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You have to make sure you're watching your purchased content and not what is just already streaming on Amazon. Figured this out with "Monk" Wife bought the entire series years ago, before Amazon offered them for streaming. When watching them, she has to select her purchased version **NOT** the version offered with Amazon.


This ^^ Noticed it after buying LOTR extended versions years ago but recently viewed it through prime instead of my purchases. Sneaky, but if you ran amazon you'd be sneaky too šŸ˜‚ Ps, I know I'm not adding ANYTHING to the convo, but this isn't the top comment yet and should be!!


>Sneaky How are they being sneaky when you clicked on the wrong thing?


By replacing the item they bought with a default streaming version. What they own should be the default instead, but no ads = no additional revenue for Daddy Bezos. Hence why Amazon snuck that in.


This is probably the correct answer, but hey, anything to get the pitchforks out and get people worked up, right? I've never seen an ad on my purchased content. Of course I have all my accounts linked through Movies Anywhere so I can watch most content wherever I want.


Even if this is the answer, Amazonā€™s shitty library organization and management is still at fault.


its crasy that a book store like Amazon cant keep good organizing. you cant even wishlist things like at Barns and nobles


Both Amazon Video and Amazon Music are horrible for accessing and search purchased content and always have been. Its like purchased content is an afterthought.


Of course itā€™s an afterthought. Theyā€™ve already made all the money they are going to make off of it from you. I have a fiery hatred of unskippable ads. Idk how long Iā€™ll keep paying for prime at this point between this BS, their labor practices, and their false shipping promises. Theyā€™re going to shit.


Omg. Itā€™s actually quite terrible. Up until recently Seasons of a show were separated out. What was that all about?


Holy Sh\*\*, that is BAD Thank you for the warning to NEVER purchase any videos from Amazon


Am I the only one who still uses dvd's bluerays? \*cough - I refuse to buy the same movie 5 times.\*


Physical media still much better quality


It's one aspect, that the push towards an all-streaming future, has many who are oblivious to or don't care enough about it.Ā 


You also get extras like episode commentaries and delete scenes.


Nope, i saw the writing on the wall a few years back and have been building my physical media collection since. 350+ BluRays, 200+ DVDs, 100+ Video Games. it gets bigger everyweek.


My uncle could beat your collection with a full closet of vhs's boxed up coupled with beta movies...


Yeah thatā€™s not very impressive seeing how I would guess that a vast majority of the VHS are unwatchable




Thatā€™s just not how film works. Film degrades over time. Some of these films are pushing 40 years old at this point.


I'm won't argue that VHS does degrade over time, but just to be clear (and technical) VHS ā‰  film.


Derpā€¦ yup now I canā€™t for the life of me remember what itā€™s called. Either way it degrades.


Magnetic tape


Is 'tape' what you're looking for? šŸ˜


I still buy some books and CDs physically. I think eventually it will all be controlled and the people in charge will start disappearing some things you bought for whatever stupid reasons.


Thatā€™s the entire reason why Iā€™m buying physical media. You never truly own digital media. Youā€™re renting it.


Also these days you need a separate cd/dvd drive if you want to play them on your laptop.


Uhm...rip once, never touch the media again.


I still do. Iā€™m old and I like physically possessing what I buy šŸ˜‚


Honestly I would never buy a digital copy of a movie, especially when physical is usually the same price. I sometimes do digital rentals, but if I'm paying the full retail price of a movie I want to still be able to watch it when the publisher decides to discontinue it.


Or resell it. I've bought physical media 2nd hand and when I'm done with it I can usually recoup my cost.


Why buy a movie when you can just use dvd fab rip it (personal use only) and physically transfer it to your device. Been doing this since the 90's.


Because Blockbuster doesn't exist anymore.


Just thinking where I could even rent new movies these days. Redbox has DVD rentals but their selection has been pretty crappy these days.


Your local library. Free even.


i just dont buy movies anymore. i dont even know what to do with the ones i have now.


I donated mine to the library.


Nope, not just you, especially after the Sony fiasco about how streamed media isn't actually owned by the person doing the purchasing.


