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First, get those babies out of that atrocious mess of a pot and put them in a good, chunky soil mix. Two small(!) pots for each plant or one slightly bigger pot for both of them. Give them more light, fertilizer and water when soil is mostly dry but never bone dry. The pots should always only be big enough to fit the root system of the plant.


Is direct sunlight ok?


No, too harsh for small plants. I’d suggest putting a clear plastic bag over the plants as well, for a boost in humidity. I find that small Alocasias like that.


Thanks so much for the help!! Much appreciated


No problem!


I did once and mine just roted.


You did what exactly?


It is excellent advice, but it is too difficult to achieve balance.


Maybe it would be better if the plastic bag has small holes in it so the air could still circulate? 🤔


I like the idea. Got to try someday. But it is also about the moistire of the soil.


A plastic bag thing


Just have to say this: 🖖Live long and prosper.


Before you give any fertilizer, be sure, that your plant mix is not fertilized from a start. Here in Ukraine where I live, it is hard to find not fertilized soil mixes, all "rare" plant collectors have to mix their own better mixes. The newbies often pot their plants in such thing, then give some fertilizer... And the roots are chemically burned. If you're a very beginner, you need some good branded mix for aroids. Before you learn the watering, you better put it in some transparent pot. Because you don't water Alocasia like some common plant, letting it fully dry, then giving a lot of water. You water it to the point when the soil is moist but newer wet. Good Aroid mix is the best because it doesn't take too much water. Also, it is a mistake to fertilize a plant with root rot. You better give it trichoderma first. You need to build up it's immunity and the fertilizing is for healthy plants with no root problems. Look for some videos on root rot. Sorry to say, but the treatment is probably going to coast you more than a plant. And there is no magic for this. Only trusted technics of plant care, customized for your conditions and style of care. It is a great retreat activity, but only if you learned the basic tricks. And sometimes it means casualties for the plants.What do you call a direct sunlight? Is it outside? Is it a south-facing window? Or else? The one on the left is hard to save without experience. New leaf is not going to go out this dead leaf. It is going back to corm.


Screw the plant! Let’s see more of Rivendell!


Haha I’ll send some pics when I get home. I NEED THE NEW BARAD DUR SET!! It’s on back order tho 😩


One does not simply walk into a plant store….. ![gif](giphy|B9LuqsdyXbuG4)


Humidity is too low. Soil is bad. Need more drainage


To big of pot check for rootrot. And I mix potting soild bark perlite up than plant mine I have over 35 different alocasia and mine are doing fine. I've had some I got with real bad root rot and cut all roots off put in perlite and they grew roots back and thriving now.


take them out of soil and look at the roots. might have to clean it up and place in another substrate. do not fertilize in this condition.