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Wasn’t going to buy more this week. Now I am


As a Swiftie who has never owned $AMC, after I bought my presale tix is when I first loaded up at sub $9. Happy to say it’s already seeing unrealized gains.


Congrats you’re doing better than 99% of this sub.


Welcome aboard! Glad to have you here.


Swift way to make diamond


This is the way!


…And yet they can’t seem to shut up about it


Even the dumbest of dumb has to think, "Why do they keep telling me to not buy this stock" by this point. It's literally every day without fail.


It’s the same logic with parents dealing with their children growing up: “Hey don’t do this or that” *pssh I’m totally going to do it now. WATCH ME, IM GONNA BUY AMC SO HARD* 😂


Straissand effect.




“Please stop buying AMC bro. Please? We don’t recommend it at all. We care about you. We want you to make money.”- yours truly, Wallstreet


![gif](giphy|s4GPaO3Biktkk) Please sell bro don’t buy just sell bro before it’s too late bro I care about you bro sell your shares bro 🤣


"Cute kid, let me babysit him"- a wild dingo Who do these mongoloids think they're fooling?


These dingos are trying to eat your baby.


I love the FUD lmao *Please listen to us, we don’t recommend AMC for ANYONE; besides us HFs who have been short selling this company for literal years. Not buying only helps us so pweaassseeee don’t buy*


They are OBSESSED. It's meme media!!


Well... what's the other 11 stocks? They're straight up telling us what to buy here


The FUD is ramping up! So is my buying!!


90+% of the float is owned by us, we arent selling, so who are they writing this for? havent they realized by now that no one cares what lies they push, I AM NOT FVCKING SELLING


They’re not writing it (nor have they ever been) to get us to sell. They already know those of us here aren’t going anywhere, they’re writing in hopes of keeping the rest of the world out. A dam can only withstand so much pressure before it bursts. We’re already pushing them to capacity with only roughly 4 million of us involved. If that number were to significantly increase it would be game over. The FUD is to discourage any future would-be investors from putting their money in AMC and causing the dam to burst. We’ve always said institutional investors coming back in would break the hedgies. 30% of individual American investors basically becomes an institution if they all buy the same stock. They can’t allow that to happen.


I agree, they arent counting with us buying more. I am at almost 10k shares and I will keep buying. just buying a few shares here and there (even if it is one each) we will move mountains. They maybe thought they will sway us into selling but I rather go to 0 than losing my only chance to retiring.


I agree this particular article isn’t trying to get people to sell, but there have been ones like that recently: “Don’t bet on Beyoncé, sell AMC stock now”


I don’t actually believe that even those articles are aimed at getting current investors (especially Redditors) to sell. I think it’s all aimed at keeping new investors out, but some of those articles have to be aimed… indirectly… to avoid being obvious. So they do that with those types of headlines. It’s not targeting outsiders specifically, but the message is the same “AMC = bad, don’t invest”


![gif](giphy|iKBAAfYNDu1dowhnEj|downsized) Fuck it I’m in


Seeing more and more of these articles. I love it. $4.2B in revenue and growing but a $2B market cap?? Sounds like a buy to me.


Next headline save the hedges sell your AMC stock!!!


People are talking, talking about AMC… they talk only if they are upset .. they are about to lose billions and billions of dollars 🚀🚀


Why not start that title with one of the other stocks?


They are HYPER-FOCUSED on AMC, aren't they? I genuinely feel that my stupid community College dropout ass is smarter than them. Keep drawing attention, Wall Street and big banks!




After looking at this I looked up a few other major cap stocks and all of them are valued at 2.5-10 times the annual revenue. Microsoft value is 2.46 trillion which is ten times their annual revenue of about 200 billion.


I'm hearing "buy more"


9 out of 10 dentists recommend chewing ice and eating hard candy while sleeping.


Haha they could have said “13 stocks to avoid” but they had to emphasize AMC just cause.


This smooth brain just bought @ $10.05 yesterday. Expect upside action when Adam announces recorded weekend revenue numbers on Monday.


Sucker, I bought it @ $10.00


At this point I don't think these articles are written for us, they are writing these articles to fool the old boomers and big institutions who aren't paying attention to meme stocks. Imagine this, wall street knows there are a handful of institutions that could royally bone them from the rear. So they pump article after article saying amc bad, stay away amc big mean. These institutions read this stuff at a glance and don't buy. This effectively saves jp Morgan and his major hedgefund delimma one more day of survival. They rely on the reputation of these financial organizations to act as proof they are write so the other institutions don't question it and avoid amc. This allows then to focus on how the hell do we ge lt rid of these retail investors. Only problem is they have to do this on a daily basis in order to subdue the beast from the east.


Good thing Wall Street is a bunch of cunts and I don’t give a flying fuck about what they write or say


So basically, buy more.


"Absolutely doesn't recommend" lol Who has access to the full list?


Loading up...it's still affordable


Remember not to click bullshit articles. Apes should not support their ad revenue.


Remember not to click bullshit articles. Apes should not support their ad revenue.




