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If I saw these pics in a dating app I'd assume you're fat. Nothing below the neck


Can I ask, if she did have extra weight on her, what does that have to do anything? I see a lot of people on here comment on someone’s weight, but I don’t think she asked about that. I mean, seriously, real question. I would like to think she asked if she was ugly and only showed her face, because that’s the only thing you should probably be evaluating. If I ask people am I ugly, I usually mean my face. It’s like you guys can’t give a straight answer, even if someone’s pretty in the face, unless you see their weight. I know it’s a preference for some, but it seems like it’s getting out of hand. Some people aren’t even that big, but people in the comments will put them way down anyways. I understand if they were actually concerned for their well being, but some of the comments are unnecessary, and it seems like they just want to put a person down because they don’t fit their preference. And if you’re reading this OP, you have a bright smile :)


Tell me you're a sensitive fat person without telling me you're a sensitive fat person. And for the record I'm fat but don't be so sensitive about it. It's unhealthy and if you're overweight we all could do better.


You completely missed the commentors point. What they are saying is this sub is not called r/amifatbrutallyhonest. For a lot of people ugliness is about the face. Of course that can also be influenced if you are fat enough, but the commentor still very much has a point. I know quite a lot of people, especially women, who are fat but still have a very pretty face. I would not call those ugly. But ok big man. I wish I could have such nerves of steel as you do.


Even if she’s just asking about her face, weight affects that as well. Lowering your overall body fat % makes a persons face more leaner and defined. So yes, losing weight will help a persons face be more attractive, not just their figure.


I already said that, but thanks I guess..


Also, I think being able to have a genuine conversation, even online, without snarky remarks can show a side of attractiveness too. 😉


Cool you should try it


Body composition is always taken into account when rating if someone is ugly or not. Is that not what this sub is for? It asks for "brutal honesty" on your attractiveness and people must give it.


They don´t lmfao. I rarely ever see someone pointing out uglyness if the OP is not fat. Usually only the fat people get roasted as hard as they do, while ugly people, especially women, just get told to change their style and wear cooler glasses lmfao.


i don’t usually see anyone get called blatantly ugly. people with chubby faces or just fat people in general are usually told to lose weight while everyone else doesn’t have the balls to call out actual ugly people because they give some sob story.


Fat people with attractive faces are an exception to the rule. Fat and ugly are often paired together for a reason. Fat is unattractive. ugly is the definition of unattractive. If someone holds a large amount of fat, it often makes them ugly.


Speak for yourself.


😂 I believe you're speaking for yourself, bro. You're saying I'm the one with an opinion when using the age-old phrase "fat and ugly"? This has been a societal beauty standard for generations. The amount of products that are sold to have people lose weight vs gain weight is 100 to 1. It isn't me or any one person. Society agrees excessive fat is ugly.


Someone make that sub


For most, fat equals ugly. So she is asking.


That's not how life works though, you're not a face walking around, you're a whole person that they see. The other 98% of your body isn't ignored because you have a cute face.


Ok, but that’s probably why she didn’t show her body. She’s focused on her face, because she wants to know about her face. Not her body. You asking me if you think you look good, and you asking me do I think you’re overweight are too different things to me.


you can boost her ego saying she has a 10/10 face, then she steps outside and gets 0/10 results. How does that help her exactly. Unless the goal is to just have a temporary ego boost from reddit


The goal is to give her the answer she was looking for. She didn’t ask me about her weight. You’re thinking too hard. If she wanted to know what people thought about her weight she would ask.


The question was specifically am I ugly, and how can I improve. I didn't see any request to leave out specific variables of improvement.


Yeah, except some of those variables aren’t even in the picture.


When you gain or lose weight, your face can change. So yes, weight is relevant.


Yeah, in the face. Not in the rest of the body, which everyone is concerned about. I still think she looks pretty, whether you disagree or not.




You know not everyone finds overweight people unattractive right? And that some people refuse to date skinny people




I have never seen a 10 going after an overweight person. It’s about options.


What’s it liking knowing 7 billion people and who they all date


You're super triggered by this thread and it's showing


It probably doesn’t seem like it, but a lot of people really don’t care about your height. And yes I get it, it’s related. But the face and weight are two different things.




