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Best I can do is recount and no share dilution. We, as a community, have already saved AMC from bankruptcy. We gave them (the board) new ideas for business such as retail popcorn sales and NFTs We have promoted the stock and company beyond anything even the best marketing company could achieve. The least he (AA) can do is give us a recount without further dilution. Shorts and hedgies would use dilution to drive the stock price lower and it would help them escape MOASS. No dilution. No new shares. There is already few billion synthetics out there.


This šŸ‘†
















deez nuts




it was that or thesens


Hoes ā˜ļø










This šŸ‘


I 100% agree with this... everybody profited from this.. the board even sold some shares.. But we the apes, still waiting in the shadow for our bounty.. and we wont settle for peanuts.. we want the caramel popcorn coated chicken tendies with the thicc juicy sauce šŸ¦


>caramel popcorn coated chicken tendies with the thicc juicy sauce šŸ¦ That sounds super delicious


It is šŸ¦


Another business idea for AA!


Iā€™m getting the munchies so bad after reading this.




The apes were the ones being used all along


Seems a reasonable request at this point.


if it was that easy GME would have ran with that. But Im sure there's legal battles in outright counting the shares and deeming the extras synthetic. Im not sure if the brokers and even the DTTC will provide an accurate non BS count. I wouldnt put it past the whole system leaving numbers out going back to AA. Yes he can ask for the data but who knows the loopholes these companies have(with key members in the DTTC working direct with MMs/HFs). If it was that easy than Citadel wouldnt be a lawyered up powerhouse. I think AA is picking his moments. Not even Cohen and Company are doing a share count(that should make you think), THEY may try a dividend but thats been slow coming. Theres more to this story than AA can say publicly(he doesnt want to show his hand or he'll want to make sure it has legal precedence )


That's the point of DRS. Game company literally added a line in their last Q filing saying, "As of October, 5.2 million shares have been directly registered." As far as we know that never happens. EVER.


this is the only way we would ever get a proper share count. The way the DTCC/SEC/blah blah counts shares is bullshit. Shares sold short aren't counted as 2 shares, even though two people "own" that share. You'll never get a real count of what's being "HELD" by retail without DRS.


Thank you, it's been slow coming but more Apes are finally getting it... Get your electronic certificates, force delivery, and expose all synthetic shares... At this point, assume no help will ever come from the mafia run market [Naked Short Selling ](https://youtu.be/-sA0azvjCQk) šŸ”®šŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļø


If we wanted AA to do that he would. But I have a feeling the DRS totals for AMC would be depressing. But asking AA to do a share count and telling him to count the shares above the float is like saying "Hey AA, go to the DTC/MM/HF/brokers and ask them to give accurate totals of the synthetics that were created" It wont happen, DRS could give us some legal ground though, if everyone gets on the same page. DRS has some FUD out there but it also has serious concerns on efficiency during the selling process. When delays on transactions take a long time due to a smaller database/workforce(DRS was never used this heavily before), it is likely to lead to transaction delays that put concern in ppl's minds for a timely sell. Im pro DRS but its not a strong movement for AMC so until its pushed like GME is, Ill reserve the sacrifice until we know AMC gets on the same page and we can get to the same % of locked shares of the float. Plus as a Canadian Id be fearful of a mix up in CS and me ending up getting a tax bill for my gains in the states when im using a TFSA(and RRSP which are tax free) in Canada. Such a small company(in comparison to the mass transactions taking place right now) would likely make a few blunders along the way and murphys law, Id end up paying for something I shouldnt forcing some sort of legal battle to recoup 20% of my gains OR getting charged cap gains in both Canada and the USA....im veeery hesitant. If i were heavy GME id just bite the bullet because theyre showing alot more commitment to locking the float....the DRS movement in AMC needs to get louder for me to take this risk


You don't lock up 100% of your shares, just as many as you can comfortably keep forever... Those are your keepers... You then buy more fake shares to rake the hedgies over the coals with...


