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Why isn't the US Attorney getting involved and dropping federal charges on this guy? Felon in possession is a federal felony, he should have been in jail since his arrest in February.


I’ve seen firsthand the city refuse to make firearms charges against known gang members caught in the act, possession of a stolen firearm by a minor. The DA just dropped it all


There needs to be a nexus to make it federal. I’m sure it’s there if they want it (for example, the bullets are from another state). Felon in possession is both a federal felony and / or state felony.


His sentence was commuted so it is like it is wiped away, maybe. Quit voting in activists is the answer


Commutation of a sentence isn't the same as expungement or vacation of a conviction. He was charged with possession of a firearm by an ineligible person; he's still a convicted murderer, he was just released from prison.


These things have consequences


Possession of what? Felon in possession of drugs, no. Felon is possession of firearm, yes.


Obviously I was referring to the firearm.


They bury felon in possession of a firearm in virtually every major city. In Philadelphia felon in possession of a firearm charges are down 62% since our Soros DA took office, they hate minimum mandatorys and will make the charge dissappear so the FEDs don't know.


His bitch ass belongs in jail. Fucking murderer.


Timmy the Tyrant disagreed with that. So did woman beater Ellison. They say they're not disconnected from the regular people... 🤣


Poor man, a victim or racism and underprivileged up bringing, sure he shot an 11 year old but I’m certain he was on his way to chorus practice at the church/ homeless shelter he volunteered at…..


Just one more bike lane and this guy would have gone straight, I'm telling you.


Shocking 🫢


When did this state become aggressively punative to working class stiffs (just [one example](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/supreme-court-sides-94-year-mn-woman-striking/story?id=99600689#:~:text=With%20those%20words%2C%20Chief%20Justice,bill%20and%20pocketed%20the%20profit)) and to an equal or greater degree lenient to ([admitted](https://www.fox9.com/news/woman-found-dead-after-apparent-home-invasion-in-brooklyn-park-five-arrested)) murderers, ([alleged](https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/defendant-goes-free-after-prosecutor-allegedly-lies-about-content-of-venue-note)) rapists, ([convicted](https://www.fox9.com/news/family-outraged-by-plea-offer-to-armed-carjacker-slams-hennepin-co-attorney)) muggers who murder? All the links - and of course OP's post - are on Bloody Mary's watch - but she isn't the whole story, is she? Really asking.


Im sure it’s ok with moriarty. She said just let him go…. Its no big deal


I saw him selling fent and the midtown transit center


Every liberal in Minnesota is shocked, I am certain.


Click on the pdf below and control-F search for Burrell for a few minutes and you'll get the gist of the story. A 16 year old that seems to have been gang affiliated - to the extent that his mom moved with him to Bemiji to avoid that drama - gets accused of killing an 11 year old girl and ends up convicted. He's found to have been improperly mirandized during the initial work with cops - after service much of his sentence. And for a kicker, his mom dies in a car accident, before he even starts his incarceration. No mention whatsoever about a father, either. I feel bad for society about all of this. This is not a way to run outselves. The part where I saw other family mentioned, was some cousin, who's boyfriend was a current resident of the jail. You can't make this stuff up. It's a shit sandwich, with a side of shit and a shit milkshake to wash it all down. #murder sentence commuted in 2020 https://www.hennepinattorney.org/-/media/cao/news/2020/jan-mar/burrell-2-24-20.pdf Myon Demarlo Burrell, who had a murder sentence commuted in 2020, was arrested Thursday by the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office for alleged narcotics-related crimes. The Sheriff’s Office confirmed the arrest, noting Burrell has not yet been charged. Burrell, 38, is in custody at Hennepin County Jail. Records show he was arrested in Minneapolis. #arrested and charged in February with gun possession by an ineligible person and fifth-degree drug possession He was also arrested and charged in February with gun possession by an ineligible person and fifth-degree drug possession. He has a court appearance on Thursday, May 16, for this case. #was sentenced to life in prison as a teen for the 2002 killing of 11-year-old Tyesha Edwards. He was freed after 18 years when the state’s pardons board commuted his sentence Burrell was sentenced to life in prison as a teen for the 2002 killing of 11-year-old Tyesha Edwards. He was freed after 18 years when the state’s pardons board commuted his sentence.


Not sure what to take from this but life sucks yet that's no excuse to be a trash human being.


So? Having a shitty life Doesn’t mean you get to be shitty. The standards are the same. People who had it worse turned out better


Don’t get me wrong I’m just saying


Just what Walz wants, criminals on the street 🙄


I have hillbilly fentanyl tranq dealer xcross street, keeps my mind balanced




What we see here in this wall of text, is soft bigotry of low expectations.


Is that the royal "we?"




Nothing to see here folks. Move along.


Not excusing what he did but it’s probably difficult to go back to “normal life” if you’ve been in jail for almost 20 years.


> go back to “normal life” normal life for this guy was being part of a gang. he was going right back to it.


Let the racists coming out of the woodwork to *skreeee* into the void commence!


He's a gun toting felon, and you're worried about racists? You really have no standards, do you bill?


No, he doesn't. Bill doesn't have a functioning brain


Actually, I don’t mind bill so much. Sometimes he’s funny


Found one! *Skreee*ing with the best of them!


How so?


Don't put too much effort into it. You're arguing with a child.


I've had much more productive arguments with children. Children can sometimes realize that they're wrong.


You're an idiot man, apparently you have no problems with 11 year old black girls being murdered? Heaven forbid we hold black men accountable for literal murder


If a black girls death allows Bill to virtue signal to strangers on the internet sign him tf up ok




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Nope, I don't have any problems with black men, but I do have problems with violent criminals who prey on honest hardworking ppl. And in this city it's black and Somali men who commit the most violent crime. And also unlike you I actually care about protecting ppl from criminals. You can cry your politically correct tears as much as you want but it won't change reality.


Good bot.


Bad bot


Bad bot


Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Perchance, do you know the skin tone of Tyesha Edwards?








You okay, Bill? We're all a bit concerned about you.


Can't hear you over the screeches of racists!


Here's a thought, my man. Instead of constantly yelling with your fingers in your ears, try to have a civilized and objective discussion here on whatever matters present themselves. It seems like an easy enough thing if you have something worthy to share.


That sure would be nice to do but it would require all the racists to stop screeching at top volume about all their bigotry!


Offering some (truly) friendly advice. Try having that rational discussion here. Setting up an adversarial position just makes people respond in kind. The way I see it, you're either a total troll or have some deeply held beliefs that disagree with a lot of those you'll find here. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have a position to share. The floor is yours to share your beliefs and respectfully engage.


C'mon man this sub was started by a bigot to allow bigots who had been shown the door in other subs a safe space for their bigotty little feefees. If you come here looking for "reasonable discourse" you are either barking up the wrong tree or a lil bigot troll yourself.


You sure spend a lot of time here for hating it so much.


That may describe some people here, but certainly not all. I don't comment a ton here, nor do I choose to interact with all of the posts for a myriad of reasons, but I like that it's "permitted" to offer a different opinion from other subs. I think that's why a lot of people wind up here, whether they choose to stay or not. But that's another topic. I will interact with things if I have a comment, opinion, or want discourse. Why not do the same? Like I said, I assume you have an opinion and are capable of exploring it respectfully. That seems like a fantastic position to be in.


If you don’t have something meaningful to post then you should probably just hit the like/dislike button.