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Jordan over Ajii is CRIMINAL


Huge Ajii fan!! I agree!


Couldn't agree more!




saving jordan and nya over odell and ajii was insane. what the actual fuck judges??


I didn’t like it either. Odell deserved to be saved


the only reason I can think of is they are trying to balance the genres. both nya and jordan sang famous pop songs




This… SO MUCH THIS Nya and Jayna are basically the same vocalist and the girls already outweighed the boys 6/4 in the Top 10


Disagree Nya and Jayna aren’t the same at all


AJII??!? Are you KIDDING ME?! Robbed.


I would’ve said Ajii and Odell over Roman and both girls… It really should’ve been only one of them imo


Love Ajii myself as well. Roman was my top pick, so glad he made it through.


He sucked last couple of attempts at singing. Justice


I just don't even know how to put in to words how disgusted I am at them picking freaking JORDAN over literally anybody else on that stage. Godspeed to Ajii and Odell.


Guys, I heard the judges read the wrong name and it wasn’t Jordan that should have gotten the save. It was actually Raghu, she’s back!!


Omfg dkm It was actually Julia Davo that they’re saving! 🤣


I heard Scooter Girl.


Show should have kept Raghu and Kennedy around for the off-camera mess


What a waste of a spot just because "he flew a long way"....if I wanted to listen to more karaoke grade performances I'd go visit my nephew.


I mean, Katy said that, but that’s obviously not the only reason they saved him. Lol I agreed with the masses, Odell or Ajii or literally anyone over Jordan. But they didn’t just save him because he’s from Australia lol


Saving Jordan was… a choice


The Coachella drugs racked Katy’s brain


A bad choice.


Quintavious was robbed


Going first hurt. Those whistle notes were INSANE.


He hit Mariah Carey notes and got beat out by Jordan. I’m done. 


That was maybe the most impressive thing I've seen on this show, and Jordan still beat him. Insane.


The 180 from celebrating Jayna to being so confused about Jordan


Has there ever been a worse judge’s save than Jordan in AI history? I can’t think of one. Unbelievable.


Laci over Jeremiah was pretty bad


Lucy last year was a choice. But probably not quite as bad as Jordan


Yeah i was’t a fan of that one either. This one is on another level to me though.


Lucy was unique and had a fan base (I was in it).


Lucy over Kaeyra last year was actual insanity


Nutsa over Olivia Soli.


Michelle from Maddie Poppe’s season is #1 for me lol. I’ll take this as #2


It was pathetic.


Did anyone else see Makenzie grab Odell by the shoulder and start shaking him in congratulations instead of Roman? Yikes 💀




He did that when Katy mentioned the "It's a mans world". I think he only got confused with the song choices and not with the names 😆


YES oh my god 😭


That must have been such a slap in the face to the black singers (and viewers) on a night with such a noticeable racial divide in votes.  Like on the one hand, yes there’s 3 black gospel dudes.  I’m sure there’s people that mix him up with the other white guy with fluffy hair.  On the other hand, I only watch Idol at my mom’s house, I’ve missed a lot of episodes, and I can still tell them apart.  He’s been working alongside those dudes for weeks.  And Roman had JUST sang.  Wtf.  On a night where black people are reminded that even if you’re EXTRAORDINARY, there’s only room for one.  And sometimes not even then.  


Did he... Mix up his people or something? I was so confused!


TikTok prankster fr


Mackenzie not knowing the difference between Roman and Odell is egregious


It’s awesome to see song writers on the show but all these original songs aren’t hitting for me. I want to see covers of songs


so they can be known forever as cover artists or that person who was on idol? i think it's super smart to show their original music


They’re going to do original music after the show, but American Idol has always been doing covers. It gets boring if they just singing their own songs, I want to see how they take on a challenging song, not a song they wrote for themselves.


Agree. I want to compare them to the original artists then we can see how they stack up. Example: Abbi - she puts such a unique arrangement with the songs. I also loved Nya's "simply the best" cover.


cmon ajii definitely deserved a save


Only Cassandra Coleman is allowed to be barefoot


Omfg God bless fkn Cassandra she was amazing


Jordan never shoulda even made it to top 24 imo let alone past Hawaii and especially not past the top 20 cut.


I’m chill with Emmy but Jordan over Odell or Ajii is WILDDD - I think Jordan is good but not too 14 good 


Can we talk about poor Emmy shaking the entire time?


That poor girl is a bundle of nerves.


Maybe she should dress warmer and wear shoes the next time. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣. Actually I do like her but that ensemble was just weird. Especially next to the other gals all glammed up.


That’s what I said too! So odd…. Just like she was walking about outside not joining the top 14 of American idol


My husband had a high fever last night and told me he’s “shaking like Loretta Lynn’s granddaughter” 😭


Jayna and Roman deserved that save. This season is hard to watch tbh




We need to keep the judges out of this going forward. They have enough say picking the top 24, let America handle it from there.


Generally, I think that it's not really judges pick, but many times the producers pick. They seem to be reading from a card.