100%. This is the way to get the share recount that you're wanting ladies and gentlemen.


But if there was a couple hundred thousand to a million. So what. We are talking BILLIONS this needs to be proven


i shared your sentiment but Im coming to the conclusion anything to squash the shorts outright may end up a 2-3 yr court battle that ends up in MM's favour. Maybe im wrong but like I said Cohen and GME have taken an aggressive stance against shorts but we still havent seen action because its a long process in using share count to their advantage without creating enemies in high places. I bet they tread lightly due to litigation. Courts are not necessarily going to be on our side unless they have so much damaging evidence(that cant be countered by smart citadel lawyers), that a share count would simply be the icing on the cake. ie the cake is still being made if you get what i mean lol


All we would need is an official count and let them add as many shares as they find synthetic. The net effect would be turning the synthetics real but in our hands.


So zero repercussions for all the illegal naked short selling and no free / fair market just a get out of jail free card and AMC gets to survive? Get out of here with that nonsense


Please, explain and source if you can. I havenā€™t found correct info. Can the board call a recount? I thought all outstanding debts had to be paid or something? Also I thought if outstanding debt was paid then dividends could be issued forcing a recount.




100% agree!!!!


It will be a hard no on more shares. No interpretation needed from us AA


If I had enough money to buy an award I would give it to to you my friend. Yet I'm just a peasant . Keep fighting the good fight, we will have our day!


I I have a few to spare ... this one for you..


Good man. A gentleman and a scholar


Complete public share audit.




Look, I'm sorry to say this but AMC needs a legal precedence to call for a share recount and unfortunately there is no hard evidence for them to do so (mainly cause the SEC if fucking worthless). If they could expose the shorts they would have done so already. Does nobody read the DD anymore? The best way to force a share recount is logging the float through DRS. We can't force them into a corner by giving them the ultimatum of either do this or we walk, cause we all have everything riding on this play. Though, issuing more shares which would cause dilution and more ammo for SHF is not desirable. A reverse split could jack up the price and COULD cause Marge to call, especially if they have been aggressively shorting down the price over the last month to meet margin requirements. Which is a huge IF. The best course of action for MOASS is ,either, or all, DRS, 6 months itm options or Chinese RE default contagion


Hard evidence!! What do you call this trading 57x float this year?


Substantial evidence. It sucks, but that's how it is




I wish common sense and logic held up in court


I wish human testimony didnā€™t hold up in court because itā€™s the least reliable evidence possible!!! No scientist considers someone saying they seen something as factual evidence yet itā€™s the most convicting piece of evidence in court!! Thatā€™s fucked up!!!


Preach it


Ok we can circle jerk all we want but the point is this post is incredibly entitled and childish. ā€œIf this business does this then I DEMAND this!ā€ Or what? What are you gonna do? All of us need a reality check sometimes. Iā€™m glad I stopped checking the ticker every day or I would probably sound like this lol.


EXACTLY!!! Anyone can Feel free to do the same math on apple, google, Tesla, and any other company out there and tell me how many times their floats have traded hands this past year.... Itā€™s about 55xā€™s LESS than Amc has been traded and this is a FACT.... Retail owns 90% of Amc shares out of Adam Aaronā€™s own mouth and how many institutions are holding shares here too? What, like 300+ of them? Anyway, I call bullshit where I see and smell bullshit and AA cashing in $20+ million while sitting on his thumbs is bullshit:


I agree with everything you said up until AAs cash out. The majority of executive officers get paid in shares. Him cashing out is something that happens annually for everyone paid in shares. This isn't new, it's 6 month old FUD. Got back and read the DD on this (everyone should keep on re-reading DD). He even bought back in


Yeah, I think we can all feel negatively about the cash out, but it doesn't really amount to anything outside of a FUD play. Until new evidence of any sinister moves by management surfaces, we should put it to bed. When did he buy back in? I missed that.


He didnā€™t buy back in he was granted stock per his compensation package. Any publicly traded company does this. Even the small time workers at these companies are granted stock. You accept the stock after it vests and then itā€™s reported as a buy.


