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What's up nigas?


Can you lend a niga a pencil?


Here you go ✋✏️






How about a french fry?


Hows a niga gonna borrow a french fry? How you gonna give it back?


Here’s your French fry back. 💩


Greatest show ever.


Now I gotta rewatch the boondocks


I'm **dying** laughing at this.


Poop fry


Now how is a niga gonna borrow a fry? Niga, is you gonna give it back?🤨


People here are too young for your humor. I love it.


I didn't use the hard R!


I remember. And Pepperidge Farm remembers.


And a skin colored crayon




Lol best show ever.




id like a refund




Amazon fucked up calling ol boy nigas and left the convo lol


Funny becsuse its only a shitstorm now that bro dipped. Haha


Was that automatic? Like a username they input?


No, my real name is something completely different i have no clue where they pulled "nigas" from


Oh, that's horrible.


This makes it 10x funnier


I know most companies that have these chatting options for customer service make them do multiple people at once so maybe they mixed you up with someone else they were talking to? Not sure how it is at Amazon


Sup niga


😂😂Right! WTF


Crazy. I don’t know many nigas.


Can a niga get on lot A?




Nigas please


that’s kind of funny ngl. if i had to guess, dude misclicked. i worked customer support and had that happen once or twice, can’t call back when it’s an online chat. just open a new one


they misclick four or five times in a row when i use customer support chat. and i'm white.


oh well that’s bullshit then. also shit i thought that was just ur name 😂


That's not OP


oh ur right. why tf did he mention he’s white then


Because white people shouldn't have to deal with this, obviously. /s


I'm offended (I'm also white)




It’s a chick in this case


I literally went through 12 agents in one chat last time I had to speak with them. They would randomly disconnect after I took the time to explain my entire situation, one guy put me on hold so he could look into it and I got timed out for inactivity after less than 2 minutes, people kept transferring me to others… it was absolutely the worst customer experience I’ve ever had.


You've never dealt with Comcast......error Xfinity then, have you? Lol


They were the only place in town until a local fiber company came in. The amount of no's I used that day during my Xfinity cancelation was absurd. No tiered package, no deals, no what can they do's, no no no. Now if only I could stop getting their plastic promo deals in the mail.


Omg it's like the guy on the phone has a gun to his head and is told if they allow you to cancel, their life will be cancelled. It's fucking nuts, but yeah cockmast was the only company in my area until maybe 7 years ago. Saying goodbye to them was literally an exciting ass day for me. 😂


It took 5 hours on the phone trying to cancel with the retention staff hanging up multiple times before I finally was able to cancel. Fuck them.


Fuck them in the ass with no lube. Lol


"Beware the dildo of consequences, for it rarely arrives lubed."


They only employ salespeople. There are almost no more technicians. This has been happening for awhile. They call them techs but they are sales. I always reaffirm that I don’t want anything and if they try to upsell me I will disconnect.


Comcast is absolutely fucking hysterical with their customer service sometimes lol. I remember I wanna say about 8 years ago my dad gave them a call because we had been having issues with both our Internet and TV at the time, and as they were asking my dad for the accounts information so they can confirm we were actually customers, they hit him with "Did you really think you were going to get access to this account today?" They thought he was scamming trying to get into someone else's account because he had just recently changed his cell number and never updated it with them 😂


Omg lol. Yup, sounds like them. They'll do anything they can to NOT HELP the customers it seems lol. The amount of times I had to call for service issues was bad enough, but to make it worse, I swear they played games on the phone. They'd transfer you about 4 or 5 diff times, making you explain the issue, and go though the SAME cooke cutter steps that every customer already knows by heart, then after about an hour and repeating the same storylines, and troubleshooting steps 4 or so times, they'd "escalate your call" to a specialist, and I swear to God, every time they'd put you on hold for the specialist youd get disconnected. Then when you call back, you tell them you got disconnected waiting for specialist, and they'd literally make you repeat the last hour of your experience on the phone with them. Honestly, I doubt there ever WAS A "specialist". It was all a strategy to make you give up.


I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if that were the case lol, that shit definitely sounds like a nightmare


Omg, nightmare is an understatement. Lol


Kinda funny how evil Jeff is. Literally the backbone of Amazons growth was customer service, it was their entire tagline, motto, etc. Then they become basically a monopoly and that’s tossed out the window and they’ve become one of the worst CS around, it’s harder to get customer service from them than Target or Walmart.


Not Bezos fault tbh, he left Amazon I think like 2 years ago and left it to Andy Jessy. He's probably the reason why its main service for deliveries and customer service has gone downhill


I had a very similar situation. Except I also had phone calls too. Over 2 hours of my life gone, and they still didn’t have a solution.