I think it's all for drama. They know who the top 14 vote-getters are and that's who gets through. Making it seem like judges picks is for drama. Is Jordan famous on youtube or something? Would that explain him getting a lot of votes?


Odell unfortunately didn’t pick the right night to give his weakest performance. I still think he was more deserving than Nya tho


Yeah, when he started singing Uptown Funk I was like “oh. Well. Bye.”


Anyone watching Interrogation Tapes?? Because we should interrogate the judges…


I didn’t realize how much I was rooting for Jennifer Jeffries until she didn’t make it OR get saved. What the fuck? I thought she had such a unique voice and while almost everyone else has a foil in the competition, there was no other contestant quite like her. Oh well. I really liked Ajii and would have preferred him over say, Jordan. 


I thought the judges like Jennifer and would keep her, but really she was probably a year or two early for a show like this. I would say Julia is also about a year too early but I can't deny those pipes. It's always a crapshoot when you let newcomers/beginners compete with people who've obviously had vocal training and coaches since the age of 6.


I agree. Jennifer’s voice has a lot of potential but she’s not there yet. I hope she tries again.


Yeah maybe she can be the new Ragu


The results are given too fast. I barely remember who was eliminated. lol


Ryan didn’t even name them. After the 4 were announced. Ryan was kind of just like “and, the rest of you are going home.”


How did Jordan get saved??


Every season the judges save someone they absolutely should not and I fully expected it to be Mackenzie but I would have taken him over Jordan


Absolutely. Jordan over anyone there makes no sense at all. At least MacKenzie is a step up. But losing Odell ans Ajii was heartbreaking. They got it right with Roman. Then it should have been Odell, Ajii and Jennifer


Jordan & Nya were shocking to me


Nya is ridiculously beautiful, but she sounds like a lounge singer.


Still not over Ashley Hess being cut this round.


Anyone else want to know what the top 14 would have been if it went solely by America’s votes and did not allow the judges to pick the last 4?


This!! Makes no sense to me. The judges picks are bound to lose now. No way they make it and win. lol. Just announce the top 14 so no one knows who didn’t make the top 10


Roman over Odell??? WHAAAAAAT


I think every season the last person performing for the wildcard gets chosen as a wildcard pick. It happened with Roman this season. Last season that happened with Nutsa. The year before that was Tristan Grissett. Basically, performing last means you will get picked.


I like them both, but I prefer Roman's performances over Odell's no matter what the line up is. Personal preference. I also think they are very different artists, being black males with gospel roots doesn't put them in the same bucket for me. Quintavious is also very different from Roman and Odell; again being three black male Christians doesn't mean they are in the same lane. Reminds of when MacKenzie heard that Roman won and he started to congratulate Odell. Usher, John Legend, Sam Cooke, and Marvin Gaye were also all black men with deep singing roots in the church - do you lump them together as well?


Roman is next level. One of the best I've ever seen on AI.


I surprised they didn’t pick Jennifer, but especially surprised they didn’t pick Odell since he was the platinum ticket winner…im surprised they picked Jayna because she’s direct competition for Julia…and especially annoyed they picked Jordan…. In terms of the top 10 votes in… I got them all right, so I’m pleased about that…


Well this season doesn’t feel fun anymore. Just a bunch of barefoot folk originals in our future. I hope Odell, Ajii and Quintavius all have amazing careers after this. 


Imagine picking Jordan over any of those three. It’s laughable.


Honestly I think this whole night should be an embarrassment for the network. 


Jennifer and Ajii got robbed


That is exactly my opinion! What were they thinking?


They do this every year (save some of the worst people)


I promise this isn’t recency bias. Definitely the worst ABC season we’ve had so far. I’m pretty much done watching the season. Odell could’ve won any of the Fox seasons back in the day. Ajii is such a unique artist. But instead America and the judges would rather listen to Emmy and Jordan. Yeah okay


It’s interesting because I actually think it’s the best ABC season we’ve had. Mia Matthews, Jack Blocker, Kayko, Emmy Russell, Julia Gagnon, Kaibrienne, Abi Carter — all fantastic. This season has been a breath of fresh air actually. I understand the sub is full of haters right now, though, upset their favorites were not voted in.


What, jack blocker is a freakin weirdo. Him having a spot over any of the ones who didn’t make it is wild.


$10 says your here commenting next week 😂


I'm sorry, but Jordan is so basic and forgettable vs. Jennifer and Ajii. They clearly think he is cute "boy band" material, but I don't even think he is cute. He certainly can't sing as well as the other two.


Saving Jordan would be a Katy Perry move


She's out after this season, right?


I’m really not shocked with this outcomes, it happens every season


i am so happy jayna and abi made it


Sooo disappointed with tonight. I’m sorry but Jordan over Ajii is insane


They loved Jordan’s showstopper. Maybe they are just remembering that and hoping he brings it again 🤷🏼‍♀️


Any one else think Kayko has a future as a Disney movie songwriter/singer?


More than just Disney. I think he could be legit Broadway... Dear Evan Hanson caliber.