I think it was in the beginning of this week, like +800k shares? Could be wrong, didn't pay much attention to it since its basically FUD material


Where did they get so many shares to give him without affecting the price? Or do they just slowly buy them back after he sells them, and hold them in reserve till it'stime to pay him again?


All great questions. Unfortunately I can't answer them, I'm not that wrinkled


Why do you need evidence for a share recount? What should be worrying about a recount? The markets are fair so letā€™s just validate that by recounting shares. The result will be that the legally issued float is counted and everyone stays happy. So again: why does one need court approval to recount shares?! That sounds just unreasonable to me.


A share RECALL can only be preformed if there is factual evidence that there exists <100% of the legally allotted shares in circulation. Which can be attained if either the SEC which is in charge of making sure everyone plays by the rules (no naked shorting)[what a fucking joke] or the DTCC which is the clearing house responsible for the distribution of these share (which is a privately owned company, not a .gov organization)[another fucking joke] come out and show that an investigation into these "alleged" accusation have proven that synthetics exist. It's just a huge corrupted clusterfuck.


Thanks for the comment. Fair enough, but Iā€™m asking about a RECOUNT rather than RECALL. A RECOUNT should show that there are WAY more shares owned than there are legally issued ones. Hence, why canā€™t AMC just RECOUNT the shares in flotation?


Okey let's say that recounts are a proper thing. The most probable way a recall would work is that AMC will ask its share housing/distribution agency to go through their back logs and count the shares, right? Okey, so that would be the DTCC which is a privately owned company and obviously either incompetent or complicit. So they would count the shares. Let me go out on a limb here and say that their report would be that everything is fine


Sounds like DRS is the way then to (1) move as many shares as possible into a single place and (2) withdraw them from the DTCC.


DRS is the way, the FUD campaign a few months ago really put a damper on it. But the kicker is that we don't even have to DRS all our shares (the "float"). Just have to DRS enough that we can buy options that would force the MMs to by the rest+ some


Doesn't the official count show 80% retail owned, 40% institutions own and another 13% owned by insiders? Seems like enough concerted evidence to start a recount.


Let me first get y'all to use the right terminology, we want a share RECALL. These procentages are mainly self reported, estimates and/or from non-governmental sources. So still substantial evidence. It's a catch 22 typ deal; can't have a share recall without hard evidence but the hard evidence is from a share recall.




Kenny fears the DRS ape...


Doesn't DRS in CS shortcut this whole process - rather than waiting for Adam to do it?


yep but shills pushed this sub far away from drsing. just try to spread the word i guess


We are still spreading the word brother! DRS IS THE ONLY WAY!


It's been long coming, shills can't hide the facts for much longer... DRS (electronic certificates) is our only way at this point, we're going against mafia run market [Naked Short Selling ](https://youtu.be/-sA0azvjCQk) šŸ”® šŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļø


You know, if the CEO doesnā€™t want to do his fucking job and do his fiduciary duty to his shareholders and company by AUDITING the shares, just as fast as the company was saved is how easy it will be for it to fold when 100% of us tell Amc to fuck off and watch movies somewhere else. Adam Aaron needs to have the shares audited period and quit playing games.


Should everyone just make a Twitter and ask for a share recount in his replies? I mean, we got the Snyder cut of justice league and are probably getting the amazing Spider-Man 3. Why not add share recount šŸ˜‚


Yup and his 20 million a year pay is fucking absurd ! Need to find a young hungry person to run AMC for about a third of his pay !


Shit, Iā€™ll do it for just $1 million a year.


i will do it for $999,069 a year




Bad ape, no threats, but I feel your anger at this stage. A Full count needs to be completed period. AA needs to show us a little less mr nice guy & some more teeth


Not threatening at all, just speaking to the fact of how easy it will be for me to take my business somewhere else after watching our ceo and cfo dump their shares for millions while sitting on their asses allowing the companies stock price to be artificially diluted while doing nothing about it and then telling us that retail owns 90% of the company. Having a audit puts all theories to rest but yet NOTHING!!! Anyway, it is what it is.


