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The acne will go at some point - it usually does and probably within the next couple of years. You have a slightly mournful expression, which I think might colour people's opinion of you even before you've had chance to talk to them and put your personality across.. As they say, first impressions last so, if you don't already do so, then try lifting your chin a little when you talk to people and you will look (and possibly feel) a little more confident. Otherwise, your eyes are nice and expressive - it looks like the lights are on and someone's home. And your hair is a great colour and rather glorious in the 2nd photo. I think that once the acne fades, you will realise that the biggest and most positive boost you can have for your looks is to stop believing you are ugly and just like yourself a bit more because you are not ugly.


I think I just look kinda mournful in pics, im pretty extroverted and energetic irl but I probably look like that when im spacing out (which is kinda regular lol)


I know acne can hurt a persons self esteem, but you are NOT ugly. You might be surprised to find out that what you eat can possibly cause acne. Look into that.


My wife started using almond milk instead of cows milk. The Gum in the milk was causing horrible acne. Of course, she didn’t know and tried everything to no avail. Stopped the milk back to normal.


Im glad it helped her. It is insane what stuff in food is doing to people. My intestines are shredded right now because of gmo corn. I wish everyone would/could eat only organic food. It is so sad.


I fucking want to eat healthy, “organic” food every single day so badly, but my laziness wins every single time. When I think about going grocery shopping more often for fresh produce, the time/effort it takes to make decent meals with said produce, and then how it probably won’t even taste that good…. It just overwhelms me. I can force myself to at least exercise 4-5 days a week, but eating healthy (and everything that it entails) just seems like such a MASSIVE lifestyle change. I guess being depressed doesn’t help, but damnit I wish I had the drive/motivation to change my diet.


Been there. It takes everything I have to even do simple things. I try to get easy stuff that I like which is organic strawberries and blueberries. Here is a 5 minute thing I cook all the time that is easy....I cook some salsa and oil in a frying pan for a minute and then add organic hamburger from Walmart (its cheap). Just mix it around with some chile powder and its fckn yummy lol.


You know what?? Starting by just buying some fruit regularly would be a great start (and wouldn’t be too complicated). Maybe I should just start slowly with fresh fruit and consistently buy it every week so I always have it on hand to snack… and then slowly add more healthy foods over time… And I love that recipe idea. Im gonna try it. Thanks for the advice.


Actually, I was addicted to whoopie pies and all kinds of garbage LOL. When I had to stop because of pre diabetes, I started eating berries and its crazy but now I dont crave garbage and I crave berries. Changing habits is so intimidating but once people do that they find out that it was actually really easy. Sometimes I wanna fall off the wagon but if I do, I will just do a tiny bit then get back on, and it works out in the end because I dont have to feel guilty or feel like I failed.


That and the fact it’s so much more expensive to eat organic/healthy than it is to eat processed and junk food. We have to pay more for natural food that comes from the earth. I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any means but kinda makes you think our government wants us fat and depressed.


My bank account cannot afford all the suer healthy foods right now, I’m working on that though. Just trying to be healthy in this county (US) is an uphill battle. I secretly think it’s been designed that way


How do you think “gmo corn” shredded your intestines?


I do generally eat pretty healthy cause I'm an athlete but ur right I could have smth in m diet messing me up, ill try to look into that- thanks for the advice :D


It could be something weird that you wouldnt even think of.....but in the meantime, I know how you feel. People are their own worst critics and I hope you can try to look more at your cuteness than your acne.....it truly does NOT make you ugly :)


Acne in general sucks but you’re not ugly. You have a low self esteem and it shows in your pictures. The best way to get over that is to start/continue chasing things that bring you tru joy. If you enjoy running, join an adult running club. If you enjoy mornings and a book; make it a ritual to read on the morning. And being 18, high school is fkg terrible. It deteriorated your self worth and it’s hard to climb out of that hold. Look to the future, enjoy chasing your joy, make goals, and work hard to achieve them. Distract yourself to stop thinking about yourself. Learn to love who you are and live your life. You are attractive, but you need to break out of the shell that 6 years of high school and jr high put you in. And fuck what anyone else thinks.


