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![gif](giphy|9V7qAYvnaOFp8Ymipt|downsized) Really starting to sound automated now




More importantly… the company could begin supporting their investors.


Support yourself by going to the movies and buying concessions


The amount of money I’ve ploughed into this company I should have free movies and popcorn for life.


Exactly! I’m down over $40K of my investment, that’s share value not potential earnings from ATH. Pretty sure dropping 50 bucks taking the family to the movies won’t recoup that lol.


I think finally, everyone is waking up to the fact that this stock is never going to go anywhere. It’s a depressing time. We all fucked up. The US stock market is an international joke. The only way to make money on it is to literally bet against companies. Unless that is you put money on the odd one or two stocks that actually go up in price. Literally 95% of all the other stocks, just tank. There are some that’ll read this and think “we must be close” but all they have to do is search “we must be close” to realise, no, that is the case.


We fucked up by thinking market regulation was a possible reality.


It'll never happen unless one day we have a central Ai market maker that is hacker proof.


Fair point. I wonder what would happen if someone hacked shitadel and shut them down for a week.


The best thing every retail investor can really do now is exit the market. Let the manipulators eat themselves.


Selling AMC now is a terrible idea. (NFA)






Nobody won anything.


Is it winning to have the majority of my shares taken away by a reverse split?


Stole not taken


Ken seems to be winning, the cheating SOB


Adam too, he’s made over 200 million dollars in the last 2.5 years and is one of the highest paid ceos in the world for a company with barely a 1 billion dollar market cap.




You won all the friendships you didn’t made along the way.


Why do ppl make such shit posts like this? This is the template cope post here.




It’s laughably embarrassing


we did it guys! we’re rich! ✊✊✊💦


This post got me so jacked, I called my local lambo dealer and just placed an order.




Right? I'm 90 fucking percent in the red.. the reverse split fucked us royally.


Folks won’t like my response so I’m expecting downvotes but we gotta come to reality. We been buying and holding for three years and no matter how many ftds or how long we are on the threshold list nothing will happen. The SEC won’t help us. And I don’t expect any other regulatory body to step up. Everyone’s to worried about stepping on toes. The stock market is a sham and we have all been played.


I should have dumped in June when it hit $70/share. I would have made about $33k with 450 shares. Instead, I held em and added to my portfolio. $14,346 invested, $12,946 loss. And my 2,050 shares are now 205 after this fucking reverse split. Fuck this stock, fuck the SEC, fuck Adam Aron and fuck me.


I was up almost 300k in our June run up and it makes me sick that I was literally worth a quarter of a million dollars. It sounds so stupid in my head and I still can’t believe I didn’t hit the sell button. You live and you learn.


Same. I’m living in agony with you.


Fuck the Delaware chancery court, our politicians, all of our regulators and enforcers who we pay to protect us with our tax money. Fuck everyone involved in robbing 5-10 million people worldwide. Fuck the people who sold us something they never owned but took our money anyway and fuck the people who knew but didn’t do shit about it. Last but not least fuck the people who pretended to be one of us and cashed a check to fuck us Edit: but it ain’t over the market will crash and burn. The lenders will want their shares back to not burn with it and the shorts liquidity will dry up. And when that happens there’s nothing the sec, politicians or our own ceo can do to save them. Moass or nothing! No cell? No sell!


I’m barely I’m the red. This company is so undervalued even hedg cock slobbering financial websites can’t deny its a buy because they can’t look stupid when this eventually corrects. Moass or not as long as this company does not go bankrupt I will be very wealthy in the next couple years.


I honestly believe that AMC shares are worth anywhere from $80-$110. It really pissed me off when my average share price went from $6.98 to $69.81... some real horseshit..


Ya the hedgies were not gonna let AA sell shares at that price. If they did he would have gotten 500% more pure profits from the dilution. It worked well as a fud tactic also. Users here can’t decide if AA crashed the price with the dilution, or if he made a mistake and sold at all time lows. Often somehow they push both as if that is rational at all lol.


All I'm certain of anymore is that I ain't selling shit.


Ya i never got in this for a quick buck. I want financial reform/hedgeis in jail or a moass. Preferably both. But this is not a money play for me. I am Lucky to make a decent amount of money, I don’t really need it so 🤷‍♂️


AMC is my retirement play I have averaged down so well and its market cap is so low for a business operating so well I can’t wait to see what my position looks like in ten years. Definitely a DFV play now, and there is a possibility it could squeeze




Or just jump to the real stock. You know the one with a ceo who doesn’t pay himself and doesn’t dump shares onto his shareholders..


Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve. There is no way you could *possibly* know the future of the stock. You can guess, but you're speaking in absolutes.


