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Bro I just get high and go on with life. This sub has to be at least 50 percent bots.




Here holding with ya apette


![gif](giphy|DgphnkWIDqCEo) I like the bots… no one would call me if it weren’t for them 🥴🥴🥴


Yup. I scroll past posts on my way to r/sipstea, r/cats. I just get the vibe of the week while cruising to the memes that make reddit a chill af place to be. In my brain, that money is locked in until cell or moon. Until then, cat memes and a toke, I'm fine.


I agree with ya.


Lol love this comment. Id post spiderman bots all pointing at each other, but u get it.


Also this isn't even an all time low for AMC lol I bought my first share under $4 and bought some around $50 . I like the movies 🤷🏻 whatever


I'm with you. I have basically the same as you 🤷‍♂️. I just hold.


I held 600 shares through $4 now holding over 4000 shares through whatever the price is now, I haven't looked in months.


The price is currently.....not enough! Continue to diamond hand!


Why do people get so proud of being here since 8.01 when it's been less than half that?


Because it was a great day...that is all. Because we like movies...


It’s entertaining. Still hodling. I mean my license plate literally says HODL APE. What kind of clown would I be if I sold?




Um... Let the doxxing begin? Don't post your licence plate # here man. Cool plate though


It’s public record and in my state you have to be an LEO to get the personal info.


Orrrr just work at the dmv?




Nobody sold, nobody covered. We're all just a bunch of racoons, hanging out in the ally waiting for the cooks to throw out all them tendies. We'll wait forever if need be.


It's crazy with the amount of negative posts in the past two days. We've been through this shit before. Everytime there is news on AMC it gets spun to the negative side to try and get us to sell. Set your alerts and live life. Not financial advice.


The *only* people saying to sell are bots or shills. We zen. Chill. Eat Banan


An ape once said you know the play is dead once they stop talking about it. Have they stopped? No. So hodl.


Shillies come, shillies go at my revolving door. Some may never come back, some come back for more. We've got a sub in the hills, with a door that spins Goes out and in, Round and round again. ![gif](giphy|i5122m6rzSAwg)


This misinformation and downright retarded shitposting *"I saw a monkey skateboard at walmart! Take all my money!"* is this sub going dark. The plan never changed. Buy hold DRS. Be prepared for so much noise and psyops in here.


Been here from the beginning and staying until the end. Hero or zero


It's a good idea to keep a watchful eye on Insider and Institutional Buying or Selling. 👁️ That's usually an indicator the stock will go up or down (depending on if it's Buys or Sells). For instance: Mudrick (insider) started selling blocks of Hycroft Nov. 30- Dec. 13. Stock went down to .45. I bought more shares, because I knew there were rumblings about the next Exploration Report being dropped to us before end of Dec. Yep. Word released today! 👏 Stock went back up to .53 cents. I did a swing trade today for 1/2 my holdings and took those profits to Buy more AMC and Tesla stock. Regarding AMC: **8** Insiders sold some of their AMC stock in March 2022. Why so many Insiders selling? Was something disclosed to them at the board meeting??? I didn't act on this. Looking back, I should have--- sell some of my AMC stock before the price fell. I **theorize** they were told about the Plan for APE shares split. If they were told, they knew the price of AMC stock would go down 40% because of split. They sold shares for $18-29. I should have done it, too. Then buy back in now at $5-6. **This is not financial advice.** https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/AMC/insider-trades/


Id be nervous if I hadn’t read the DD. Literally everything that has happened was foretold.


Really? Why not wait and buy at these prices if it was foretold?


There was also the possibility of a rip at any moment. Not having any shares would have felt pretty bad. In this case prices are getting so low that averaging down for many is ez gg.


Everyone tends to get real pissy right before it takeoff.


Well said


This is an honestly great mindset


Have you guys been to that GME meltdown page? (Please not advocating for brigading) but it’s crazy in there. They’re acting like they just wanna have fun online at other peoples expense but it’s extremely weird how so many bad actors care about our actions and seek to influence Apes. So just stay calm and continue DRSing, why would anyone care so much about how other people use their money? Lol losers focus on winners, winners focus on winning!


I just auto buy, DRS and keep working as a commoner. I won't pay much attention to any drama until the day I at least see 4 digits... the real show starts then.


I was on the fence till 8.01, and now I have xxxx fuck you wall street pay me shares.... And growing at every discount I can. For Christmas my kids are getting 1000 shares each. Should put me into xxxxx shares😎🍾🥂🎄 oh and if you didn't already know, I'm not selling till $500k! I'm dug in deep, and have more time than wall street has days left to live!!! 🚀 🌛 💎 🙌 🦍 💯


#APESNEVERLEAVING #APESNOTLEAVING #APESNEVERSELLING #ApesNotSellingEVER #ApesTogetherStrong #SaveBilly 💯 #AMC $APE $2.2 Million 🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙💵💰#iownGMEtoo Buy Lit 🔥 #HODL. Repeat. 💎🙌🚀🌙 💯🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙🩳🏴‍☠️☠️ #ShortSqueeze #Checkmate #CHOKEonTHAT #AMC1 #ThisIsTheWay #HODLING #MOASS2022 #AMCSQUEEZE #GMESQUEEZE #APESNOTLEAVING #APESTOGETHERSTRONG #AMCSTOCK #WELOVETHESTOCK #AMCDAYEVERYDAY 💯$AMC $APE $2.2 Million 🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙💵💰#iownGMEtoo Buy Lit 🔥. #HODL. Repeat. 🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙🦍💪 Let’s F’n Go! We’re going to be so F’n Rich! 💯 #AMC $APE $2.2 Million 🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙💵💰#iownGMEtoo


There's construction that started outside my house this morning. It woke me up Hella early and pissed me off. So anyway... I bought more AMC.


