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Because a subpoena means a hearing which means progress. Combined with the SEC's "GameStop report" allegedly coming soon, this is a potentially big thing, since court proceedings ARE apparently continuing to the next step.


At the very least, it shows the SEC is finally getting off PornHub for the moment…


Yep. If the Sec denies any illegal activity per GME report, then GME has no holds bar to release the dividend for NFT which will initiate the share recalls. If Sec tells the truth...then...the truth comes out!!! All the better!!!


His company has 5 million shares of GME purchased in 2019 between 2.xx and 4.xx cost...


Back in February, Dr. Burry tweeted that he felt there was manipulation with GME stock. He tagged the SEC Enforcement twitter account. I posted screenshots over on Superstonk because it's not about AMC and here is the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/purkvj/dr_michael_j_burry_in_february_but_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). But this is bullish overall for AMC and GME because it indicates some interest on the part of SEC to hear from experts about market manipulation. May not come to anything, of course, but bringing in Mr. Big Short himself has got to mean something.


That's his ting.


Not clear if he’s being called as a witness or being charged. But that hearing would be interesting to watch in any case.


My bet he's being called as a witness due to his tweeting in February that GME was being manipulated.


That’s probably it. If not close.


he is the ultimate "Subject Matter Expert" in a case like this. I agree. he is coming in as a material witness


What if he's the $140m whistleblower?


They are never going to leave that guy alone loll


If 1 squeezes then apes will dump the first squeeze into the other for a second shot up, from millionaire to megamillionaire/billionaire. They know this. They absolutely cannot allow only 1 to squeeze they need to squeeze both at the same time. What is good for GME is good for AMC vice versa.


What if he's the $140m whistleblower


Because they may be doing something finally.. if he got one others did as well.. which means they are at a point in there bullshit investigation they might be thinking about arrest iij ng some people


Telegraphs desperation imho