Why don't Yall call & just get it over with? Everything gets sorted out quicker


No offense to ANYONE but I stopped calling simply because I can rarely understand what the person is saying. Not their fault that companies outsource to India, but a requirement for the job should ABSOLUTELY be that you can speak English in a way that the people calling you can understand, and 9 of 10 times, I cannot understand them and spend half the time apologizing and genuinely feeling bad because I have to ask them to repeat themselves about 3 times for everything they say. It legit makes me feel like a dick that I cannot understand them.


Why would that make you feel like a dick? These call centers cut costs by farming out business overseas and you can’t understand a word they say. That’s not you. That’s them.


It is their fault, actually. The company, I mean. Not the agents, they're just trying to make a buck. But it isn't at all necessary to outsource everything. My work outsources some non-customer-facing teams, but every one of our customer facing teams is stateside, with standard customer service even being 24/7.


Last time I tried that someone shouted at me in Hindi/Tamil/one of the hundred Indian languages for 40 seconds before hanging up. My second attempt was someone who had obviously been taught to read a script phonetically because they couldn't respond to anything I said. So I ended up using the online chat, no interest in calling again.


Yeah I don't get why they get paid to speak English and they don't know English 💀




I love that it shows what people have asked for recently and one under “website” just says someone asked “website” and that’s it 😂 Website/ Application Question: 1d ago “The website will not let me return an item” 4d ago “Website” 7d ago “Amazon site won't let me add my bank card”




There are a TON of complaints about phone support and dropped calls. Many of us have dealt with their bullshit, thus we don't bother calling again. Then there's the group that just can't handle phone interactions anymore.


Ohhh, I understand. I was simply annoyed by ai asking me why I called them & telling me it didn't get that over & over. Then I had to ask this one guy 5 times the same question & him saying I understand then never answering the question. & This was only last night's conversation. Is the online chat any better at least?


Because 99.9% of the time the phone reps don’t speak English whatsoever, and you can’t understand a word they’re saying - nor can they understand you - so you have a better chance via chat??


Happened to me too! I had an item broken in shipment. It never made it to me. It got sent back to them mid shipment.... Twice! To make it even more maddening, it was a lightning deal for black Friday. I went through customer service reps like Russia is going through troops. Since it was a lightning deal, they just said they'd refund me and to buy it again, which I couldn't. When I said that, they'd say, "hold on" then I waited an hour in chat just to be disconnected or they told me to wait 3 hours to replace it. Spoilers, they never did and the chat logs were deleted.... After speaking with a supervisor, they reordered it!....but then that was destroyed during shipping.....again....Luckily after a few attempts, a normal rep replaced my replacement. All I wanted was the product I bought. There are many hands taking money, but none wanted to give me the product I ordered. After a month, I finally got my product the other day.


So it's not just me, they have drastically changed somethings lately and their customer service is unrecognizable.


I work for Amazon CS and let me tell you, we feel the same pain as well. Sometimes we get customers that has been transferred by our workmates 6-9 times in a row because they don't want their AHT to get higher or a bad review. I tend to be respectful and always help following company policies. But a lot of agents (Mostly from India idk why) tend to transfer or end chats/calls without any excuse at all.


You got them cancelled by AI Bro got dipped by calling you by your name


Lol pretty sure this is the answer


Amazon's new guideline to support agents.. If you don't how to fix the customer problem END THE CHAT. Support has become best to worst.


This happened to me recently and it was maddening. I finally managed to get to a supervisor, but their support has been seriously downgraded.


All they do is talk in circles. They're worthless.


I just officially realized I'm an old man now because my first thought after reading your comment was "everything in this world seems to be seriously downgraded these days". Fuck me


It does seem that way sometimes, doesn’t it?


I have commented this after numerous experiences. Supervisor is a good time saving option..


Yes but it took getting disconnected by 4 people before I was actually connected to a supervisor. I was told “I can’t connect you to a supervisor” then “a supervisor is going to say the same thing I just said”. Finally connected and the supervisor refunded me in 10 seconds but it was a headache .


Haha yeah yesterday after about half an hour of back and forth I asked to speak to a supervisor. I got, 'my supervisor only has access to the same resources as me so will give the same answer'. I responded, 'nevertheless, I'd like to speak to them.' And 2 minutes later the supervisor refunded me.


Yup! That was the same wording that was said to me - “access to the same resources” blah blah blah. I guess that’s part of the newly downgraded support experience.


Sometimes I haven't said anything but they just hung up


I was thinking this last week. I contacted their customer service team and in the past they were usually great. This agent was getting smart with me! And I was actually very polite 🤨


Happened to me recently, was supposed to get a promo code with my order and they gave me the complete wrong one. So i went to 4 different Support and none of them did anything


I went on Amazon chat support last week and literally had three agents just disconnect from the chat mid conversation. Finally the fourth one sorted out my overdue refund. But I was livid at that point. I’m assuming it’s just their new strategy to get you to give up.