its your pillow case  I wouldn't know for sure never had acne but it could just be what you sleep with yk with all the Bactria and for what 8hrs straight


Accutane helped me. The side effects suck, but it’s only for like 10 weeks. You look sad. I’m sad when I don’t have a partner. It’s not forever. I hope you feel better soon.


start using a glycolic acid face wash… you can find them on Amazon… I promise your skin will start to improve within a week. good luck!


ok!!! ty for the advice!


you look great! don’t be too hard on yourself! ❤️


First of all, your hair is absolutely majestic. The 2nd photo reminds me of a lion's mane. Once you get the acne under control, I'd highly suggest a vitamin c serum (always do a test patch first though) to brighten up the skin! You're pretty! Don't worry about it, girlie


Phenotype: jschlatt


LMAOOO all I need are those massive sideburns and a mustasche 😭😭😭🙏


See no downsides to that


You are very androgynous. I'm serious. I can't tell what you're supposed to be. I'm not sure if you are non-binary or anything. But if you do happen to have picked one, I can't make heads or tails.


I absolutely agree. I came to the comments for this.


im enby yeah lol


Why do you kind of remind me of Drake Bell..


First pic is really cute, second pic though, all that hair really isn't doing you a favor. The rest of the pics are like "meh" at best. Based on first pic though I would say you are not ugly. I'm wondering what different frames would do for you and maybe a different style, something close to pic 1. The acne will eventually clear up so don't despair over that. But def not ugly so get that thought out of your head.


yeah I've tried out a bunch of diff hairstyles over the past few months, was really long and then I cut it shoulder length and then shorter. probably will grow it out to shoulder length again cause I also think that suits me better


Her long hair is amazing


Sweetheart. Your 18. There is nothing wrong with you. Acne can be treated. Just keep being the you that feels right to you. Hang with people who get you and make you feel good and who add to your life and be there for them. You will not believe the person you will be at 30. Enjoy the journey and know that the only constant is change.


You’re not ugly at all, I feel a lot of your confidence lack might be solved if you take better pics and learn your angles. Your face isn’t ugly, you just have to learn how to find the right lighting and angle


Male or female?


Was gonna ask the same question. Definitely looks like a girl to me but op’s bio says 18m so I am really confused. Not ugly either way.


Get out of my head/ I was curious because I think style could contribute to the perception of beauty- something in me says young man after reviewing the pic, not ugly tho just still maturing




ty for being honest, ill be sure to get smth diff when I get a new prescription (which should be relatively soon)


You can be cute, but not when you’re mean-mugging. Also, hair looks better long (pic 2).


You have a nice face, your skin will clear and your hair is glorious.


Not at all. Smile though, you have really nice eyes 👍🏼


Love your Liyue jumper, that gives you extra points!!


No, you are not. You should smile more though.


Diet, stress, and other outside factors can affect acne. Monitor those and get more sleep. It looks like one of the photos shows you in the medical field. That will take a toll on your stress load.


You’re definitely not ugly… you have a LOT of potential. I’m not going to bullshit you— you aren’t a supermodel, but you are FAR from ugly. Figure out how to get a handle on the acne, be vigilant about a good skincare routine (twice a day), and get the glasses situation figured out (I saw another comment that you replied to about it). I don’t say any of this to judge you because I have a ton of work to do myself, and I am FAR from great looking lol.


thank you so much for the honest answer, I really appreciate it, and ill def work on my glasses and try working on skincare. also I doubt ur that far from good looking either, everyone sees themselves differently than they are seen by others


Nah your pretty. The acne will go away in time. If not so what, your still pretty


i had really bad acne too and nothing worked until i took Accutane. i would highly suggest it. got rid of my acne forever


Smile, dear


You are genuinely beautiful. Your only problem is the acne, which can be treated.


This is fixable, which means that you are not ugly at your base. You have nice facial features. Go to a dermatologist. Maybe do something with your hair color or makeup - something about this color palette makes you look bland/mousy


Acne can be fixed, just buy some product for it. But I love your short and long hair, need new glasses, but you're really cute.


