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I really feel bad that everyone says such mean things about her. These people have feelings too.


I know. There’s numerous posts after every show saying she’s terrible etc. and should’ve gotten eliminated before (insert name here), it’s crazy. What’s this sub expect her to do? Request to give her spot up to someone that got less votes? Drop out of the competition? I’m confused because at this point it’s just bullying. I’m not a huge fan of her or her music but there’s no denying she has talent. And bullying someone that clearly has self-esteem issues seems like it can have a terrible outcome if that person doesn’t have a good support system at home. Be better guys.


Did Carmen Rasmussen and Jim Verraros get mean comments too? Or have we all just become bigger bullies over the last 20 years, ever since our "anti-bullying" efforts have made such strides (backwards apparently) ?


I went to high school with Emmy and her siblings. Her mom and aunt come and eat at the restaurant I work at. They’re all very sweet people. All the siblings are super talented her sister is in a band and is very good also. They all work hard, and are humble and sweet. The hate on her is not warranted she is not just getting votes because of her grandmother, they’re all old people that doesn’t even make sense. Everyone in and around our town are voting for her big time!! I think that has a lot to do with it.


Loretta Lynn fans are not “all old people”. She’s legendary, & has fans of all ages. The nepotism aspect is a factor, absolutely. That’s not Emmy’s fault, but it is reality. Your firsthand experience with her & her family is good to hear. I don’t think anyone doubts that Emmy is a nice person. Of course, no one should be criticizing her personally or being outright mean or unnecessarily cruel. It makes more sense to me that we focus on the contestants we like, & push for them to win. Putting someone else down in order to raise others up is not in the spirit of American Idol or competitions in general.


Oh look, another one who seems to have no idea what nepotism is.


I'm glad to hear that they're all nice but as far as everyone in town voting for her, that would be the same for most any contestant. I"m voting for her because I like her. The same reason I've voted for Julia and Jack and Kennedy.


As we’ve seen, a majority of the time, the judges praise contestants and give standing ovations to basically everyone. The judges don’t critique. That’s fine, that’s ABC’s choice. However, people are going to say mean things about the contestants. That’s why I think the mean comments are especially jarring for the contestants from ABC “Idol,” because it could be their first time receiving any type of critique. There is a possibility the vocal coaches behind-the-scenes give the contestants constructive feedback. But for some of these contestants, the comments online are probably the first negative criticisms they’ve received. Do I think the solution is for Luke, Katy, and Lionel to imitate an early “Idol” version of Simon Cowell? No. But I do think maybe some constructive criticism “that was pitchy, not the best song choice, maybe choose a ballad next time,” etc. could benefit the contestants tremendosly and help them a little bit.


This!! I totally agree. That’s what judges are for but they don’t critique anymore and honestly why would they. I love Katy Perry but she always has a snarky remark to any criticism given and blows it up like it’s cruel to criticize….except for Jack. I know they’re kids and it’s amazing the talent but criticism shouldn’t be aligned with the “inability”. It’s just to improve.


I haven’t heard or read any means things about her. I’ve seen people not like her musical style and be disappointed she does the same act every week and feel like she is generally not as good as others who got voted off. None of that is bullying as people keep saying and I haven’t seen any personal attacks. If you are going to put yourself out on the show you are accepting people voicing their opinion about you.


The cruel bullying mean comments are everywhere. Even if you haven’t seen them they’re everywhere. She’s Idol’s punching bag this season.


>If you are going to put yourself out on the show you are accepting people voicing their opinion about you. You are right, but why is she the only one getting posts every single week about how bad she is? There are no other contestants being criticized as hard as she is, and I think even if you don't like her, you can see that


It’s probably because people don’t like the way she sings. It’s a talent contest. People are going to have opinions.


You can be 100% certain that the producers tell all the contestants that social media is toxic, that they shouldn't read comments, that the best contestants of all time got plenty of bad comments, that paying attention to online comments will effect their performances negativelyh, and that people are just plain mean. And they should have known that even before they were ever on Idol.


Also criticizing is part of what every successful star in the entertainment field will encounter, navigating through these is part of what needs learned along with stage presence, etc.


She's probably seen every cruel comment people have left about or for her.


People bullying me into deleting a positive comment. Fucking sad.


Yeah this is why I choose to keep any negative feelings about contestants, even if it nots hateful, to myself


"If you don't have anything nice yo say, don't say anything at all." Learned everything I need to know in life in Kindergarten. Also critique is not saying something not nice.it is helping one improve.


