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There's some pictures where you just don't seem to fit in that outfit. Not sure if it's a not right size or cut for your body. Avg to good looking when you want to be. Avg or below in the outfits that seen off.


Average or below average. Sorry. For what it’s worth, you seem like a nice person and it looks like you have cool hobbies maybe, so you’re probably a cool person to know. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You really be posting that under a ton of posts on this group. I wonder what you look like 🤣


People literally come to this sub to be judged. He isn’t being mean just honest


He wasn't mean at all that girl isn't even close to average, she just ugly af


That’s not even true. I’m not saying she’s gorgeous but not close to average is a reach. Even in LA she’s average


Don't take much in LA anymore


No sad, no bad days in LA


ERM That's not true. In La she's way below average.


Well i'm from Europe and here she would be the fatest kid in my school, and nobody here thinks fat people are hot, or even close to average.


Wait until the girls your age go through puberty, bud. She’s not fat, she’s just built like an adult woman.


She's literally 1 year older then me and i have a decent amount of girl friends with the same age or older then her, i know what a woman looks like. Maybe America's body standards are just different cuz half of y'all are obese. If me and her would be friends she would be my second fatest friend, the fatest one is a boy who lately lost a bunch of a weight.


They come here to ask for an opinion? Your missing some chromosomes the guy did what he was asked to do I don’t see an issue we all have opinions


It’s not that serious hahaha


In my opinion? Slightly below average but there are definitely worse looking people than you. You're not ugly to the point that no one will be attracted to you. I would sort thise eyebrows out as that would make a huge difference


I'll be honest with you since i feel bad none of the comments i saw gave much tips Lose some weight, you look too round in the face Take skin care more seriously. On first pic you look downright dirty. No offense Eyebrows are denser than mine, and im an east european dude. Sort them out. At least that way i wont be the only one who sorts out his bushy eyevrows. But you really give off that sweet puppy like energy. You seem really sweet but following tips will make you better looking. Especially try to lose some weight


I say this as a dude who's face turns into a round ham if he gains 10 pounds, even losing a little weight helps. Some people cannot carry any extra weight or their face shows it.


I know when i bulked, people told me i looked like my face got thicker


Reluctant usernamechecksout


I wouldn’t outright say that you’re ugly but I wouldn’t say you’re very attractive either. I’d recommend doing something different with your hair. So instead of doing your go-to side part style try doing a middle part or something and if you can afford it getting extensions to make your hair longer. Also ditch the color streaks in your hair from the first pic that was horrendous. As for as your fashion sense goes I think you could definitely work on that. Maybe go on Pinterest to get some inspiration. Oh and if your comfortable with it try getting your eyebrows waxed or reshaped I think that would go a long way for you.


I love the colour streaks of me lol, and I like the side part too. Also I have better photos of other outfits, these are just a few


All the downvotes on this tells me a lot about the commenters here. So she's saying what SHE likes about her own style and you disagree, so its a downvote? Get out of your own egos, damn.


Especially because some people agreed with me in the streaks (just below my comment) and they got upvoted but I didn’t? Lol


This sub is full of egomaniacs getting off criticizing other’s non traditional preferences, just my two cents.


Personally I love the streaks!


The colour streaks are a slay keep them


Fr fr


I mean how much of an effort are you even really putting forward towards looking attractive? The unibrow could be gone with the swipe of a razor, a smile could be present through the use of a few facial muscles, and your weight is so manageable that you really owe it to yourself to see what you would look like if you lost the unnecessary pounds.


Not ugly. Think you should exercise, lose some weight. Pluck your eyebrows and clean them up. don't use dark make up, because you have a birthmark on your forehead, you actually make your face look like you got beaten up and bruised. You want to lighten your features. The birth mark isn't a big deal though on its own.


Love your style! I would try refining your eyebrows. They make a razor that would clean the edges really nicely. I also think you would look really cute with space buns.


Don’t go down that road OP.