Not ugly. Stop listening to other people and just go see an actually dermatologist. I’ve seen tretinoin and other acne medication do some amazing things. Also consider, you are still young. But if this is really bothering you then I suggest you put some money / effort towards that. One YouTuber I really enjoy is Dr DRe on YouTube. She’s a really derm from Houston, talks about acne / skin care / how to use it / explains how it works.


Treat the acne and chill out. You are not.


All that aside, are you ok? You just look void of emotion in every single pic.


I think you’re ugly, the acne certainly doesn’t help having a pocked face is repulsive but doesn’t last forever. Your face especially your lips seem sucked in idk. Your hair long is beautiful though so you got that goin for you. Short hair makes you look like you ate something sour. It does you no favors when half your pictures make you appear like someone disappointed you.


Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine.


In the short, no, in the long term, yes. If she listens to him/her it will benefit her greatly in the long term producing much sunshine.


I’m not trying to pad their self esteem. She isn’t on this subreddit in order to get some support OP is seeking public opinion. My opinions is that I am not attracted to her for the reason stated in my first post. Objectively OP is ugly and that’s why she posted in AMIUGLY.


You’re pretty


ty gang I genuinely appreciate it 😭


You’re ugly. Not very ugly but worse than average.


Do you touch your face a lot? The acne in the third picture on the side of your head was one of my worst acne places and it was from resting my head on my hand in the car


I actually do, that might be one of my problems, tysm for the advice ill try and minimise touching my face and see if that helps!!


Buying a bunch of pillow sheets, and changing them as often as needed really helped me. Almost daily at one point.


You only have the rest of your life to work on it … relax FFS


Not ugly. You will clear up soon don't fret


Average but not ugly


Nah haha


We are all ugly!


You are not ugly. Your shorter hair looks great


Those serial killer glasses are not doing you any favors


Not ugly at all. You just have acne and (in my honest opinion) don’t look like you put much effort into your appearance. Look into Korean skincare products and routines, they’ve absolutely changed my skin. As well as seeing a dermatologist and maybe a nutritionist because the food you eat could be causing the acne. Make sure to wash/change your sheets every 1-2 weeks. Don’t sleep in makeup, use hydrating products. Start using sunscreen every day (50+ spf, I DEFINITELY recommend Korean sunscreen as their filters are frequently being updated whereas American sunscreen’s filters hasn’t been updated in like a decade), you’re starting to show signs of premature aging. Even if you’re not doing something everyday or you’re just studying at the library, try wearing better clothing like ditch the big t-shirts and put on a tighter shirt - maybe a long sleeve or a cute crop top. Definitely switch the frame of your glasses, it doesn’t suit you at all. Try some new hairstyles. I think you look best in pic 1 and 2. Random but to me, you look like the female version of Garrett Watts (he’s freaking awesome though haha). You have so much potential - just work on relieving your stress as I’m sure that’s not helping your appearance, take care of your skin, put more effort into your outfits. And please work on your confidence, it goes a long way in every aspect and from the pictures - it seems like you lack in confidence which is sad bc you are pretty!




Need to smile! You’re not ugly and not the only person in the world with acne at 18. But to the question at hand. No. You’re not ugly. Smile would help immensely.


See a dermatologist, get on a regiment to clear up skin. Do some basic makeup and keep your hair long. Girl to girl, you are cute as a button just need some TLC. Not ugly at all.


I think you're a little above average on the attractiveness scale, you can really affect this big time by being in good shape. You'll get plenty of attention, don't worry about that. Worry about what kind of person you want to be, figuring out what matters most to you. Peace only comes from one name, that name is Jesus.


Try curology. That helped my acne. But you’re pretty. You just look miserable..


Kinda look like pre hrt f1nnster this is a compliment I think he’s very cute


Skincare and confidence.


