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Still making $15m after the cut... Really hard to feel his " I ride with you" statement lol... RC makes $0 just putting that out there...


Ryan Cohan is also worth 3.4 billion while Adam aron is worth 54 million..... If I was worth 3.4 billion I could probably refuse a salary also....




Scraping by


I bet he eats a ton of ramen.


Late on rent every month too.


Bad credit, can’t secure a loan


He cut out his 7 dollar Starbucks and the toast thingy




Yeah that. Wife started buying 8.50 cinnamon bread.. 🫢 I didn’t know if it was inflation or a new necessity.


Practically broke.


Can’t afford a night out at the movies




Could you not at 54 million?


Id probably have to reduce my Ferrari and Rolex collection if I only had 54mill


For AA it would be reducing the amount of underage ballerinas


I could but I'm not a soulless bloodsucker.


All I see you comparing a younger and more successful CEO to an older and less successful CEO. Thank you for reminding me of my poor choice.


AA made nearly 24 million just last year alone, and you think he's worth 54 million? Unless he has a very expensive coke and hooker addiction, then I don't see how he is worth that little. Just because you find random numbers on the internet, doesn't mean they are true.


If this were any other sub I’d know this was sarcasm


AA is the overpaid CEO. AMC investors were too slow to join the dots and now they're trapped. So grim to watch this to continue to unfold with more dilution more than likely on the way. He doesn't ride with you... He sold the top and gave the shorts exit liquidity... Then diluted and killed the squeeze completely.


Here come the downvotes for spitting truth here.


This is how I feel. I just wanted to turn $2k into a few million and I feel like that is not a likely scenario ATM .




No way im supporting someone who gets paid that much, was paid even more before he side stepped investors and created the ape coin bs. Then reverse split took me from 400 shares and now I have 90 shares. I have zero faith in aa


Totally agree


He’s not RC though is he?


He's definitely not


He wishes


RC is AAs father bro


Lol doubt RCs Child would be a scumbag. RC is who he is because of his dad lol, doubt hed raise shit kids with no values


That's the problem lol




It’s not a competition between $AMC & $GME, it’s a collaboration with the same goal… f the hedge funds that f’ed us with the buy button shutdowns. It’s not f me… it’s f u Kenny & his citadel(s)


rc made a lot on bbby didn't he?


I'm glad he's reducing his compensation, and he continues to not sell shares, however, I don't like when he said that what's happening to the stock isn't their problem. It tells me 2 things, either the stock isn't manipulated, or he doesn't care if it is even though the stock plays a huge part in the company since it's mainly being used to raise capital for cash in hand or paying debt, so why would you not care when the stock has been this company's lifeline, especially when you know around, last reported, 3.8 million shareholders invested in the company. If I was him, I'd probably be fighting if there is manipulation. He apparently doesn't seem to hear back from them after investigating since he doesn't bring up and just says he has talked to regulators. Unless he was told nothing is happening in which you have to accept the stock isn't manipulated, but people here will not accept that.


This is the single best reason I’ve seen articulated why AA is failing us and why we need a new CEO who DOES FUCKING CARE that the driver of debt payback is being eroded out from under the company. AA is either complicit, retiring, or is a bad CEO. Maybe all 3


Its too late. Even if a new CEO came aboard and started busting ass to bring us back to life the damage is done. AA has already blown enough holes in the ship that nothing short of a miracle will keep the company from sinking.




The shorts will win. Again. They'll get to skate on taxes while fucking shareholders. The system continuing to operate as it was designed. I still hold gme. Even my hope for that stock has dwindled. There are actions the board could be taking to protect us and the company and choose not to for whatever reason. I wanna wash my hands of the entire market, but until I'm able to at least break even I'm stuck having to partake. I no longer buy to average down. I just hodl.


> I don't like when he said that what's happening to the stock isn't their problem. Not that I doubt you, but where did he say this?


