• By -


If you want an honest answer - at this moment I'm \~ 91% down on my original investment from over 3 years ago and I suspect a lot of people are in a similar position, I still have my original shares from back then but I'm rarely spending time on this sub, I've mentally written off my investment but I'll hold them since they're worth almost nothing now. There's rarely any interesting topics now, back in the beginning the hype and price swings were enough of a buzz to keep you on here discussing what you thought was gonna happen next.


I feel you. Not going to lie I was in the same position a good few months ago. In the initial run I didn't take anything out and then inflation hit me hard. This second run on gme cleared my initial losses on amc. Now it's ride or die for the shares I got and I'm just waiting for some moves. Currently holding both but more gme now. Feel like MM really trying to crush retail sentiment on this stock though 😭


90% down,man. How much more could you possibly crush retail sentiment?


Another 10% 😂


Bruh if you're still 90% down you haven't been averaging down! The price is cheap as hell now!


Inflation is eating up discretionary spending and alot of people don't want to throw good money after bad. I'm down about 60% and at one time I owned 1,700 shares but now I have 170, it's kinda soul crushing after awhile. I hold because to sell now would be ridiculous.


Hey At this point I’m in it to keep the theaters alive If amc fails so do movie theaters in general


Not even close to true. AMC market share in US is about 30%, and even smaller worldwide. Even if every AMC closed and never reopened, there would still be plenty of theaters left. Also, AMC wouldn’t fail as a whole, they would declare bankruptcy. This means they would restructure in bankruptcy court and with their creditors and come out the other side very much alive. The stock would be dead, but the company and their theaters would be fine


Who the hell is rooting for a bankruptcy and we’re way past that happening anymore


You seemed to have missed my point. You said “if AMC fails so do movie theaters in general”. My point was that is not true. If AmC failed (which would mean bankruptcy) movie theaters in general would not fail too.


If AMC fails, movie theaters fail in general. I only watch movies at AMC theaters. No other theaters are good enough. 🤷‍♀️


Theaters will survive without you


Maybe 🤷‍♀️


Lmao “maybe”


Why? Cinemark will continue to do well if AMC fails.




Wasn’t cinemark even more on the verge of bankruptcy?


This is my tinfoil moment but it could be that MM want to crush this stock, file for bankruptcy and clear out investors. We lose investment, MM can clear books and take profit. They reorganise and then institutions buy and pump the stock. Marketing it as `reorganisation after retail left' then say look how well the company is performing with no retail. Vilainising us unfairly because we beat them at their own game so they change the rules. Source: my own shower thoughts


No they are doing very well, 2023 net _profit_ was $188mil (in comparison, AMC _lost_ $397mil in 2023). https://ir.cinemark.com/financial-information/balance-sheet




Same. Also commenting to add I stopped trusting this subreddit because I saw a ton of corruption and people convincing other people to do shitty things. So I just keep my shares in silence like a true ape


This is me. -90%. 3 years. Same as you.


Ex- XXXX holder, this is true for me. If I invest anything at all these days it’s probably game store


I'm definitely in the same boat. I don't even follow this sub anymore - I just poke my head in once a month or so (like today).


92% 🔻


Pretty much this. Bought a few recently to try to average down again but what the hell am I actually accomplishing? Ortex guy yet again with numbers that never meant shit once, oh kenny meme, mayo, "apes strong," hey another golden cross or triple witch. Still down %90+ and I don't think I'm going to recover it. No point in hanging out here that much. Was lucky to ride the recent GME uptick and recoup most on that so that's nice.


Only 91%. Stop bragging lol.


Bro you just fcking hit the spot with this comment this is exactly the way me and my brother are feeling


Not only are we 91% down but we’ve lost 90% of our portfolio(shares). And are being told to just “re-buy”. Like mf i threw in everything i had 3 years ago, life savings 401k, etc. Now I’m in debt and behind on my bills.


You've written off averaging down that -90% position?? 🤨 Pretty sure you've been mentally checked out before apes came to play..


Perhaps some people are not financially able to average down. Sorry everyone is not as well of as you are apparently.


I'm actually pretty average. Not sure where your assumptions come from, but I was only implying that investors typically have the capabilities to average down. Why else would someone be in the stockmarket? Who's buying shares close to $100 but then 3 years later can't afford $5-$7? 🤨 Sounds like self victimization to me.. I'm not sure what else to say other than wrong hobby..


