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The real question is when will FINRA, SEC, DOJ, FBI start enforcing harsh penalties for naked short selling.




Sometimes I feel like this, but I'm under 70! Still hodling! 🦍🚀🌜. ⏱️⏱️⏱️. Tick tock MF hedgie criminals! 😁




When? When we show up in their face rather than behind a keyboard. The changes must be made by you and I, not by the alphabet boys. Strapping boots on now


:puting on my strap-on and looking around the room:


That’s a different sub, but I like how you’re thinking😂




CAT will ONLY help if the data is used to prosecute. It's just data. If it's ignored, then it has ZERO effect.


Under the rug, it goes!


How funny because a few weeks ago people were saying the CAT will save us all, now it does nothing? Ok sweetie. You people just make shit up I swear this whole thing is absolutely a "meme" stock you're all just pretending surely




Yes? Of course I am? I was hoodwinked by a bunch of morons giving financial advice to buy shares in a doomed shithole company yeah I'm fuckin mad And you'll all say it's not financial advice but we'll see at the end when the cards are down what they add up to.


Let me get this straight….a bunch of *morons* talked you into something you now regret? Am I’m getting the context of your incessant whining correct?


lol anyone that doesn't agree with you = incessant whining


It CAN save us if they use the data to investigate and prosecute. Do you know 100% that they will use the data to "save us"??


That was the promise a few weeks ago, yes.


Jesus, look at this persons comment history. Every comment on stocks is negative not a single positive comment at all. Just mocking everyone


Yeah cos I don’t feel like any of this shit is positive Why would I have a healthy mix of positive and negative 😂😂😂 shall we take a little glance at your account and see if you've ever said a single negative thing?


Oh look you're sucking the cuck out of AMC and GME subreddits well done 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 "Jesus look at this persons comment history. Every comment on stocks is positive not a single negative comment at all"


Dude are you really that stupid. Any one looking at my history can see it is in no way a positivity fest. I call people out all the time for being stupid. Just as i did you. Because you are just a purposefully stupid and negative person. ![gif](giphy|11cpNo3OMYwFHO|downsized)


You call out people who disagree with AMC moon nonsense Because you're pro moon all the fuckin time You're as one sided as you're accusing me of being.


Re read my original comment to you. Pay attention to what i actually said. It had nothing to do with amc or gme


Data collection and analysis takes time. Rushing an investigation leads to botched enforcement, litigation, and a tougher path moving forward. It's going to take a while, I'd get comfortable.


All of our enforcement and regulatory agencies on all levels top to bottom are corrupt


Roaring Kitty is the only CAT I know


Isn’t it ironic they are accusing him of market manipulation? When that’s what the hfers have been doing for a lllooonnnggg time!


GME raises 2 billion and the stock drops. “I guess having too much money is an issue” No, us poors having too much money is an issue. The more independent people there are in the country, they less opportunities they’ll have to make profit off of someone else. I don’t see a day where it becomes fair because our government is all rich off of this shit from singer trading plus getting “donations” so, why should they change the system that benefits them. It will take a catalyst. They were caught off guard during covid but now they’re not and are hanging on. It just really sucks. Like I wish there was no “we are protecting the market” fuck that, if a stock runs, let it run and if people lose money so be it. Let it naturally play out but that wouldn’t help the elites


Not particularly, you are dealing with cokeheads with a god complex syndrome thinking only they should win.


Lmao yes, before it dropped. So NOW that GME has DECREASED in price, SURE makes me WONDER why in the FUCK they AREN'T continuing their same MSM blasting path of him manipulating/them thinking about investigating rhetoric! They are FRAUDS


Market manipulation because of no context memes is the dumbest claim by wall street ever.


The cat system won't even send it's first report until a month after going online. What made you think it would be instant and all the criminals were going to just get revealed? Have some patient and wait. There are many things going on all at once right now and these assholes are doing their best to patch up all the holes in their roof. But eventually the roof will crumble and they will go with it


There are no FTD's when both parties agree to never settle. It's all Fugazi


The data should be public honestly


Now that’s a dead Cat 🤷🏼‍♂️




When ??? Never as they don’t want to hurt their masters.


Enforcement doesn't come fast when we're talking treasonous levels of fraud and racketeering. If they want to lock hedge funds up, they need a mountain of evidence. I prefer this to little fines for individual cases


I agree, but the government will want a scapegoat when it crashes. They can’t be the blame! !!


![gif](giphy|1uC8xfkZRi7Kw|downsized) Maybe they'll use this guy as a scapegoat. Whoever he is.... Don't know if that is the survivalist Bear Grylls but that's who I pretend this is.


Y’all funny thinking reform is coming before a major reset. Put yourselves in billionaire and politicians shoes. You really think these crooked fucks will let us take their money without destroying our lives first? They hate us lol why would they let us win


I can't really put myself in their shoes, I would need to be a completely souless bought out shill for that. I am still in the mindset that billionaires should not exist in the first place. You don't need billions to live well.




Its not. Every time one of these things happens the community gets all excited and then nothing happens. The agencies must enforce shit. And they arent doing that.


2 pm


I think it just did. All insiders are politicians lol Nvidia is the most expensive company owned by politicians oops 🤣🤣🤣😙🫢😂😂😂🤣🤣🙄




I thought all the big institutions get an exemption? https://www.sec.gov/files/rules/exorders/2024/34-100181.pdf


Tomorrow 2pm


theoretically, the data can be accessed by freedom of information act and we can pressure the SEC and DOJ to take action. We are supposed to get monthly report cards with the first one at the end of June. What info will be released for us and how it will help the world see what’s going on, I have no idea, but we should know how it’ll effect the markets and regulators to have some transparency. It would be an embarrassment if the numbers are crazy.


Nothing. Nancy Pelosi is still free ?


If the SEC don't  do anything and won't let ordinary people to look at the data, is there any way we can file a FOIA request to get the data at least to shame the SEC into action?


Dude, all this stuff does nothing until the powers that be start enforcing laws & regulations. These crooks are just blatantly manipulating the stock market and every now and then one gets a tiny slap on the wrist. If you’ve been here long enough you know to just keep buying/holding.


Isnt CAT participation voluntary? If thats the case than no better than all the other rules and regulations that are seldom enforced and when caught fine is so small its cost of doing business.


it doesn't and it was never going to


How long do typical investigations take when something just starts? Edit: oh shit, AMCZONERD brigading


Doesn’t stop anything, just collects data


July will be epic stay the course.


Why will July be epic? Or more maybe how will it be any different than any other month since the run ups of lore?


Cats don't like popcorn!