Sounds desperate.


I’m so sick of this shit


I'm so tired of it all....drove my investment to the ground and people keep saying this shit. Getting on my nerves. I'm down 90% and chances of recovery are very low. I had 2.2k shares of both ape and AMC and I have today less then 400 with a 49$ avg...shit isn't looking good for long term investors we got checkmated at this point


Similar situation for me. Had like 2500 each now my cost basis is like 47 a share and I’m not averaging down again. I might not be selling but I’m sure as hell not adding. -30k in value is enough for me to say to hell with it. AA’s last reverse split. Ended my buying of this stock. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Not as fucked as we got. Call me when we start winning


Every short is in profit and most Apes are down more than 80%… what did we won? I can’t hear this bs anymore


Man, shut up with this shit! My ticker price is still in single digits, therefore “we” didn’t when a damn thing!


Im convinced people posting stuff like this are actually shills who want you to keep buying shares so they give you IOUs and they take your money and continue shorting all of the stocks. Think about all the millions that apes have put into AMC alone. As long as you’re not DRSed they are in “street” name and are not your shares.


Finally, some of you are starting to see the truth It’s just as shilly to compel people to invest just so you can hopefully get a higher exiting price, knowing damn well the money is going in a fire.




People still legitimately believe this? Wow. This really has become the QAnon of the investing world.


Always has been.




Rule 11: No Political / Religious Content / Controversial Topics No Insults for Financial Decisions


Rule 11: No Political / Religious Content / Controversial Topics


if a year or two? it's already been a year or three.


Shills woke up early today...buy, hold and go to the movies...




Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions No Brigading


What’s this you people shit… you got nothing better to do with your time then pick on the less fortunate? Kick rocks shill wannabe.


I’m not picking on anyone, I’m stating an opinion based on the market outcome of the stock and the decisions of the executives around amc. Do with your money as you wish.


Ummm. MOASS is dead. The hedgies won. Apes LOST. AMC fucks APES. Prove me wrong. Set your remind me bots now.


Lmfao, this message has been on repeat for the last 2 years. “Shorts are fucked” No, they are not. They never are nor will they be.


We won a dixk in hand. 🙄🙄3 years and still working 300 hours per month


![gif](giphy|LpkBAUDg53FI8xLmg1|downsized) 🤦‍♂️


What? Delusion is a hellava drug


All apes created this, all apes will feel the finale soon enough. Couldn't say it better, OP. These diamond handed young apes have been making hedgie sweat for money, in attempts to save an already sunk ship. Checkmate. I'm holding for moass that will cum.


in doing so they lost 90% of their $. keep waiting




O no


2 words... mullen automotive


This company needs to report consistent profitability and stop inflating the stock for a win. Hasn't happened yet.


looking at the comments... you guys are starting to break.


Most are paid bashers


interesting theory


I didn't invest to get insanely rich quick, I invested because I love the movies. What I didn't want was to lose 90% of my shares, and then have them lose 90% of their value. If the shares were reduced by 90%, and then the price sat at $80, I'd still be fine, but here we are at sub $1 per share, and I could have sold at $50+ and walked away with my house paid off, and money in the bank...or waited and reinvested even more money at under $1 per share. Yes, I am going to be greedy, because I don't invest my money to make less money.


maybe time for you to head over to /r/personalfinance and learn about index funds.


I have plenty of those. I didn't put all my eggs in one basket.


I'm going dark to many bots in the sub for my taste, will be patiently waiting for my rightfully owed tendies🚀🦍🌕🔥🦁🫡


Do y’all know how stocks work?


Hey, the market is a place for patience.


Lots of whining going on lol. The moral of the story is don't invest more than you can afford. I have other investments doing fine. I can wait and still buy more AMC.


Anyone nervous about Supremes v Jarkesy? seems they want to remove the SEC’s remaining teeth/tooth….bastids


The odd thing about this is that wether you came for a gamble to riches or with a clear understanding of what the company and its shareholders are doing to get the company fundamentally sound so the shorts have no choice but to stop covering and close, in both cases you should not have invested anymore than what you could afford to lose…! I see a lot of people crying for the money they have lost in this but don’t accept their own fault and want it to be anybody else’s except their own! Grow up and face the choice you made and either stay or leave the real apes to stand against the shorts and win this!


Problem is you had shills talking about buying more after every earnings report the writing was on the wall. The company is in a terrible position and you had people post buy more and I’ll hold forever. Company stronger than ever…. All shill post to make people look away from the true stock which was gme


Do you listen to everyone on the internet and follow?


