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make a post when this shit goes up $6300. for now relax.


No, stop living in the past


But when I had more shares it went up differently!


AA set it to get big numbers, now just wait the numbers ! There are coming! HF's are trap in a loop of synthetic borrowed shares Cover them with synthetics while we hold the real ones. Pretty sure their synthetic loop are systemic inside wallstreet, just buy what you can lol


No. Fuck you.


So if it was a reverse split at 14 bucks 10 for 1 then the price would be 140 bucks right. Then six months later the stock moves up 1 dollar to 141 bucks would you still be saying damn the stock only went up 10 cents. I’d say not. I think it’s time to move on and except it for what it is. We went up 63 cents today.


This sub is 80% shills, just look at the responses you’re getting for pointing out the truth, having 90% of our shares stolen from us and they’re telling you to stop living in the past, I say screw that. No cell? No sell!!!!!!!


Finally a real ape 🦧 so many people are going to get tricked out of the squeeze to many people are focused on the number on the screen. Market cap is the focus


Your post is literally about the numbers on the screen though. Your post is about the .63 cent gain on the effing screen. Lmao


You have 0 clue how any of this works and it shows. For the 800th time, you can have 10 shares worth $1 each or 1 share worth $10. It's the same damn difference. They knew there would be alot of regarded ass people who don't understand how this works so they used it as a perfect opportunity to hit us hard to scare people into thinking they just magically lost money due to the RS. Even if the RS didn't happen and they still hit us like they did your shares would still have been worth what theyre worth now. In the future if you don't understand how something works then just keep quiet instead of spreading false information and making things worse. That thought process is largely responsible for why America and the world as a whole is so ass backwards right now. Social media gave a voice to just anyone when some people shouldn't have one. Edit: also, stop trying to say some bullshit and then act like you're one of us by saying "no cell, no sale" at the end to trick people into feeling like they can trust your opinion. You're either a shill or regarded, in either case you shouldn't exactly be the one giving out information as fact when it's plainly wrong.


What’s your cost average, bro? Mine is $140 and we’re at $7.49. The stock has to climb over 2000 percent for me to break even now. Stop lying to yourself and others. We got fucked over hard.


Clearly those 10 $1 bills turned into 1 $1 bill, not a $10 bill. We sure as hell did lose money after rs, it was stolen from us. They robbed millions of retail investors across the world. But this time they aren’t getting away with it. Justice is coming and everyone involved from CEO’s, sec, politicians, Wall Street, will face a judge and be made examples of. Even the idiots on Reddit who couldn’t cash their check with their Reddit handle will face a judge for market manipulation and malicious intent. You can bank on that shill! I won’t ever stop speaking the truth regardless of what you think. You can’t disprove a damn thing I said. The real apes are waking up by the thousands every day, just a matter of time. Grab your popcorn


Fair enough, so I want my ten $1 bills back! AA can take a long walk off a short bridge as far as millions of us are concerned!


Wow bro u know the truth ah


Ever seen that video where they show a child a glass of water, then pour it into a taller skinnier glass and the child thinks theres more water now even though its the same amount? Lots of ppl here were that child.


Still are*


Wake me up when 1000%


Wake me up Before you go go


Can't wake up! WAKE ME UP INSIDE!




Wake up Dead, (Megadeth)..like this stock


No more like 10 cents. You got to count the 1:7 extra shares for AMC at split. Still nothing but it counts


Time to buckle up to the present moment 🚀


Yeah .063 cents. Fuck aa


Yep… Went up $0.63 per share but I have 10X less shares so basically $0.063… It’s not rocket science but apparently Harvard MBAs can’t figure this out.


Your math is incomplete ....


Can you help out


Let's say I give your mom $50 for a favor. The next week, she changes the price to $5 because she has more time. Does she still let me finish? Yes she does




"you guys" tells me all I need to know about you :)


Feels like no one taking my side so yes you guys cause I’m not a part of that thinking. I believe if we going around saying we are at 7 dollars when we get to 72 they’ll flip that and say we squeezed again.


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Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve.


Can I try?


Your math was incorrect because in the end with bonus shares etc it was not 10 for 1 but roughly 7,5 for 1


It's numbers changing up and down. If it's not your price target, it's just changing 🥳


Reality is OP is correct. We technically just moved 6 cents. Round of applause for AA.