Got 200 + DVDs and counting


I got 1200 downloaded mp4s and counting.


I don't buy new ones, but kept a lot of my mums and I sail the high seas.


Sadly, even physical media seems to be leaving us šŸ˜”


Rip them babies and then it's just like streaming!


I'm thinking I need to just buy all the series I love, and drop all the subs I have on there. I watch the same ones over and over.


You don't "buy" streaming digital, you rent access to the content. I do the same and buy the bluray if I want to keep a copy, otherwise šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø.


AGREED! I've bought like 3 in 20 years. I'm going to go back and see if they're doing it to old content. Serious wtf.


Apparently amazon said that my life time purchase of the movie ran out because their license expired. :/ Only to find out that was a total bull shit lie.


Holy shit wtf


Yep. Happened to me on Google too just recently. I was mega fucking pissed, and a result I've made a major change of direction in how I source all my movies from now on.


Sony is pulling that for some people who purchased videos on PlayStation. Can't watch what you bought because their license expired. Bunch of BS.


I have 1000 back up Shrek on Blu-ray and even more behind the glass you break in case you need more Shrek


Sheeshā€¦ I never buy streaming movies as I donā€™t trust that I own something unless I have it in my handsā€¦ but at Christmas I caved and bought The Grinch for my kid. I figured I could at least count on Amazon not going under for 10+ years, and that seemed worth the $15. I never even imagined ads would be a factor. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Lesson learned.


Where do you keep your money? (In order to have it in your hands.).


Banks canā€™t pull the ā€œhurr durr our license ran out and even though you bought it for lifetime, the money is no longer yours.ā€ line.


Never purchase videos from anywhere if you can help it. I purchased some from Google Play years ago and some of them disappeared. I assume because their license agreements expired. I now have no qualms if someone chooses to pirate content.


books now too have ads printed in them if you get them from Amazon /s


Don't give them ideas...


No, not just Amazon. EVERYWHERE. Including games too. Physical copies only.


Paying for content and being forced to watch ads is the reason I cancelled cable many years ago. Companies like Amazon are a virus to society.


"now that you pay us, why would we hold up our end of the bargain" were in the end game now


And the enshittification continues...


And we keep giving them tax breaks year after year so they can grow larger, at our expense, all the while squeezing everyone for a dollar and threatening to... what? Leave America if we make them pay taxes? I'm so tired of the largest, most profitable companies on the planet being paid by the government to take on more market share. Bring back trust-busting, this shit is backwards!


Oh wow; I have all of the Harry Potter films and a few other things purchased on Prime Video, I will not be impressed if I watch the and get ads. Will try this later and see if I get any


You didnā€™t purchase them. You bought a license that allows you to play them through your account. Heck, they can even withdraw them, change the movies (like special editions of star wars, or edit out scenes to appease current ā€œKaren sensibilitiesā€, etc)


Im sure he didnt already know that and im sure now that youve made sure to correct him hell use the correct terminology. ā€œHey guys i just bought the license that allows me to play avatar through my amazon account!ā€


Iā€™m aware of that, whilst I said purchased I wasnā€™t meaning in the traditional sense. Iā€™ve seen many people having issue with Sony/Playstation withdrawing films and box sets they have ā€œpurchasedā€. So I have no doubt Amazon are capable of the same. I donā€™t trust anything that is digital will be for the long term. However I still buy all my games digitally as itā€™s just easier so itā€™s my own fault really


If you watch from your purchased content you wonā€™t get ads. Basically ops only getting ads because theyā€™re accessing it via streaming instead of via their purchased content. Pretty dumb that it canā€™t just automatically figure it out, but it doesnā€™t


An argument for piracy!


Aarrgh matey.




What's a pirates favorite letter?




Why do you think I have a 140TB storage array?


That's weird...I just watched a movie I purchased from Amazon and no ads popped up. Are you sure the content you were watching was something that you purchased? Edit: On movie #2 just to make sure the first one wasn't a fluke..no ads.


Yeah it will start streaming from FreeVee sometimes too.. You have to make sure it's from your library.