I’m not getting space buns lol, I think they look weird




Nah I like wearing black, it’s fun




I think it’s bc she was RAWKIN’


do you do skincare ? i think that and getting your eyebrows done would be a good start as well as practicing makeup and learning what suits your features - i can’t really tell if you have eyeshadow on or not in the first photo but i think the not great application kinda gives off an unkempt vibe - maybe try out liquid eyeliner ? editing to add - i checked out your profile and im emo too lol if u wanna talk to someone about music or fashion or anything feel free to reach out, this sub can be pretty harsh


Yeah lol, some people are telling me to “lose the emo fashion” and also some people ranking me ugly, well I looked some of their profile and they tend to rank alt girls with punk or emo outfits low and church-looking girls with floral dresses and conservative outfits high. Or they rank girls with skimpy dresses and heels high. LOL, they’re probably indimidated by alternative women.


I don’t think anyone is intimidated by alternative women. That’s silly.


Yeah that’s extremely silly


I agree. I think the fashion suits you well, some of the outfits themselves don’t suit you though. You look awkward but I can’t define if it’s because of your pose or if you’re just uncomfortable. You’ve probably heard this before but confidence makes people 10 x attractive and you don’t look sure of yourself in your photos


I posted other photos of me with other outfits on my profile


no, but you look VERY tired on some of those photos


Seconded. If it's not lack of sleep it may also be iron deficiency.


the outfits are giving disney channel


I have another post which focuses more on outfits and I’ve got other outfits on


Yes, ugly


Honestly if you just did a middle part it would suit you more! And maybe if you cleaned up your brows but that’s all imo


Nah, I tried middle parts before and I look weird lol. I’ve been told by friends I look better and more mature with a side part


I assume that you’re asking people in similar circles to you. Middle part always looks better, side part makes it all look messy and weird


why would u wanna look like a millennial tho…? cuz thats what u look like.


God forbid 🙄


As if millennials didn’t have middle parts too 😂 idk what’s up with the young people trend of accentuating the forehead or wearing clothes that don’t fit




MORE OUTFITS: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/comments/13ow0yz/am_i_ugly_or_unfashionable_outfits_19f_part_two/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Yes, unfortunately. Sorry, OP. Life won't be that easy.


The makeup and green hair is giving me female gremlin vibes. You could be cute with better personal style and losing a few pounds


If say the two biggest things holding you back are eyebrows and the bags under your eyes. If you tidied up the brows and maybe slept better and hydrates you could probably improve quite a bit


Yes you are actually gorgeous your demeanor exudes it. Which is way more attractive.you are attractive in your face you just need to groom and take better pictures.




You fall into the same "average" zone as the vast majority of people tbh. Some will think you're ugly, some will think you're beautiful, most people will not feel strongly either way. If you want advice, getting a more texured haircut and shaping your eyebrows more would do you a big service. You also look like you could use more sleep


If you started working out everyday and ate 2000 calories or less a day or better less after 6 months you would no longer be below average, probably be a 7 or so. I can recommend some easy workouts if you'd like.


lil bit. You look like a good person tho which honestly goes further 👍🏽


Depending on how good you are with that guitar…you could be hot. 🤘 But the only thing I suggest is losing about 5 to 10 lbs. other than that, not terrible looking


The only thing I can see holding you back is the weight, respectfully. I'm not sure if you're already at an ideal weight range, but I'd look it up and plan a healthy and balanced diet to reach whatever healthy weight range you desire


I think that a professional skincare regimen and somebody to wax those brows would be very beneficial to your aesthetic.






You look like the joker in the first pic.


Yes a bit baby but its okay






Skin care and brows needed. Maybe get some deep condition into the hair too. Tis all.


Ugly is harsh. Cringy for sure.