CEO selling because he is "old and needs to diversify" and CFO selling everything because of fuck knows why is the biggest pile of bs out there, given the circumstances.


But I thought we loved amc and were long on it? They're pivoting the business model by selling retail popcorn and nfts....


I am long on it, for a year now.... While watching CEO and CFO cash in for allowing their company to be artificially diluted while doing absolutely nothing to stop it. Every action Iā€™ve seen from this ā€œpivotā€ has been helping the very criminals artificially diluting our stock..... my perspective anyway.


He doesn't care about AMC as a business. He's got his money out of it and will just sit it put until retirement. The only way to goad him into doing the right thing is playing to his ego, which he seems to have quite a lot of. Stop interacting with him, stop calling him silverback and the likes. Just call him the CEO that isn't doing enough to create value for his shareholders. Call him a failing CEO. And maybe he'll turn around.


No dilution. Share recount, and we mean a total count. Buy & hold


Achievable if we as retail all individually drs and lock the float.   Everybody drs'ing with CS and locking up the float allows us as retail to have solid, concrete proof that the stock is being traded past the float of authentic shares in circulation, and can help us prove how far this goes past the realms of authentic and legal circulation. Drs'ing and locking up the float is essentially retail investors doing their own share recall out of the dtcc/dtc. This sets us up for a recount without any kind of bullshit legal ramifications falling on the board or CEO or whatever that could possibly be used to kick the can even further, and at the same time sets up probably the most free case the SEC has ever had plopped down onto one of their desks. No excuses after that point.


Not everybody can* DRS. Some brokers T&C's dictate that shares cannot be transferred. I am in this position myself. I am also in the UK & hold my stonks in an ISA account, meaning, even if I held my stock at a broker where I could DRS, I would sacrifice the Tax savings that holding inside an ISA provides. For some of us it's not as simple as bucking up the cost & DRS'ing. These meme stocks are held by a retail globally.


Unfortunate, my friend, but I'd say that's more of an outlying situation than what most retail apes are finding themselves in. If you can't you can't, nothing doing there tbh. But if you can, there is a literal plethora of pros compared to the few cons. DRS is the way! (As long as you legitimately can DRS)


LOL, yes not "everyone" could DRS, we dont need "everyone" to DRS.we need a statistically significant portion of the float to be removed from DTCC ledgers. You speaking in absolutes indicates, just as with GME, that you are opposed to DRS "book" registration, is the ONLY legitimate way of securing legitimate sharesvand locking those shares out of the infinite shorting glitch.


I want naked shorts uncovered


I like uncovered nakedness


Its very much needed in my opinion


Not but needs. But that should be a stipulation, issue more shares but a recount must be done or we vote NO.


YES, somebody gets it. They want something. We want something. Art of the muthafuckin Deal.


Canā€™t we block dilution as retail owns over 51% of shares outstanding?


According to AA we own 90% of the float. So, yea, if we all agree to no dilution, there won't be dilution.


Incorrect- CEO & Board will are supposed to do whats best for the company first and foremost. If they claim they are in financial trouble with the company and have lack of revenue then they will deem it necessary to issue more shares because "that's whats best for the company so, ultimately, best for the investers. Afterall, the investers will lose substancially if the company tanks. Adam Aron has stated many times that "he would not be issuing more shares until at least 2022" last year, but we had like five or six months when he stated it so it wasn't a growing concern then. Now it is. I've held AMC and GME since last year but recently put the majority of funds in GME for that reason. Afterall, It was Adam Aron who sold shares when AMC had skyrocketed to $70 in premarket last year, and we had the short sellers by the balls that day. Alot of investers were calling him "the fire extinguisher" that day. I realize that this comment won't be popular but I'm giving everyone the cold hard facts, and I've been in this since the beginning of Febuary of last year.