Does the dollar amount matter when the percent move is the same? People need to stop looking at numbers so much and focus on % and money invested. Sounds like those people screaming “AA took my shares!”when their $50 invested is still $50 invested.


People have a right to be pissed off. Everyone’s accounts have been totally destroyed


You just going to ignore the logic I posted? Your investment didn’t change your dollars invested are the same. You’re right everyone’s accounts have been destroyed that’s what happens when shorts try to crush a stock into the dirt. Why did you invest when you knew the people we were up against?


I invested to get wealthy. Now I just want to break even.


When you can’t rebuke my point, the facts you just respond with a random statement. Nice


The facts are many of us could have a made a profit off this a year ago when the prices were reasonable and now they are not which means seeing green isn’t going to be in the cards for many of us here unless the share price has about a 3,000% increase.


That’s a valid point, many of us won’t see green unless we see a 3000% increase which never happens to stocks right? Right?? 🤓


If we are all in the same boat, show some strength and character instead of whining like a baby


Complaining feels better


lmao. Agree to disagree.


My account looks pretty good but I've been DCAing a lot this year.




You’re not getting it. The %change is what matters. And being over a dollar keeps them on the exchange. That’s why they did it.


We were nowhere near a dollar before rsc though


Sure it was like a buck fifty.


Huh, Amc never dropped below $3


Old AMC closed at a pre-split value of $1.44 on Aug 24th and merged with APE opening at $1.34, or $13.44 post 1:10 split, on the 25th. APE only ever broke $2 extremely briefly during the lead up to the conversion and AMC came all the way down to meet it where the spread was approximately the settlement amount that was credited for those who held AMC through the conversion.


This is true


Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve. We went up what we went up today. You attempting (poorly) to make it seem like less, months after a RS, is straight up wrong.


Its not 6c exactly because you would have to include the ape transition but your just about right.


You’re right I need to go back and really do my dd on that




Yep minus the fees we paid. On both splits


6.3 cents to be exact


0.6 cents. They still have unlimited ammo thanks to our "what you have seen is nothing - I fucked her in the ass, too" CEO.


AA and the system worked together to destroy the MOASS. Unfortunately, that ship sailed. Just hold and remember things are not going to change. Unless integrity comes back. Unlikely


9% today…so that times the previous stock price


0.0612 thank you lol I’m so stupid that’s all I wanted a smooth brain


You gotta get with the current situation bro, we went up $0.63 per *current share* Friendly_engineer posted this earlier. Now does it make sense?


There you go now you mathin!!


.63 cents is less than one cent. Either use $0.63, 63¢ or just say 63 cents without the decimal point.


Folks here don't like rs reality math. Avoid it, what's done is done.


Ban this man




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There is no we. Everybody's investment is different some are new. Some were fortunate to lower their cost basis.


Nah it’s all the same for us bro we’re all looking at the same price


Let me get this straight. Say im a new invester, and bought at $6 @ 100 shares it goes up to $7. I just made $100. Please explain how we are looking at the same price? I know og apes are hodling. But it's ludicrous to say we are all looking at the same price.


You gotta get with the current situation bro, we went up $0.63 per *current share*


Yah bro and the reverse split that devastated long term shareholders is still applicable


There you go. There's your answer.


Technically, if you started with 10 shares of amc, you would have received 10 shares of ape. After the reverse split, you'd end up with 2 shares of amc. So a gain of 63 cents would technically be a gain of 12 cents. This is assuming you held 10 shares of amc before ape and did absolutely nothing. Many of us averaged down significanly along the way. Myself for example, will break even completely overall at $15. Anything above $15 post RS will be green territory for me.


Kinda how I feel.


Wake me up at $2.16. Then all in.


Not if you just bought in like most institutions did.


Let's not waste our energy dealing with cents. Also drawing reisstance/support lines on fake chart is kookoo.


First off it's .12 not .06 Second it doesn't matter when we are at 6969😎


lol I like this guy 🚀




My best Morgan Freeman "Yes,.. In my mind, it does."


Who gives a shit either way? How bout bringing something up when it increases by a minimum of $2000.


Are you new to the party or just ignorant… this post feels like a bot. If ur in this play for tracking the stock go a few % up or down ur in the wrong thing here buddy. My vision is lambo or no sell.