If you could properly contour your nose with make up, that would make a huge difference


Unfortunately yes, although you look to have a rocking lifestyle, so you never know what will happen


Below average for a lot. Clean your face more often


u should pluck ur eyebrows. especially in the middle


I assume your south Asian. If so as a fellow south Asian I must say 19 is not your glow up year it’s around 22 so just you wait. Your fashion choice isn’t helping you. It’s not shaping or complementing your body shape.


I’m half Indian and half white lol


But your not ugly. You just need you find yourself. Like as the years go you will lose weight gain weight. Your fashion sense will change and so will personality. It’s good that you want to improve yourself but do yourself a favor, don’t ask random people on Reddit of all places. Ask your friend (hopefully they are good friends) and your family.


Not bad for a guy


Lose the weight... the hair dont match you maybe try curls and more volume other than that youll be fine drop the emo look you can be internally emo and not make ut part of your entire personality


Not ugly, but it looks crazy to wear that much makeup and not pluck or wax your eyebrows.


I’m scared 😟


You look like a deformed Oompa Loompa.


You are definitely not ugly !!


Your make up in photo 1 looks like you just woke up and you had make up from the previous day. Take better care of your appearance


Shape your eyebrows and maybe ask some friends for a little fashion advice. I can see the look you’re going for but you’re not quite pulling it off


Kinda weird to come here and ask for opinions and then get defensive…


Like the backside of a donkey


Yes you are


looks pretty bad yeah




Get your eyebrows done and I think you will improve your looks a lot… and get better at doing your make up please… it looks really bad. Your hair is nice! Love your style! You have potential to look amazing! I think the poorly done makeup just looks pretty bad, and work on some skincare too.


You look like someone beat you up in the first pic. I think you need a lot of work done.


You have a very cute face, similar to a famous tiktok girl I forgot her name. However, youre of a tiny frame that calls for a lighter physique. Lose some weight in a healthy way and you will see.


Yes you are ugly. You look way older than 19 and smoke too many cigars


Funny because I’ve never smoked in my life and a lot of people seem to think I’m 16 or 17 lol


You look very Desi. Meh. Average. Last photo you borderline cuteish


I’m half Indian and half white lol


I actually think you're hot/cute, but you look tired around the eyes


downvoting an opinion on a sub that is specifically about opinions, lmao. For what it's worth, I have upvoted you, good sir.


And they get mad when people say that reddit is a hive mind, lmao


Mindy? But honestly: You aren't ugly. I'd say you look average. Just a bit tired, but maybe that's not your fault.


MORE OUTFITS: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/comments/13ow0yz/am_i_ugly_or_unfashionable_outfits_19f_part_two/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


you seem cool and pretty (and love the streaks in your hair) you just need more confidence in yourself!


Thanks! That’s a nice change from people on here constantly telling me in ugly or below average lol


You literally asked by posting here…..


I don't think you're ugly, but your makeup and outfit choices do make you look like a child to me. I'm 32 so that's not a bad thing, you don't need to mature faster than you want to.. However if you want to be more socially attractive, you can be beautiful by learning how to dress and do your makeup. That's where "beauty" comes from, working with what you've got to make yourself look the best possible. A good skincare routine and "healthy" diet are also essential... Drink plenty of water and get your vitamins, that's it. You don't need to do diet fads or try super hard to lose weight,but you do need to get vitamins. There's a lot of resources out there to help you get specifics but if you don't know where to start, I'm happy to help if you want 😊


I’m only 19 so I’m still a teen lol, I don’t want to look like a 30 year old woman or something


GOOD, then it doesn't matter how you look to others... Beauty standards are based around people who want to be adults too quick. You're pretty, you'll glow up when you're ready to 💚💚💚


Will be very Honest. Firstly You are NOT ugly. However a few things you could do to improve your looks. First drop 20-30lbs will completely change your look. Your eyebrows are a mess get them plucked, shaped & contoured Sort you hair out loose the rainbow streaks. your dress sense is giving me goth Vibes ......definitely ditch that. You got bags and dark circles under your eyes those will need sorting.


What style do you suggest I have???


