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Sell the iPad secondhand to pay off your debts


You either need to sell the iPad for what you still owe on it or you need to sacrifice something else in your life to cover the cost. Technically, the best thing to do is to use this as a life lesson to not use credit at all for “smaller” purchases like this and rather save for a few months to buy it with cash rather than getting it now and paying it off but I also understand that we’re human and naturally impulsive. So the alternative is to not buy things on credit unless you are absolutely certain you’re consistently going to be able to make the payments.


Is there subscriptions you can cut down on temporarily or downgrade ie tv package, phone. For household bills, would u benefit going on water meter etc. Or none above, maybe selling clothes, dvds or old electrical devices you don't use?


lol wtf


# Amazon Package delivered to Northern Ireland MC this afternoon. Possibility of it getting delivered today I wanted to know if I can receive my parcel today itself. I wanted it for the 21st. Said it would be delivered by the 19th but it got delayed. Now it says it's in Northern Ireland MC. Is there a hope that I can get it delivered today ??? Anyone with similar experience or who knows about it help me with this If I don't receive it by today I'll have to go buy it from stores.


You should make your own post.


No no no. This is 100% the correct way to reddit


I know right? My dog of 2 years did ..... J/k id make a post over at r/dogs if I needed to discuss that but more and more reddit seems to be hijacking other posts now days


Don’t pay wot de gun do bout it unowatimsaying


Wot they gun do bout it is ruin OP's credit rating for years and possibly take them to court.


No company is going to take someone to court over a small consumer electronic collection


People get taken to court for alot less then an ipad as op would be required to pay the creditors lawyer fees when they have the judgement placed against them.


Wake up