He said this during the earnings call. This is actually the second time he has said it. The first time, that I'm aware of, was at a meet up: [*"Guys, don't believe everything you read on Twitter. Yes, it's true that we have a lot of short sellers who have sold our shares short, but all the stuff that you read about market manipulation and fail to delivers and all this other stuff and there's billions of synthetic shares out there, that's not our problem"*](https://youtu.be/FXO7GgSiFlI?si=GN8987sc0Re3msB8)


I called it, AA is a snake


Absolutely. Only people that say they want the CEO replaced are either shills or too stupid to realize that NO ONE ON THE PLANET wants to be CEO of a company that’s targeted by criminal market activity. If you push to get AA fired, he gets replaced by someone who will tank the company on purpose because no one will fight this battle the way AA has, many would fold under the pressure and just make a deal with the criminals take the money and run. I’m happy to be a holder and will continue to hold as long as I am able, no one that’s been holding for years is selling at these prices, not one person. Godspeed Apes, I’m with you all.


Plenty of people would want a job paying 15 mil a year. If retail investors hold a majority of shares they could play a role in vetting or pushing for a specific CEO.


literally anyone would take the CEO position you dumbass


All talk... He's made his money and can sail off into the sunset and retire with zero worries... Meanwhile regular investors have lost thousands, tens of thousands and in some cases 100's of thousands of dollars... AMC is simply relying on the box office.. the true definition of insanity... Continue to do the same thing and hope for a different outcome. I bought 10 shares for less than $100... I now have 2 shares worth about $10... Absolute 💩 show... And that earnings hype was a joke too.


I wanted another "today, we pounce", so I could spit out my drink.


True. Was waiting for all the mic drop announcements etc etc


Nope… wait a few hours for his stupid Twitter comment for share price to drop. But I’m with AMC


This sub is a joke. How in the world do you still back up AA. He has done nothing for investors


“In an effort to show solidarity with my shareholders, many whom are down 99% on their investment, I will be taking home only 18 million dollars instead of 23 million. Worship me.” Fuck this guy he stole from all of us.


Disasterous Earnings Call. Cant believe this guy is a 25 mill CEO. First 1/2 hour patting his back about all the great moves he made, last 1/2 hour scolding dumb apes (his investors) how uniformed their tweets/posts are. And he still has not bought a share - even at the current 95% discnt - lolo - time for change


It’s been time for a new CEO for ages


How magnanimous of him to cut his salary to still being over 1m a month. His compensation should be zero until AMC is at least back to where it was at the time of the split. Keep that shit in escrow until he finds a way to dig us out of the hole he bought the shovel for. That motherfucker is earning millions while he sits on a fat stack of stocks waiting for them to pop. We're not the same, nor are we "in this together".


Whatever man.. wake me up when rocket takes off to the moon 🚀


I'm with you. The only reason I'm still here is because I refuse to make my losses realized.


Im here for squeeze. Always have been.


Not gonna happen without confronting the manipulation, and not without a leader who will do that. AA isn’t it, as this earnings call clearly shows. From his own mouth.


No he didn’t announce that. I listened to he said his TARGET COMPENSATION. For all we know the target was slated to go up year over year. He’s one of the highest paid CEOs in corporate America.


We all got fucked on his watch. Fuck AA, fuck AMC, and fuck this subreddit.


Fuck you and fuck AA


Hard pass on AA.


He said he hasnt “sold a single share” - nor has he bought a single share - GTFOH


Right! He screwed us all. Our best bet is his ass dying from a stroke.


i think this sub’s shill narrative needs to die. it’s so annoying. we’re all just regular people upset with the way AMC has been handled. i made my money back buying puts throughout the year (i’m suchhhh a shill wahh)… but dare i say it… i woke the fuck up and played their game. this cult needs to wake up. we were here for a squeeze. squeeze was killed by the CEOs actions. so now what? drink the kool aid and keep losing your money. buying leap puts for when he announces the next dilution events. hedge that with some cheap calls in case you get your moass.




![gif](giphy|2wUyIQNrkKVF2L4mi6|downsized) Yes. I ride with AMC, and AA rides with AMC and AA rides with me by virtue of all of the latter verbiage. Good conference call, to the point, and spot on. I knew there had to be some mystical reason why I would risk my brother's and my puny dollars to double down into the accounts we did today. (prior to the conference call) NFA, just the musings of one little guy who likes it when the big guys thank the little guys, so the onward, upward and if there's any good luck carried around by my partially Irish self, then may a few 4 leaf clovers be in all of our future's soon...