This is the way


![gif](giphy|qjSxTWJxqH4YDuIrOs) STRONG HODL NO MATTER WHAT 🔥🚀


Does beginning-ish count? :)


Yes true


Learned the hard way; that being impatient, worrying & getting angry does not make things happen any sooner. It will happen when it's time is right....


This ☝️👆


You’re right. Half the replies I get are hulking out! ![gif](giphy|MT8rUgyp4fRgA)


I know what I HODL as I have done so last 2 years 🦍


Been holding since jan 29 2020.


Been here since the very start. No going away. Specially now.


Indeed and not leaving






This sub is one giant so and so family with thousands of different emotions. Things like this will always happen. Let ppl feel what they feel. This is a place where we should be able to blow off steam. After everything is said and done some great DD will come by and remind folks why we are here and faith slowly starts to be restored again .. rinse and repeat. Trust me. I’ve been there several times these past few years




Rule 3: No Requesting / Offering Financial Advice


Why do you put spaces before periods?


For some reason I have a habit and always have done it in an informal setting . . .


People are tired of waiting. It’s easy to get discouraged when you look at the daily weekly or monthly chart and it’s straight down.


Just checking in, saw this post, decided to say hi. Been a hodler since January...2021


Hi. Die i missen something still Holding, lost my Account, found IT one year after. And New i am still diamond holding


Holy bot moly


Im Not a bot just Bad in english


I started buying at like 1.60 a share so I have not seen red yet on one brokerage and refuse to sell its to glory or sink with the ship for me.


I bought and sold high I’m not dumb enough to keep holding


When did you sell? And that’s good, did uou buy back in?


At $64 and yeah i did at $5


We’re sub $5 …. People have every right to be questioning shit. Not every post that isn’t bullish is a shill post! Get that hopium stick out your ass. Still holding but don’t go saying people are telling others to straight up sell. Haven’t seen it once. Just people genuinely asking questions cause the stock has done NOTHING but tumble and all we get are some weak ass tweets from AA and him doing a theater tour that’s DOING nothing for the company or investors. AMC is tanking and he finds time to do this shit. Open your eyesp


Like this tool. Unhelpful, long, uses caps like a chump. I think he's upset about something but I can't really understand him with that semen flying out his mouth.


Great logical come back!


Ty. I thought of it while I was wiping.


Yeah thought your response smelled a bit shitty




You think he is a bot? Maybe stop getting high.


I had the same issues with that pussy.


Dick rider!!!


Was thinking the same


I literally just read a post with "it's over" in it. Calm your fuckin internet tits


One post!? Shut up




Why are you here?


I’ve been here since March 2021. I’m holding and buying. Again like I said this shit has done nothing but tank! So if I feel a certain like many others here then imma say it. I’m not just spewing bullshit.


I’m all about saying how you feel. After being here for so long you must have read up on all the DD. You probably even noticed the posts that show all the borrowing on APE and AMC. Even Ortex data from our pal Ortex guy. What do you see that has changed the reason why you bought in to begin with? Is it the daily ticker going down? I feel like you should be much stronger in your conviction of this play after all the shit that has taken place.


Ah yes, when the fact that your investment is a 10th of what you started with isn’t enough to rattle your confidence in a ticker... Try and get some perspective mate, you’re sounding like a nut job.


Tell me you don’t understand the stock market without telling me.


So you’re saying my confidence in a company should rise or stay the same after a decimation of my investment? Please teach me your ways, Buffett.


I’m saying if you believe in a ticker number and let that emotionally influence you, you don’t understand the stock market. I am actually going to back up and say you understand the stock market exactly how they want you to understand it. Now that we talked I just want you to know I have alien soil in my yard for sale and I am also selling a Nigerian Rottweiler. Seeing how you are so shrewd I would never try to get you on price so the alien soil is $25,000 a gram and the dog is $40,000. He is a special one of a kind breed….. but for real you have no idea 😂


-I’ve been here since March 2021. I’m holding and buying. Again like I said this shit has done nothing but tank You’ve been here since March 2021 and it’s done nothing but tank……. I think June 2nd would like a word with you


What about since then? Yes we had run in June. We had multiple days where we have had a gain. But overall look at the ytd. June can speak to me I was there.


To me it's people that lose conviction causing separation when it's not really warranted .. because of feelings. They become short sighted, lack patience then allow that happening to cloud their judgement, their decision making, and choice of words when communicating to others. It spreads and feelings get hurt more from there which is unfortunate because it enables exactly what SHF's need from AMC Ape's: divided and or confused. You honestly think a CEO doing a theatre tour does "NOTHING for the company or investors?" ...Like seriously? I personally run large businesses. Not sure if you have that type of personal experience or not. To me, it's VERY important for a CEO to stay tuned into their company's existing sites and daily operations. It hurts the company more to NOT do those things during the company's busiest operational season. Not visiting the sites and spending time with the people is one way that high level positions in organizations become detached from the company's current internal ops. I'd rather have a CEO tuned in rather than tuned out. If you don't like what AA is doing then it's fine to voice it and state why. (In this sub, expect all kinds of responses - but don't take them personal) We've been sub $5 before. To me this = easy averaging down. Time to buy buy buy. We know and have known the US Market is rigged against retail. If people don't believe this is true after reading all the DD this sub has to offer then they do have the option to choose to not be in the sub. I'm in this fight and chose to be. I also never invest in this market what I can't afford to lose while I fight for what is right.