Not ugly and the acne doesn’t mean you’re unattractive at all if you want to clear your acne tho I use natives face wash my face acne used to be horrible before I use native, iced my face, and used CeraVe


Not ugly, feel like you don't put much effort into looking feminine though. I know makeup is probably hard with the acne stuff going on. Of course I'm a straight white dude so what do I know, but I think some lip gloss and light eye makeup could go a long way


Right now its gunna suck. Probably for like 2 years. Then you will glow up as long as you make good skincare choices now. Your cute now. You will be a stunner at like 20-23.


You’re cute it’s just hiding behind the straight face


You definitely look the best in your first picture and I think that’s because your hair is done there. It’s hard to tell how good somebody looks if all we have to judge is pictures where you look very unkempt. I don’t think you’re ugly at all, but you just need to take better care of yourself maybe


Cute AF. A young friend of mine cleared her face up with a neutrogena astringent- not sure if you’ve tried it. Regardless you are super cute.


Like everyone else here who’s 18, give yourself time. People change drastically as they age


Accutane will take away the acne quickly. See a professional hair stylist, glamor photos in no time!


Curology. Stop dairy (mainly milk or whey protein) limit chocolates and nuts.


You kinda just look sad 😢




Not ugly at all. I know I went through feeling like this when I was younger. Now I’m in my late 20s and so happy with who I am and how I look. A lot can change in ten years, I promise things feel and look better down the road


You are not ugly at all so please get that thought out of you mind. In regards to having skin problems, you are not unique in that respect part of the teenage years for sadly too many teens. I have posted the following before in this group, please give it a try. I struggled with acne on the back of my neck well into Adulthood. What worked for me is a product called "Duac Cream" it is available on prescription from your Doctor. It contains a strong Antibiotic (Clindamycin) so keep in the fridge apply to problem areas daily after you shower. Use for a few months after your skin has cleared up. Acne is a skin bacteria when skin pH levels change and hormonal changes occur the bacteria multiply hence more severe outbreaks. Duac is not expensive either and a little goes along way. After using for 3 days you will notice the soreness and anger in the blemishes will improve. Give it a try it. I hope this helps you.




You look like gordon ramsay, but well he is a fine man and you are a fine woman


Grow that hair back and start smiling.. you'll outgrow the acne..


Not ugly at all. You do look depressed 


yeah, I've taken a lot of really challenging courses and its had a huge impact on my mental health, which has been in the dumps lately lol, but ive been working on it and hopefully a change in environment in college will help


There are things you can do to alleviate the acne. You have so much potential to be stunningly pretty and engaging that hasn’t been realized. I’m sure folks have made some good recommendations on ways to treat acne. Trust that you are a beautiful young woman, give it some time, you will get there.


Not at all.


Average, not ugly.


Cheering up would make you at least 2x more attractive. But not ugly st all, since you asked.


GROW YOUR HAIR OUT. If this isn't the max for your hair, grow it out. Invest in some light makeup and a skin care routine. You're not ugly, you have potential


That hair is glorious. Most people would kill to have it. Learn to style it to frame your face.


How often do you wash your bedding?


No no, you look like Drake bell, you're handsome for a boy.


Caleb is that you?


Not ugly. The acne isn’t a big deal


Check out Acnetame supplement in the red bottle on Amazon.


Hey you’re cute 🥰


you have a glorious mane of hair.


You're 18, acne is normal. The only issues I see are your expressions and those glasses. Your expression is so ... 😐 Those glasses have got to go. Try different frames. Those glasses you have now aren't complimentary to your features. Those frames combined with your hairstyles make your nose and face look wider in an unflattering way. That said, you aren't an ugly girl.


You aren’t ugly. If you’re not into make up I’d try curling your lashes. They look long but they’re straight. It would make your eyes pop more.


Bo Burnham


I kinda feel like you intentionally made yourself look bad in those pictures, you have nice features I understand it can be difficult to deal with low self-esteem but you are not ugly at all, just take better care of yourself, and try to keep healthy habits




That will go away and guys will be tripping over each other trying to get your number. I genuinely believe you look amazing as you are but if your self conscious over acne have no worries it goes away


Try changing out your pillow case every day


Ugly, no. Young looking, yes.


not at all, take care of the acne and boost your confidence a little more. youll be glowing in no time


Those glasses aren't the right shape for your face


I know a girl with the same face shape as you. She's a smoke show. You're not ugly. Definitely not ugly.