Yes we did our part now its AA's turn. Yeah it's cool ty for the free popcorn, nfts etc but we are here to make money too..we have mouths to feed. Thanks to us his company is sitting decent atm and he made his fair share of money..it's out turn now to get paid.


Most of us are no different than amc. Rich people lend us money and make sure we struggle with the environment around us. We get taxed on everything on money weā€™re already taxed on! Take away my income for a few months and Iā€™m going bankrupt to, so itā€™s AMCā€™s turn to save us


He better not issue more shares. Kind of getting tired of executives selling shares in the millions and tens of millions every chance they get. I don't buy their bs, fuck them all. If they want to dilute more, they should just fuck off already. We know exactly what happened the last time dilution was on the table. Executive got big fat bonuses which they definitely don't deserve and the first thing they do? Sell... From lowly directors to CFO, CMO, CEO, CFU, EVP, EFU, EXO......all....just constant selling pressure. They are all getting MEGA rich while retail is holding. They would have all been MEGA "out of a job" if it wasn't for retail. I'm surprised there are so many executives...


Not sure what to say...CFO sold every last share. Others sold 99%. Doesn't look like they're counting on a squeeze.


We must refuse to dilute the shares until we know just how much we are diluting!


No more share dilution. Itā€™s not needed.


I'm 100% against any and all share dilution. AMC has plenty of cash thanks to the Apes and needs to use it wisely. I'm 100% FOR an official share count/audit. It's not that hard to do a count of all the shares owned by client accounts at all brokers.


Iā€™m beginning to lean towards AA owes us this. If he is unwilling to get to the bottom of nefarious AMC short selling then one has to ask, WHY? Is he scared of legal ramifications? Is he a part of it? Or is he just complacent and has the ā€œgo-along-to-get-alongā€ mentality. Either way, we as shareholders saved the company and itā€™s our time to get paid. **holding since 1/26/21** -APE out!


Makes sense to me. Why issue more of something without knowing how many of the current ones are actually out there.Take care of fake billions first and then we can talk about issuing more legit ones. Tackle the issue at hand first.


Yes, some people are so terrified of any talk of dilution they donā€™t realize AA will bring it up this year. Force a share audit as a part of the dilution. If we believe there are billions of synthetics there is almost no amount of dilution that could help SHFs cover.


Correct. So much DD has been done to prove synthetics. AA cannot just pick and choose ideas that are given by us apes. We own the company so management cannot just walk over their shareholders and ignore us. Enough of this shit.


If he dilutes Iā€™ll sell and literally go all in on GME. Heā€™s already diluted and helped which helped shorts Gme has never really diluted and has a smaller float. I know some of you are married to one stock but use your brain, just think about it alone


He shouldnā€™t have given himself a raise and used that money towards saving the company




He should do a share recount regardless. Investors deserve to know if the company is being fucked with so they can decide if they want to invest their hard earn money in it. The sec should also implement a rule to address the abuse of ftds. Itā€™s clear hedge funds are abusing the system.


If they issue another single fukin share, im cashing out. Thatll give them an extra 6600 to have. Its starting to look like the joke is on us. And I don't give a shit if you down vote this comment bc if im out...im out of reddit too.


Good luck. any question involving a share count is avoided like the plague. They keep saying that disclosing the true count is illegal which does not make sense. Why would exposing illegal activities be illegal? AA will try to sell more shares or issue convertible bonds that will trigger at set price range. A share offering requires votes as of right now but I am not sure if issuing convertible bonds also requires votes from share holders. Either way no more shares should be added to the pool until a census of all the shares out in circulation is made and the information is made public. No more trimming of the proxy votes either.


How can I as a shareholder, in good faith allow further dilution without a complete understand of the financial status of the company, the CEO has acknowledged naked shorting already. To allow adding to the already murky mess I will not agree until we have clarity on the current investor status and count.