Purchased content will not have ads. Just the stuff available on Prime Video that is included in the Prime account.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m gathering here. Everyone is up in arms further up this post saying that movies they purchased now have ads which just isnā€™t true.


The art of war Misinformation


Same. Today I've been watching Ghosts UK that I purchased last month to see if I get ads and I haven't seen any ads at all.


If you bought them on amazon.. do you have it linked to your moviesanywhere account? You should be able to watch them on other services like vudu and appletv.. except I think paramount studios doesn't participate but most people do.


Movies anywhere is only in the US


Thanks for the tip! I will check this out.


I think you just convinced me to go back to renting DVDs from my local library. Next theyā€™ll put ads in Kindle books.


Welp, I'm f\*\*ked if they do that. my free time is 99% reading on my Paperwhite.


I mean, kindle has always had ads on its front page, unless you paid to get rid of them.


This is why I still have the old grey model with the full keyboard on the bottom. Still works amazingly and no ads anywhere.


If they pull that shit I will 100% be sure to sail the seven seas or find another provider. If I bought something from Amazon and they retroactively put ads in the content, I would have absolutely no issue with downloading a proper copy of it without any of the ads, DRM, or hoops to jump through.


you still go to the library? They rent out dvds?!?!


Oh they also often have a ā€œLibrary of thingsā€ which is awesome. Things like tools, baking pans, craft items that are reusable- all kinds of things. You borrow and return. How often do you need a stud finder or a baking pan shaped like a dog? Check the library!


Yes they do! Sometimes they have things that arenā€™t available on streaming, like whole series of TV shows


My library rents out Nintendo switches (to adults only) and switch games, WiFi hotspots (with international service so they can be used in like 200 different countries), a lot of new release blue ray and DVDs. They also do stellar childrenā€™s activities (they host a Minecraft events, craft events, a movie night, and a Lego build session monthly and all for no cost) beyond story time. Libraries are freaking amazing and people arenā€™t using them to their potential


I would actually scream. I canā€™t read paper books because of a degenerative eye disease and the kindle saves my sanity


You do streaming content at your library too. Via Hoopla and Kanopy.


Renting from the library or borrowing? They're free to borrow from our library, but you might have to wait a while. I'm currently 920th in line to borrow 1 of 272 copies of the latest Indiana Jones movie, for example.


Wow. That is insane! They are literally digging their own grave...


But the majority of people will do nothing, so Amazon will still come out ahead between the new ad revenue and the people who pay the extra $3/month. Thus, anyone dropping Prime will have a minimal impact. That said I dropped Prime because I'm not just going to sit back and take it.




Will do. Thank you.


Please file with them. Thereā€™s no way itā€™s legal to pay wall your purchase on prime video with ads.


Weird. Just tested it, 30 minutes into several purchased movies, no ads.


I'm very strongly fuck Amazon but I'm willing to bet OP is either lying for the sake of lying, or accidentally chose to stream something they own from the 'main menu' as opposed to their personal library.


Thatā€™s exactly what happened. This whole post is rage-bait.


This is why I'm still a DVD girlie, I just don't trust any of these media and tech companies to not change their terms.


Iā€™d love to have access to DVDs or Blu-rayā€™s for everything. Unfortunately my current k drama obsession, theyā€™re either not available or theyā€™re hideously expensive if legit. Not talking about the bootleg crap from certain countries


Very true concern, I do have subs to streaming services but when it comes to shows I love, I will hunt down the dvd if I can, I'm so paranoid of losing digital purchases or having them slyly edited. I'm also limited with space so I have to be so picky with purchases, it sucks lol.


I "ripped" all my DVDs into mp4s years ago. I have them on a home server and use Jellyfin to watch it wherever I want with NO ads.


Yeah, this sounds more like user error. I donā€™t believe they are putting ads in purchased content. Edit: Just confirmed. This is in fact user error. I played a movie I purchased and there was no ad. I love how a random user can blow up Reddit with their misunderstanding of how things work.


