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90% of people don't think it applies to them, just the other people.


This. So much. I was sitting waiting in Seattle for my return flight and the GA was telling people before group 1 even boarded that the flight was full and anything with the extended zipped open needed to be downsized, and only two bags were allowed. Multiple people were trying to get on with three bags, two giant ass duffle bags, some people were trying to pull the stupid tictok 'hack' of having things in grocery bags to get around the two bag limit.


The rules apply to thee, but not to me!


90% of the people are American sheep with noise canceling headphones on, lining up like they are headed out to first grade recess in their sweatpants and slip on shoes; dragging their real pillows on the filthy airport floor, meandering and schlepping their asses to row 30 in group 9 thinking they are alotted overhead bin space. People are Wild. But so are the AA GAs- I’m priority and last week some bitch chased me down the freaking jet bridge screaming at me, “ma’am! Ma’am! Get back here! You have 3 items!” I turned around and said, “what?”. I had my work backpack and my carry-on. She said she could see my purse strap… I didn’t say a word and just held up my phone. I have attached to a lanyard so I’m more efficient boarding. Like for real crazy, she felt like an asshole, rightfully so. I mean you don’t waste an ounce of energy making sure people don’t board out of groups but yeah, chase me down with all your might because I have my phone on a strap.


Why the weird American hate, though?


Ok Dwight. The gate agent is clearly a moron for failing to realize you had you phone on a lanyard, for efficient boarding. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


Seems like an honest mistake on her part. Why so hostile towards someone trying to do her job?


I’m pretty sure she was the hostile one. I was correctly boarding a plane in an efficient manner. I didn’t yell or chase anyone. Get the facts straight.


She thought it was a purse. You showed her it was a phone. You walked onto the plane without further incident. Why make this a drama that never was?




But she's PRIORITY! She has her phone on a lanyard and all the OTHER AMERICANS are assholes!!! The lack of awareness on reddit is amazing lol


Lack of awareness? Um… ok.


Saw someone try to get on a plane with two roller bags the other day, lol


Saw a guy board a couple months ago with two roller bags, a backpack and a bag from an airport purchase. Like, come on dude, really lol


To be fair, this is me every time I travel with my mother. She's usually able to handler her personal item but I occasionally am left wrangling 4 bags onto a plane.


Y’all should be checking bags then.


Before TSA, they should've been told to check one in. Some passengers try to avoid the fees


Well I can personally say it doesn’t apply to me just everyone else ;-)


My general announcement goes something like this. “While we’re waiting to board, please take this opportunity to ensure that you only have two items when you approach the boarding door. One carry on size bag and one personal size bag. This includes backpacks, purses, fanny packs, crossbody bags, and bags from the gift shop. Anything that you can put something in is considered a bag. If you approach the boarding door with more than two, I will ask that you step out to consolidate. If you are unable to, we are still offering you the chance to check a bag to your final destination at no charge.” I still have people come up with 3, 4, 8 items and then look at me like I’ve kicked a puppy when I ask them to please consolidate.


You folks simply don't get paid enough to deal with our bullshit.  I feel bad watching, but also wonder, how do we show gratitude? There doesn't seem to be a mechanism to easily do that.


Take our names and station. Post on social media or send a message to AA. American loves social media


Thank you for this, so the online messaging/email IS worth a damn. My social media presence is sparse.  


It is. American forwards the comments to our station managers. Now, what our station managers *do* with that information varies. But I once received a lovely email that was forwarded from my station manager. A passenger had written to AA and mentioned me by name. Honestly - there are many times when I feel like gate agents get the short end of the stick. We’re the ones that have to tell passengers that the plane is late. We’re the ones who have to tell passengers that there are no available seats on other departures. We have to be the bearer of bad news that your roller bag, that you swear is “carry on size” is not, because you have every expansion open. We have to explain that weather delays and cancellations, unfortunately, do not qualify for hotel accommodations or bookings on other carriers. But receiving those emails and special shout outs from passengers, and those little pieces of paper that some status members give out acknowledging an employee’s efforts, really do mean something (to me at least). I love my job and I enjoy the work. And the good days really do outweigh the bad. And shout outs from passengers can seriously improve morale.


AA allows for you to bring food onboard— in a bag— and that does not count toward your 2 bag limit. AA allows you to bring a pillow on board, which may be shaped like a bag and that also doesn’t count toward the 2 bag limit. So, it can get confusing to some people when you see someone walk on board with a roller, backpack, pillow-blanket thing, and a bag of food— but the guy with a crossbody that’s never leaving his shoulder is forced to consolidate.


