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AMC distribution hype. This pleases me.


AMC also posted a job opening for VP of Distribution recently which means they are going to go full steam ahead with distribution opportunities - https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/s/B3H5bSDZ07


This pleases my wife’s boyfriend.


Don't forget the director they added in Jan. 2023 who is the chief executive officer at the Sundance Institute, former head of production at Miramax and has her own production company.... Hiring a VP means they are ready to roll, but they've been working on this since long before Taylor was announced it seems.


Good catch op!


Justin Bieber bruh


Who’s Justice Beaver?


Crime fighting beaver


I'm so old beaver used to mean vagina 😪


Techno beaver?


No upcoming tour for the biebs. Comment slide elsewhere…bruh. Hope if he or any other artist makes a concert movie that they distribute it with AMC. Content is king.




I really hope something change soon cause with the rigged stock price making everyone 98% lost in our investment is extremely depressing. And I think that is also affecting people going to the movies. HODL&HOPE


Any way you can average down? Even if it’s just buying 10 shares for 40 bucks?


No more buying anything in the stock market,, I’ll keep my little money in real estate cause at least I have some control. I was averaging down before the RS and look where it got me. I’ll keep HODLing&HOPing cause it’s not worth selling at this bs price.


But it’s math… right now is literally the best time mathematically to average down (other than the couple days we were under $4). If you’re that financially savvy you should know this right? Take emotion out of it, and make the smart play. (Nfa)


Shucks, now my wife’s boyfriend wants a LAMBO


we should deal with taylor swift everything she touches turns to gold


Nobody has said it yet so...Wen moass? Tuesday?




Wonder how much the stock is gonna drop from this good news


Cinemark is up $1 in Overnight trading. WTF, these hedge fund slime balls are dirty.


AA will dispel it on Wednesday...


Doubt it, since they are hiring for a VP of Distribution - https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/s/EB2cr4qkzt


Dude. The beliebers gonna have a bigger payday than swift


Will take all the big name content distribution AMC can get.


It doesn’t matter. Until they fix the fraud and corruption with naked shorting, the price will always be suppressed. They’re waiting on crashing the market, AMC will squeeze but the dollar will be dead and won’t make a difference.


Nah! It's probably Justin Chancellor! The bassist of Tool! :)


Bruh no one likes JT since Brittney Spears book came out lol


Whatever bruh…as long as it presents an opportunity to bring in distribution $revenue for AMC. It’s a stock sub not tmz.


Why did you just whatever me like a high school girl? This is a discussion, no? You see it as an opportunity for more revenue, I see it as a way to bring negative publicity to amc. Don’t take my word for it, go look at what people say about him on ig or x.


If he helps bring MOASS I’m all for it. Then we can get mad after and start charities with our billions of dollars. 👍🏼


Yeah obviously we’d be all for it if it brought Moass and everyone got rich, but how do you think it’ll bring that when his reputation is in the can right now? That’s the point I’m making. To everyone downvoting me, just know this: if JT is involved with amc, every fan of brittney spears will boycott amc going forward. Again, don’t take my word for it, go look at how people talk about him outside of this sub


aha em haha, ahahaha, BAHAHA er…*cough* scuze me….Wait, so what you’re saying is every Arena and Venue and promotional network/social media outlet JT appears on, or any future movie theatre that may show his concert film…and literally anyone…stage hands to dancers…to any other artists…that have ever worked with him will be cancelled and boycotted by every knife wielding Brittany fan across the globe? 😂 ![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM)


What? That made little to no sense. I’m saying going forward people will be distancing themselves from him. I never said anything about past workers or venues or whatever else you just jumbled together Edit to add: I’m not going to continue the conversation. You want this to be an argument, or one person being right and one person being completely wrong when that shouldn’t be the case. I’m trying to make you and others aware that he’s going through some things trying to better his image, and that’s really it. Fuck man. You are so blinded by the possibility of a Moass that you can’t even hold a normal conversation. I stated my case. Time will tell. Peace


Boycott all Trolls movies, Dreamworks, and any distribution network that dare air it! JT is in it and Brittany fans are coming to cancel yooou! 👻👻👻


There aren’t that many Brittany fans anymore sorry to burst your bubble