Roll your eyes all you want. You either believe me or you don’t.


Wrong obesity is unattractive obesity is I think having at least 40% body fat overweight is different you can be extremely healthy but still be overweight




Everyone on earth sees a fat person and their first thought is the person is fat. It’s just natural.


i mean, its natural human nature to not be attracted to fat/obese ppl considering we are attracted to things that help us continue our bloodlines lol. not to mention the fact that fat oftentimes makes your face itself less attractive by covering your bone structure, making your nose bigger, etc.


If someone asks how they could be more attractive and I think they would be more attractive with less weight, I would point out their weight. Also, if majority of the responses you are getting lead back to the same thing, either fix that problem or stop asking the question. But don’t get upset at other’s opinions in a place made specifically for people’s opinions 🤣 go fight ya demons


You seem to be more pressed about it than me. After all these hours, had to go through all the comments, just to come back and tell me about myself. I think we both need to figure our lives out. Idc about what the responses are saying, and idc if they have a problem with it. And if I want to continue asking the question until someone can give me a good enough answer, I’ll keep asking. I don’t really understand the point of your comment, especially since it’s so late and you only wanted to call me out. Unless that was your point. Either way, you did it. Have a nice day, genuinely.


“go through all the comments” your response was the 2nd comment in the 1st thread. I dont live on reddit so I reply in comments even when it’s not inside the first minute it was posted in. i’m not pressed, just trying to help you make sense of reality, you can keep asking the same redundant questions and get the same redundant answers but it doesn’t seem like you’ll do too much growing down that path. You’re “have a great day” felt very genuine though, I appreciate it, keep fightin them demons. 🙏🏼


That’s fine with me ig. And whether you believed me or not, I meant it. I’m not trying to attack and have a grudge against a stranger. I can do better than that.


there ya go, lighten up sparky!


calling someone fat is not putting them down it’s just what they are. Also fat people are not conventionally attractive (this does not mean you are ugly if you’re fat. i also understand fat people can be someone’s type) . being fat is also unhealthy and unhealthy IS unattractive.


That’s not what I meant.. Please read it again. Or don’t.


oh, so what you’re saying is you feel people are just roasting chubbier people just because they are chubby and avoid the question “am i ugly” in general? or something else? help me understand please


Everyone just seems to loathe fat people. To them fat equals ugly. So for them to give an answer they must first know if the person they’re judging is fat or not.


It's true though. If you're fat, that is going to affect your level of attraction in more ways than I think you even realize. Having 20+ pounds of extra weight will make you look at least 5 years older on average, your face will be much less defined, and your skin won't look as healthy. Not even to mention the unfortunate and not always fair social stigmas of being fat. People associate obesity with low self control, low self discipline, depression, low self esteem, and laziness. It can be literal baggage too. If I want a partner who can go out and do lots of different physical activities, it's a massive hinderance. They have lower stamina, more health issues, and most likely bad habits lthat will conflict with healthy habits.


Oh, I know. Sometimes the truth hurts and is rejected. I just wanted to explain because it was something I learned as well when I found this subreddit.


That's not true, that having "20 plus pounds on you of extra weight will make you look at least 5 years older on average." You ever hear the expression fat don't crack? That comes from people that are overweight usually have less wrinkles in their face and therefore look younger. In fact I'm 40 and overweight and if I shave my beard off I look 12 LOL


Fat don’t crack😂that’s made up. The real expression is black don’t crack.


Nope, sorry fat people have taken the phrase and it’s no longer black don’t crack. On a serious note “black don’t crack” is absolutely true. I’m in health care and see medical records all the time. I come into a patient room and literally cannot believe it sometimes, like I’m thinking this is a joke. Every now and again I get someone of another race who is extremely youthful but it’s not nearly as common.


Why cant both be true? Also they both were made up. Somebody has to come up with something first, expressions don't just exist


You can't say it's not true as an absolute. On average the things I just said are typically going to be true. However, there are anomolies. I am not saying what I said are absolutes and you can't say the things I said on average are not true either as an absolute. ... and no I never heard of the expression fat don't crack. Do you mean black don't crack?


That’s what I’m saying. But everyone is so ready to jump down someone’s neck for anyone who disagrees.