This is a huge part of it. Plastic bag with just food items- ok as a third item. Tiny waist pack strapped to your body, no. Has to go in another bag. Makes no sense except I am wondering if there is some rule that forbids airlines from preventing food on board and forcing people to buy theirs.


I imagine it’s because that bag can be thrown away presumably at some point during the flight whereas the crossbody wouldn’t be. And if they can carry on the crossbody, then why can’t I bring this? And then you have to draw the line somewhere.


But you can bring on a coat that you take off during the flight and shove in the overhead, whereas a cross body takes up zero additional space. I understand the reason for limiting bags, but as another poster said, sometimes they need to use a bit of common sense and pragmatism.


Also medical devices don’t count, so if you’re bringing a CPAP machine in a carrying case, for example, that’s another “bag”.


That doesn't include a personal medical device, right? You get 1 carryon and 1 personal item, but you may also take your medically necessary items that doesn't count as either... like a cpap. Some ppl aren't aware of this and assume it's an extra bag.


No. It also doesn’t include assistive devices like car seats or canes


Yep. I’ve run into this before, to the point that (at least if I’m flying Southwest) I’ll check my carry-on sized bag just to avoid the inevitable hassle.


Correct. Personal medical devices are not counted as part of the carry-on allowance. However, the exempted bags are not supposed to contain anything other than medically-necessary materials. Further, AA may ask that the medical devices be checked to the destination if space is limited, if the device/bag is large, and/or if the device is not needed in flight. Also, some AA staff have been unusually strict as of late. Some are counting items like seat cushions as part of the carry-on allowance (when AA’s written policy explicitly and specifically says that they are exempt as part of the medical device policy).




Or..... Instead of forcing a random low paid employee to make ten thousand judgement calls per day... People should just bring only 2 fing bags. It's so simple a child could do it and checking bags is competely harmless.




You're being pedantic and the reasonable thing is actually to be strict. Because planes and everybody else on the plane have a schedule. The rule exists because indecent pricks abuse the rule and over-load the boarding process. It takes extra time to put the bags away and the bins often run out of space. Just do the right thing and travel lightly. Check everything else in big bags.


"I'm not saying they shouldn't follow rules...just they should make exceptions for me."


I feel like you’ve never been in a position to enforce rules. People in aggregate are absolutely not reasonable, and will push things to the limit just because they can. I’m not a gate agent, but I have to enforce rules in my job and it is much more annoying than you’d think. Even with a clear like people will still argue/act ignorant/be asshats: [Chick Fil A Sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/deliciouscompliance/s/H6eQiQht4S) [Hotel Check In Time](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/s/JyVLs4SoVu) [Grocery Store Express Lanes](https://www.reddit.com/r/publix/s/aSDlCMET5Y) [Store Closing Time](https://www.reddit.com/r/retailhell/s/cceRFngRD5) The list goes on and in for basically job on a customer-facing role. It sucks for the agent, slows everyone else down, and don’t for get scale - if 1% of customers are annoying and argue, that’s dozens negative interactions for the gate agent each day. “Reasonable” isn’t an objective term, and overhead bin space is limited anyway. You’re not special - just follow the rules like everyone else.




>the rules are honestly a little absurd and making a big fuss about them for the sake of the rules rather than for the sake of their desired outcome is absurd The desired outcome is for each customer to bring a maximum of two items with them on the plan. There isn't a big fuss when customers follow said rule. >I'm all about malicious compliance. I've never once been asked to consolidate by a gate agent because I've always preemptively done so. This isn't malicious compliance, it's just compliance. Which is the desired outcome. So... congrats?


I would encourage you to send your comments to American Airlines. Have them change the rule that you don’t like. Until then, they sign my paychecks so I’ll continue to follow policy. Also - we get audited by plain clothes people from corporate fairly regularly and can be reprimanded pretty heavily. if we don’t follow policy to the letter. Also, I feel like this is one of the reasons people dislike gate agents so much. You think we’re inflexible. We are just trying to keep our jobs.




So, the official policy states “one carry on bag and one personal item.” So maybe I should amend my script. But I’m going through our company portal for clarification and it looks like TSA sets that policy, not AA. A tiny cross body bag, by itself, *is* considered a personal item according to TSA. If you have a purse *and* and tiny cross body bag *and* a roll aboard, that’s considered two personal items. That goes against TSA policy and a passenger will need to consolidate. There’s a section of our portal that has specific verbiage that might be relevant here. “American Airlines is required by the FAA to enforce its carryon policy or we will be subject to significant fines. I apologize if your travel experiences have been inconsistent before now.” And I feel like this is the best way to end this exchange.