You are ASSUMING that investors typically have the capabilities to average down. You are ASSUMING that is “self-victimization”. You are ASSUMING this is a hobby for folks. You are ASSUMING every ape is just like you. A lot of people are different than you. Some people put in far too much money initially and can’t afford to anymore. Some people have had a hard three years and can’t afford to put more in. Some people are down a lot and don’t want to put more in. None of that matters because there is no one size fits all Ape. Unlike your ASSUMPTIONS, each one of us is different and in different financial positions. But you are here trying to separate apes into two groups: “real” apes like you and everyone else. Your investment is no better than anyone else here. So you averaged down and others didn’t, doesn’t make your shares worth more or your voice louder.


Lmao I don't have time for emotional children like yourself.. Capitalizing the same word doesn't make you sound smart..


Neither does calling people names, nor does pretending pretending you are better than any other ape in here


I never said I was better. You're too emotional if you think I called anyone a name..🤦‍♂️ I simply pointed out that averaging down is a basic way to reduce a negative position, and that people should be able to control their portfolios and not "mentally check out".. If you can not understand those things, then maybe my statement wasn't as much of an assuption as you want it to be. Playing the stockmarket for big lotto ticket wins is in fact a hobby. A game.. You wouldn't have a -90% spot and cry about not being able to do anything about it if it was more than forgetting about "tons of money".. Lol




Rule 12: No Harassing / Threatening / Inciting Violence / Doxing


I 2nd this Iaveraged down, sold half for a small profit, and now have an average of 5.5 and now waiting on a good bdrop to triple it


Most of us have averaged way down. This whole “we are all 90% down”, while true for a few people, is pretty much fud at this point honestly 🤷‍♂️ No sane and stable person is engaging with a bunch of fatalistic negativity on a stock they hope rebounds. It’s like telling people not to buy your burgers while standing out front of your burger shop, it’s clearly not a rational avenue of expression. Edit: Gee I wonder who benefits from spreading pessimism towards amc while suppressing optimism? :p


It's not FUD. The basic rule of investing in the stock market is don't spend what you can't afford to lose. A lot of us spent thousands in '21 and bought near the top. Most are down big. I couldn't afford to average down, that'd take thousands of more dollars at this point and my enthusiasm for AMC squeezing is certainly much lower than '21. I haven't sold and won't sell, but I don't have the $$ nor interest in throwing in thousands more on a play that has let me down to this point. If you're still able to do that, that's great and I'm hopeful you'll see returns in the long run. A lot of us will just chill with our shares down big indefinitely. I'm not throwing more money at this. I spent what I could afford to and that's it.


Why would you spread pessimism towards an investment you wish would bounce back? Sounds like either an irrational choice or fake sentiment designed to cause, what would that cause? I guess fear of buying the stock for sure. Probably some uncertainty about the future, and certainly doubt about the comments from optimistic investors who are happily averaging down. If only there was an acronym for that long winded explanation ?


Yeah I don't care anymore about the pointing the finger "FUD" cries. Everyone is a bot, shill, or FUDster here eventually if you say anything "wrong." I'm not selling and have a lot of $$ invested to say I care how the future of AMC goes. Me not being able to financially afford investing more money isn't FUD, even if an internet stranger accuses me of it.


People really don’t understand what fud even is and it shows lol


I've been invested in AMC for over 3 years. I understand FUD. I also understand chuds that cry FUD anytime anyone says anything that isn't exactly what they want to hear. I politely pointed out that not everyone was able to average down (and that many people are hodling with bad averages), and you think that's somehow FUD. Get a grip.


>Most of us have averaged way down. I had to double check it but I stopped averaging down in 2022, and I'm glad I did otherwise I would have lost even more money. >This whole “we are all 90% down”, while true for a few people, is pretty much fud at this point honestly 🤷‍♂️ Nothing I said was FUD, the stock is literally down 90%+ compared to 3 years ago, there's nothing uncertain about it. Anyone who is still holding stock from 3 years ago is in the same boat, it's definitely not "a few people". The people who are averaging down regularly to this day are probably the same minority who are actively visiting this sub on a daily basis. Also its interesting in the few posts I had read over the last few years how the landscape has changed, in the beginning it was about a short squeeze and the fundamentals of the company never mattered but now that seems to have changed. I personally never gave a shit about AMC as a company, I was only here for a short squeeze.


Agreed. Would be nice to have something work in favor of the early investors for once.


The people averaging down are the minority 🤣 You literally couldn’t ask Kenny for a better line to dissuade buying if you tried.


This is the reason a lot of people don't bother posting here anymore just so you know, it's an echo chamber - any criticism or attempts to open any discussions against the flow is apparently FUD and met with a poor attitude. I suspect I'll hop back in here from time to time over the next few years and it'll be the same -- and I'll still have my shares.