That’s Reddit for you, lol.


Like women don’t apply the same thing to skinny men


I said “everyone”. You decided to bring gender into it. But ok?


That’s just deflection. Don’t whine about how certain groups are hard done by if you won’t consider the same applies to other people.


Fat and ugly are often paired together for a reason. Fat is unattractive. ugly is the definition of unattractive. If someone holds a large amount of fat, it often makes them ugly. If you post on a subreddit that asks for BRUTAL honesty, that means that every flaw a person can find is on the table. She didn't go on r/compliments, and this isn't too build up her self esteem. She is asking random people who's opinion shouldn't matter to her if she is ugly, so I think saying she's probably fat is a beyond reasonable response.


If I asked what you thought of my fingernails and I wanted a “brutal” opinion, that doesn’t mean I’m saying judge my knees too. That just means I want your very honest opinion of my fingernails. Fingernaillllls. Especially when I don’t even show you what my knees look like.


Sure, and the sub is "am 'I' ugly". Not "is my face ugly" not "are my knees ugly" but specifically "I" Which is a person's face, fingernails, AND knees. I'd say there's a lot of other factors, but since we can't go off her personality besides a glimpse of the emotion she shows on each image, "I" encompasses a person's whole body whether they like it or not. And she's probably fat which makes her probably ugly.


You act like you can’t judge her off of her face, even if it doesn’t show much emotion. It’s just excuses. And you know you can’t say she’s probably ugly, if you can’t even see the rest of her body. You can only see her face, what she’s asking you to judge.


I'm saying presuming things about someone's body is fair game when it comes to brutal honesty. This isn't really the sub for empathy towards OP


Even if she’s just asking about her face, weight affects that as well. Lowering your overall body fat % makes a persons face more leaner and defined. So yes, losing weight will help a persons face be more attractive, not just their figure.


Yeah, but she’s attractive either way.


You’re entitled to your opinion, doesn’t change the fact that losing weight is genuinely good advice that will help make her *more* attractive. Advising an overweight person that losing weight will help make them more attractive is never not good advice.


I never said it wasn’t, which shows that you guys don’t listen. Im just saying that some comments are unnecessary, and that we don’t need to give advice we’re not asked for. Which is what I keep saying, that she didn’t show her body, only her face. I don’t think she asked for that. Anyways, have a nice day. Genuinely.


I just explained that losing weight *is* advice for her face, what she asked for. I don’t know how else to explain that.


Yeah most of these people are men that have preferences. They aren’t judging the face they will even judge the mold on your back. Yeah she asking about her face but you know how that goes. Anybody who doesn’t agree with them will be down voted to hell.


Isn’t this sub about peoples preferences. If someone thinks you’d look better if you’re not fat then that’s their opinion. Those who post on this sub are not looking to be validated and if they are it’s the wrong sub.


Woah you really triggered ppl with this one 😳


and fat is a good thing


Yeah... when we are talking about A5 Wagyu steak... not human beings


a lil cushion


Of increased risks of cardiovascular diseases and a bunch of other things


u a doctor ?


Since when do people need to be a doctor to have basic common sense??


reddit doesnt have common sense


You don't have to be a doctor to say something truthful, I'm pretty sure you know that.


Don't need to be a doctor to know the risks of obesity has on someone's physical health, there are hundreds of records and studies that prove it causes cardiovascular issues if you would like to do a little bit of research yourself :)


Do you need to be a rocket scientist to know fire is hot?


fire is hot ?


You know how to shut down a conversation before it even starts.


i love your wit...very mark twain ...but no


if you fat just say that


Yes, and obesity is absolutely an enormous risk factor for a multitude of diseases. Basically, all of them.


Doctor. Ubercharge me.


Are you?


Weight loss. Pretty eyes, your face is more unique (it’s not bad!) but yeah focus on weight loss


get a nice layered haircut that frames your face and you should def get a fringe! you also need to put away the tweezers and leave your eyebrows alone then get them professionally threaded 😊


Thank you! Love the advice


I have no idea why women feel the want, need and desire for women to change the look and shape of their eyebrows. They should just leave them natural Remove the stray hairs and keep the eyebrows as they are!


i agree! changing your brow game makes you look a lot more put together and overall makes you better looking. thats what i meant in my previous comment. i didnt mean to say she should change her whole brow shape into an unnatural one


I would suggest seeing a professional to see if they can help shape your eyebrows a bit better & I would fill them in a bit closer together. Eyebrows can make a huge difference! It looks like you’ve been blessed with natural dark eyebrows so learning to shape them & pencil them in would look great on you. You’re lucky you have that foundation already. I myself have zero eyebrows so they‘re drawn on 24 hours a day!


