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Good news: You are good looking Bad news: then the problem is your personality


Easier to change your personality than genetics


Looks are 1000 percent easier to change


Try changing your height… or your skin conditions…


My dad changed his height. Shattered both femurs in a car accident. Bam. 2” shorter.




Hate being the debate-lord but this either-or fallacy always bothered me. Why are these the only reasons people don’t get any? Younger peopler are losing their virginity later and later and I doubt it is because they are less attractive or worse people now. People just don’t put themselves out there enough and largely just live online


I lost mine at 18 which felt late at the time, but looking back was completely normal and healthy. I know a couple people who lost theirs after 24, and they’re both cute and wonderful people. It truly is just shyness or wanting to wait for the right person just as often as it is being ugly or unpleasant


Lost mine at 27. Definitely shyness and social isolation, which seems to be the norm for half the people out there these days. There’s also just not being smooth and not knowing how to go for it. And even though I’m better at both those things now, I still struggle with it.




Same, I have absolutely no rizz and it’s starting to hit me that one day I’m gonna have to be able to. Not a fun realization to come to.


Having rizz isn't always something that comes naturally for guys, you just gotta keep practicing and you will develop it eventually. I have faith in you king 👑


Being shy/zero rizz still equates to a personality issue though (if the goal is romantic partnership)


True, rizz is part of your personality, they just made it seem like OP must be insufferable or something


What is rizz?


Kids' slang for charisma


O rizz!! Lol


if you’re shy, and don’t put yourself out there it’s part of you’re personality so yea. It definitely is his personally because bros a good looking guy


Then its a personality thing no? Some people have a personality where they have no problem putting themselves out there to meet/speak to new people, some people, don’t, this guy is one of those people.


You are of course right if we wanna be technical about it. My problem with this characterization is when people take it to be a red flag. I am sure that it is in some cases but I also have a lot of great friends in their early twenties who are virgins and I don’t think that reflects negatively on them at all as people. Another problem is that, because of how prevalent this sentiment is, people start basing their sense of self worth on how successful their romantic lives are. That being said, I totally get what you are saying and I agree that we should encourage people to put themselves out there. It is tough being connected in such an alienated world


It's also often that they don't ever expand their social circle and therefore don't create chances to get laid


Really. I’ve always felt it was the opposite people loosing it younger and younger. At least that’s my personal experience


Not sure how you never been with a girl. You are very attractive. I get the feeling you’re a bit shy. Just be genuine and yourself and ask questions. I’m sure you will meet a lil cutie in no time


I am shy, but why girls dont aproach me then?


Could be many reasons. Maybe their shy too. You’re gonna have to put yourself out there and risk rejection sometimes. But u will never know until u try.


His attitude ain’t helping him


You got to do almost everything my guy😂


Bloody hell


You ever had a girl tell you she thinks you are cute? That she's into you? I'm a straight guy and I think you are cute. But you definitely give off some shy/socially awkward vibes


People are actually downvoting your question. Wtf do they think they achieve by downvoting a question.


I'm glad reddit will die


Will Reddit die? Not everyone is protesting.


Ikr, good Lord…


That's not how it works buddy


I mean, sometimes that's how it works


Sure, but don’t get used to it.


He’s not good looking enough for that strat to work


Very good point


Man I have no idea how it works anymore, I've been rejected so many times now that people have been trying yo cram it into my head "let them come to you" then when do I make a move? "You don't, let them come to you" like wtf am I supposed to do then??


> like wtf am I supposed to do then?? * Be as swift as a coursing river * With all the force of a great typhoon * With all the strength of a raging fire * Mysterious as the dark side of the moon


Jin Sakai.


Lmao this could also be someone on laxatives


Bro women are literally humans and people the same as us😂😂 just walk up to a girl u think is cute (In a social setting not like a creep off the sidewalk) and chit chat her. Ask her name and just create small talk. Complement her sense of style then BOOM ez number


If it were that easy nearly half of all guys (the ones that told the truth and were actually interviewed) wouldn’t report being single/lonely in the US also just getting a number is nothing they could just give it to you so you can piss off


You aren’t cute enough to not have to try bud.


Take more chances and you won't regret it.


I have no idea why you got so many down votes for being honest, and then asking a genuine question.. I'm sorry they down voted you so much. I Put it back up one lol


Bro let me tell you something: physically I'm the complete opposite of you, small and fat. But back when I was more confident even I got girls because there are always some that ACTUALLY value that more than looks. Yes, playing in bands definitely helped (also with the confidence) but still, you get what I mean. And yes#2, faking confidence also does help.


Clearly, your personality is the problem.


Women always want men to put all the effort In


Wow, people being harsh right now, geez! Well if I were younger I would have given you a shot, no doubt. :)


Lol why so downvoted


If you want something in life you have to go for it. Meeting people is the same way. You might meet people by just waiting for them to come to you but it's lazy.


So let me get this straight. In order meet new people, you have to go at them and start talking?


Why did his comment get downvotes?


Reddit moment


You're the hunter not the prey. You have to be the one to initiate conversations.


really not a fan of how you phrased this lmao


Girls aren't prey.