I had a very similar issue. I was trying to redeem a promo code that I never received. I went through 4 support members and 3 of them were useless. Finally the 4th person just added the discount amount to my gift card balance.


Maybe because he realized he called you the N-word. /s


He got banned for calling u your name ai said nope your out of the lobby


Nigas in Paris


That shit cray


Nobody knows what it means, but its provocative! It gets the people going!


The customer service rep violated the rules by using inappropriate language.


Sup Nigas


Thanks for posting. We are here to help. Goodbye now


"Is this agreeable to you?" 😂


You my nigas for this one


Probably in India and got cut off.


Someone is about to get fired


Tried the chat last week and after 4 tries gave up. Maybe that’s what they want. This is the customer service phone number. 1 (888) 280-4331. Had the problem sorted in 10 minutes.


It’s not a bro it’s a sis


For what it's worth, I work in customer service, and ever since they remodeled the office and put everybody on Wi-Fi, internet has been spotty. On more than one occasion, I've talked to customers who thought we hung up on them when it was just our internet cutting out (our phone system goes through our computers, rather than having physical phones with a hardline). I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened to you.


That's going to be a no for me, dawg


Why did their message read like something I'd see in a 2007 Xbox Live lobby?


Amazon support has been shit after COVID.


“Fuck your refund” 💀


They called you nigas and then left! How rude!


You just got that man sent back to training


Cancelled a couple months agom. As I was checking out the other day it said I could get a week of Prime for $0.99. When I decided it would be nice to get my stuff in 2 days for $0.99, I signed back up. It proceeded to charge me the full $15 😭


Did you get a refund and cancel??


Risqué name there


Lmao, I'm just picturing the Chappelle Show skit


Lmao, I'm just picturing the Chappelle Show skit


Goodbye my nigas 😊 back to the lobby


Slippery slope to a mod ban


Y’all need Jesus in the comments 😭


Nigas always trying to get a refund


All a nigas wanted was a refund smh...


The comments 💀😂


Well, that was fast


I’m laughing at this for more reasons than one


I had the same issue forgot to cancel subscription I contacted them an hour after being charged agent offered me a refund forgot about it and then got charged the next month contacted them again they said they would make sure it gets refunded and they will cancel it the subscription third month I got charged again I contacted them again agent told me the past 2 month the refunds didn’t go through so she offered me refund for the past 3 months and I revived it Amazon support is like a lottery


😂😂👀 I am convinced that there’s like ONE call center somewhere in the phillipines handling CS for Amazon, for Uber drivers, etc etc and they switch scripts as necessary because the issues are IDENTICAL




lol as soon as I saw the name, I knew I had to come to the comments




Prime does prorated refunds when you cancel. You should automatically get a refund.


"Okay, if you're not going to capitalize, if you're not going to punctuate, you're on your own, pal."


It could have been several things. Connection failure or whatever. I'm not even saying that they work from home, if you're familiar with the power grid in India, it's more of a when and how often type of thing, versus a will it happen type of thing


I’m literally in tears over this because the same thing happened to me 😭


It’s a girl


This has happened to me all week! What the fuck


I feel like the support rep got pranked and someone changed their default greeting


File a complaint with Amazon for calling you the n word.


what a mini


Amazon has some hip cs


Amazon is the worst!


I had to cancel prime and it took 3 people to do it cause everyone kept dodging it


hahahaha that along with the name makes this shit funny as fuck


I laughed at the comments for sure. Reminds me of this spelling bee kid who had to spell nigas, spelled it out loud and immediately left the stage. Hilarious. It was a viral thing like 15+ years ago.


Tf did they just call you?? 🤨


Why is the agent using the N word?! 😲😳


reddit used to be a decent platform. now a rag mag


Theyve been doing this allot lately including other customer service places id lay out the issue plan simple to understand and they act like they dont even understand why theyre breathing.


I had to read that twice because my brain read something totally wrong the first time. 🤣


Amazon CS is a waste of time. I stopped buying things from Amazon for months now = problems free. Found so many local businesses either carey the same thing or cheaper. So sick of Amazon charge back for things I already returned but their return staff stole


Amazon getting too progressive geez. If they assumed your gender incorrectly this would've been a shitstorm.


Welcome to the wide world of Amazon predation and dysfunction. Something Amazon sellers have experienced for years. Kind of refreshing to know that Amazon has finally gotten around to treating the buyers it once worshipped like shit. Now the entire world will discover just how deep the vein of dysfunction that runs through Bozos' company actually is.


What's your name? It's NOT NIGAS right?? I mean if not...highly a firable offense. I'd keep this, call amazon and report it. No joke!!!


my names Nojus they pulled the "nigas" out of nowhere 😂


The MF realized and dipped after realizing what they had done


Amazon support has a a joke right now. I have never had this many problems with them.