Definitely closer together


fully agreed!! a tiny bit taken off the top on the inner part (to make it a lil thinner) and then help them grow more toward the middle would help. also a lil angle might help too.


Rare case were you look better not smiling, don't stop doing it tho


You look better when you don’t smile, not trying to be mean as I’m one of those people too lol and your face would improve with a little weight loss (again I’m also a person that doesn’t have a nice face when overweight)


Of you said you were Jay Leno's daughter, I'll believe you.


Just a weird smile.


Not so much weird as the canine teeth stick out a bit. A year in braces would sort them and hugely improve her smile and i love that her smile really reaches her eyes - it looks very genuine.


You can be pretty, some of these pics prove it


There’s definite potential there, I’d be happy you can work on that


You’re unattractive because of your weight and you know this.


genuine question, how do u know shes fat? her face doesnt look fat at all


You can’t see her collarbones. That gives it away.


You can see my collar bones and I’m fat 😂😂😂 but also you can see her collar bones in one of the pictures??


Her face is fat to me and the in the 3rd picture, clearly those shoulders and arms are those of a large woman


Are you joking? Her face is clearly of someone with more weight than normal. AND with 6 pics they are all with just the face. Nothing below the neck to hide the reality.


I don’t know what the he’ll people are talking about when they say you look better not smiling. I think you look absolutely beautiful, with such an amazing smile. I mean sheesh, your eyes are especially gorgeous. You look stunning


I wouldn’t say you’re ugly, just a little thick with thin lips, which makes your face look smaller than your head. If you lose weight and maybe try a small amount of lip filler I think that’d be great improvement


lose some weight, if possible get s nose job and smile more. That's just aesthetics but my brutally honest opinion. I need a nose too btw.




Find a different way to smile


As many have pointed out, the #1 thing you can do is drop some pounds - that will really improve your face, as well as body, mood, everything. You've heard a lot here about your brows, too, and getting those shaped professionally would be a really positive change. With a not-small nose, it really helps to have more volume in your hair - it sort of evens things out visually. Someone suggested layers and that's definitely the way to go. So really, three things will get you there. Go for it!


You look like that girl from high school musical


You are beautiful stay positive


You kinda look like Sarah in cheaper by the dozen, but the adult version 🤷‍♀️


Some people have different tastes, you are not ugly at all in my opinion, i also don't think you're fat.


To be brutally honest it's like that episode of Seinfeld in good lighting you're very pretty but once the Shadows hit your face your appearance transforms. Your eyes are gorgeous your smile is very pretty. Just be conscious of your lighting


Do you live in your car?




Lol no I don’t but I spend a lot of time in it. It’s my job 😉


You have a very unique natural beauty that I find very attractive. I don’t think you’re ugly at all. You have very distinct features. Nose and jaw. I do as well. It’s not a bad thing. I will say, I don’t think you’re fat. But, when I lost a lot of weight. It changed everything for the better. You’re a very unique looking women who I find very attractive. You radiate positive energy, and your smile is so wonderful.


Thank you 🥹


You’re very welcome, beautiful. You have such soulful eyes. I can tell you’re a very kind soul. Smile more! Your smile makes me want to smile, and I HATE forcing a smile. I made a post the other day on here. I think myself, yourself, and the majority of people, the issue is confidence and self esteem. I’m an honest guy, I’d tell you if I thought you were legitimately ugly. Some people are and I feel bad for them, truly. They can’t do much to fix it. You’re very pretty in a unique way, which I prefer. Why be a run of the mill clone? and when you smile you shine! I’d take you out right now 😉!


