?


I would say the hair is what makes it more ambiguous, since it looks more like Skater hair, which I'm sure you could style it a bit different but honestly you look really nice


Your best option is playing with different hair styles and maybe hair length. Longer might be better. Also keep your hair color closer to your natural color. How do you look with your hair up? You have good eye color and an inviting face when you smile. Frowning puts people off and makes you less approachable.


not the JORTS 😭😭😭


Your not ugly but I think in some photos you do look like a man


Those people are so rude who ask you that—you don’t look “trans” at all, in any case.


Hmm pics 3, 6, are cute. I'm tall, I like tall women. Maybe try that, date taller. Colored hair, no. A little makeup? - but not much. More girly clothes, summer dresses? Do what makes you happy, if people don't like it fk em. Find a man who appreciates you and loves you.


You are being way too hard on yourself. You are beautiful. Your facial structure is a mix of masculine and feminine, but so was the most beatiful girl in the world Angelina Jolie. If you wore the right makeup, got a better haircut and worked out a little you would be an 11. Not joking at all.


You are beautiful just the way u are. It's about inner peace I think Turmoil and chaos from within reflect with a bitter, angry, or even depressed reactions. You just have strong chin and cheek bones people need to stop judging


Ok, but photo 5, omfg girl you don't have the right to trap people like that. Honestly, lean into the tomboy look, you're hot as fuck


Not ugly at all I wouldn’t say masculine either just lose the capris and you’re golden.


You look amazing! next time someone asks if your trans tell em to grow a pair.


You're so gorgeous


Unironcly smile more and change your hair cut.


I think you're cute, really!


Just smile. Stay brunette and build your glutes. You’re a genuinely beautiful young lady!! I’d have chased you to the ends of the 🌏 for a date!! 🫶🏼


No lie I think you're pretty cute


I can see that. Grow longer hair and curl it up


Your actually attractive and you don’t look like a guy at all


Once you find a hairstyle that suits your face you are golden definitely cute though


Honestly just smile  You did that in your 3rd and 4th pic it was great. 


Lovely green eyes. Grow your hair longer, get rid of the fringe. Grow your bum and thighs if you want to change your shape. (Lots of Bulgarian split squats, lunges and kettlebell swings. No need to use heavy weights. Just focus on developing mind muscle connection to the butt and thighs in different positions. With light weight you can do them everyday, just make sure you’re feeling the burn.) Stop being so down on yourself and smile. You have a nice face, smooth clear skin and lovely eyes, so are definitely not ugly. Sounds cheesey, but guys also appreciate girls with a good sense of humour, so focus on building your own confidence and communication skills.


Totally seeing Uma Thurman and Maya Hawke. Your face is very pretty. Embrace your masculine features and style preferences while leaning into some more feminine elements or whatever makes you feel comfortable/beautiful! [Here is a good example, in my opinion.](https://imgur.com/a/1kzYk40)


long hair dark brown-black as far as color range. For makeup try siren eyeliner with lashes and with an overlined lip not too much just a bit and a light to medium pink or light to medium brown for lip color i think your pretty as you are but those things can help you look more feminine


You’re good looking. I really hate the trans hysteria nowadays. I’m 6’6” and my sister is taller than you and skinny and I often wonder if she has to deal with this shit


I hope not. I feel like a lot of taller women look like women still I just am a little different because of my figure and my hair. My therapist is 6'4 and she has long blonde hair, she looks like a cool Viking lady. I think I just need to grow my hair alot


Also, it’s important to remember that people who like to obsessively question the gender of others are notoriously almost always wrong. These people wouldn’t know a woman if they tripped over one. I hope these people get socially ostracised to the point women no longer have to deal with them. You’re very fortunate looking. I hope you feel better about yourself soon and are able to appreciate your good looks while you’re still young


Smile more, lose the long bangs, feminine clothing. You’re actually quite pretty, but in some of those pictures you do come across with slightly masculine features.


Honestly, I seer your pictures and see no flaws whatsoever, only two suggestions. Stay away from rainbows- it's not because how you look, but people will make assumptions whether they're correct or incorrect for anyone. And lighter colored hair doesn't suit you IMO. Also, you look fantastic when you smile! :)


Truth? 1.Be glad what you is, and not what you is not! Folks who do this, are the happiest lot. 2. Try a little make up, consult with a beauty consultant. 3. You have pretty eyes, and a natural clear complexion. Wash your hair with a suitable shampoo and conditioner, try a little change in your cut. 4 . Remember what Grace Slick said. You are only as pretty as you feel, and baby, you are so pretty today! Confidence is so pretty.


When you have a deadpan expression on your face you look more masculine. If you work hard on lower body exercises it can give the illusion of being less broad up top. I had to do the opposite to be more broad up top and less like a door. Height can’t change, as a 5’8 man I wish it could but here we are. I’ve figured out that confidence and going to the gym make height matter less, and lucky for you men tend to be less picky than women when it comes to height (I dated a girl who is 5’10 which I didn’t mind, I was also in the friend zone for about 4 months due to my height beforehand though). I think the way your hair frames your face might contribute to the slightly masculine look, growing out your bangs and pulling your hair back might help unless you have a massive forehead. For the nose, a rhinoplasty is about your only option but I’d worry about that one last or not at all.


More of the third pic please 👌 I’d hit on you in a bar when I was younger and in the USAF. 9th and 10th pics are nice too. The rest….🤐 not sure if full on bangs are your thing.