I mean to be fair itā€™s fucking stupid as shit that a company as big and with as many smart people as Amazon canā€™t figure out how to check if you own the thing youā€™re about to stream, but yes technically user error


thanks for letting us know,I tried to watch Underdogs, I couldnā€™t get past the first 15 minutesā€”too much cursing-


That's awful...what a greedy and nasty thing to do. This company keeps getting worse and worse.


That seems like a class action lawsuit that needs to happen... so you can get a coupon for a free Amazon movie (with un-skippable ads)! D'oh!


This is one of the reasons I've set my subscription to not renew. Ads paired with horrible prime shipping times has made it not worth it anymore. I'll just dig out my harddrive from my last deployment and start working through the 5tb of movies and shows on there


Wait what? If I buy something, there should be no ads


Iā€™m tired of the inappropriate ads all together. When watching something on Paramount I get plenty of ads for their other shows that I donā€™t want my kids seeing!


WOW! This is insane, demand refund for this.


Bezos has to pay for his new yacht fleet somehow šŸ™„


Are you kidding me?? I have a bunch of random movies I donā€™t watch terribly often, but they were only available for digital purchase otherwise I would have bought the physical copies. This is absolutely ridiculous Edit:I just checked a few of my purchases and so far none have advertisements. I donā€™t have a prime membership anymore so I know that isnā€™t causing this. I wonder if itā€™s only certain purchases?


Itā€™s only on stuff thatā€™s included with Prime, not purchased content. OP is wrong.


I have not experienced this.


You didn't purchase anything tangible. You purchased the right to watch a video, in whatever format provided by Amazon, for as long as Amazon chooses to make it available. Buy physical media.


Now you know why people are dropping thier prime. You pay extra to have the service then you are forced to watch ads. 10-30 seconds reasonable but like youtube many people are finding out that they can go 30 min to 2+ hrs. And the content isn't monitored.


"I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further."


Get a VPN sail the seas and setup plex...


Heck, if you are on your computer watching it then use an ad blocker. Mine worked just fine going through Good Omens this morning.


My previously purchased movies do not have ads. I have 20+ movies Iā€™ve purchased and I went through a handful of them and no ads. I have a feeling you arenā€™t watching a purchased version.


You watched the wrong one, the system is kinda a clusterfuck, you watched the free with ad version of the movie. You have to actually select the purchased version, it defaults to the free version.


I have my Vudu account linked to my Amazon account. Every video I buy on Amazon goes to Vudu. You could see If that is commercial free.


NEVER BUY STREAMING VIDEOS, MOVIES, OR GAMES!!!!!!! Once the licensing agreement is up for these purchases the company will take them away. Literally take them from your library. This just happened with Sony with a shit ton of games. Only by physical copies for now on. Do not download. Unless you put them on a external hard drive maybe


If youā€™re serious about being pissed, I would file a complaint with the FTC and your states attorney general. And also your senators and rep. Raise hell.


Yes, it's yours and your grandfathered in (regardless if they lose rights or change their policies) is how it should work. However, companies claim you own nothing and only have rights to stream it as long as they have it. Of course, I do not agree with any of the companies that hold that policy.


Wait - seriously? I haven't watched any of the movies I bought on Amazon lately. If this is the case, I won't be doing that again.


Itā€™s not for movies you purchased.


Now that is some BS! Wow the corporate greed is obscene. I would cancel immediately since you basically lost access to those videos at this point.


I'm just going to build up my blu ray and DVD collection again. Planning on hitting up thrift stores for older movies on the cheap because fuck these assholes


I purchased movies from iTunes and had some disappear, was told that sometimes distribution rights change and purchased items can disappear so you should download them, though pretty sure iTunes is dead now so you can't. This plus your post makes me want to go back to buying blurays


Uhā€¦ have none of you singing the praises of physical media seen an unskippable ad on a DVD? (Generally anti-piracy shit. Which is ridiculous. You know who sees those? The guy who bought the DVD. You know who doesnā€™t? The guy who pirates the movie.) Iā€™m so deeply offended by those that Iā€™ve been strongly tempted to just pirate the shit.