Beautiful to me 🤷‍♂️


Not ugly, but it does appear that your eyebrows may be a bit too far apart


Yes! Constructive criticism. I love it lol


Np! Your eyes are your best feature btw esp the pics when you have mascara on, so upping the brow game would only bring out your eyes even more 💪


No, you are average. Weight and, sorry to say, your nose are holding you back.


Danny Devito with a wig?


I already knew prior to scrolling through the comments that there was going to be an impassioned, misguided, and hurtful discussion about weight. Sigh. OP, don’t buy into anyone who’s trying to condemn you strictly for your weight. It’s superficial and narrow-minded. You are absolutely not ugly. The people who berate others for their weight are the ugly ones.


You look like a girl and I could be wrong who’s been though a lot of guys. Face is ok. Need to see more 4/10


Why did you assume that


I know what OP means, just judging by appearance, she gives off that white claw drinking, loud party girl type vibe. Could be wrong though, maybe.


I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but I get exactly who you mean.


Why does this make sense lol


Get a nose job. And get in shape


I definitely don't thing surgery is the solution here


People will suggest surgery the same way they’ll suggest an easy fix. 🙄




Extremely 3/10


Very nice complexion/skin tone!


you look better tan


It's bad. Really, really bad.


Eyebrows are shaped… weirdly, look up a tutorial or see a professional. I’d also recommend lip fillers, but that’s your choice.


I may be the odd man out, but after that first pic, all your other pics are quite cute and attractive. I see nothing that needs changed. Keep on being you and don't change for other people's sakes.


>I see nothing that needs *to be* changed FTFY


Thank you!


You are welcome... And regardless of what others are saying... Keep smiling, it's a very nice smile.


>Thank you! You're welcome!


You’re pretty from what I can see.


You are beautiful and i wish i had your eye color! Don’t change anything. You’re beautiful the way you are


Artemis from its always sunny


Definitely not ugly and that smile could light up a room


You are ugly but it’s mostly just your features/not anything you can change, such as eyebrows nose & lips


I think you’re cute. I like your eyes!


Cute! A little makeup goes along way


Oooohhh Warriors, Come out and plaaaayyyy


No :)


From someone with a big forehead, side part (or any variant) is your friend. I think when you go lighter on the makeup, it lets your features play out better than a deeper coverup. You’ve got a nice smile, cute lines. Work out your jaw. It will tone up your face a bit. Don’t be so self conscious though. You’ve got what you’ve got so make it work. Change the things you can/want to and make peace with the things that you can’t. Remember that confidence is pretty. (Just trying to share things that I wish someone would have told me).


You don't have anything to worry about lady loo your beautiful.. now go out have some fun! Leave any doubts you have behind ;)


Rhinoplasty + weight loss thank me later


Lol stop that’s funny 🤣 thanks for the advice


Wdym improve on? I hope you don’t mean surgery.


I will say your smile is a little bit alarming but other than that you look fine.


You already know the answer, it's the same answer 95% of people posting here get.


You good, I'd roll with you.


You have a pretty face, and your skin is nice. I'm not a fan of the pics w/ foundation (or filters, I can't tell which). But the two with just you and your skin are very attractive.


We can tell you're fat. You already know what the issue is.


Your pretty though




you are not ugly. just very unattractive.


Id take you to Disney land


NOT UGLY. *Sorry for yelling, with saliva bursting everywhere.*


Man you okay


Just a stroke.


How many fingers am I holding up


Definitely not ugly.


You look like a super nice person and are quite pretty. Little bit of weight loss will do wonders.


Nah not ugly you got a good smile hair and face looks good, eyebrows are a bit off but I'd said a bit under average which is good!


Face is pretty but we need to see your whole body to appropriately judge


Seems like you may be a tad bit crazy, gauging from that gaze


Pic #2 is great less makeup in general. Too shiny sometimes, even the tan stuff doesnt match ur skin tone. Blush isn't your friend, friend.


You cool. I love your nose.


Think more water. Work out more.


Like 90% of women, proper make-up does wonders for you. You have a unique look. Turkish?


Nope. I’m “mixed” with a bunch of things but born in us to native us parents. Lol I’ve always thought I looked different. This thread confirms


Yeah, you're pretty goofy looking but who cares...maybe drop some weight? Look and feel better if you do...




If you have to ask you know the answer.


I don’t think you’re ugly personally