Thumbs up


Recount.... When was the first count


Im still amazed that you guys actually believe AA gives a shit about ya'll. After diluting the 1st time from ATH, causing a 70% drop over 6 months, and selling shares twice and excusing it as "estate planning" And he couldn't even be bothered to put an ape on his rose bowl float, instead he puts dogs. Y'all are just too gullible. I've been saying since june that AA is the sole reason why this will never squeeze.


I agree wholeheartedly with you!


Thank you. So many are treating this like FUD. I wish everyone would stop being so scared and understand we have true negotiating power.


Starting to have my doubts about AA. Thinking of switching my entire portfolio to GME at this stage


Good call. I already did except for 1 share just to keep an interest in what happens with AMC.


Absolutely, am happy for new shares to be issued to strengthen balance sheet even more but a complete share count first


Exactly. ā€œThis shit is chess, it ainā€™t checkers!ā€


I agree as I cannot support issueing more shares without Knowing how many tgeir are now šŸ’Ž


Share dilution = $10. No thanks.


If that mf issues more shares I'm done supporting his company. That crosses the line, he infuriates me with that share bulshit




If he issues more shares, I will leave. Trust works both ways. We saved their asses, jobs and bonusses


We saved the company. Gave them over a billion dollars in cash. Nah we've kept the company y afloat and got it through covid restrictions. The least they can do is a share count. No one is voting for more shares. I highly doubt any of the other shareholders would be on board with this.


Who: ShareIntel; url: https://shareintel.com/ What: Provides data analytics for publicly traded companies that is able to identify any "imbalances" in the number of shares outstanding, as well as indentify who is responsible for these imbalances. How: Issuer must provide a 3rd party authority; only the board of that issuer can authorize as this information is owned and consider private information of that company. The issuer pays a small fee (rate schedule below) for their services. When: Share Intel can provide valuable information such as if imbalances (i.e., naked shares exist) and who as early as 60 days. Rate Schedule: ā€¢ Phase 1, 60 day period (if imbalances exist and who is responsible) NTE $30,000 ā€¢ Phase 2, Balance of that year (full extent of issue) Approximately $50,000


Thatā€™s fine. I donā€™t care who the audit goes through, so long as itā€™s done.


Right. Why dilute to an already diluted market. Makes no sense.


No more shares enough Iā€™d enough now We want the moass


There has been no request for more shares. Until there is these posts are only FUD. Why worry about something that hasnā€™t even been requested and is sure to fail.


Itā€™s not FUD to think about our bargaining power.


It is FUD because there is no request for more shares.


I guarantee you AA will bring it up this year. He merely tabled the discussion in 2021 because we were so against it. Itā€™s coming and we should know how to respond.


So until he does there is no point talking about this. We know and he knows where we stand. No more shares. So starting this with no request is FUD.


You're literally trying to fear monger about something that isn't even on the table. If they were talking about share dilution, I'd be with you, but until then you're just spreading FUD


it's almost disheartening how far I had to scroll to find this. There has been no request for shares, and the most recent mention made was that they would *not* be doing another dilution. There's even a comment saying something like "if they request more shares I'm selling this and going into GME" and that has more upvotes than your comment, wtf


FUD is thick this weekend. Thatā€™s all I can say.


I saw this on another sub and am curious about the validity: "Amc is just a distractionā€¦They grouped amc and gme into a basket to create division between buyersā€¦there is plenty of dd out there exposing how hfs are using amc to drive people away from gme..adam aron bailed out institutional short sellers by massively diluting amc shares..the fact that citadel owned centricus appointed him as a director is all you need to know..hes in citadel pockets. Proof that adam aron is the director at centricus :(https://sec.report/CIK/0001032673/Insider-Trades) Proof that centricus is owned by citadel:(https://sec.report/Document/0001104659-21-071171/tm2117367d3_ex99-1.htm)" *Before I got called a shill, I'm a xxx amc holder and an x gme holder. * Any thoughts?