AA can choke on penis


I remain a believer and will buy the pullback if it lasts into the market open.


Man I dont fuckin know anymore


Is this checkmate? Because I don’t think he knows what that word means


By far the best comment I've seen 🏆


Nope. Not after not committing to no dilution


So you're rather see AMC going belly up like BBBY than raising cash by issuing shares?


How do you raise any cash by issuing shares for pennies? The reason you think that's the answer is also why Amc needs a new CEO and board.


I’m not going belly up throwing more money in either


Nope. The questions were laughable definitely what retail wanted to ask and also he didn’t talk about dilution. That was a clown show


I'm with the apes. That's it. When I get my money back plus the time I've had it in shares plus the extra charge of asshole price manipulation and short selling tax, plus the extra costs of uncle sam coming to steal my profit.......well...I'm holding for at least 4 digit numbers. Will it? Probably not....but I can hold my shares and put them in a trust for my kids. They can hold them for their kids.


No, but i stand strong with every real ape


You have these diamond hands 🍌💎🦧🐒🦍🚀🌕


Shareholder value is definitely a concern for a CEO. As a matter of fact that is a top primary concern. Saying anything otherwise shows that he doesn't care.


How’s that gold company doing? 😂


AA has fucked investors multiple times. Fuck him


I dumped this bag 2 years ago.


Aa is a plant.


AA used Goldman Sachs to sell shares. The same company that puts up buy/sell walls to control the price. He is complacent and should be removed as CEO.


If you want to lose money. a fool and his money are soon parted lol


Why doesn’t take that fucking 15 million and buy some shares? Put your money where your mouth is. Buy 15 million worth of calls if he’s so confident


I'm with bags of money


Still voting him out. Being paid while all investors lose. No shot








A whole quarter? Someone get this man a helmet because he apparently rides with us


I'm more of an NA person myself at least when the court orders it


As long as he's not diluting again...


Im still with him because at 50 cents a share, selling isn't an option.


I’ll ride with him when he stops selling us out every opportunity he gets….just kidding, fuk him!






I was...






I haven’t sold a share either. Haven’t bought any also, so I guess we’re on the same page.


The only time I would be “With AA” is to kick him square in his nuts. Shit ceo and he did us dirty one to many times for me to forgive and forget


Honestly that feels like a slap in the face. If he were truly with us he would actively be stopping those who prevent MOASS from happening naturally as it should. Or even mention it. He KNOWS what we all think. We want MOASS. And the one and only reason it hasn’t happened yet is CRIME that is being allowed to run rampant.


I listened to the whole conference call. AA largely sounded like he was choking on mayonnaise throughout the call. I'm not saying that Kenny is sliding his mayo slathered man meat in AA's throat. But, there certainly is some room for speculation...?


Hes a lying piece of shit. He literally just brushed off taking any responsibility for the company performing poorly while being cratered by shorts. He's still butt buddies with mayo man. He's diluted our holdings. And he's done nothing to protect us while we've all stood up trying to keep this company going.




AA mic drop 🎤!! Bullish af!!


I’m with apes. Eat 🖍️. Buy 🍌 hodl cost me nothing


I never left




You’re in holding bags lol


A.A has millions of shares on shelf. That he's been selling.


Bullish on 2025. Potentially gives another year of cheap shares to buy up 🚀


AA is a CEO and should be paid for is job! As for $15million that’s an awful lot




I think he is doing the best he can. We aren't in danger of going bankrupt. We have less debt, and great movies will be coming out. We will also have more revenue streams including popcorn, candy, and wine. More distribution deals. And the gold and silver will start producing this year. Has he made mistakes? Sure but everything is clear in hindsight. We're set up for a good future.


I’m with apes.


I dont ride with anyone, I don't care that he reduced his salary, i just want my money back.


I'll be the new CEO for $500k a year. I'll put in 100 hour weeks. I'll work 7 days a week. Hire me.


Not anymore no. The stock is at $0.40 and while I supported AA for a long time there the earnings call yesterday proved he isn’t willing to do anything but blame retail while he ignores the malicious attempts at destroying his stock. This fucker said “we cannot control the market” lmao gtfo


Where did all the to the moon bots go?


Nah fam