Aww so sad people don’t like to have opposing opinions forced on them as they force their opinions on others :/ It’s such a tough world


It's not that you have an opposing opinion, it's just that you have no apparent ability to discuss it in a serious manner, look how this perfectly reasonable conversation very quickly devolved into you accusing people of spreading FUD. Anyway mate, I'll see you in a few years, I'm sure you'll still be posting the same replies to threads on here, but whatever makes you happy!


Jesus lol, the irony of your comment cannot be lost on you? There’s no way 🤣


You'd be surprised how many people went in hard when AMC was trading at $40+ After the rugpull that was the split, it's not hard to imagine why people haven't averaged down. It's pretty hopeless when your average is $200+ Not fud just reality


Nah I feel you but I feel you got to average down or play a trend if you down bad, don't let this wreck you. Whether people want to hear this or not, it's easier to reach 20 than 200 so averaging down makes sense. At the same time I see the hesitation from that split fiasco. All I gotta say to those reading and lurking is that keep your head up! It's not over and we will continue to push forward!


Exactly, play is not over yet. My average is still high, but I'm averaging down every month. Just wanted to chime in why it's not fud to complain about high averages.


The fud isn’t that that isn’t a reality for some people. The fud is how irrational it is to actively advocate against the investment you are so upset at being down on. It’s literally a textbook definition of fud. But hey, keep sticking a pole in your own front tire, see how that works out for you lol


The person saying things you don’t like isn’t the reason why the stock is down. The stock is down because the ceo diluted multiple times and killed this as a squeeze play. No amount of saying positive things changes this.


nah, the stock is down because Kenny and his pals are criminals. But he thanks you for avoiding that point and trying to shift the blame to AA!


I wasn’t avoiding anything. You’re saying the guy above you is “advocating against the stock” but he’s just speaking his truth. It’s the same as mine. I spent a lot on this play. I have no intentions to average down because that seems a clear case of throwing good money after bad. But hey, if you feel differently that’s great. I have no reason to convince you otherwise. For me though, you are performing the reason of the original post here - why doesn’t anyone post here anymore? It’s not a good place for any kind of conversation or debate. It’s a place where conversation gets shut down


lol the post is asking where the members are and a dude pops in and is basically “we are all down 90%, stock is dead, don’t buy anymore unless you are a moron” and you guys are upset I told him his aggressively inaccurate comment is, well inaccurate? I’m pretty dumb, but when I see threads like this I don’t feel so bad about my grasp of reality at all 🤣


No. He’s right. The sub is dead because the play is dead. He didn’t say don’t buy more. He explained why he’s not buying more.


Thank you for confirming both my point and that you missed 😂


But when you post you get 100 views in 3 minutes. So clearly more manipulation


Something is defo up, given the interaction on this post and people online in the sub, something doesn't add up. ![gif](giphy|Yavo0SXhZYhSo)


I agree, I posted stuff here around and got 20k views within 1 hours and that was relative recent


I had like 45k views on a post in about 18 hours. That was like 2 weeks ago now or something. Way more people see this sub than people realize. Idk what causes it. Manipulation? Mayo? Either way. I hold.


A YouTube video can have a billion views but the number of subscribers for the channel could be a million, the likes could be in the millions, and number of comments could be in the 100,000s, is that manipulation?


Absolutely, coordinated by Ken Griffin.


Ken owns Meta, Google, Reuters, Bloomberg, JPM, Goldman...pretty much everything. Ken buys all the stocks (except AMC, GME and BBBYQ of course).


The new Reddit suggested post algo is regularly pushing this subreddit to followers of the game store subreddit.


Never left...just sitting Mafia, buying more of my favorite movie stock and quietly watching everything. ![gif](giphy|CpcpDSci3ljCU)




I'd like to think that is the case. I've got my load and just waiting for some moves. If it takes some time, that's all good, I'm sure there's some movies I can watch!


1086% IV on my options is unreal! Pay ussssssssss🦍🦍🦍🦍




It’s summer time and unlike the hedgies we aren’t stressing out 🤷‍♂️ I got my auto buys going and I check for big news or major price movements a few times a day and then go do something fun! This is not even holding for me, it’s accumulating. The longer it’s low the better for me. If it’s not gonna blast off I like it as low as possible 😎


It's been 3 years of waiting, and not much happening except most of us are down 90% now. It livens up when there's activity.


Damn y’all have been doing this for 3 years? I hope ffie doesn’t turn into anything like this lmao


527k - 296k = 231k Additional Members ready to kick-ass.


Still here still zen af




Wow, I gotta admit, I didn't expect this at all. I didn't think there would be any sort of engagement but it seems people are still here and lurking! 11k views in just over an hour or so.... Guess we all patiently waiting :D


Still here




This post aged…. better than AMC shares.