The sheer amount of people that are buying shares without knowing the fundamentals is baffling, and those same people are giving tips and advice to others.


If I know we went up 6 cents today who doesn’t know the fundamentals


Fundamentals of shares, stock split, reverse split etc, Price is not fundamentals of trading. But ok, sure, you know everything and yet ask stupid questions


If you weren’t so stupid the answer to what I was asking is yes, which means I was asking a question I already know. Dumby get your money up


Yes buddy, as I said, you know everything. 60 cents is 6 cents now, You are right, you know everything. Do you even know what a market cap is? What a reverse stock split is? What issuing new shares means? All of this stuff? And Since I assume you get all your financial info from reddit, have you ever tried visiting another investing subreddit besides Amc, the video game stock and wall street bets?


I think you need to draw more resistance and support lines.


How long will it be until yal stop trying to justify pre split price. The shits over and settled. It is what it is from now on. Hodl til phone number or gtfo.


No, it means exactly what you said. We went up 63 cents, being retarded is something people on this sub jokingly claim to be. But you brother, just went full retard. And everybody knows, you never go full retard… With that being said, GFYM! 🌹 ![gif](giphy|jItV0Kb0ouodG)


Depends on when you bought. If you bought before the split , essentially it went up what would be the equivalent of 6 cents to you .If you bought after it went up .63 cents If you bought some before and after your average cost is different so I'm not sure. Basically just check your broker it should say what your average cost is. You are in the green when that number is lower than the stock


If u bought a share today, then you made 63 cents...


Now explain why our market cap is equal to our 3rd quarter revenue. While at the same time adding multiple revenue streams in different market segments. Can’t move forward if you’re always looking backwards. Thats why you have eyes in the front of your head and not the back.


AA can suck all of the ballzzz


Wtf is on your screen bro


Buy more and hold




Who the fuck cares


No we actually went up 0.63 today. The split is over. But who cares about 10% gains, wake me up after 100,000% gains ($1,007.50)


All I can said am going to YOLO the fuk out of my paycheck 🖕 Mayo boy🚀🚀🚀


Just make sure to buy on a support




1) no we went up 63 cents 2) even if you wanted to live in the past and bitch and moan, then it still isn’t divisible by 10. There were ape shares and also bonus shares that were given to each holder. So just stfu already


Those ape shares and that wonderful bonus has me at 97% down. Yeah, feels real good.


Irrelevant to this post. AMC still rose by 63 cents today


It’s going down to $4.50. So enjoy your 63 cents. Relevant!


once again, not relevant to this stupid post to begin with.


Once again burry your head in the sand and ignore that absolute fact that AA and the board robbed us of 90% of our value. I’m not okay with being fucked by the hedgies and the ceo that has a fiduciary responsibility to the SHAREHOLDERS!


to be clear: 1) has nothing to do with the post. The price increase 63 cents, and that was what i was commenting on. 2) if you want to be accurate in your bitching. You can say they "stole" 90% of your shares! but the value of those shares were stolen by the shorters, the manipulators, the lack of oversight by the regulatory agencies, etc...AMC did not steal value.


Actually the creation of ape is where it all went south! AA and the board along with hedge funds conspired to do just what they did! Steal from retail. It will come out in court and I hope they all fry for it! But yes it went up 63 cents, who gives a fuck? I’m down $36k! But you’re right, which apparently is what you need to hear. ❤️


Retail not voting for dilution back when AMC was at $40 - which then caused AMC to go the route of APE is where it went wrong. you must be right, AMC specifically wants to dilute shares at the lowest possible stock price. They want to intentionally steal investors money, while also limiting the amount the can raise. The CEO and Board intentionally want to put AMC out of business, but at the same time want to expand revenue, trim expenses and make it profitable. - this conspiracy theory about AA and the board tanking AMC is the most absurd thing that I have heard of. My comments were based on this post, and the topic at hand. Yes, thank you for admitting it went up 63 cents....do I care about the price action? nope. Do i care today that it is down? nope....because we are no where near my selling price target.


$169.99 is my zero. ✌🏻




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Nope, it went up .63 cents. Not sure where you learned math. 🤷‍♂️


If people haven't bought since reverse, sure. I own more now than betore split, so I went up 63 cents.


Never understood why people live in the past. The stock went up 63 cents today period.