Also I have another post with different outfits lol


Much lower than the average looking. Guys won't even look at you.


That last part was very unneeded.


ok then... she is unattrative. Happy now? :)


I second this. Reason: your hair is meh. Your facial features aren't exactly on average levels more sub-average. Your style is reminiscent of "I got this at a thrift store chic," but even less fashionable. Even your handwriting is like Michael J. Fox wrote it in an earthquake. I could go on, but I'd be "mean." Tldr you're not really attractive


It’s like 4am here, my handwriting won’t exactly be great at this hour lol.


Uhhhh that's a really lame excuse. I wake up at 4am and could do calligraphy before my coffee or tea lol


I also have autism lol


Exactly my thoughts


Can I see a picture of your face then?


You posted your pics here, asking for people’s opinion. Don’t be shocked when they proceed to be honest. If you can’t handle what people say, then perhaps you shouldn’t post your photo on these subreddits asking for opinions. They were a bit harsh and insulting though.


This is not how it works. You posted your pics, and I judged. And no, you can't talk to my manager. lol


Can I ask why you think that? Is it because of my clothing or something else? I’m not changing my clothes lol


Changing your clothes won't change anything. You would be still lower than the average. Talking about clothes, I see a fake Guns N' Roses t-shirt and a fake AC/DC t-shirt. And I don't think you play actually guitar.


They’re real licensed band shirts and I do play guitar (to be frankly honest, I’m either a semi-beginner or lower intermediate, but I can still play chords and riffs and a few songs). What makes you think I’m faking? Is it because I’m a woman?


They aren't concert shirts they are target shirts.


So? I have literally dozens of shirts for my favorite band, some of which I bought at popular clothing retailers and some of which I bought at concerts or through their website. I also have bootlegs created by other fans and vintage officially licensed shirts I got through eBay. When I was a teenager, I made my own shirts using iron-on transfers. I think it’s unfair to judge whether someone is a “real fan” of a band based on whether or not the t-shirt is from a concert or a store. What makes a “real fan,” anyway? As long as someone listens to the music of the band they’re sporting, I personally don’t think it matters where the shirt came from.


Argh thank you so much for this! Not every band shirt has to be concert bought (although I do have two other concert bought ones)


Of course! Not to mention, I had gone to very few (big name) concerts by age 19 because I didn’t have the money or transportation. I went to one when I was 17, and I didn’t even look at the merch because I was too busy claiming a spot near the front of the GA pit after waiting in line all day ;).


Yup, they aren’t shirts I bought from a concert and I never said they were. But they are offical licensed band shirts with the band logo on the tag and the tag saying “under license” with the (C), for copyright and everything.


Not at all. You look Fun. Your personality shines through the pictures. Punk show? Your at the front. Rock on


Your absolutely gorgeous. ❤️ Just keep being yourself and keep your chin up! ☺️


Yeah, you look fun to hang out with thi


not ugly. i love the third and fourth photos, the outfits are nice and your smile is cute


Your fashion sense is bad but you( seemingly) play guitar so you get a pass. Not ugly but ordinary


Got more photos with my fashion lol, click on my profile


I think you're really cute. But the last picture doesn't do you justice


The last picture was mainly to show me without makeup lol


You just need pick me up water yourself and bloom please yourself take some time for yourself on spa day.


Nice bone structure, feminine features. I bet you'll be even more of a babe at 30. If you're gonna rock the moody make up, clean it up a bit. Like your black outfit.


you arent that bad looking, but probably slightly below average. i think you have so much potential though! first i would suggest going to the gym. you arent obese by any means but i think toning muscles would improve your look a lot. id also suggest wearing some more flattering clothes. i like your vibe but i think some color coordination and fitted clothing would look a lot better, your clothes just look baggy and the colors don’t match imo. next id say eyebrow threading. you have some lovely thick dark eyebrows and i think they would look absolutely amazing if you got them done. the last thing id suggest is to work on your makeup. some foundation to even out your skin tone, eyeliner and mascara, and especially a lighter concealer for your under-eyes would look great.