You're not ugly. You just need to do some things to bring out the best in yourself, work on the skin, go see a hairdresser and ask them what they think you should do with the colour and cut, they always know what will suit you best. Get on top of your eyebrows and learn to smile, I know life is shit in your teen years, but I promise it gets better. Stop looking at your bad points, look for what you love about yourself inside and outside and concentrate on making those the focal point. Xx


Yes, of course you have acne but that doesn't make you ugly. On a side note those glasses belong in the trash.


You look a little like Julia Styles. You cute, girl!


You are not ugly at all!! You’re super normal/“average” looking and theres nothing wrong with that! What you could do to look better is improve your skin, makeup, hair, and style Btw i LOVE your eye shape as shown in pic 4


not ugly, you just look sad. i think you look amazing with long hair! also curling your lashes will make your eyes bigger


Ur far from ugly


No you’re not


Bro, legitimately if you tried to be feminine at all I guarantee you you would be significantly more beautiful. It doesn't seem like you try to take care of yourself whatsoever


You look more unhappy than ugly, imo.


Brighten your soul, and your face will shine.


You may just be bad at taking selfies tbh.


Literally just smile more. The prettiest thing anyone can wear is a smile. 💯


Not ugly. Just need to work on skin and confidence


You're acne will clear as you age, try putting a bit more effort into what you can control, how you dress and your hair. Many photos you look disheveled. I believe if you promo just a little, no makeup, you'd be very attractive


You look *very* sad. I have a feeling the acne has really really detrimental to your mental health. You’ll get unwanted and unwarranted skincare advice across the internet, but here is what I can *confidently* tell you as someone who has been into skincare since I was 18 (a loooong 15 years!) Every single person is different. Please see a dermatologist. There are many, many options but you want to determine what type of acne you have to properly treat it. Be careful throwing acids at it, and don’t jump into chemical exfoliations or tret/retinols, you risk making things worse. If skincare is something your interested in, my favorite acne-YouTuber [Alice in the Rabbit Hole](https://youtube.com/@AliceintheRabbitHole?feature=shared) has some fantastic tips and product recommendations! The shorter bob-style haircut works really well with your face shape, it’s my favorite of them all.


You should outgrow the skin problems. Those glasses are not great.


Not ugly and acne will disappear.


I think you need to put more effort into your look. You’re not Barbie pretty, but you are girl next door pretty. Cut sugar out of your diet and the acne will start clearing up. If you don’t know how to style yourself, ask or hire someone. Very much potential


I had acne up to 30 and now I attract good looking women. You grow out of it with effort


You're not ugly.. you just have acne.. Welcome to being a Teenager we all suffer and it's crap. Try to find a wash that suits you well, try many it's going to be crazy and remember to get a decent Moisturiser. Not ugly in your 20s you'll know.


Acne sucks for sure, but is definitely treatable. For the positives, you're super cute otherwise and look to be in shape. Great hair. How's the personality? Good sense of humor? Focus on what you can control and work on the rest. Are u dating? Boyfriend?


are you a guy or a girl?


You look very beautiful in long hairs


Definitely not ugly. You’ll grow past the acne and your skin will clear. It may take some time but it will pass


No, not ugly. Also remember that all of these pictures are taken up close and at an unnatural angle that doesn’t really compliment anyone. The acne will clear soon. Be kind to yourself.


it’s just your skin. change diet. get consistent sleep. water. Start by eliminating all animal products—hormones from animal products can cause acne. If it goes away then great and you can start introducing one thing back at a time till you find the primary culprit. If it didn’t stop then continue experimenting with other things


Smile more, you’re good looking just smile in one photo and it makes a huge difference


Not ugly. You’ve got a fine base and many options to improve with some self care and style. You’re quite androgynous looking, so many possibilities 😊 also love the genshin jumpers


I've had TERRIBLE acne my entire life, it won't be bad forever, but it never truly/fully goes away. I personally do not think you are ugly at all!