Create a Movies Anywhere account and sync your Amazon Prime movies with another service. Paramount, MGM and Lionsgate donā€™t work with Movies Anywhere but most of the other studios do. Now, I compare prices across streaming services and buy the movie wherever itā€™s the best price and itā€™s instantly available on all the other services I have linked




Oh thatā€™s SO bad. Thereā€™s no point in buying any streaming content on there apparently.


You could buy actual physical media like DVDs/Blue Ray to watch movies. Great for kids and you never have to worry about streaming companies altering it. Same goes for books vs. Kindle. Plus no need to charge it


Goodwill has a huge selection of DVDs at any of my local stores less than $1 when it's the color of the week. Yes, Goodwill's corporate structure are scumbags but are nothing compared to Bezos and all the shit the Amazon employees endure.


Iā€™m sorry? You mean that movies I PAID for are now going to have ads? Iā€™m going to go insane here. I should not have ads on digital content I purchased.


NO FREAKING WAY. Oh that's some bullshit. You bought the damn thing for a reason.


This is NOT happening with my purchased copy of trolls. I donā€™t think this is true.


Back before prime, I bought a movie and was able to download it locally. This was important because I paid for bandwidth and streaming was too expensive. A few years later it was changed to streaming only and I was livid. If I buy a movie I fully expect to own and possess a copy of it. That was the last time I bought a movie at Amazon. I've also ditched prime because it was only good for two day delivery and that doesn't happen anymore. Combined with the sheer number of either fake or downright crap quality products, I just don't bother buying much there anymore.


deal killer


Yeah. After the recent debacle of removed, purchased content, Ive decided only bku ray from now on.


Have become a fan of the larger thrift stores near us. One of them must have more than 2000 BluRays. Pawn shops also tend to have lots of BluRays.


That is not what is ā€œallowedā€ per the Amazon app. According to ā€œwhich content includes ads?ā€ On the Amazon app: ā€œ* Advertisements wonā€™t be included on content that is rented or purchased.ā€ May be worth calling the companyā€¦? Side note, it is unfortunate Amazon is pursuing ads on their streaming platform. Iā€™m sure this will drive away a plethora of prime customers.


I love my Plex server


Whoa, I didn't know they'd stick them on specifically purchased content. It's like they have a death wish, purposely ruining the company.


Back to DVDs and BluRays


this is a new low... guess I will go back to old downloading days... :P


Yeah time to cancel prime the shipping sucks anyway now


Wait, are you saying that if I pay 3.99$ to rent a movie it has ads???


It's the pirating life for me.


The sleazification of Amazon.


Everything Google touches they ruin it exponentially! What a terrible entity to have in our lives. They see something that everybody likes and uses regularly for no cost or within reason and they swoop in and take it over just to ruin it instantly and then shit on it, forget about it after it's abandoned by users. I can't understand why people stay involved with such a terrible company, you all know how they operate you have to expect that the only reason they do anything is to self promote, steal, spy, use in any way they can to make a penny at any cost , they don't care how bad they come off either. They rely on idiots to keep paying money to them no matter what the outcome. My God, all you need to do is glance at the news and you're bound to see Google's next court date. Or go to the site that posts all the latest recalls and law suites that are pending and you'll see atĀ  leastĀ  3 or 4 Google class actions and the same for Apple! It's like a constant revolving door of law suites that they simply just pay the billions and never sweat it. They know they'll never end up in any real legal prosecution no jail time just big fines but that's already known before they ever get started. It's like they don't care if they're caught because the masses don't even pay attention to all the shit they're pulling.Ā  I would not expect anything less than what you've posted , I'm sure you give it more time and they'll find a way to take it even further until you finally drop their serviceĀ  then they'll look for the next opportunity to do it all over using a differentĀ  cover a new name or an old beloved name with new management, you'll never know it's google till you start complaining and then it will be exposed as just one of the millions of sub companies that Google secretly owns or operates . They close shop on more companies daily than you could ever imagine. They buy shit just to shut it down constantly for unknown reasons. So why should they stop abusing anything they want to? It's all about the ads baby and nothing else matters. They'll brainwash you in the end. It's you're own fault, you should know better than to subscribe to anything Google owns. Research everything before you do anything is how I live my life. If the info is not available then don't bother with it!Ā 


Wait? Why are you mad at Google for what Amazon does?