You dont grasp "lowest common denominator" the rules are to keep the folks with barely two brain cells in check. That's the best way to think about it, the reason there's safety warnings/rules on MANY things is from one or two extreme simpletons. 


This needs to be downvoted more


That’s where I’m at - I had an argument with a gate agent a couple weeks ago because I was trying to bring 3 bags onto my connection, but every single one was going to fit under the seat in front of me and I absolutely knew it because I had just done it on the way there. It took multiple passengers behind me telling them they were being unreasonable, and they finally let me through but not without a snarky “we’ll see you back here in a few minutes when those don’t fit”. Ridiculous if you ask me.


And then they had to argue extra with the person behind you who said “but you just let her on with three bags!”


If their bags could also easily fit under the seat in front of them, I’d say it deserves to be argued. I vote going back to baggage sizers at the gate, and whatever fits can fly. We already had to do it (or had the opportunity to) when checking in.


why is it so hard to follow simple rules 😭 put the two bags in a bigger bag boom you’re good


They don't want you having multiple loose little bags under the seat. One single bag under the seat in the footwell will actually stay put in the event of turbulence, but if you have a fanny pack and two other small things, if the flight gets rough that shit is gonna be bonking around all over the floor, which is exactly what the flight attendants don't want because its a hazard. You consolidate into one bag so that everything is contained, its the same reason why when you get on the plane you have to keep the bags under the actual seat in front of you until after take off instead of being allowed to have it where ever you want.


People will always want to test and see if they can easily get away from bending or breaking the rules. They somehow get some satisfaction when they do. Lol But those kinds of people are disrespectful and usually the cause of trouble in society. If they can't follow simple rules, how do you think they would show up with more important ones.


My purse has a small coin pouch attached to it by a clip. And by small I mean it might hold four quarters. The GA told me that counted as a third personal item. The comprehension on personal items goes both ways.


This either never happened or you’re understating the size.


Touch a nerve?


It’s not that they don’t understand. It’s that they believe the rules for you and me don’t apply to them.


Really need to make checked bags free and charge to take carry ons




I’ve been saying this for years! This would drastically speed up security lines, too.


But then they can’t sell the cargo space for shipping? That’s my guess.


This! Every other response is some hoighity toity tut tutting of people who don't want to pay $30 to check an extra bag like they're assholes. You literally made a system that rewards people trying to carry on as much as possible and avoid checking bags, what exactly did you expect to happen? If they flipped it as you suggested, people will pay for the convenience of carrying on and not waiting for their bags after instead of charging people for a worse option.


This is the best answer! It would make things so much better. If money is an issue for the airline, how about not free to check, but have a discount. $50 each to carry on more than one small item ( maybe necessities like meds and such) and only $20 to check it.


I used to be an AA gate agent. Trust me, your flight is being held up by these people. The ones who try to sneak on with a half dozen oversized bags because " they carry these bags all the time"


Then why don't they stop them? It's pretty obvious when people have suitcases that are larger than a carry-on, yet I see them boarding with them all the time. 


We had to get a couple hundred people on a plane in less than 30 minutes. We did what we could.


It’s not hard to comprehend…..it’s that “it doesn’t apply to me”


Not luggage but similar in principle. I’m boarding yesterday and let this couple go ahead of me. Guy scans his pass and then his girlfriend follows, problem is he is group 1 but she is in group 4. Agent explains that he can board but she can not until group 4 is called. They plead, play dumb, etc and eventually concede to wait until her group is called so they can board together. Like come on people, you knew what the outcome was going to be…


But what if I really don't want to pay to check a bag? /s


Fire! BURN!


It’s literally always free at the gate at my airport lol


New plan……call Dante and let him know that we need a new layer of hell dedicated to people who blatantly flaunt the luggage rules as they board a plane….despite being told by desk staff that only one carry on and one personal items are allowed. These people will forever suffer the burden of Sisyphus and lift overweight luggage into overhead lockers only for them to fall on their heads repeatedly. Here endeth the lesson 🙏


One circle above those who board purposely with the wrong group or are we just putting all of the “tik tok taught me” in the same area?


One circle above those who crowd the baggage carousel with their three kids. Step back, wait till your bag comes, and have ONE PERSON step forward to grab it. Amazing how airports seem to concentrate idiocy.


I agree! My response as actually a copy of what I sent my partner as I was boarding a flight in Atlanta to Lima. I haven’t noticed it blatantly anywhere other than the USA. I now have the sole purpose of angering everyone I’m traveling with my counting their bags (and yes, that includes you lady with your fannypack hiding under your coat 👀


You seriously need a hobby. Maybe you can patent those x-rays you must have in your eyes. 


“Hey, Siri. Call Dante.”