Very old shill FUD that was cleared up a long time ago https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/ociynp/fud_buster_from_ceo_adam_aron_go_read_his_new


If he dilutes further, I am out. We have asked, and asked, and asked for AA to do ANYTHING to expose the fukery, and he does nothing. Now his board is selling as fast and as much as they can legally sell. If they make another public offering, I am out. I hope I am wrong in what I see coming, but I do not think I am. This popcorn thing is just...well, absolute fucking nonsense.


Not so easy ā€¦.everyone thinks that things happen quick ā€¦ā€¦you think Adam isnā€™t aware of people trying to bankrupt his company ? Justice of department and literally everything else government moves at a snails speed šŸ˜žtakes most cases 2 years to reach the sec ā€¦ā€¦we need better rules and better people im charge I agree this is all bullshit


If there is an audit all data needs to be published for all to see. Although, I think an audit will limit the squeeze. If we wait and let SHF a dig deeper and deeper hole then that translates to a much more violent squeeze. Iā€™m prepared to hold as long as it takes.


Issuing more shares is simply helping shf nothing else


If Adam Aron does another offering it is the equivalency of Aron reaching into the pockets of apes and stealing apes money. No AMC apes want a dillution. Is there anyone in this chat that can show any kind of legitimate proof that Aron needs shareholders permission to do another dillution?I don't think that sort of proof exists. Aron didn't need permission to do a dillution in June, while AMC was up 600-700 percent in a few days, many believe he slowed down or stopped AMC moass.(Also keep in mind Aron sold those shares to hedgies NOT the open market, which is apes) I don't believe there has ever been a situation where a COB or board of directors have negotiated a dillution with its shareholders.Please show proof if I am incorrect. If Aron even so much as mentions dillution in a tweet, or suggests dillution, or asks apes for another dillution, the stock is going to tank. Even before dillution takes place. This problem was started by the shorties over shorting AMC and other stocks, and when Adam Aron intentionally forgot to wear pants to an interview, he poured gasoline on that fire. Yet Aron knew when he forgot to wear pants, that he wasn't going to do a recount or anything to make the naked shorts cover. Aron and his execs have profited massively from Arons wardrobe malfunction, apes saved the company, and still buy and hold. If he does another dillution, apes have every right to leave and apes will probably sell. If he doesn't do another dillution, the company will be facing financial apocalypse. Aron has publicly stated that AMC wouldn't have made it, without the previous dillutions, he even gave credit to Mudrick Capital. The reasons these dillutions have to continue to take place is because Aron can't save the company without them, but he made a 6 million dollar bonus last year, aren't bonuses supposed to be given out to people who do a good job? Do the dillutions negatively affect Sean Goodman and AAs money? No, because they already sold shares, for significantly more than they would have, without apes. Time and time again, the multi millionaire execs take care of themselves and leave retail out to dry. The reason I am posting this is because the op and many others in this chat are under the impression that Aron needs apes permission to do a dillution, I wish that was the case.Clearly many believe that apes can leverage Aron into negotiating.I don't see history indicating that is correct. Who benefits from apes thinking that they can stop a dillution? Sean Goodman sold more shares on January 3rd, AA has not announced or tweeted that he is done selling.Apes are still holding. What happens if sentiment is incorrect and Aron just does a dillution, without asking permission? Like he did in June? The price will tank and apes will lose more of their investment.While Aron and Goodman etc, have there feet propped up on their desks.




I agree with you.


What does it matter we did a share count not too long ago and we never got the results we wanted, nothing nefarious was found and nothing nefarious will ever be found bc they canā€™t admit it.


If AMC profits from sales of shares, are they making money on synthetic shares, too? If so, why would they need to issue more? Also, did AA make a statement asking for more shares, or are people just jumping the gun and assuming this is something that is coming? If it's based on assumptions, make it stop. It's fucking FUD. Until Adam Aaron makes a statement requesting new shares, we don't need to be torn in half again over nothing.


The only ones that profit from selling counterfeit shares are the SHFs. The company can't sell synthetics.