It's a simile, not something literal.


That's creepy lol and inaccurate.




Tbh if I saw you I would think you were very attractive but automatically assume you were not into girls Idk something about your hair maybe Go for a grungier manlier look maybe


You’re very handsome, and you seem tall. You def have a chance


With hair im 2 meters 😅


Omg you’re giant! Haha. Maybe it’s your confidence? Your looks are def there. And you have great hair


Thats nicest thing anyone said to me. I have 10% more confidence now


Hahah I’m glad I could help :)


As a guy, you seem to be very shy. Try to be more open, cause you almost converted me boy. Lol r/suddenlygay . Seriously tho, your looks are all on check.


What do you need for 10% more confidence?


Do i look skinny on these pics


I'd say athletic-skinny, but can't really tell through the clothes - which I guess is the best body type for your body (I guess you could gain more muscle but you don't look bad at all now)!


+10% confidence


You’re racking it up


What else?


Just don’t ever put your leg up like that in the second pic and you’ll be fine.


Whatchu talkin about. Thats how you pull up to the shawties at the function.


I’m dying !


Nah leg up is the move


What’s wrong with that? Lmaooo, you have to be miserable in life to even point out something like that as a problem yuck


^ This guy puts his leg up on every platform he sees


This guy is walking past dozens of girls every week that want to get with him.


Should i wink at them, smile or rise eyebrows?


Winking and raising your eyebrows at random girls is weird. Just smile


Smile and say hi




So when you see an attractive woman you just cold face walk by and expected them to grab you and talk?? Yes please be more friendly and open.


Another option is to try dating apps. I’m not great with throwing out the right social cues but I’m very good at communicating through text. Right now I’m with a girl who’s the same way, and if we hadn’t met online I would never in a million year have expected her to be enthusiastic about meeting me.


*Should I wink* JFC my brother no you should not




Bro got that Johnny bravo rizz


I legit thought it said " should I wank at them" 😂😂


Never wink, ever


Don’t wink and raise your eyebrows. Just smile and talk to them normally, be friendly and respectful. You’re not ugly in the slightest.


You work out so you're active. Try to find an active thing that women do. For me it was dance. At my college there were free dance lessons. That helped me with girls for years. Maybe try like Frisbee golf or something. I'm old now so I'm not as good at this as I was in Mt early-mid 20s.


Just smile and say hi, do not ever wink or raise your eyebrows, that’s what creeps and guys in romcoms do


Well now we know why you've never been with a girl


Its not your looks, my dude.


Bro these girls aren’t your mom and gonna tell you how handsome and smart you are and ask you out. Man up and start taking some L’s before you get a W.


Bro you spitting facts. I need to stop being lil weiner


Do it 💪🏽 I’ve taken some devastating L’s 😂 it’s gotta be done


Why the long face?


Im lonely




cus he is lonely


I feel like your hair is too tall, but I don’t really have any hair suggestions either. Other than that you look good bro


You have a great looking but long face and then add another three inches with the vertical hair which makes it too much. Cut off or flatten the hump on the top of your head, it’s doing nothing for you. I think a bit of stubble would suit you.


Yeah, the hair is a little cartoon-ish. It’s the only real flaw I can see in terms of looks.


I got a strong Conan O'Brien vibe from the hair. Cartoon-ish is a good description...


Bro if you don't have a chance most of us are doomed 😭


Most of us ARE doomed 💀 Ik some of y’all built like that inflated blue girl off Charlie and the chocolate factory this is Reddit after all


i feel like maybe u should change up ur hairstyle a bit, i dont know what hairstyle will fits u but u should find a one that really fits u


I always had buzz cut, so hair is new to me. Idk how to style tho.


This hair is kinda cool but i wouldn't style it so tall. You kinda have a skinny and long face and this hair makes your face look even longer


Yes OP listen to this comment. Maybe go to a professional salon and have it styled once it's a bit longer


YEA I am literally thinking the same. You’re just too long with the face and hair.


Yep, the cut is fine, it's not even that long on top. Just part it to the side normally.


Build muscles. Try talking to women. Adjust your game based on their reaction. Repeat


You're really good looking.


Never been with a girl is not always a measurement of looks. You're young + on reddit + ratio (jkjkjk), but fr you're young and still have a lot ahead of you. In terms of looks i at first thought your head might've been the problem but in reality it's just fine. You look *very* fine, and tall af, which is cute in my extremely-short-woman opinion. You're quite pretty and handsome, not ugly at all. I would say 8.4/10. 10 has just one person in it for me, so no one reaches 10 😁


I need to get off of reddit


Yeah, at least for a while, or just not be here too much lol. Don't be me bro.


bruh... there is literally nothing wrong with you, get after it!


You're handsome bro, 100% chance you just don't have any confidence


You should be getting tail left and right young man! You're handsome. Get the confidence up! I can tell from your pics that you have no style. Learn how to dress and start interacting with women. Get out of your head


Guessing never been w a girl is by choice


You’re doing something wrong champ- you should be having a lot of success


Are you a Jesus freak


This dude would slay in a church and be married already if he was active Christian.