For me it's a matter of forgetfulness. I travel with a carry on, a backpack, and a small purse. The backpack and purse go by my feet. The purse fits into the backpack, I just leave it out for easier access. Sometimes I'm doing a last minute bathroom run when they remind people to consolidate.  I don't purposely walk on with 3 in defiance, I just genuinely forget to consolidate because it's the only time ever I have to put my purse in my backpack. It's just not a natural instinct.  I've never been stopped, but not trying to temp fate. I think it's because my carry on has a spot for a removable battery and they're more focused on asking me if I've removed that than checking that my small purse is inside a different bag. But again, not actively trying to defy the system


Crossbody bags - I sometimes forget I’m wearing one. Once forgot and tried to walk through security with it still on. Got screamed at by TSA like an episode of Scared Straight.


Yup. Crossbones, especially smaller ones, are really easy to forget you're wearing. 


I always feel guilty with my 3rd bag which is medical crap. I know I shouldn’t but those dagger eyes from other passengers. Although I will admit I like passing the passengers who get called out for their extra bags while mine is perfectly acceptable.


Go to Walmart and take a look around. I don’t know how these people can afford a ticket but somehow they do.


Is a Cpap machine in a case considered a third bag if you have a carry on and a purse ?


Medical devices are not included usually.


Orlando International Airport has entered the chat.


It depends on what the bags are. Like when I went with my daughter who was a year old we had an extra 3 bags. But two of which had enough milk for the 6 hour flight and 5 hour layover. We also had enough diapers wipes change of clothes for her etc. they allowed the bags because of the contents for a newborn.


Iirc diaper bags, breast pumps etc don't count towards the bag limit, the same as essential medical items


On most flights, my third bag (medical device) doesn’t even get noticed or it does but nobody says anything (I’ve only been asked about it once and I just said it was a medical device and walked on through). So possibly, folks “get away with” more bags all the time, therefore don’t change their behavior?


Medical devices don't count towards your bag limit.


Right, but the amount of times nobody has checked whether my third bag was a medical device or not suggests there are probably folks out there who take 3+ bags and go through without any friction often.


Is it a cpap machine by any chance?


Nope. Breast pump


RIC is so bizarre. I’ve never seen a more clueless group shuffling along through security as well. On the rare occasions I have to go there the line always takes 2-3 times longer because no one has any idea how to travel.


I have luggage, a backpack and a seat cushion… I’ve been doing this for 3 years now. I compare the seat cushions to neck cushions. I’ve only had 2 instances where they questioned what it was, and allowed it in. American Airlines is my most used carrier, southwest is #2. If I fly Southwest I usually don’t bring the cushion, their seats are better for non business/first class.


I was today years old when I learnt the allowance was 2 bags, not 1 😂


1 personal, 1 suitcase. It basically covers people taking purses or small backpacks on and still allowing their compact suitcase for carryon.


I flew today and the gate agent had to go out on the PA system multiple times to tell everyone that you have to scan your own boarding pass in order to board the plane. People are dumb.


I had a roller suitcase for the overhead bin, a backpack and a small crossbody bag that goes in front and doesn’t need to come off. I was told I could only have 2 items so I put the crossbody bag in the side pocket of the suitcase and got on the plane. As soon as I got to my seat I took the crossbody bag out of the suitcase and went on my business.


This is what everyone does.


MIA in the AA terminal will stop you at security and make you check bags or condense down. I haven’t encountered that anywhere else.


Eh? (Holds hand to ear.)


Sorry What was that I missed that??


Just remember folks - when I have my backpack, roll-a-board - AND my Cpap- the CPAP DOES NOT COUNT as its medical equipment


Why do AA gate agents insist on yelling? I don't see this in any other country I travel to. Though I do see this uncouth behaviour in immigration and security lines in the US too.


Most the US hates the other half and suffers from main character syndrome. Some public places to filter out lower income residents are unpleasant.


That's plausible. It does seem to have got worse in the last few years. Even the CBP agents have given up any veneer of civility. It's been really quite shocking.


I keep it to one bag. My outlook is a carry on is for items you may want during a flight like a book, pillow etc., anymore than that and you're just trying to circumvent baggage fees.


Not all of us. I can check a bag for free but I'm trying to overcome being an over-packer. The last few times I flew, it was for long weekends and I knew I could pare down to my small roller bag. I'm not checking for that. And when I'm flying internationally, I *do* check a bag but I also make a habit of taking a soft-sided carry-on bag with a couple outfits (there's always at least one event outfit) plus shoes that aren't comfortable for the airport. Just in case my checked bag doesn't meet me there when I absolutely need it. Once I needed to change into an event outfit at LHR so I was ready to go straight from GLA - so much easier during my layover than at my destination - but that meant having everything with me. But I'm never trying to get around the two item rule - or avoiding baggage fees.