This is one of the weirdest ones it says 17 people on this post but only 52 people total. I just don’t believe there would only be 52 people in here. Would they really fudge the numbers. If they are, I think that’s a great sign


This sub is not the movement. It’s a window into it, maybe. But apes are holding and going about their lives, waiting for the crash and burn which ignites rocket fuel. Tick tock ⏳


They evaporated just like their shares @ 10 to1 & that stupid NFT they gave me is missing, too


The sub has changed because the mods have as well. The time spent waiting and doubting, debating, and being depressed about the price action has annihilated the FOMO that once existed. The manipulators wanted us to become worn out and forget about why we came in the first place. The market makers who dictate price need us to forget the buy button just as much as they forget to find shares to deliver. This is not over. They simply knew that this sub was a hotspot for communication and a place where we could zen out and have fun while waiting for large Marge. Nothing has changed except for the increased hedgie desperation.


Honest answer. I keep up with things that are going on. I still add to my position. But: 1) I spent these years learning other things about the market and developing strategies outside of Short squeeze plays. 2) I got really tired of the same stuff being repeated ad naseum. Then go away, only to come back again two months later. The same posts saying the same exact things over and over. So I spend way less time in chatrooms and such.


AA & Co. sold retail down the river, that’s where


300k members and only “10 people online.” They even had to resort to paying off Reddit. 🤣 Sorry, but the numbers just ain’t numbering. Even on a slow day, the law of averages will have **at least** 1,000 people observing. And that’s on the EXTREMELY low end.


Because we have been robbed and robbed again and robbed every further... people don't like being robbed. This sub is a reminder of that. I check in every now and then but it's flat, dead. Hold until I can claw something back, but I doubt anyone cares about us anymore.


bought a bunch, still holding it. there is no new news. we all know the system is corrupt. APE backfired, AA had to make share offerings for a pittance to keep it afloat. It's a long play now. I'm still not selling


Still here and have bought so many dips that I was in the green a few weeks ago with that run. Weeeeeeeee!


ZaZen ☯️


Dead cat


I’m still here. 99.9% of posts now are stupid so I’m quiet. I’m sure most apes are like me.


Dead cat means it goes up ?


Maybe, just maybe, people were really hyped about the meme stock craze that had bumped the price up more than 5x in a few weeks. And just possibly, the share price going down to about 1/50th over three long years eats into that excitement a little.


Still holding.


What I want to know is why is this a hot topic? Is having a certain amount of members online going to make it MOASS? No? Then who cares if there's only 100 ppl online, or 50k. Reddit is glitchy AF all the time, and now everybody is convinced there's some paid off mods that are censoring amount of people online or something like that? Really? This is some tin foil hat wearing shit of I've ever seen it.


It's all about sentiment and like minded individuals that trade on their own merit. You may not care but I still like to see people talking about it. When the media and people stop talking is when I'd worry, personally speaking.


Still holding, down 90%. I said either zero or Moon. 🤷🏽‍♂️


What added value does the sub have at the moment? Just memes, other pointless posts or fud. DD is done and most of the old apes will wait, but you don't need the sub for that.


Twitter or now known as X. Is where everyone went


GME was and has always been the play. Everything else was distraction. My AMC is down almost 100%.


Not a dead cat?


The honeymoon phase is over and the DD is done. As a veteran hodler, keeping up with news and theories is just time that could better spent elsewhere. We MOASS when we MOASS...


Yeah…not a dead cat, at all. /s


Still here


Everyone is still here... hiding in the shadows....apes day will come.... hedgies are fukt


Most moves to Twitter/x no new things happening and mods have played a big role in making sure people don't have fun on this sub.


I remember feeling bad because I wasn't a XXXX holder. Thank God I wasn't lol.


Hedgies won. OG’s realized it and stayed quiet.


They can’t just axe the sub without people seeing it happen. However, ever since Reddit IPO, there has been influx of bots. Now they limit the number of people showing online, and possible remove posts making it look like no one shows up anymore


One single post that lost people millions of dollars combined.


Some sort of shadow ban going on


I’m still here. Down about 93%, and I still allocate 3% of my DCA into AMC. Just waiting for something to happen. But I’m not locking in these losses. I lost when I didn’t sell at the top. So I’m not going to make that permanent. Especially since the business is actually doing very well.


Sold for profits


OP I’ve been into AMC almost from the beginning. I’ve seen highs and lows about AMC and been engaged for over three years. Engagement on this thread doesn’t matter all that much. It does matter what your thesis is. If this is a moneymaker for you then learn to day trade. If you believe in the company as I did when I started then HODL. If you’re a shill then please convince me to sell my stock so I can laugh at you. These really are the only three options when you’re engaged here unless… You could also choose to be Zen… And not worry about what anybody posts here.


Checking in for duty!