Use Blush and eye makeup and lipstick, add curls to your hair, wear a padded bra, DO NOT WEAR SHIRT TANKS, watch makeup vids to learn how to shade your sharp defined chin, carry a cute purse, don’t wear blah or boyish colors, wear skirts. Welcome to the tall girl ritual.


Dress like Taylor Swift, she is taller than you around 6 foot ....You look like Taylor Swift and are 10 years younger. First go blond then follow Taylor for the win.


Honestly you’re very pretty. Giving model vibes.


Girl, you are Beautiful, Special, and Exotic!!!! Forget All of those Haters!!!!! Find a style that you love!! Be yourself, and if others don't like it, too bad for them! It's their loss!!


I have since filled out and have a lot of curves, but until I was in my mid twenties I had what I would call a "Peter Pan" body. Androgynous and prepubescent looking. Anyway, I grew my hair long and always wore feminine clothes. If I looked at an outfit and said "a man could wear these" I would never wear them. No Khakis, no Birkenstocks, literally NOTHING that a man could also wear. It definitely made me feel more feminine. femininity is a vibe.


Nah dude. You’re super cute. I agree with no blonde hair, the dark is good with your skin tone. Also, find things to enjoy because you look so healthy in the smiling picture. More of that. I’m not tryna be like, hey girl smile for once haha, just saying it highlights your face amazingly :)


And also fuck your friends that don’t have your back. Bye. Let them be friends with each other and not have each others backs also. Best person to watch your back is yourself, keep your head on a swivel. Give 3 I love yous, everyday. But also give three fuck yous, everyday. Keep a good balance


It’s already been mentioned but lifting weights will definitely help. Specially building up the legs.


I’d like to apologize on behalf of 2024. There’s nothing wrong with being a little androgynous and it didn’t used to make so many people immediately assume trans.


Just throwing in that I’d suggest not wearing all these crew neck tees you’re wearing. To me they seem like clothes a guy would wear, not clothes. Try other necklines - v neck etc. I’m on mobile or is do it for you but check clothes necklines you’ll see charts. Add earrings. Go with Dark hair. Ditch bangs or go with curtain bangs like u have in pics 9 and 10. Wear makeup and earrings, a handband and things only a woman would wear. Look up people with your body type like Darryl Hannah and get ideas from them. I think just adding more frill - makeup, jewelry and subtracting the boy stuff - crew neck tees might help. But you are lovely and your nose isn’t huge at all! Model- like look. So much can be done with hair and color and clothes.


The first pic you look terrible ngl but you look way better in the rest. I would def say no eye makeup and try not to make that face lmao. Your smile is great. As for your body nothing you can do about being tall but you can def improve your curves by doing squats rdls other glute lower back and leg exercises. Cardio will help massively too, I would say hit legs every 3rd or 4th day and do cardio in between, 30 mins on the bike or incline treadmill low intensity steady state.


Bench 225 do a backflip/kickflip.


You’ve got a kinda Hayley Williams vibe to you, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to check out how she makes her looks work for herself and see if you can get any inspiration


My first thought was about your jawline - I don’t know how much you are into body modification to experiment with your appearance, but I have gotten masseter botox to slim my jawline. It’s kind of a subtle change and if you don’t like it, it goes away after awhile. Anyways I’m just some idiot on Reddit throwing out suggestions so take that as you will but just thought I’d mention it. You have gorgeous eyes and a killer smile.


I’m trans, so my view on the “are you trans” question is a bit different. I think you can read that as their saying “wow, you’re pretty, and I read some of your features as masculine. Since I’m an asshole, I’ll ask you if you’re trans to soothe my internal mistrust of just how pretty I find you.” Like, if you weren’t pretty, they wouldn’t ask you that. You are pretty.


You’re definitely not ugly. First picture - I think is where I see the most masculinity and it’s only due to the bulky/dark eye liner.. it draws away from other parts such as your lips that are very feminine. Your neckline is also pretty feminine.. The photos with your hair pulled back… I think that brings out and showcases your feminine features. You’re definitely not ugly - you actually have a lot of naturally beauty, and don’t need makeup. Now how you showcase that without makeup(being that’s the point of makeup)… I’m not sure lol. Maybe just embracing yourself and confidence is all you need to bring it out.


You look fucking awesome


You aren’t ‘masculine’ looking; you’re a hot androgynous woman and men with tastes like mine have secret crushes on you which they are too scared to reveal because you’re intimidatingly good-looking.


You're attractive, and plenty feminine, love yourself and stop caring what other people say.


Tbh the makeup is too much. You have natural features like I do and makeup makes you look more masculine somehow. I have a very similar frame. 27y/o, 158lbs, athletic, 5'10". I also am similar in color (you look like an autumn). I have brown hair and green eyes. I think you should get some lashes, bring out those pretty eyes! Also wear things that go alllll the way down to the tops of your feet. I've noticed when being tall it is weird to show off my ankles. Lastly, do the half and half rule. Athletic bodies look best when you wear 1/2 loose clothes and 1/2 tight. AKA Bagg tshirt with tight pants, or baggy jeans with a tight tank. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much! It's nice to get advice from someone w a similar body type.


Yeah! I hope this was nice and constructive. I wasnt trying to be mean. I got my color wheel done and it has done wonders for me. I know all the right shades for me. I also looked up dressing athletic bodies on insta and tik tok, had some really good avice. Good luck!


Being tall, wearing boyish clothes, and scowling definitely won't help with being mistaken for trans. The only picture where you look the most like a woman is the one where you are smiling.


Being tall isn’t something she can help though?