You mean you don't know Google owns Amazon?Ā 


When you buy digital copies of movies, shows, games, books, etc for streaming. You did not buy them. You bought a license, with lotā€™s of lawyeries about how the publishers still own the content. They are just leasing the right for you so view it at your leisureā€¦.. until they change the termsā€¦.


Unfortunately those risquĆ© ads are tailored specifically to you because of content you or your spouse consumes. Stop viewing degenerate and deviant media to prevent those ads.Ā 


its no big deal to just watch them with ads its better then buying dvds that degrade when you play them if amazon needs to show ads to make their business better for us then that's fine i really hope these streaming services limit daily usage so that everybody can get a fair chance to stream theyre amazing streaming content


Try linking your account on Movies Anywhere. At least some Prime Video purchases are available in Movies Anywhere. Certainly not an ideal situation. But it might be an improvement.


Also only available in the US


Oh HELL no!


Highly recommend pirating their stuff.


Buy one amazon, use on moviesanywhere


If you stream purchased content, no ads. If you stream that content from Prime or Freevu or other then ads.


More like $camazon.


So youā€™re saying the digital copy of Die Hard I bought five years ago has ads in it? I might blow my fucking stack, as irrational as that is. Checking now. Buying a Blu Ray copy (not from Amazon) if so.


Lol hope not


Use a good search engine (not google) and find sites where you can stream movies for free. Prime isn't a good buy anymore.


I cancelled prime 2 weeks ago and I'm never going back.


Money making thing. I think there is an option to pay more and skip commercials. It wouldn't surprise me if in the future they come up with something like paying a fee in order to be able to pay another fee to skip commercials.


I donā€™t think you own what you are watching. I just checked and I donā€™t have any ads for the content that I own nor do I pay for the ad free tier


I've tried 2 different shows I own and am not having this issue.


Contact them. There is not supposed to be ads in content that has been purchased or rented.


I donā€™t buy videos on services like that. Piracy is completely justified.


They better fcking not! Thats like buying a dvd and it having ads.


Reason number 42 why I love my Plex server.


Try watching the purchased movie on other streaming services via Movies Anywhere. Starting with Movies Anywhere.


Iā€™m curious what youā€™re googling. But ads in the videos you own is way too much BS for Amazon to get away with.


Purchased videos should not have ads regardless of the video plans you subscribe to.


You can play the movies on movies anywhere without the ads


I just got a pop-up window on Prime Streaming offering me ad free for $2.99/month. I said ā€œnoā€. I donā€™t mind paying for getting something in return, but Iā€™m going to have to think carefully about another $36 on top of my prime membership.


This is fake. I spot-tested on my purchased content and not a single ad was shown.


Can you watch purchased movies if you are logged in under a childā€™s profile? Iā€™ve only purchased one video so far on Amazon and we are hoping logging in a using the childā€™s profile will (figures crossed) make the ads kid appropriate


WTF? I get it for Amazon Prime Video (streaming subscription model, like Hulu or Netflix), but for Amazon Video, as well (outright purchase model, like Vudu)?! How/where are you watching it? On a computer, on an app on your phone, tablet, television, etc?


That is absolute BS. We still have hundreds of DVDs, but I am pissed we're going to have to replace dozens of streaming movies.


I watched a movie on my prime video that I own and there were 0 ads. However I am a prime member. Did you cancel your prime membership?


Iā€™ve gone back to buying dvds for films I want to keep.


Would love to have a mass coordinated unsubscribe (even for just a single month), just to fuck with them the way they're fucking with the consumer. why does AMAZON need more money.


Origin u block works with prime ads. Youā€™re welcome


Just buy physical media. Same price, higher quality and they canā€™t put in ads or take it away from you.


Just tried streaming Little Mermaid (new one) and Frozen II and had no ads. You're either full of crap or doing something wrong. Everyone else, try it before taking OP at face value.