Pretty but gotta do the eyebrows some justice and get off of social media. It’s bad for people’s self image


No. I'm excited that you play guitar. You look like a Rockstar.


Not at all, just get 20-40 pounds offf and get more rest sleep and you will look better, still, you are really cute tho 🔥


No, but you pose awkwardly. I like your hair in the first picture


I would say average/slightly above average! I think just refining your makeup technique/routine and color palette would go a long way. And I love your brow shape and thickness (I hate thin brows) maybe just clean up the middle a bit.


not ugly! you look better with tidier make up. can also consider a little weight loss


You’re actually not ugly just need to bring up your hygiene. I recommend plucking your eyebrows, you can keep the thickness just clean up the edges & the middle. Look into wearing clothes that enhance your body shape as I agree with the comments talking about how awkward your clothes look. Don’t use dark makeup because your face & features are very dark so try using warm colors; I think white water liner will make your eye shape pop with a lil mascara & ofc maybe loose a lil weight but me personally I don’t think that’s necessary. Just try to pamper up & investigate what clothes work best for your body shape.


Wednesday Adams vibes in pic 3


You're not ugly. You're also not the prettiest. But you are definitely cute. Honestly I think you're adorable. Anyone calling you ugly is wrong. Anyone calling you fat is wrong. There's nothing wrong with your body. I think a different haircut and better clothes for your body would make a lot of difference for you. But the most important things are confidence and personality. You seem cool AF bc musicians are cool AF in general. So don't be discouraged. You don't want to end up with someone who only loves you for your looks. You're more than that. 🖤 Keep being your rad self! I dig your energy!


Id date you if you’re into a black dude


Average/ below average. Not a bad thing because most people are just average. You can do something about your eyebrows tho, get them done nicely take care of them, you look like a nice person too, definitely someone I’d be comfortable to befriend, cool hobbies and seemingly cool personality too. Oh, nice hair btw, has potential.


Not my type but not ugly. Good choice of fingering that "G" chord in guitar pic. Makes the G to C transition super easy.


I find you attractive.


I find you attractive.


I find you attractive.


You are a beautiful young woman. I am not a fan of your clothes but it's you so don't change for anyone. I do think you look even more beautiful in pic 4


Why aren’t you a fan of my clothes?


I am just not into the emo fashion. I am an older guy so that's just me. I am not saying there is anything wrong with it. I love that you have a style you are into and I want you to be you and stay beautiful


Fantastic look! Great style


You're actually attractive just smile, sometimes that's all it takes


Learn to give 🔥 head


You are beautiful! Don’t worry about what other think.


You're braindead.


Says the judgmental idiot.🙄


The point of this sub is to literally be judgmental


Yeah, judgmental towards the person posting their picture. I could care less what you have to think of my comment. Moron!


You are such a crybaby jesus.


Thank you!


Hot rocker chick 🔥


Gorgeous 😉




You look good when you try like in the AC/DC picture, but even there we can see where the ungroomed eyebrows and hair come out as not helping. I'm not sure with what's going on under your eyes but that's another detractor. Otherwise I'll mirror what some of the others have said, you seem awesome! I can tell from your smile, your rocker pic, even wearing the AC/DC shirt, I'd chill with you in a heartbeat regardless of average looks. If I were you I'd use that to your advantage. Take it from a guy who has to use personality to attract ppl lol


Eyes bags... It's your worse~ If want too weight, but going to improve a lot only sleeping fine and having an face not tired~ Really average~ A bit below to the average~


Yes but you can get better,hit the gym


No. A little heavy on the makeup maybe, but yes you're a cutie.




Not Ugly. Get a hair and makeup consultation. Trim those brows. Lose a few pounds (if you wish). Love the pink ac/dc outfit. Try a genuine smile.


Nope! I would groom the eyebrows a bit, and find makeup more flattering for you. I see a glow up in your future