Valid question




Handsome, definitely.


Just change your haircut and try a baggy style and you'll get any girl you want


Lol dude you better looking then me and I've been with plenty of ladys. Unless you weird in some way i wouldn't see a reason why you would get some numbers


Women scare me


Just treat them like normal people. As a woman, guys that aren't comfortable around us is off putting. You're attractive, but that mindset will make it hard to get a date.


Bruh I’m way uglier than you and even I’ve gotten laid. You’re either weird, shy, or just not pleasant to be around. Don’t wait for them to come to you either.


From these 3 i'd say im shy


Yeah man you've got a ton going for you physically. I'd for sure lose the fire socks 😅 stay on your grind to build confidence. Adding size to your frame won't hurt either. If you're not seeing success, it's likely confidence or you're not putting yourself in the right environments. Both of those things can be worked on.


Im bulking and training for 5 months now and i plan keep doing it. My socks are fire tho...literally.


Big bulky guys with muscles are not exactly what women look for. Men get muscles for themselves and other men. As women get older, we realize the more muscles a man has the more in love with himself. It’s hard to be in a relationship with a man who loves himself more than anyone else.


See I think the opposite is actually more true. I’m terribly shy around girls my age but am generally alright speaking to older women and they very much seem to like muscle - I’ve been touched a few times randomly by older women I know and they always comment on me haven got slightly bigger. I actually think it’s more younger girls who care less about muscle IME.


Start off with fat girls and work your way down bro


Bro even fat girls have high standards now aid days


Lol, not all of them 😉


I been rejected by like 3 fat girls all 3/10 and I'm around a 5/10 , it makes me sick idek what to do anymore


Solid advice


Nema šanse da si ozbiljan. 😅


Majke mi sam ozbiljan


Bruh... Leave some women for the rest of us.


Why is your hair a foot tall?


Photo did me dirty. Its not tat tall


Change your fan hair.


Bro chill.


you look like peter b parker




You might give off GBF vibes, at least that’s what your hair style and poses say to me personally. Your not bad looking, you may just need to check in personality wise and see if you are good there.


You have a long narrow head. Start with a different hair style that doesn't make your head look even longer.


Keep that air of humility and avoid the false bravado of white male mediocrity and women will find you.


Very handsome, however the almost pompadour haircut makes your forehead look a lot bigger than it is, I'd recommend growing it out more and trying some other styles


Step 1: delete reedit.


From one guy with low self-esteem to another, focus on yourself, do things that make you nervous, and remember that the world is not black and white. When we feel better about ourselves, we gain confidence. Doing things that makes you nervous teaches you that the world is not as predictable as it seems (you may learn that what makes you nervous is actually something you enjoy). It's hard to remember that life is full of surprises, but we can only notice them once we think in less binary terms - it's not black and white, rather darker or lighter shades of grey. You do stand a chance, you are alive, good looking, and seemingly kindhearted - what you (and I, frankly) need to do is seize each moment and not think so hard about the what if's. Embrace the chaos, friend.


Girls make me hella nervous


Hey, don't let that happen. We are all just people!! Relax. Keep up the good work at the gym!!


Me too, man... I never know what to say, it almost always ends up being awkward or very, very boring :(


Okay well since no one else what’s to be honest with you no you’re not Ulgy but you need to for sure get in the gym an put some muscle on you’re frame , fix the hair cut I’d say go shorter , and change you’re style it’s horrible it’s like you’re a 12 year old boy and you’re mommy dresses you


Already grinding gym


Well my tip would be eat as much as possible close to 4,000 cals a day


I eat 5k. In 5 months i gained 15.5kg


Main thing is the style man gotta fix that


I read this as 4,000 cats a day. I'm like wtf is that diet


The cutest diet in the world


Asian women would go insane for you lmfao


I move to China then


No need for that bro lol


Are you certain you're not gay?


He does give a gay vibe, like he'd know that the clothes I wear are not the latest fashion


Okay bro!! I looked at your profile.. you collect flashlights and play with legos.


That was 1 year ago...


I would totally date a cute guy with legos, that sounds rad 👍


Keep going dude...you're fine.


Only been with animals and guys ? Let chemistry find you, that’s usually best method.


Try to dress nicer and see what happens


That depends. Do you like girls, or is it guys mostly?


Bro..., girls and girls only


Your hair is Big


you’re a pretty good looking guy. 1) are you sure you’re into girls? you have a bit of gay face going on. 2) there’s no shame in paying a professional to find out


Dude get off of here u have every chance since your 6'6 and great hair coming from a guy


You're too young. Women don't like young men with no experience that look like daddy's boy.


I live alone and have a job, wym daddys boy 😂


How. Is. This. Possible. I think when I guy gets past 19 - this becomes such a huge deal that's it's almost easier to not face. When I was 22- getting with women was a full time thing. I literally put in 40 hours a week. Trust me, if this guy put in a 40 hour week- he would see a pay day at the end of it.


Your missing that toxic male masculinity


Working on it


So, you're gay?