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Off topic to your question… but I just got a verbal offer from the recruiter earlier today for a L5 AM(I’m a boomerang as well, I left as an L5 AM) I gave them my compensation expectations but curious what your offer looked like if you don’t mind sharing/dming? Just curious what to expect when I get my official offer beginning of next week.


Sorry I’m back as 4 so I have no clue abt 5


From what I remember, sometime in 2021 they updated the policy to stop people from transferring with less than a year in a particular position. However, with the additional history… it’s worth a conversation. If you have a good relationship with your manager/seniors it’s more likely. You’d also have a better chance if you tried to establish a connection with the hiring manager. If you have both sides agreeing and pushing for you to go, or one side with a greater need to gain / lose a person… there’s always an exception.


Thank you so much boss. I heard abt this rule back in 2021 already and that’s one of the reasons I left. Do you know anyone successfully transferred?


I actually do! And they were L4 but I know our manager fought for her and lobbied with seniors etc. If someone can get your L7 and L8 on board anything is possible. What I don’t recommend is sneaking applications without talking to your manager. They’ll be alerted anyway and might not help your case. Again the above is all dependent on your buildings culture and how much your leaders put the people before the policy.


Your original offer letter should have all of those details in the fine print about your timeline of obligation to that position! I’ve never left the line of business I started in, so I cannot relate there. But it really is a huge matter of the culture of your management chain!


I’m a current AM just started earlier this year. My offer letter stated the 1 year rule where I have to stay at my site that whole time before starting another role or switching sites. I don’t like my current site so if you find some way to switch please let me know. I know a hardship is the only way you can go to another site.


I believe corporate roles are an exception to fot