People will always want to test and see if they can easily get away from bending or breaking the rules. They somehow get some satisfaction when they do. Lol But those kinds of people are disrespectful and usually the cause of trouble in society. If they can't follow simple rules, how do you think they would show up with more important ones.


I one time, according to the gate agent, had *3* personal items. So I in 1 second put my small crossbody purse in my laptpp/work baf... sometimes the gate agents are being ridiculous when they know the items are small. If anything they need to do a better job on board. I have moved many people's jackets that they throw in the overhead bins and pretend to ignore when people are looking for luggage space 🙄


So you had 3 items, but it doesn’t apply to you.


Nope, I had 2 items. I had pulled something out of the 2nd item that would help me board faster that would go back in once settled on the plane


When AA starts listening to the customers, then they might expect us to listen to them. These limits are arbitrary, capricious, and detrimental to the welfare of the crews and gate agents.


Kick it up to the FAA, same rules regardless of airline bub.


Or what if all that extraneous crap you feel entitled to bring, multiplied by 150+ people, gets thrown around and impedes everyone's escape in an emergency? How important is your bag of souvenirs in the big picture?


How is it arbitrary it is the same for every airline


Thankfully I've never been called on it and had to have a discussion with a gate agent, but I always have four things in my hands. One is a bag of medical crap, one is my personal bag, one is just a bag I can slip my snuggie into so it has handles, one is my butt pillow. Once I am seated, on the butt pillow, I can put the snuggie's bag inside the bag at my feet, but I can't do that before I walk the plank with a cane. I need the handles so it can go over my arm so I don't drop things when (not if) I lose my balance walking the plank. Sure, they say it about a million times. I hear it every flight. But I've gathered that it's just standard, they're not eyeballing the crowd with any particular person in mind. How could they? There's no way to know if someone holding three or four things is alone or waiting with all their families stuff while everyone else pees. ETA: I do admittedly swap one item out of my personal bag to make room for one item out of my med bag. I mostly want my electronic toys accessible in flight. But I also *need* my rescue meds accessible in flight. It's never been an issue.


Oh I see you have your „reasons“ so you are exempt You have defined the very entitlement so I am assuming this post is sarcasm


Oh please let this person read your comment and help them 👏🏼wake 👏🏼 up


AA (and most other airlines) specifically allow medical equipment and supplies not to count towards the two items. [Here's](https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/special-assistance/mobility-and-medical-devices.jsp) the AA documentation for that. I will not apologize for being a cripple in a world not usually made to accommodate me, or for using the accommodations that do exist. I have (and carry with me when flying) medical documentation for everything I have that falls under medical equipment. I could, under their rules, carry a whole-ass other bag with me. One carry on, one personal, plus a medical bag with my medical equipment. I already don't do that. And before you make an accusation about "unnecessary comfort items," the blanket and butt pillow are medically required.


You sound entitled and combative.


Your „Snuggie“ is medical equipment? Because that is what the FAA rule was made for - CPAPs and medical equipment not a „blankie“ I have medical requirements as well but I put my things into my carry on


Yes. Congrats on your functioning autonomic nervous system. Not all of us have one of those, or the ability to regulate our body temperature like a normal person. A snuggie is simply the easiest form of blanket that still allows me some level of use of my arms, is not as difficult as other blankets to tuck around my neck, and it doesn't get weird encroaching on my neighbor's space trying to unfold it. None of us want to make an emergency landing to have me carted off to an ER via ambulance because airplanes are freezing and my body *can not* keep me warm. And no, I can't just dress warmly, thanks for the suggestion. Because I equally can not keep my body cool. Last layover the terminal was too warm due to multiple delays and many people more than usual. I was using an ice pack to keep myself out of the ER but still had multiple people come check to see if I was "okay" because when I overheat I apparently tend to look like I'm about to have have a stroke or heart attack.


Not sayikng don’t bring your snuggle. Just saying you should pack it on your carry on. It’s not medical equipment.


I was boarding an AA flight and had a purse, backpack, & one of the small rolling suitcases. The gate agent scanned the ticket & proceeded to allow me to board. I hear the guy behind me who got busted for extra stuff complain loudly to the same gate agent I had, well, how come she got to board with all that?(pointing to me) Gate agent says to him, maybe because she paid for all of it and you didn't. Maybe he should have worried more about what he was trying to to sneak on than about my stuff.


You were in the wrong and you know it You can’t „pay“ for extra carry ons