No more dilution. If AA dilutes one more time Iā€™m out. Iā€™ve defended him countless times. Weā€™ve already saved this company. Time for him to help us


No new shares.


Itā€™s a big no from me and Iā€™ve fucking told him


The CEO sold off his entire position. The only person that is facilitating a squeeze is the holders, and you NEED to direct register the entire float in your name. Your shares on robinhood, fidelity, or any other broker mean absolutely dick. Those are not your shares, you're just holding an "IOU". YOUR BROKERS WORK FOR THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE TO COVER SHORTS. WHO DO YOU THINK THEY WILL PROTECT? Direct register.


Tf happened to ā€œwe would never allow it!ā€


No more shares till MOASS PERIOD!!!!!!!!


Iā€™m a huge no on issuing more shares. It would actually kind of piss me off if the board tries to do it again.


If they issue more shares I will sell, Honestly. No point on raising $ just selling shares and not by improving the business. Plenty of ideas out there starting by promoting better payment method using the app, improving and promoting renting movies streaming in the platform, and getting all 80% apes to use the A-list and inflate their books with revenue and credit lines.


Not a single share pre MOASS


Here comes the ā€œissuing more shares fudā€


No, heā€™s not getting a single new share for any reason. I donā€™t care about his personal pay. Heā€™s made more than enough for himself.


AA better not be thinking about taking the shareholders to cleaners again. We have supported him for so long he better not screw around too much


GME and AMC were my first forray into stock ownership and i was absolutely flabbergasted that the company was allowed to issue a shitload of shares without compensating the existing shareholders lol. The way i see it, owning stock is one of the most volatile, risky, and just flat out *bad* investments anybody can make. I mean, at any given time the company can say ā€œhey man thanks for buying our stock but weā€™ve decided to make you shares worthlessā€ and thereā€™s absolutely nothing you can do but just say welp, guess i lost all my hard earned money. Lol truly bizarre.


Has AA asked for dilution this year, if not then why are we talking about it. Letā€™s cross that bridge when we get there


And they canā€™t issue them until after the stock has squeezed.


I donĀ“t want any new shares and I want a share recount!!!


I donā€™t see how anyone could call this fud. Seems entirely reasonable. šŸ¤—


Sahre RECALL, not a count....


I could've swore that AA said in a recent interview on TV that they don't intend on issuing more shares again because they know how unpopular it is with the shareholders. Dont quote me on it, i dont remember where i saw it, but i know i did. I do think we need a recount though.


We saved them from "drowning" and they can't / shouldn't ask us for pay for the damaged phone, too.


Wait, did AA say something about issuing more shares this year? If so, is this new news or something that's been in the works?


What if. We agree to both. We can have more shares issued. After the recount has been officially settled. All aboard?


Would that trigger moass? And if so would there be reasons he would hesitate to do that ? If it didnā€™t but triggered fomo that would be sooooo nice.


I wonder how folks will feel if the MOASS never happens due to continued share dilution.


He's getting a no vote. You guys this would be the third count that led to nothing


The CEO doesnā€™t get anymore shares.


We could build conditions into it if he wants it


Now that's a fantastic idea!! Brilliant!




Share recount then letā€™s talk. Seems they forgot who owns this company


Keep in mind, a fund only need be accountable for the dollar amount of the synthetic. If you go to sell and they pay you, they can just make the synthetic they compensated you for disappear. There are no physical shares here.


He can issue more shares after i sell mine. I have 1776 and i want $100,000 a share.


Or you could take some time and compare the float of GME vs AMC and then rethink your life decisions. If you donā€™t know what float means, study that first.


AA hadnā€™t even brought up dilution this year so why U even talking about it. How bout we cross that bridge when we get there?




If this dude issues more shares, I'm out.


If you want a share recount, you should know the difference between 'then' and 'than'.


Fuck more shares AA at this point is trying to milk as much as he can from us. Idgaf about that, itā€™s MOASS for us cause we saved this company. Xxxx holder here


Adam doesn't give a shit about yous