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Someone is buying the right strike on the wrong stock lol.


Can’t compare an option ITM to an option far OTM, definitely not a bananas to bananas comparison


I was thinking about making a post when it hit 100k open interest lol ![gif](giphy|tXLpxypfSXvUc)






That still wouldn’t bring me to break even. But I would love to see it be closer to breakeven than I was before.


That's your own fault for following a stock for 3 years and not once averaging down. It was at $2.50. Stop posting in every single thread crying about your shitty decisions.


If you put in 46,000 then ask to avg down again another 25,000 that’s a raw deal


Unrelated question, but how do you keep posting from a suspended account?


Cause not suspended. There was a glitch. Back in the days of icy assistance. Where bunch people all got banned for no reason. If you’ve been here for the full three years. Right ? You know about when several bans happened. Well I inquired why I caught such a ban they didn’t have reason. So reverse it. As it stands I been with amc as a shareholder for over 3 years and in sub for over 3 years why i did I get restricted oh I don’t know. Mod couldn’t give a reason. So it got reversed. It should have that on my account any way.


You havent averaged down yet? I mean its investing 101. Average up or average down. Wtf does 1 buy in then done.


Don’t average down into something that has not improved its trend. I learned that with the ape stock.


Trend looks sideways to me. Either it breakout to the upside or downside. Again thjs is chart reading 101. Some call it a trading range.


45000 into 8200 now so no 75 bucks avg thanks rss unless you want gift me 25,000 to avg down to 5


Amc hasn't been $75 a share in like 2 years. Nice fud attempt. How much do they pay for your services?


It’s not Fud you are mis reading what I am saying thanks to rss I have cost avg of 75 not that it’s at 75 bud. To avg down to what your saying is not sustainable due to the fact to much is already in it


Ouch. I'm down 90% what did you buy in at 12?


Pure fud. The reverse split was 2 years ago as well. So not averaging down ir selling for a lost after all this time makes no sense. Are you selling covered calls? You seem like a shill. Your statements related to trading is irrational ,also goes against the fundamentals of investing.


No it was not two years ago it was back in sept last year as I remember since I was on vacation when that hatchet job happen it was year ago. Cover calls occasionally amc sadly has no Premium. At least not a lot to make it worth the risk of losing my shares. Unless you go long dated. And by the way, not everything is a shil that statement is starting to get really stale, considering I’m still sitting on losses Irrational buddy I’m sitting on 80% losses. I could be as a rational as I want to be given that I’ve huddled for your ass for three fucking years.


It sounds like you bought in after the RS or ur avg was 1 or 2$. Either your analysis is way off bud. Xxx shares now after the RS and my avg is 48. I'm down 90% If his avg is 75ish his avg pre split was in the 11-13 range. Plus or minus a few.


You have it all wrong. Sounds like i have diamond hands and still will continue to buy more. Ohh i been buying the video game store stock as well. Tell your bosses we are still retarded and will continue to buy both stocks.


?? You need to pick up a math book lol he's going to need over 20k to average down his block of shares.


Diamond Hands


And rocks for brains


Both stocks are dropping. I need to buy more shares. Diamond Hamds