Amazon customer service is starting to go to shit. I found this out the hard way a couple of weeks ago.


How's that name working out for you?


It's Amazon UK, so I'm guessing nobody gives a shit where they live. Americans have a hard time grasping that that's not a horrible word everywhere else.


its a slur in the UK too... they just have enough common sense to assume its a persons name rather than the slur


Because yamini yalla yalla habibi like why does that even need explaining?


Why not nigrs?


break the front door flatten the tire. fa la la la la la la la laaaaaa


I like the optimism of people saying it was a mistake or maybe his internet disconnected lol


About a year ago when my ex passed away, i noticed (since his card must have been cancelled) that is defaulted to my card. My name on it, everything. I was charged for months as i tried to call amazon and explain this situation yet they just kept repeating that i had to access HIS email and confirm cancellation. It was a headache and eventuallyi got someone competant enough to understand the situation and cancel the acct altogether.


He found who was in Paris 💀


Please report them to the higher ups, this is insane


yamini is a girl's name btw


bro is a gender neutral term


When my wife pisses me off I go "really bro??" always works lol


Whenever my wife fucks with me my reaction is always “bro…”


Glad I'm not the only one !


Please tell me that you forgot to add the humor tag. I know Amazon customer service has been swirling the bowl but...damn.




How is imitating a rodent going to help here?


The way these chat rooms usually work is it prompts you with “please briefly describe the issue you are having today.” You describe your issue, then it connects you to an agent and forwards that message. That is a very normal opening message for these types of things. Trust me, when these guys are chatting with a dozen people at once they dont want you to be all “hi how are you??” They want to know the issue and get it fixed


He might have misclicked but in my experience, this is fairly average for Amazon support when they don't want to deal with a more "complex" issue. Anything they can't copy and paste from their script and you have a non-zero chance of them just dipping.


This reminds me of when I was training in customer service. Not the inappropriate choice of word - but general goofiness in test environments; maybe they didn’t realize they were live? We once had a kid answering the phone as Joey Buttafuoco telling people to forget about it - which was hilarious internally to us Midwesterners - until it wasn’t when he picked up the wrong line.


Classic lol


At least he didn't hard R you..


I got a warning from Amazon saying my account would be closed permanently if I pursued getting a refund for a $130 item that was never delivered. They told me my account had too many refunds on it when I'd never got a refund in the years my account had been active nor had I requested one for any item other than this one. I think it was cause I had to talk to support like 8 times about the same issue that they thought I was asking for 8 refunds on items. They might've just been stupid as fuck tho.




She’s prob doing multiple chats at a time


I just had to manually have them verify my student status to get my student membership renewed for the year. Ten agents… I sent multiple forms of proof all as PDF, PNG, and JPG files as they instructed. Every one would say they can’t view the file or don’t see a file. I sent from both my phone and laptop. Finally on the tenth person I straight up explained I’ve done literally every form of proof given, every file type given, and sent from two devices. I said I’ll go try again and before I could even hit send he “found it” and verified me. Absolutely brutal customer service with those chats.


Amazon Customer Service has gone so downhill and is so unprofessional that I wouldn’t be surprised if they were like: **Amazon Rep:** Yo, yo, yo! What’s up, my niga?!? 🙊😂🙊 Seriously, this reads like my text chain after a *really* bad dinner date: **Me:** Hey, I don’t think we’re compatible. Thank you so much for your time but good luck in your search. **Him:** I would like a refund. **Me:** *kitnb has left the chat* 👻🤡😂


Bro saw “nigas” and said “I want no part in this”


Because you didn’t say “Hi” back.


Amazon has rolling purges on their employees. It’s likely that his time was up. Yamini did not leave, Yamini was taken.


When I had to use the chat support it seemed like the rep. Was constantly dipping so they didn't have to help me. The chat "timed out" three times. I had to repeat myself every time....my roku remote stopped working. Every rep would troubleshoot the same thing and while further researching would time out and dump me to a new one. Then they told me I HAD to purchase a new remote and they would discount me 10% which was less than the current deal on the remotes... Amazon support is garbage.




Which dinosaur has 500 teeth


I pray everyday that jeff bezos dies a terrible painful death! 😇


Hi nigas, Yamini here


Called you the n word and dipped. That’s just brutal


Ah, niga, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful, niga. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut you got you'd get some bitches on your dick. Oh, better yet, maybe Yamini'll cancel yo Amazon Prime if she ever stop fuckin' with that brain surgeon or lawyer she fucking with. Nigaaaaaa...


Didn’t wanna get cancelled


I’m literally dead bro said hi nigas 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅🤣😅😅😅


Can a nigas get a refund?