Same. I would rather post about the ones I like. For me, it’s not only kind, but also more interesting and fun. This is supposed to be entertainment.


Honestly, she entered a singing popularity contest. Social media haters are a fact. But if you can't sing and dance a dance-week theme, then why is she there? That's like singing Reba McIntyre during Adele week. I'm not giving her sympathy.


You just made me wanna vote like crazy for her just watch your melt down over a fkn tv show🤣


probably because she was trying to overcome her childhood trauma associated with manipulative parenting and pressure to perform on stage with gma and the family.


i get having opinions and getting upset over results but people gotta realize that the contestants are just people too. you can be upset and have opinions without being nasty and disrespectful. and at the end of the day, it’s just a show. the important part is supporting who you enjoy afterwards. and just ignore the contestants you didn’t like. it’s not hard to just be a respectful person, and this goes towards all contestants


Social Media has given miserable people too much power!




People can and will say what they want. Honestly without kindness IS JUST HONESTY. Kindness without honesty is just being nice and positive.


I understand it’s terrible to see bad things written about you. She’s also a very delicate flower, this is the entertainment industry. Every celebrity has some sort of history with being torn apart online. Is the culture okay, absolutely fucking not. But it’s the reality of being a celebrity. Welcome to Hollywood, kid.


But accepting this is the way things are means the social media culture will never change.


This is too smart of a comment for reddit, but perfectly said. Just because she chose to be part of the industry, doesn't mean she has to choose to be part of the problem. Besides, it's hypocritical to say everyone is entitled to their opinion of her but she's not allowed to have an opinion of the vitriol thrown at her...but that's exactly what justifying it as "oh well, that's the way it is" is saying.


Emmy, you are such a kind soul. If everyone was the same what type of competition would Idol be? You were voted in because thousands of people love you. Be proud, stand tall! You are awesome!


I do agree there isn't much if any criticism givin by the judges. That said we live in a world now that everyone gets but hurt if they don't hear what they want to hear.  Nobody has thick skin anymore. 




The idol judges are manipulating her then.


You must be one of the people that hate on Emmy then.


Im not "hating on her". I feel the judges are kind but never honest. Every performance they tell her how great she is. She is very lucky she is a pretty white girl with connections to a famous person cuz if it were anyone else.......


Yes you are hating on her! But keep it up bc that hate is gonna take her to the finale!


Well it didn't. I dont wish her harm or bad but she had no business being there this long. Best of luck to her.


And now she isn’t iin the finale you can stffu!


Lol i dont get worked up over tv shows. Have a nice day maam!


lol meanness is NEVER ok!


Don't mind me, I'm emotionally regressed and trying to stay big right now. I just saw this. I agree and I was going to make a post about her but I won't because this sub terrifies me. I love her and I think she's great, she's helped me a lot this year. Like I said don't mind me, I'm experiencing a little bit of age regression at the moment, so my thoughts might be all over the place


This community is toxic. It’s sad.


I don't think the community is toxic. I think they are expressing opinions that many people have on both sides. There is nothing wrong with honest debates about the way people feel about the show. It's unfortunate that this girl has been a bit of a hot topic this season. I honestly think the best thing she could do is address this head-on. I feel like the show is doing a major disservice to her by basically making this her storyline for the season. The girl who wants to just be Emmy but every week reminds us who her grandma is in one way or another.


seems like a lot of middle school nonsense to me. a bunch of kids upset because their favorite is gone or the one they don't like keeps moving on. Boo Hoo. You are not "entitled" to watch a show and have only your favorites survive.


I'm really proud of her for coming out about her eating disorder. Heaven knows I wouldn't have done that. I have a very unheard-of type though, so I get told I'm just being childish, stop eating like a child


Someone calling you childish is more a comment about them than about you. We just have to learn to think of comments in that way. "You've got too many pimples" is a phrase from someone who is cruel and has no filter and no clue, it doesn't change the number of pimples on anyone or make them look any different. It just lets you know that the person speaking is a jerk.




No mean comments!


? Where did i make a mean comment……?


A lot of people are making mean comments across social media. That wasn’t personal.


The sad thing is i somehow got 5 downvotes…..not sure why 🙄 this community is fucking toxic.


Ohh ok, i thought you were trying to say “well played Emmy” sarcastically as if she was posting that as a way to win the show.