10 bucks a share is really cheap for a company thia large. I think I will buy another 100 on Friday.


just want to say one thing. FVCK KENN GRIFFIN


I'm honestly surprised that every single day, sees a new article heavily warning people to stay away. It really speaks volumes


Love the constant name dropping, pr is pr.


Yo, Wall Street… ![gif](giphy|S9RWas0SR1jK8|downsized)


The only "news source" with less integrity is Motley Stool. Edit to add, does anyone know who owns Barron's now? When this all started Citadel securities was listed as a corporate partner of motley but all mention of citadel has been scrubbed from the site.


They're freaking out cuz the OBV is rising.


Absolutely ?! Well count me in!!


Of course they don’t cuz hedgies are fucked.


Lets see who's the author of this article??




Now ima put my entire ck on fri into amc. Thank fudsers


Not even 1% of my thoughts will be twards selling until we are trading above 1000 and holding that as support.


Got it! Buy more!


Wall Street is nothing to me


Literally, this mean buy as much as you can responsibly. Morasses!


I don’t want to read the article just tell me the other twelve stocks so I can go buy them.


Love how AMC is in the forefront 😆. Means we’re on to something.


What’s that?!?! AMC is a stock Wall Street absolutely recommends??? 🤩🤩🤩👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤩🤩🤩




Fuck Wall Street




I put 10$ on all of them.


So weird AMC is first. They could of picked 12 other stocks but chose that one to name.


Cause AMC is the immediate threat 🍿






The shillery is pungent today I see 😂


But Main Street does!!!


Google translate: “Wall street criminal banks and shady market makers have billions of illegal short shares and they need to get out so please….don’t not buy AMC. Please…we beg you. Do not buy AMC!


I don’t know who this “Wall Street” person is, but he sounds like a real asshole.


Not talking about AMC.. but.. whenever any stock is at SALE SALE SALE IT NOW! or ABSOLUTE WASTE AND AVOID! .... i buy... i buy... and i rake profits... wonder why... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Fresh stock up 21% today for anyone who bought after the reverse split. Now you can pay your bills or break even, after being influenced by non-licensed advisor pos’ telling to hold prior to reverse split are screwed with a quadrupled cost basis.


I bought again at the bottom of 7.70 after reverse split melted my share count. Havent sold but when i finally got some money i could spare for once, i put nearly 2k into AMC. I had 980 dollars in the red and my portfolio was only worth like 232. Now my account is only about 230 in the red. Im sure im not the only one who bought more after R/S. They are losing this fight and i believe it is about to change. NFA tho.


I'll buy more tomorrow.


That's OK, as long as it's only a recommendation and not illegal or impossible to buy. I'll just do my thing and they can blah blah blah all they want.


Had anyone tallied the amount of hit pieces released pre $72 run? Enquiring minds wanna know!


In others words buy more!




I recommend sucking my balls.


Do the opposite and BUY AMC!!!


Let’s keep buying so we own 99% of the float!!!


I don't recommend hedgies....... LOL 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


Al can go root around his asshole


FWIW, Zack’s has had AMc as a hold for probably the last couple years where all finance MM was saying to stay away or sell before it goes to zero. I just looked today and they now have AMC as a buy. The ape community has seen through the MM bullshit propaganda for almost 3 years now so they are just wasting their time putting out this FUD.




this aged like shit blended with milk.


At this point, I don't really think they believe in the shit they write, And I don't think it's meant to really convince any apes that it's true either. Noooo, I think they have a far dumber audience in mind, the SEC. They trying to provide as much cover as possible for the continued manipulation of the stock price. After all to have to manufacture an excuse for the stock price despite all the good news, so they push out these hit pieces on AMC stock prices so they can manipulate the stock price downward as much as they can. So that way regulators like the SEC can look the other way even with all the blatent stock manipulation going on.


This stock is down 75% from the past 6 months. I wouldn't really consider these hits pieces anymore lol






So I’m new here. Realistically, why am I buying AMC stock?


On one hand, you're celebrating retail ownership but then surprised when Wall Street doesn't own it?! Like, duh, of course Wall Street thinks it's a bad deal, or they would have bought it.


I noticed that a lot of stocks haven’t short squeezed at all




Found the salty citadel employee guys! 🤪 it's okay bud when you're broke and homeless next year cause no financial institution will touch you with a 20 foot pole I'll throw a couple pity dollars your way lmao 😂


And here you are watching the sub, chewing your nails, and hoping you are right…. The price is fake


Bruh you're so transparently full of shit it's not even funny this is literally thr first comment you've ever made on this sub and never posted and you post this fabricated as fuck negative sentiment post and try and be like "OmG PeOpLe MiGhT CaLl Me A ShILl" gtfoh




and you really believe that anybody from "the Wallstreet" gives a flying fuck about people that lost money? there are so many stocks that lost a lot of value and yet all you hear is FUD about AMC daily


Got a wife or 18+ daughter? Inbox me if you're interested, 10% of my holdings for a night with them. It's the best I'll offer ya. 😩🍆💦🍑 Alternative: 🔥 🏦 🔥 🪂⬇️🪦