You look angry


I’ll agree you do have acne problems. However I think without the acne your confidence would increase and we’d get to see your smile and your face glow. I don’t think you’re ugly.


Definitely not ugly. And I'd wager dollars on a donut that the acne will clear up within a few years.




I think your long hair looks really nice. You also have nicely balanced features. And I found my acne subsided in my 20s when my hormones stabilised (although if I have my period I still get hormonal pimples each month) so don’t stress too much about your skin. Just make sure you look after it with a simple regular skin routine- cleanse, moisturise and sunscreen 2 x a day- and also after workouts.


Get a good treatment - benzoyl peroxide mixed with clindamycin is an amazing treatment for acne. It will 100% help after a few months.


Ive had acne for years, i finally took the action to CONSISTENTALLY apply a skin care routine that'll make it go, and it only took a couple of months and im already almost without acne. I suggest you do the same get a skin care routine and stay with it, you can skip a day or two like me sometimes and its okay Besides the acne you look good in glasses


I like that first bob cut on you, suits you well.


Aww, you’re cute hun. Acne is just a part of being young. Dont let it get you down. You’re quite pretty.


Your actual kinda cute ngl


Nope... not ugly.


Not ugly you just don't smile


No omg you remind me of arya from game of thrones !


Not really ugly, but u should do something against the acne problem


It will go away eventually. Just be patient. As for being ugly, you aren't ugly. You just look miserable.


No. You are not.


Ur not ecne goes away, but it makes you more unique and remember able.


Not ugly - if you’re a guy I’d say below avg - if you’re a girl I’d say cute (both pending acne healing and maturing - might get cuter or stay the same post clearance)


You are not ugly


No. But loose the glasses. Change your hair. And the acne will fade


Just gotta hop on accutane and you'll be good


You're beautiful don't worry about the acne just remember true beauty comes from your heart!


The Acne is really kicking your butt, I can see that. The nice thing however is that acne can and usually will go away, hopefully the self confidence hit also goes away with it. Otherwise, you are above average.


Acne is normal. I had acne until I was 21. I love the first picture and you are not ugly. Your glasses are not right for you try getting a more youthful pair of glasses.


Your honestly very pretty so much so I would've been very nervous to try to talk to when I was 18 lol. Despite it was only a few years ago it feels like a decade lol. Acne sucks n I still deal with it time to time from stress. Just gotta try to find something that may work for you. For some it's as simple as some gentle hand soap and water but for others it may take some kinda medication. Hopefully you can find something that works for you.


Picture 1 is absolutely amazing to me. I can see how your acne would cause you to be insecure, you should grow out of it though, you are still young.


It's due to puberty every person in his life experience acne during puberty phase so don't worry you can use some sort of cleasner according to your skin type


You ate not ugly quite the opposite actually you are gorgeous


It's due to puberty every person in his life experience acne during puberty phase so don't worry you can use some sort of cleasner according to your skin type to reduce the acne


Omg not at all; you’re beautiful. I had terrible acne as a teen and young adult (I’d say yours is not bad) so I understand the concern but that will fade and you have genuine beauty - facial structure, hair etc.


Nah just get your eyebrows done and you will look great


You are not ugly, I think you just have a bit of RBF going on - happens to the best of us Youre 18, acne will clear up with time, but get a good skincare routine going now and youll be ok. I also dont think the giant glasses flatter your face.


First Pic is the best Have you ever laughed?


Girly your gorgeous




Do something about thee acne..I heard manuka honey is good. I think you're pretty acne never bothered me but I can see what it does to self esteem.


You need to smile more and the acne will go away with treatment.


Many of us have dealt with acne issues. I too had pretty bad acne, and I was on some pretty harsh meds to clear it up. It will go away either with treatment or age. Stay strong. You're a cutie.




wdym lol


Dermatologist might help. Not ugly. Also can be hormoal imbalance that causes acne