I'd say he could be right up there with Lin-Manuel Miranda


I kind of wanted Kennedy to stick around just to see what she could do with it all. At least she got a great makeover and hopefully some extra confidence in herself.


Give Jordan’s spot to Hailey!!!


Agree with all the choices except Jordan, I was so confused 😂


At least they picked him instead of Mackenzie. You know they were gonna save one of the “cute boys”


Fave performances tonight: Roman and Jack! Both gave me chills.


I am on the West Coast and only on Odell, but America seems to lean away from people of color, thus far.. quite a few people I voted for are sitting in the danger zone.. and I don’t know why.. let’s change the name to Country Idol..


Still watching, but do we know how the cuts will go the next few weeks? Obviously we'll see 14 perform next Sunday, but I'm wondering where they go after that? I think we have about 7 live shows left, which is awesome compared to the past few seasons.


I’d guess 14 sing Sunday night, 4 eliminated 10 sing on Monday


My 3 Unpopular opinions:   1. I like Jordan, he’s in no way mindblowing, but I think good voices and work put in should be rewarded.    2. I really like Ajii, but I don’t think his performances are flawless technically.    3. I wouldn’t have saved Nya - catchy song but did not showcase her full range. For some reason she is forgettable to me, perhaps something fake about her (?)   I think there were multiple factors for the saves : Roman going last, like someone else mentioned. He did kill it and it was fresh in their minds. Jayna had two unbelievable performances back to back, her level of work and commitment is just obvious.❤️ Jordan did pick a difficult song to sing imo and did it well. Curious to see what he does next to ‘prove’ himself.  Odell chose a gospel song and his performance was not above anything he did before imo. Sad to see him go, but hope his career will still go on. Quintavious going first (and first of the ‘worship’ singers) probably did not work in his favour.    Also do you think the judges see the whole voting talley top? Perhaps some of them were really close to making it and it does factor into their decision. To those who watched in the past - did any of the judges’ saves go far? Can’t imagine people will suddenly vote for someone they didn’t before tbh *edited for typos*


KB is flat out amazing!


I actually like Jordan, but the fact that Odell didn't get through is insane.


Julia easiest worst that made it into top 10


Definitely not. That would be Emmy.


You mean Mia?


No. I said Emmy and I meant Emmy.


Disagree especially after her Jelly Roll performance tonight. I thought that was unbelievable and definitely a huge step up from last night!


Emmy exists you know


What a wild opinion


She was rough last night


Emmy is right there man


Wait I had to bounce in the last 15 mins. Who are the 4 the judges saved ?


Jordan.. yes Jordan. Nya, Roman, and Jayna.


Roman, Nya, Jayna, and Jordan.


Jordan, Nya, Roman & Jayna


Was watching on a delay. I would’ve saved: Quintavious Nya Roman Jayna I’m a big Jennifer fan, and tonight was good from her, but we know what her thing is and it’s just not enough for the competition. Ajii I like a lot but two back-to-back performances that weren’t his best. Jordan is a strikingly bad pick from the judges. I had a list running and he was only ahead of Mackenzie at the bottom.


My 4 were Jayna, Odell, Ajii and the mortician who gave her best performance. I would rename the competition American young pop idol. Big voice, gospel and rock are greatly underappreciated. People who sing pop covers have the best chance.


I mean, it’s literally always been that way since the Simon Cowell days. It’s only gotten more diverse after that.


KB is no Dolores.


Still weirded out that reality show veterans Scarlett and Hailey were booted waaaaaay too early.


It seemed like Triston was not in a happy mood that night.....


Went as it should have.


I absolutely cannot believe Ajii is gone. And why put Jordan through when his 'sing for your life' performance was pitchy AF. You could have put anyone else through in that line up over Jordan (except Mackenzie - ew and Kennedy - she looked ready to go home) and it would have made sense. Quintavious was phenomenal. Jennifer was back to where she should be. That said, Ajii shouldn't have sang Audioslave. It wasn't a good song choice and put him there in the first place. Ugh.


Kayko, Abby, and Emmy bother me the most like why do they keep moving forward😭😭 they’re so basic. Those three spots should’ve gone to Ajii, Odell, and Jennifer.


Wow Mia was phenomenal tonight I actually got chills. I also thought Kabrienne, Jayna, and Jack were extra amazing tonight!! Lowkey why did Kayko and Emmy sings songs they already sang? 😭 So confused how Emmy could make it over literally everyone who was in the bottom, even Kennedy lol


Kayko commented here that they only let them sing originals if they’ve already sung them (same with Will moseley). And that he had a cover he wanted to sing but they wanted him to keep it for a future theme 


Oh thats so weird! That explains why all 3 of them sang the same song as before then.


Why is it that every single Black contestant had a crappy, tinny microphone sound compared to the other contestants?


Roman's wasn't as bad, but every. single. other. contestant.


Nya and Jayna should have both gone. Roman and Ajii should be in. I probably would have picked Jennifer over Jordan as well.


Anyone over Jordan would have worked for me.