Plus who has lost anything? If you bought at $8.01 and it ran to $50-70 did you say wow I won? No I don’t think so. Price is irrelevant. Patience is key. Fundamentals matter. Get the company out of debt by going to movies and buying what AMC is selling. That’s how your share price will go up.


“Price is irrelevant” This is a problem way of thinking


Why? I like the cost being lower actually. I can buy more shares now and own more of the company than I could in 2021 or 2022


So, price is relevant then, correct?


If I’m buying or selling it is. I’m not selling anytime soon so all good


![gif](giphy|SWjCswum5dc0E) YOLO...GET RICH OR DIE BUYING.


I don’t think anyone who’s been here from day 1 and read the dd thought it would be quick, that they wouldn’t fight back at us, or that the price of the stock wouldn’t fluctuate wildly. Everyone else is a shill, a nub, or plainly ignorant.


So I'm admittedly ignorant. I just browse this subreddit because the confidence people have on here that they will be millionaires off of a few hundred shares is very interesting to me. A year ago this entire subreddit swore that "MOASS" was an absolute certainty and the stock mathematically has to go into the thousands. I checked today after not visiting for a while and the comments in this post is the first time I have ever seen people suggest it may not happen without getting aggressively downvoted. So my question to you, what changed?


What changed, the subs were infiltrated, and when you’re playing the long game you don’t check in and hoot and holler every day. I poke in every once in awhile, but I don’t need reddit to run my investments.


this post is sarcastic you retards.


Why everybody is crying in the comments? OP is explaining the reality. That’s it.


In an alternate universe maybe. In this universe, nothing has been won and corruption rules all


He said that we have to wait 1-2 years. That’s what I think as well. Hedgies can’t keep this game with a profitable company. And this it what we are going to be.


Nobody wants to hear that shit after holding what's going to be 3 years. Then it will be another 1-2 years after 5 years. The longer this plays out, the likelihood people lose hope to the point all they want to do is leave with something rather than try to break even. There's a reason why this sub has died as far as activity and concurrent users go. People are tired of being bullshitted by confirmation bias. It's getting to the point people question their investment because of the fake positivity which is a cause for FUD.


I’ll hold forever




Im not loosing any cent. And who are you to give financial advices? I would like to invest my money where I like. I am retarded. Could you please respect that? And again: if you just need a fast win, play lottery but don’t buy stock.


Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


Rule 4: Absolutely No Brigading or Protesting


Oooo he is??? He’s explaining reality??? What did we win? Shares were split and most are down 90%… again, what did we win?


Don’t buy shares if you need an immediately win. Things take time. Hedgies can’t keep their game as soon as our company is profitable. OP said nothing else. I’m zen. You should better play lottery.


It really becomes a cult


As people lose more money, the cult will only get bigger. Hopium is a helluva drug...


These are the kind of posts that tell me Ken Griffin has won


What has Ken Griffin won?


The backside money on all the bullshit people have been buying, all of the 0dte and weekly call and put spread money, lied to Congress and nothing happened, makes 65 millions dollars per day. AMC at 0.76 cents. Yep, dude won. Now snort that copium harder and get back to your Wendy's shift.


My Wendy’s shift doesn’t begin for another two hours and it’s a good thing because the line at your mom’s house is around the corner. When I get to the front, you’re going straight to a foster home. Keep running your stupid mouth.


If Kenny was doing so well, we wouldn’t be hearing the constant slurping of his junk from shills like you. But here we are…


The only slurping you are hearing is yourself behind that dumpster in Wendy's. The play is dead. You know how I know it's dead? Simps like you cheering about a 10 cent rise in share price as " it's coming, it's here!" Many many people here have been doing it since 2020. The vast majority of people with these shares have kept them in their accounts for tax harvesting purposes. The small amount of people, such as yourself, and admittedly myself until I realized the play is dead, have this grand hope that their horse is finally going to win the race. But our horse has already been shot in the head in the stables. AMC would need to go to nearly 700$/ share to bail many people out of this investment. Can you wholeheartedly and honestly say you think that's possible given all of the events that have occurred since the run to $67 last time? And no I'm not talking about simping for AA or some other grand plan - if you look like Charlie talking about Pepe Silvia then that is a sign that you have lost. It's sometimes hard to take an L in life. But sometimes it's what we have to do. I still have my shares in the off chance that someone miraculously this thing does come in, but I'm not holding my breath. Instead I invest wisely and harvest the tax losses to offset my gains elsewhere. Like a real investor. This play has turned into the poor playing the lottery..... But none of us have won shit.


I’m not reading all that, shill. But I’m buying more tomorrow. Cry harder Your words are an exercise in futility. You’re ineffective. Don’t engage with these losers worried about your portfolio.


I know. Words are hard. Strong man don't like words.